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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

please help me sexual weakness

I am male from Pakistan. at the age of 17-18 i was caught in the habit of masturbation, though from the previous 2 years i quit that habit but still now i feel weakness during sex and my stamina for doing sex is less i get exhausted and feel very weak. feel pain in my legs and back. I feel lethargic and this situation continues upto 4 days.
can you please suggest a good Homeopathic medicine for this disease?

1.Age 28
2.Sex male
3.country Pakistan
4.climate hot
5.current complain-from how many days- about 2 years
6.current medicine you are taking--Ptk 40 taken 1 month ago
7.sign & Symptom of disease
after sex get exhausted and feel very weak. feel pain in my legs and back. I feel lethargic and this situation continues upto 4 days.
8.Slight back history
Masturbating for longer time period about 10 year and some time even 4-5 times in a week
9.family back ground
educated lives in city
10.qualification of patient
11.Nature of working
12.desire and aversion of food
Usually take food at home all the things include vegitable, rice, chicken, mutton.
13.Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so..
mostly remain calm and cool, sometime get irritable. good in public speaking and teach to Master classes. in love with my collegue.
14.Aggravation & Ameliration
no aggravation
[message edited by imran2626 on Sat, 04 May 2013 18:06:57 BST]
  imran2626 on 2013-05-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may continue ptk.40 in addition with.
1. Avena Sativa Q 10 drops 3 times a day.
2. Kali phos 6x 3 tabs thrice.
Plz report back after 7 days.
libra981 last decade
i am using the prescribed medicines from last 7 days and getting positive impact of these medicines on myself. Feeling more active.
For how long i have to continue these medicines.
imran2626 last decade
Please continue further for 7 days and report back.
libra981 last decade
now 14 days has been passed since i am using the prescribed medicines, prescribed medicines are putting positive impact on my health. Do i continue these medicines.
imran2626 last decade
please guide for further treatment
imran2626 last decade
Please stop now wait for 3 days take a single dose of Bryta carb 200c 4 pills or 5 drops in little water and wait for more 3 days and then start earlier medicine for 7 days and report how much u feel the differnce.
[message edited by libra981 on Wed, 22 May 2013 17:26:49 BST]
libra981 last decade
i have stoped the medicines as you prescribed and will take the next medicine as prescribed too.
Yesterday night i was released during sleeping. Now i am feeling lethargic and little pain in legs. Though as from the period i have started medicines i have not indulge myself in any sexual activity.
imran2626 last decade
don't worry.
libra981 last decade
After taken Brta carb 200c 5 drops in little water and wait for 3 days and then completed earlier medicine for 7 days.
What you suggest now.
imran2626 last decade
Please update overall progress.
libra981 last decade
I feel 70% improvement. I think Avina sativa Q. I feel little improvement after i have used 15 days medicine after that the improvement process is either very littel or nothing that i cannot feel much.
[message edited by imran2626 on Thu, 06 Jun 2013 08:47:48 BST]
imran2626 last decade
Please continue.
1. Avena sativa for 15 days more.
2. Five phos 2 tabs 3 times a day.
3. Bryta carb 200c should be repeated weekly one dose.
Keep updating.

Kashif khan
libra981 last decade
Do i need to use
Five Phos 6X or
Five Phos 12X
imran2626 last decade
Five Phos 6X
libra981 last decade
from 7 June i am using prescribed medicine...Today i was released during sleeping...and feeling lethargic and headache...
Though since i am using medicines, feeling much better before using medicines i do not sleep well but now i sleep soundly and feel more relax.
imran2626 last decade
Please stop and wait for 7 days.
Then start
1. Acid phos 30c 5 drops 3 times a day.
2. Selenium 3x 2 tabs 3 times.
Continue the above medicine for 7 days.
Stop for 3 days and restart for more 7 days and report.
libra981 last decade
I have stoped the previous medicines for 7 days and yesterday i have started the prescribed medicines. that are
1. Acid phos 30c.
2. Selenium 3x.
but yesterday i was involved in a sexual activity and after that feeling pain in my legs and back. 30-40% less than before i have started medicines one month ago.
do these new medicines improves me more than the previous one?
Will i get improved myself to normal condition?
imran2626 last decade
Yes these medicine will leave good impact on you. Use it and report.
Also after sexual activty vital fluid is lost so weakness is obvious.
libra981 last decade
i am using the medicines that you told
from last five days i got release during sleeping time and has been released 3 times.
imran2626 last decade
I am thankful to you for your all the time suggested medicines and treatment.
I am more relaxed but i think i still need more improvement. As during the previous week out of 7 days i was released by 4 times during sleeping moreover the i feel money released not so much thick. The density of the money is less.
imran2626 last decade
Do have constipation? What do you see in dreams? Eat less at night and do some walk? Avoid hot foods.
Continue the medicine alongwith byrta carb 200c weekly.
libra981 last decade
no Constipation.
sometime see doing sex with woman in dream.
I avoid hot foods.
Due to the holy month of Ramzan i am not able to walk previously i do this.
imran2626 last decade
no Constipation.
sometime see doing sex with woman in dream.
I avoid hot foods.
Due to the holy month of Ramzan i am not able to walk previously i do this.
i have taken meal in the morning time. After 2 hours i go to sleep.
But now in the evening at 4 pm i slept without eating anything i was released.
imran2626 last decade
Continue the above perscription and keep reporting. How much you feel the improvement uptill now?
libra981 last decade
sometime i feel 60-70% improvement.
I have completed the prescribed medicines. first you said to use it for 7 days than after 3 days rest i have again used it for 7 days. what to do now.
imran2626 last decade

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