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Remedy for short temper/anger/irritability 10


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Remedy for short temper/anger/irritability Page 2 of 3

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Do you have calc carb with you?
kadwa last decade
Hello kadwa- all I have is 30c calc carb. I would have to order 200c potentcy.
CCMom last decade
No need for 200. We will work with 30. You may update your symptoms after a week.
kadwa last decade
How many and for what duration? Thank you
CCMom last decade
This we will decide after one week. There is no need to take remedies at short intervals.
kadwa last decade
Ok I will wait. I have started taking 100mg of Colace (docusate sodium) to have a bowel movement though. I rarely ever take western medicines, but the constipation was really getting to me. (This has been an ongoing problem since the birth of my second child 4 months ago). I am still fighting negative thoughts and being slightly overwhelmed as well, but not as bad. My husband has been home for holiday, so I think that has helped alleviate some of my stresses, but I fear they will return once he goes back to work. I am still having pains on my lower back right side and have also had a pain in the right pelvic area side (which I attributed to my labor). Is there anything else you need to know from me?
CCMom last decade
Hello- here is my update. The rash over my body is still here and has started to itch on my right forearm. I started taking an herbal supplement called Prunes and Herbs to help with the constipation. I also started my liquid calcium magnesium supplement again to see if this could help with the constipation. I do not feel as moody as had prior to taking the sepia. I feel a little more 'in charge' of my mood and not so bitter about my household chores. I'm not as irritable overall and do feel more focused. I am still frustrated and sad about my weight though, and somewhat frigid regarding sex toward my husband. I do not feel as fatigued. I am concerned about this rash (especially the itchy part on my forearm), my thrush in my milk ducts flared up again and I am having some vaginal itching.

Overall I feel better; however, I know that I am not quite 100% yet.
CCMom last decade
Please take a single dose of Calcarea Carb 30 and see how that affects in 7 days.
kadwa last decade
Hello here is my update. The rash is now pretty much all over my body-it's really weird because it's on my legs, my stomach my chest, but it does not itch. The only place it itches is on my right forearm like I mentioned before. It's not on my neck or face. I now have dandruff and a very itchy scalp. I have never in all my life ever had dandruff. It is terrible. I still have vaginal itching. The thrush in my left breast's milk ducts is still flaring up. So what I'm saying is that my body is having a severe yeast issue. Additionally, my hair is still falling out A LOT! At first I attributed this to post pregnancy hormonal drop, but at any time I could pull a bunch of hair out my head! After taking the calc carb I felt a shift in my mood. I was slightly irritated with more stuff and seemed to go back a little bit to how I was before the sepia. With the sepia it was like I was seeing my life and the world the way I should be seeing it- seeing all my blessings and everything I have instead of just trying to make it through the day. I'm a little better now, but while I feel more in control of my day and I'm doing more housework and things with my children I still feel like my mind is racing some days. I do feel more like I used to when i was younger- my negative self talk is better but still occasionally in my head especially regarding my weight and appearance. I'm still taking the herbs and prunes pills. I'm able to have a bowel movement now, but I still feel as if my colon isn't fully functioning properly- like incomplete evacuation. After taking the calc carb I started to get a little more annoyed with my husband again as well. I haven't had any additionally abdominal cramping at night or back pains at night. My sweat still has a very unpleasant odor to it- when I shower in the morning, by late afternoon I can smell myself. I still am prone to being cold- especially my hands and feet! I still cannot just have a small portion of sweets and feel like my body does not digest meat well, yet I eat it. I still have that constant feeling of a ball of phlegm in the back of my throat that I cannot get out no matter what I do.
CCMom last decade
I also had a terribly sciatic nerve shooting pain on my right side on my upper and lower back and my leg.' My lower right back still hurts as well. My knees still crack a little but not as bad.
CCMom last decade
Please report back after a week. Nothing to be taken for the time being.
kadwa last decade
Why not try self control? It's 100% effective at stopping you do stupid things in anger, and it's free!! Unlike all the homeopathic medicines which make no logical sense to anyone who is scientifically minded, and also have absolutely no data to support their claims, this might actually work. If you're really that worried then go and see a (real, not homeopathic) doctor. One who actually went to medical school and spent at least 5 years plus looking at all the evidence to find drugs that actually work and actually do something.

Homeopathy is nothing more than the placebo effect. It's like saying, 'if I take mercury (which is poisonous) I will get better!' then taking some and finding that surprise surprise, because you believe it's helping, you feel a bit better.
badscience last decade
From the sounds of things you might have something called 'hypochondria' as well D:
badscience last decade
Thank you for your opinion. Now please go troll somewhere else. I feel very sorry for you.
CCMom last decade
The thing is, lots of homeopathic medicines could contain useful molecules, if they weren't so watered down. The fact is, if you genuinely feel you have a problem, then go and see a real doctor. Modern medicine isn't perfect; not by a long shot. But it is based on genuine scientific evidence. If this stuff really worked then doctors would be prescribing it. The fact is, no-one really believes that it actually has an action in the body.

You're constipated: have you tried incorporating more fibre into your diet? Or considered that it could be because you're seemingly stressed? Or because you've recently given birth?
The hypochondriac thing was because you're reporting that seemingly everything is wrong with you! If that is the case then you really do need to go and see a doctor.
badscience last decade
take up Dr. Showrav's challenge and go to his clinic.
Homeopathy works on animals and babies-who don't
know they are taking anything.

People come on this forum bc they have used homeopathy
and it has worked for them and they are now out
enjoying their life and not on any medication.

