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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss and how to regrow lost hair

started having hair loss 6 months ago. actually for 3 months i didn't go out to take hair cut... but soon i started noticing that i was loosing hair. every time i used to comb my hair... i started chunks of hair. i though it will stop in a few days just usual hair fall but it didn't stop. so i went to homeopathy doctor and he prescribed me phosphorus 30 D for week. that medicine really showed some results in just a week... less hair fall and hair also started getting thick.

but when i stopped taking medicine as it was finished hair started again....
this treatment is just slowing down hair loss process. can u suggest how can i completely stop it and regrow my lost hair... because i can't see them regrowing again..

is there any homeopathic medicine that re grow the hair.... i m hoping that since i m in very early stage of hair fall and i m just 21 there should be some way to treat my problem. please help me because i dont want to go bald in my young age..:(
  anurag2424happy on 2012-12-11
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