The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tinnitis, Vertigo, Menieres
I am a 65yo male who has been diagnosed with bilateral Mernieres 9 years ago. I take Antivert as needed. The past several years I have had little need of the antivert, but the vertigoes are coming back. Nux Vomica 30c, Graphites 30c, Tabacum 30c is what I have come up with. Do you approve? If so can you help me with a dosage schedule? These 3 also have tinnitis in their repertoire. I have ordered Digitalis Purpurea 30c online. Am I hitting the correct remedies? can you guide me with remedies, dosages and schedule. Thank you for being available.bzmeltzer on 2013-05-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
The answers should be given in a way that we are able to understand you as a person.
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
The answers should be given in a way that we are able to understand you as a person.
♡ kadwa last decade
I am answering all quesions as thoroughly as I can but some my my replies are very personal and I would much rather not post these very personal responses to a public forum. What should I do?
bzmeltzer last decade
bzmeltzer last decade
bzmeltzer last decade
Patient ID: Bentzion Meltzer Sex: Male Age: 65 and 7 months
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
The actual beginning was an intense attack of vertigo about 1999 - 2000. I was sitting at my computer when I leaned forward to see something on the screen better and the world literally turned upside down. I grabbed the desk and held on (for dear life it felt). Visually, I was seeing a kaleidoscope of images twirling, like what I was seeing was like a stick was stirring the visual round and round, I think counter clockwise. I did not fall off the chair and kept holding onto the desk until it passed. I remember being in a full body sweat afterwards. I then stood up and felt the same loss of balance but no where as strong. Got to the bed and lay down until I stopped sweating and felt that I could walk.
Around this same time I began to notice a loss of hearing and a rise in noises in the ear: Tinnitus.
The vertigo came and went, usually mild, but whiIe shopping in a mall in 2004 or 5, I did have 1 vertigo episode where I thought I 'd better sit down before I fell. So I sat down on the Mall floor, the vertigo got worse and I decided to lie down (on the mall floor) before I fell down. Paramedics were called, got me to a hospital and decided after tests and observation that it was just good plain ole vertigo.
Began taking Meclazine 25mg as a preventative around 2005. EENT Dr. said stop, it will mask symptoms so I did. This Dr also performed a surgery to fix my badly deviated septum in 2005. This Dr also diagnosed the bilateral Menieres.
For the past several years, my vertigo has been dormant with almost no episodes mild or otherwise. Meanwhile my hearing was deteriorating to where I needed hearing aids. The tinnitus was getting some worse then going away, then coming back, sometimes waking me up at night and so loud I could not go back to sleep. There were enough episodes of that loud noise that I mentioned it here. But it was not an every day or night thing. At that time.
Now: Fast forward to current situation.
I have experienced a marked decrease in ability to hear, to distinguish words. In fact a hearing test 1 month ago showed my speech recognition in my right ear had dropped from 80-90% to 50%. The tinnitus is loud to the point of interfering with my hearing. ie, it was LOUD for me inside the sound proof audio chamber. I have an appt next week with ENT to see if there is a cause for this sudden change. (It is now next week, no obvious reason could be found, Dr prescribed Prednisone 10mg: 3 for 5 days, then 2 for 5m then 1 for 5. After that another hearing test and a scan of my ear canal etc area)
AS far as my general hearing goes: my left ear is the weaker ear w/ louder tinnitus, also there is a 'broken speaker' effect ( you know, like when a stereo speaker gets a tear in it and the sound has that kind of buzz to it). My right ear used to be my dominant ear until this recent change. Now all sound has this broken speaker effect and my ability to understand the spoken word is nil. I can hear the sound but cannot make out the words most of the time. Then sometimes the right ear is hearing better and I can actually have a conversation although I have to check to see if I am hearing what is being said to me correctly. The hearing aids have not enabled me now. Obviously it is better with them than without, but the buzz is always there, the tinnitus is always there, the loss of speech recognition is always there.