Why not go over to the Pbhrfindia.org site where 3 generations
of Md's are using homeopathy in an allopathic way-
and are working with the largest usa ca-cer hospital-MD
Anderson Center in Texas sharing info bc they have a ' scientific
data base of 10,000 cases' I have personally read two
blogs by usa patients- who were given up on with Brain
ca-cer and got well using these Drs. Do you think they
are 'misguided', stupid? or that the Md's in Texas are
also dumb? Results are results and Western Md's are not
usually open to alternative medicine- Please open your
mind that you don't know the answer here - you are in
the wrong forum.
simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone!
CCMom last decade
Kadwa- is there anything I can take to assist with my frigidity towards my husband? I am still delaying sex, and I feel terrible about it. The thought of having sex has at least crossed my mind recently; however, my desire to actually act upon my thoughts is not there.
CCMom last decade
Please wait for few days. If things don't change take a single dose of Sepia 200.
kadwa last decade
Kadwa- I went ahead and took another sepia dose last night. I could feel yesterday when I woke up that I was slipping back into my 'old self' and because of my frigid problem toward my husband. Before I took it I felt this anger filling up inside of me towards him because the baby was crying and he was trying to console him and I felt he should've come to get me! Anyway, that is just an example of what goes on inside me when I'm not feeling well.
When I got up this morning I was also able to have a bowel movement. I've had problems with my digestive system for probably 10 years now. I often have a sense of fullness, but simultaneously I can feel hunger. Emotional eating maybe?
I went to see my midwife for my annual GYN exam and she informed me that it doesn't look as if I have any type of prolapse and that maybe my constipation was causing my cramping. She recommended the stool softener, but I believe a person shouldn't have to take something to go the the restroom.
I am still concerned with my weight gain since mid- November. I am now at my biggest being 45lbs overweight. I am attempting to incorporate at least 15 min of exercise Into my daily schedule. I truly wish it were more. I used to be a top tier athlete and in the military. I was Very strong and a very fast runner. My weight has always been a very big issue even at my peak of health. I also seem to have this obsession with a fear or being hungry or missing a meal. If i don't eat when I'm hungry I'm likely to overheat junk and I am TERRIBLY cranky. I always attributed this to some type of hormonal imbalance or metabolic disorder that went unrecognized by our Western medical 'professionals'.
How long should I expect for this sense of normalcy to last? We have no highly trained homeopaths in my areas- only alternative medical professionals who dabble in it, else I would take my myriad and complex issue to them.
With sepia I feel as if my repressed creativity is starting to emerge again. It has been almost 15 years since Ive had any creative urge. After the military I looked at the world in a very direct way and rarely veered off the given directed path.

I sincerely appreciate what it is you do here and wish I could in some way compensate you for your time, as I imagine that you get numerous people like me requesting your assistance or you may have a homeopathic practice in your home country.

Thank you again- I'm sure you will hear from me sooner than later, and if you find the time to answer my general questions I'd be humbled by your response.
CCMom last decade
It seems that Sepia should help you. It will take time. Ups and downs come, stay cool.

After 7 days, please take 7 doses of Nux Vomica 30 every alternate day at bed time. So you should be taking 7 doses in 14 days. This is to be started after 7 days.
kadwa last decade
Will do thank you. I feel as if sepia is my remedy as well. I know my transition to motherhood and being a wife is a complete 180 from my previous life of military and being an engineer. I married in my late 20s and knew that this job by far would be the hardest for me due to me not having the time I needed for myself. I love what I am doing, but it can be taxing on a person who was used to only caring for herself for so long. I am glad not to be weighed down by the chains of the 'rat race' job, and I hope to be able to use my 'newfound' creativity to truly live and think outside the box. I am hoping the same for my husband as well. God bless kadwa. Talk to you soon.
CCMom last decade
Kadwa- I will take the nux in 7 days. I laugh when I read the personality profile of nux...boy is that me to the 'T'! Who knew there was such a perfect description of me without someone actually knowing me?! Ha!
CCMom last decade
Kadwa- I think I may have reversed the effects of the sepia. I made pico de gallo the other day and that requires fresh onions and garlic. I ate it for 3 days. I used to hate onions when I was younger, but now the smell when cooking with them is so fragrant to me. I have always loved the smell of garlic in the kitchen. Also, I make my family's shampoo homemade and the Castille soap base is peppermint this time around. It is usually lavender. What should I do? Thanks
CCMom last decade
Also, my baby had a TERRIBLE reaction to nux vomica 6x yesterday morning. It was like a terrible allergic reaction- milk came out his nose, splotches on his face and forehead and watery eyes. Anyway, should I still take the nux vomica 30c in a couple of days? Will this pass from me to him through my breast milk?
CCMom last decade
Sorry to bombard you again Kadwa (you really should multiply yourself so the world has about 15 Kadwas running around!) but another ailment that has plagued me for several years now (from prolonged sitting when I was working and then from pregnancy) is a very stiff and tight lower back. I feel like these tight muscles in my sacrum contribute to my constipation. If I bend over to scrub the tub and do anything for too long it hurts so bad to straighten up my back! I have been seeing a chiropractor for about 3 years now, but still the pain persists. I've always carried a lot of stress in my back (all over), but the lower back tension is awful. Since I started exercising again I am reminded of it every time jump up and down or side to side (part of the exercise routine). If pressure is applied there it's very painful. When I was in the military I injured my L3 and L4 of my lumbar. I know I also used to push my body as far as it would go so I could be the fastest or strongest. My right side is the worst. When I used to get regular massages the therapist used to have to work very hard to get all the knots out my back (never got them all ever). Also, I had one therapist tell me that I had knots in my butt as well. I'm sure this is related to my knee pain along with the extra weight I carry. I know the extra weight has affected the arches in my feet. Hopefully this will assist in painting a better picture for you of me.
CCMom last decade

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