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Son took drosera and coughing lots Page 3 of 5

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Sorry i tried writing and it was so much on the questionare I am not thinking straight

The previous cough was just a minor cough he would cougj at nighf and you could hear post nasal drip etc at night and in the day if he ran around it would make him cough a little but nothing bad no fever and not a thirsty child

The cough now is noisy and although it sounds dry you can also hear alot of wetness again, his temper is wild he won't let me do anything it must be his dad and If we say no he's had such a paddy he's screaming and shouting I want my bike I want my bike etc for about 30 mins and will suddenly be back to himself laughing and talking etc but its like he's possessed When he's angry and he really wants dad for everything or his brother can snap him out of the mood in an instant but he won't have me go near him it's horrible
He will even hit or kick me if I try to console him and he will also suddenly snap out if it and be back to normal, we have all been walking in egg shells today.
[message edited by pixie wood on Sun, 28 Apr 2013 23:01:28 BST]
pixie wood last decade
ok- I sent an email- hope I get a reply.
simone717 last decade
Thank you thank you :-)
pixie wood last decade
Also before this other than the post nasal drip he was acting like a baby and kept doing baby voice and went from very independent to not doing much himself the last month or so and was snotty in the morning from hayfever ( I think )

Since dros the baby talk has stopped and no snotty nose but all the added cough and temper is there,
In the past he used to suffer alot of the loud horrible coughs but not for over a year now ;-)
pixie wood last decade
I would call Helios Homeopathic Pharm tomorrow
or Ainsworths or whoever else you have there-
and find out how to get some camphor asap bc it is
the antidote.

You want mother tincture called Q. If you cannot get that
but can get some 30c or something quick, then get
what is quickest.

But I am sure if you call- they have some sort of overnight
or something at perhaps a place close enough to you
to pick up.

Also if your homeopath who prescribed this is at all
near you, I am sure he has some camphor. You could
also call any other homeopaths near you and just
ask if you can pick up some camphor from them.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 28 Apr 2013 23:14:11 BST]
simone717 last decade
My homeopath doesn't have camphor but thinks belladonna will override it but I am going to ring Ainsworths in the morning and see what they can do to help me.
I will also ring other homeopaths and see if they have it as I am Noway near Ainsworths
I am not giving belladonna by the way
[message edited by pixie wood on Sun, 28 Apr 2013 23:23:26 BST]
pixie wood last decade
Belladonna has the croup cough,
the whooping cough, the same type cough
he is having.

I would try it. Give him the 30c 3 pellets
and wait for a couple hours. If it starts
helping then wait to see if it gets worse
again and then redose it.
simone717 last decade
I worry about him aggravating on that too what do you think?
pixie wood last decade
he is matching the cough belladonna symptoms.

He got these symptoms from the drosera.

The problem was the Drosera was wrong- he did
not have drosera cough symptoms.

So you want to match the symptoms of drosera
with something close to erase it. Belladonna
cough has very similar symptoms, so logically..
this is a good match to erase it. Try a dose
and see what goes on.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 28 Apr 2013 23:47:20 BST]
simone717 last decade
Ok I will nearer morning so I can get to a new homeopath or someone if I need too. The cough is sounding very wet now amd he just sounds wet if that makes any sense

Possibly nasal drip not sure just wet and noisy since going to bed :-)
pixie wood last decade
Hi Simone
My son is heaps better
I realise what an anxious mess I was but I was so worried how much m
Worse it would get and it seemed to get worsen at night as in more aggressive but seemed a different cough from the the one he first had in the aggravation.
I realise this could of still been the correct remedy for him and I guess time will tell . His mood had improved today although not back to normal and he's only had one coughing fit all day and its looser.
I really was worried he would get worse and worse and I wouldn't be able to control it .
The coughs he went through are the same as coughs he has suffered in the past so this could be good right??
I'm so sorry I was impatient and thank you so much for having patience with me :-)
pixie wood last decade
Glad he is better. No it was not the
right remedy for what he had. You don't
want to go thru this everytime he has
allergies or a cold or mild cough.

Hope you can rest up now.
simone717 last decade
btw, order the camphor mother tincture
so you have it on hand to antidote things.
simone717 last decade
You know what he's still coughing and its so noisy. Driving me nuts now I thought it would be gone by now.
I'm ringing Ainsworths In the morning for camphor .
Just don't know what to do now the homeopath wants to wait . I don't really want to go to him anymore but need to get out of this mess.
What are your thoughts ?
pixie wood last decade
You could try the belladonna one dose to see if that erases this
whooping type cough. You would give it and then watch for 3 hours
to see a difference.