The episodes of vertigo are reappearing, are fairly strong, say a 6/10. I do get a mild - moderate vertigo every time I stand up from either laying down or sitting. I have to be still for a few moments and then it passes. I am beginning to take Meclizine 26mg more frequently to head off a fall down vertigo. This has been working somewhat. But not completely.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Bulging disks in C5 -C3. Stenosis. Periodically they touch nerves leading to one shoulder or another. no pain med touches it when affected. There is no particular activity that brings it on
Bulging disks in L3 - S1. Stenosis. occasionally touches a nerve running down my left leg, pain level shoots to an 8 at least. most of the time back pain in the 5-6 range is constant. Am taking 15mg Oxycodone 2 x a day plus 37mcg Fentynal patch (25 + 12). This keeps my overall pain level to 2-3. The left leg event does not happen very frequently anymore after the initial onset around 3-4 yeas ago which lasted for months until we found that oxycodone was the only med that helped.
BTW I am a veteran of the US Army and have medical benefits though the VA system. I was a dental assistant 71-73 and stayed in Ft Bragg NC the whole time.
My hearing is deteriorating. which I described above.
Blood work is fine. Everything within normal parameters. Prostate is fine. Bladder , Kidneys fine.
I sweat copiously after the mildest exertion. Sometimes for no reason. I will be just sitting there and break out into a sweat.
I feel weak at all times. Even after a nights sleep, I feel weak and tired on getting up. See #18
Prostatitis: painful ejaculation, urination - Urologist proscribed Sulfamethoxazole 160MG 2x a day 30 days. Finished bottle, symptoms remain, Urologist notified.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
mild depression - am currently taking Venlafaxine 75mg and buPropion 100mg 2x a day it seems to help.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Resigned to weathering it out.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
It started as I wrote above around 1999 - 2000. No recognizable event or disease that I can connect to it. It came out of the blue when I leaned forward to look at the screen.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
There does not seem to be any pattern at all.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
There is nothing that I can point to that aggravates and only time and medication ameliorate.
8. Do you think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Of course stress is a main culprit, and I have been under a great deal of stress for the past 17 years . My depression was determined to be situational. Also we have moved 7 times in the last 17 years.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
no difference
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I tend to be quiet but the hearing issue isolates me and I cannot hold conversations most of the time
I am easily offended but try to let it affect me, I talk myself out of it most of the time.
I tend to prognosticate and have to 'kick myself in the butt' and just do it. but that is a part of me that I am constantly working on.
I am depressive as I wrote above.
I mostly feel that it's never going to get better so I better make the best of it.
During the last 17 years there have been many times that I wished that I would go to sleep and not wake up. ( a passive thought not an action producing one). but then it would pass and I would be ok for a while. Then some new full blown argument over something thoroughly unimportant and I would start that cycle again.
Bu mostly I am resigned. I still hope that things will get better for me, but I am 65 and I dont have much time left. 15 yrs? 20?
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
no knowledge that a thunderstorm is on the way unless I see it on the news.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
I'll let you know when it happens.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
not particularly, but there are some perfumes and mens colognes that I positively cannot stand.
I am becoming sensitive to noise because of the hearing issues. The hearing aids amplify the noise but my recognition of speech or direction is shot. I will never hear the difference between a Stradivarius and a Bass Drum again.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless weeping, talking to one self etc?
Not that I am aware of
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I have one friend and several acquaintances. My friend is a friend in every sense of the word. My acquaintances are pretty much ok people, I dont hang with or empower in any way people I dont care for. I do ignore a handful, but for the most part I am friendly without giving too much or expecting too much
I love my children to the moon and back.
Ex-wife? I dont want to discuss in an open forum
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
I fear that I will spend the rest of my life without a woman's presence. To be good friends with, to share thoughts and ideas, to love
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
No particular cravings for food. The only aversions are cucumbers, green//red peppers.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
My thirst has increased lately. It seems that I am always thirsty - for cold drinks with plenty of ice.
