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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature ejaculation and night falls

Name- ajit
age- 20 yrs
body- skiny
eye- very sensitive to light and blurred vision
sir due to excess masturbation from the age of 14-15th i m facing problems like angry, weakness, memory loss, loss interest in study,hair fall, premature ejaculation, night falls. During masturbation i had tried to ejaculate faster. I like watching and talking sexual contents. I get erected on single touch of penis. I have visible veins over penis. I also have gastric problems. I don't yet have intercourse with anyone. I am having frequent nightfalls. Semen secretion is very less viscous. I always feel chilled and my bp is low. Whenever i talk to my girlfriend i get erected and desire of sex. Pls help me
[message edited by Ajit sharma on Tue, 18 Dec 2012 06:56:53 GMT]
  Ajit sharma on 2012-12-18
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