You can get the camphor from Helios or Ainsworths.
Get the mother tincture and do 5 drops in a cup of water
at least 3x in one day- 30 minutes before any food or drink.

Or wait. Those are your options and if you had ordered the
camphor ??? it would be solved by now.
simone717 last decade
I couldn't order as had no money but it goes into my bank tonight so can order first thing.
I am curious what is the difference with mother tincture and 30c strength wise and do I need to be careful because he's so sensitive

Can the camphor cause other unwanted effects?
pixie wood last decade
Homeopaths prescribe differently. When I started
taking remedies, the homeopath told me to order
Camphor mother tincture to have on hand in case
antidoting needed to happen with some remedies.

Some remedies have other remedies listed as
antidotes for them. Drosera has one- CAMPHOR.

You can try 6c if you want to or the mother tincture.
You can give one dose and then watch to see if
it starts to stop and wait. and then give another one-
as needed to get rid of this. Keep it simple-
it is the only antidote listed for Drosera.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 03 May 2013 02:33:31 BST]
simone717 last decade
In will order for sure tomorrow .
Just on the off chance IF it want the drosera cough now and it was the one he already had ( I'm positive it's not) what would happen if he had camphor?
pixie wood last decade
You know he has the drosera in his system.. have
no idea how much, bc don't know how much he
ingested himself.

For proving symptoms of camphor just look at the
top of forum - the alphabet and click C for
the camphor officinale and read about it.
simone717 last decade
He took a lot .
I will look where you said thanks very much
pixie wood last decade
Ok Simone i rang ainsworths twice now and they swore that tea tree oil and vicks would stop the drosera from working and both people said i didn't need it and it never got sent..
So i want to order it without ringing but am unsure which one i need is it camphora or camphora bromata?
Ok i keep having days where my son seems better and then days when its a bit worse again.. he slept all night last night withou a single cough the first time in ages but was coughing more tonight again. i have put vicks on and hes ok again. its still noway near as bad as the weekend..
I know you said to get camphor and give it but yesterday the phone line was down at ainsworth and both times i rand today i was told tea tree would work. i did say i read online it was camphor..
Shall i fill out the form now and see who is available to help me out and shall i di the form as a new post or do it on here?
The only difference i have noticed in my son since the dros is he's not been doing the baby talk etc
Thanks for everything
pixie wood last decade
Go to helios site,
there are two camphors, one just says camphor.
do that one-You can pick a 6c or you can pick
mother tincture. Both will work. Order it bc
you need it - bc it will in future antidote
EVERYTHING-if needed. Keep it in a separate place
from the other remedies.

Do not antidote him now. He may be at the stage
of where he would have been 2 days after the
dose ( meaning before he overdosed) it is
working itself out- You need to stay with this
for another week, and let it work - even if you
don't want to.

Fill out a form for him and another post for

On your kids, I would always do a split dose of
whatever you are told, bc it will NOT affect
the remedy- it will make it more gentle.

Good luck.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 02 May 2013 23:43:28 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone i ordered the camphor from helios..

Hes coughing more again today mostly in the mornings and if he runs around or rides his bike etc..
So you stay stick with it??
the vicks works well so i put it on each night.

Sorry when you say fill a form out for him and another post you mean put it in a fresh post??? what shall i title it as??

Oh Asad emailed me today. i am so over the moon. he will mail me next week ;-)))))
pixie wood last decade
Yes make a new post for him. I would wait a week and
see what is left of this aggravation. I would title it
Need Constitutional remedy for 3 year old. While you
are waiting to post, I would take notes of his
mental states since he was a baby and first started
getting sick like a timeline of his personality. Add in
all the remedies and medications he has had. Do this
in addition to the form questions.
simone717 last decade
Well would you believe it a week ago today he took the dros and the cough has finally suddenly pretty much stopped.. amazing seeing as it was bad yesterday,
Now my other son has started.. unbelievable what with synchronised ear aches with them both too lol

So what are your thoughts?? i am so shocked it just stopped like that ;-)
pixie wood last decade
If it did for real? That is great. However, I thought
you told me it stopped pretty much a few days ago
and then it suddenly showed up again - Either way
it is less and less, longer and longer gaps, so
all is going the right way.

What is going on with the other one??

What do you mean synched up ear aches? Are they
both having earaches now?
simone717 last decade

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