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
I would say normal maybe slightly elevated
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
green/red peppers cooked or raw
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Again recently I have been sweating at the slightest exertion: head, trunk and limbs. I also break out in sweat just sitting there working on the computer. I can feel the sweat running down my sides and my legs. All over
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
I have to be careful with constipation, but I am taking Oxycodone and Fentanyl for pain and constipation is a side effect. Stool can be hard to pass balls and other times normal. I take stool softener as needed.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleep?
I have Sleep Apnea and sleep and use a BPAP respirator. I rarely sleep through the night due to my thirst which has me drinking lots of ice tea or water, then having to pish several times during the night, and the BPAP tubing which wraps itself around me to the point that I wake up to straighten it out. I tend to toss and turn and usually fall asleep on my left side. I have to take 1-75mg Trazadone and 1 3mg Melatonin to make sure that I will all asleep. Otherwise I may not get the R EM sleep I need. Eval of the sim card in the BPAP shows no Apneas.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
No. I think that I have become impotent and I have Prostatitis.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I tend to pay more attention to details
Small things matter to me.. ie. At a class, some people always talk during the lecture. Most of the attendees will sit by and do nothing, I will try to shush them. In other words, if I see a wrong and if I can correct it, I dont shy away from the involvement. I do something about the small details that I see are out of place. As opposed to doing nothing.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Depression: Venlafaxine 75mg and buPropion 100mg 2x a day current
Sleep Apnea: BPAP every nap and sleep current
Pain: 15mg Oxycodone 2 x a day plus 37mcg Fentynal patch (25 + 12) current
Hearing loss: Prednisone 10mg: 3 for 5 days, then 2 for 5m then 1 for 5 current
Tinnitus: Digitalis Purpurea 30C current
Vertigo: Meclizine 25mg; Digitalis Purpurea 30C current
Prostatitis: Urologist proscribed Sulfamethoxazole 160MG 2x a day 30 days has to be renewed.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
My father had mild hypertension. He had a sun related growth on his scalp that was under treatment when he passed away 4 years ago from a stroke. He also suffered with Scoliosis.
My mother also had mild hypertension, developed Alzheimers And passed away in her sleep in 2005.
My maternal grandmother had a double mastectomy.
My paternal grandmother developed throat C and passed away as a result.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
I look depressed, tired, like there is something wrong. People ask me if I am ok.
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
The actual beginning was an intense attack of vertigo about 1999 - 2000. I was sitting at my computer when I leaned forward to see something on the screen better and the world literally turned upside down. I grabbed the desk and held on (for dear life it felt). Visually, I was seeing a kaleidoscope of images twirling, like what I was seeing was like a stick was stirring the visual round and round, I think counter clockwise. I did not fall off the chair and kept holding onto the desk until it passed. I remember being in a full body sweat afterwards. I then stood up and felt the same loss of balance but no where as strong. Got to the bed and lay down until I stopped sweating and felt that I could walk.
Around this same time I began to notice a loss of hearing and a rise in noises in the ear: Tinnitus.
The vertigo came and went, usually mild, but whiIe shopping in a mall in 2004 or 5, I did have 1 vertigo episode where I thought I 'd better sit down before I fell. So I sat down on the Mall floor, the vertigo got worse and I decided to lie down (on the mall floor) before I fell down. Paramedics were called, got me to a hospital and decided after tests and observation that it was just good plain ole vertigo.
Began taking Meclazine 25mg as a preventative around 2005. EENT Dr. said stop, it will mask symptoms so I did. This Dr also performed a surgery to fix my badly deviated septum in 2005. This Dr also diagnosed the bilateral Menieres.
For the past several years, my vertigo has been dormant with almost no episodes mild or otherwise. Meanwhile my hearing was deteriorating to where I needed hearing aids. The tinnitus was getting some worse then going away, then coming back, sometimes waking me up at night and so loud I could not go back to sleep. There were enough episodes of that loud noise that I mentioned it here. But it was not an every day or night thing. At that time.
Now: Fast forward to current situation.
I have experienced a marked decrease in ability to hear, to distinguish words. In fact a hearing test 1 month ago showed my speech recognition in my right ear had dropped from 80-90% to 50%. The tinnitus is loud to the point of interfering with my hearing. ie, it was LOUD for me inside the sound proof audio chamber. I have an appt next week with ENT to see if there is a cause for this sudden change. (It is now next week, no obvious reason could be found, Dr prescribed Prednisone 10mg: 3 for 5 days, then 2 for 5m then 1 for 5. After that another hearing test and a scan of my ear canal etc area)
AS far as my general hearing goes: my left ear is the weaker ear w/ louder tinnitus, also there is a 'broken speaker' effect ( you know, like when a stereo speaker gets a tear in it and the sound has that kind of buzz to it). My right ear used to be my dominant ear until this recent change. Now all sound has this broken speaker effect and my ability to understand the spoken word is nil. I can hear the sound but cannot make out the words most of the time. Then sometimes the right ear is hearing better and I can actually have a conversation although I have to check to see if I am hearing what is being said to me correctly. The hearing aids have not enabled me now. Obviously it is better with them than without, but the buzz is always there, the tinnitus is always there, the loss of speech recognition is always there.
The episodes of vertigo are reappearing, are fairly strong, say a 6/10. I do get a mild - moderate vertigo every time I stand up from either laying down or sitting. I have to be still for a few moments and then it passes. I am beginning to take Meclizine 26mg more frequently to head off a fall down vertigo. This has been working somewhat. But not completely.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Bulging disks in C5 -C3. Stenosis. Periodically they touch nerves leading to one shoulder or another. no pain med touches it when affected. There is no particular activity that brings it on
Bulging disks in L3 - S1. Stenosis. occasionally touches a nerve running down my left leg, pain level shoots to an 8 at least. most of the time back pain in the 5-6 range is constant. Am taking 15mg Oxycodone 2 x a day plus 37mcg Fentynal patch (25 + 12). This keeps my overall pain level to 2-3. The left leg event does not happen very frequently anymore after the initial onset around 3-4 yeas ago which lasted for months until we found that oxycodone was the only med that helped.
BTW I am a veteran of the US Army and have medical benefits though the VA system. I was a dental assistant 71-73 and stayed in Ft Bragg NC the whole time.
My hearing is deteriorating. which I described above.
Blood work is fine. Everything within normal parameters. Prostate is fine. Bladder , Kidneys fine.
I sweat copiously after the mildest exertion. Sometimes for no reason. I will be just sitting there and break out into a sweat.
I feel weak at all times. Even after a nights sleep, I feel weak and tired on getting up. See #18
Prostatitis: painful ejaculation, urination - Urologist proscribed Sulfamethoxazole 160MG 2x a day 30 days. Finished bottle, symptoms remain, Urologist notified.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
mild depression - am currently taking Venlafaxine 75mg and buPropion 100mg 2x a day it seems to help.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Resigned to weathering it out.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
It started as I wrote above around 1999 - 2000. No recognizable event or disease that I can connect to it. It came out of the blue when I leaned forward to look at the screen.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
There does not seem to be any pattern at all.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
There is nothing that I can point to that aggravates and only time and medication ameliorate.
8. Do you think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Of course stress is a main culprit, and I have been under a great deal of stress for the past 17 years . My depression was determined to be situational. Also we have moved 7 times in the last 17 years.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
no difference
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I tend to be quiet but the hearing issue isolates me and I cannot hold conversations most of the time
I am easily offended but try to let it affect me, I talk myself out of it most of the time.
I tend to prognosticate and have to 'kick myself in the butt' and just do it. but that is a part of me that I am constantly working on.
I am depressive as I wrote above.
I mostly feel that it's never going to get better so I better make the best of it.
During the last 17 years there have been many times that I wished that I would go to sleep and not wake up. ( a passive thought not an action producing one). but then it would pass and I would be ok for a while. Then some new full blown argument over something thoroughly unimportant and I would start that cycle again.
Bu mostly I am resigned. I still hope that things will get better for me, but I am 65 and I dont have much time left. 15 yrs? 20?
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
no knowledge that a thunderstorm is on the way unless I see it on the news.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
I'll let you know when it happens.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
not particularly, but there are some perfumes and mens colognes that I positively cannot stand.
I am becoming sensitive to noise because of the hearing issues. The hearing aids amplify the noise but my recognition of speech or direction is shot. I will never hear the difference between a Stradivarius and a Bass Drum again.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless weeping, talking to one self etc?
Not that I am aware of
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I have one friend and several acquaintances. My friend is a friend in every sense of the word. My acquaintances are pretty much ok people, I dont hang with or empower in any way people I dont care for. I do ignore a handful, but for the most part I am friendly without giving too much or expecting too much
I love my children to the moon and back.
Ex-wife? I dont want to discuss in an open forum
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
I fear that I will spend the rest of my life without a woman's presence. To be good friends with, to share thoughts and ideas, to love
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
No particular cravings for food. The only aversions are cucumbers, green//red peppers.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
My thirst has increased lately. It seems that I am always thirsty - for cold drinks with plenty of ice.
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
I would say normal maybe slightly elevated
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
green/red peppers cooked or raw
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Again recently I have been sweating at the slightest exertion: head, trunk and limbs. I also break out in sweat just sitting there working on the computer. I can feel the sweat running down my sides and my legs. All over
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
I have to be careful with constipation, but I am taking Oxycodone and Fentanyl for pain and constipation is a side effect. Stool can be hard to pass balls and other times normal. I take stool softener as needed.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleep?
I have Sleep Apnea and sleep and use a BPAP respirator. I rarely sleep through the night due to my thirst which has me drinking lots of ice tea or water, then having to pish several times during the night, and the BPAP tubing which wraps itself around me to the point that I wake up to straighten it out. I tend to toss and turn and usually fall asleep on my left side. I have to take 1-75mg Trazadone and 1 3mg Melatonin to make sure that I will all asleep. Otherwise I may not get the R EM sleep I need. Eval of the sim card in the BPAP shows no Apneas.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
No. I think that I have become impotent and I have Prostatitis.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I tend to pay more attention to details
Small things matter to me.. ie. At a class, some people always talk during the lecture. Most of the attendees will sit by and do nothing, I will try to shush them. In other words, if I see a wrong and if I can correct it, I dont shy away from the involvement. I do something about the small details that I see are out of place. As opposed to doing nothing.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Depression: Venlafaxine 75mg and buPropion 100mg 2x a day current
Sleep Apnea: BPAP every nap and sleep current
Pain: 15mg Oxycodone 2 x a day plus 37mcg Fentynal patch (25 + 12) current
Hearing loss: Prednisone 10mg: 3 for 5 days, then 2 for 5m then 1 for 5 current
Tinnitus: Digitalis Purpurea 30C current
Vertigo: Meclizine 25mg; Digitalis Purpurea 30C current
Prostatitis: Urologist proscribed Sulfamethoxazole 160MG 2x a day 30 days has to be renewed.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
My father had mild hypertension. He had a sun related growth on his scalp that was under treatment when he passed away 4 years ago from a stroke. He also suffered with Scoliosis.
My mother also had mild hypertension, developed Alzheimers And passed away in her sleep in 2005.
My maternal grandmother had a double mastectomy.
My paternal grandmother developed throat C and passed away as a result.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
I look depressed, tired, like there is something wrong. People ask me if I am ok.
bzmeltzer last decade
Please take three doses of Staphysagria 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
sorry to be a dunce, but there are pills, pellets, tablets and granules. can you please be more specific aabout what dosage of the recommended strength, 200c or x, at which transport: pills, pellets, tablets, granules. Pleasae accept my apology for being what might be elementary questions.
bzmeltzer last decade
Hi bz,
It is 200c. A lot of homeopaths like you to get the liquid.
Kadwa does not care either way, but I would order the
liquid and order it from Boiron, bc I feel their remedies
are better made.
It is 200c. A lot of homeopaths like you to get the liquid.
Kadwa does not care either way, but I would order the
liquid and order it from Boiron, bc I feel their remedies
are better made.
♡ simone717 last decade
Just logging in to observe progress.
Lets see how staph works.
Just thought of it differently.
Hope you dont mind Abu ji.
Dr. Yogesh
Lets see how staph works.
Just thought of it differently.
Hope you dont mind Abu ji.
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Please get Staphysagria 200C. You can take any number of pills or pellets as dose size doesn't matter in homeopathy. Generally 2-5 granules or pills or pellets are advised.
Dear Dr Yogesh, you may go ahead after bzmeltzer reports back. Your interest is always welcome.
Dear Dr Yogesh, you may go ahead after bzmeltzer reports back. Your interest is always welcome.
♡ kadwa last decade
Staphy 200c liquid ordered. I should get it in about a week, then start dosages. Thank you all for your concern over my welfare. I'll let you know of any changes afterwards as they appear.
bzmeltzer last decade
OK. Staphy arrived last Thurs. doses taken Fri and Sat. what can I expect to happen given that Staphy was the right choice? Thanks again.
bzmeltzer last decade
One cannot predict how this will play out. Usually one of the following
can go on.
1. You feel better mentally, then physically. You feel better
physically , but no mental changes.
2. You have some old things come back or you have some
of your symptoms get worse briefly for a couple days.
3.You have new things show up you never had.
4. Nothing happens at all.
BZ keep a notebook and watch what goes on with you for
the next 10 days or so. These things take time showing
the directions they are going in and how long they are going
to work for , etc.
You can also post when you want to post before this time to
update the changes. Obviously having the first two things go
on is better than the last two things. (And in your case you have
many issues, so this case is probably going to be in layers, as in
one remedy removes a layer and then it becomes obvious what else
is needed after that)
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 10 Jun 2013 16:51:17 BST]
One cannot predict how this will play out. Usually one of the following
can go on.
1. You feel better mentally, then physically. You feel better
physically , but no mental changes.
2. You have some old things come back or you have some
of your symptoms get worse briefly for a couple days.
3.You have new things show up you never had.
4. Nothing happens at all.
BZ keep a notebook and watch what goes on with you for
the next 10 days or so. These things take time showing
the directions they are going in and how long they are going
to work for , etc.
You can also post when you want to post before this time to
update the changes. Obviously having the first two things go
on is better than the last two things. (And in your case you have
many issues, so this case is probably going to be in layers, as in
one remedy removes a layer and then it becomes obvious what else
is needed after that)
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 10 Jun 2013 16:51:17 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
Thank you Simone, that was actually very helpful. It has been 2 full days, nothing new comng in, nothing getting worse. Better physically: I have not needed the pain meds urgently. maybe better mental its hard to tell. See youse in a week. :)
bzmeltzer last decade
4 full days after: definite change in pain in back: there is none!. No need to take Oxy for 3 days. Mood is definitely better not having to deal with level 2-3 (with Oxy) constant pain. level is now 0.3 lets say. A vast improvement. I am on the last week of Prednesone for Tinnitus and there are times when the tinnitus is mostly gone, but then it comes back. When I first get up in morning I can hear quite well (for me) then as day progresses it worsens. That's it for now. Over and out.
bzmeltzer last decade
Hi Bz.
Kadwa did a fantastic job of selecting the right remedy for you.
It's all the right reactions. Keep updating your progress.
Kadwa did a fantastic job of selecting the right remedy for you.
It's all the right reactions. Keep updating your progress.
♡ simone717 last decade
Yes I think so also...BTW: keeping an on-forum log is much easire for me than to sit and write in a journal, so please indulge me one and all. /// The next day: w/o Oxy for 4 days and pain is beginning to come back but still very manageable; ENT Dr prescribed a 20 day Prednesone 10mg treatment starting 5/30. So the Prednesone predates the Staphy by 11 days. I began to notice a difference in my ability to understand (as opposed to hear) words within the first 5 days. The improvement comes and goes. but generally better. With the Staphy I certainly do feel better, more 'with it', more engaged, and I am sleeping better so far. Without measuring, more delta than B.S. (before Staphy). I am definitely sweating less. It is hard to pinpoint this and that improvement to Staphy or meds, but A.S. (after Staphy) there has been an all around general improvement. That's it for now.
bzmeltzer last decade
DAy 12>>> I cant tell any more what affect on my body/mind is due to Staphy or Meclizine or prednesone.
So here is what I am experiencing: I have not taken or felt the need to take the only pain med that hlped my back pain: Oxy. Thats 10 days.
Tinnitus decreased markedly when I was taking the prednesone initially 3 a day for 5 days then 2 for 5. but now that Im taking 1 each day the tinnitus is coming back to what it used to be.
Sweating has stayed down not particularly returned.
Sleep is still much better. I feel generally 'better' and have started exercising on a stationary bike so far 1x a week for 30 min. no adverse affects. My plan is to work up to 3x a week. And that in itself is an improvement (staphy related?)
My mood has improved and has stayed improved, not getting any better but also no worse. it is where it has been since around the 12th.
The vertigo is under control I think. When it was a real problem about 3 weeks ago, I 'bombarded' it with meclizine. Finally the daily episodes stopped and now the only time I suffer vertigo is when I stand up it comes on for 20 sec then fades away and I am fine.
After the 15 days, where do I go from there?
So here is what I am experiencing: I have not taken or felt the need to take the only pain med that hlped my back pain: Oxy. Thats 10 days.
Tinnitus decreased markedly when I was taking the prednesone initially 3 a day for 5 days then 2 for 5. but now that Im taking 1 each day the tinnitus is coming back to what it used to be.
Sweating has stayed down not particularly returned.
Sleep is still much better. I feel generally 'better' and have started exercising on a stationary bike so far 1x a week for 30 min. no adverse affects. My plan is to work up to 3x a week. And that in itself is an improvement (staphy related?)
My mood has improved and has stayed improved, not getting any better but also no worse. it is where it has been since around the 12th.
The vertigo is under control I think. When it was a real problem about 3 weeks ago, I 'bombarded' it with meclizine. Finally the daily episodes stopped and now the only time I suffer vertigo is when I stand up it comes on for 20 sec then fades away and I am fine.
After the 15 days, where do I go from there?
bzmeltzer last decade
Medicines are always prescribed based on the present time,
physical, emotional, mental status. Whether you need to wait more, take more,
or change medicines will be determined.
Update on the 15th day and Kadwa will give you the next step.
physical, emotional, mental status. Whether you need to wait more, take more,
or change medicines will be determined.
Update on the 15th day and Kadwa will give you the next step.
♡ simone717 last decade
Today is day 16. Mood is still much improved. back pain is still not especially requiring pain meds. Sweats are no where as brutal as they were when I first reported. Hearing is no better, no worse. I can hear but it sounds like buzzy noise 80% of the time. Vertigo still under control. So overall, improvement.
for a first attempt I would rate at a solid A. Major issue that remains is the loss of speech recognition. More later ...
for a first attempt I would rate at a solid A. Major issue that remains is the loss of speech recognition. More later ...
bzmeltzer last decade
There is no need to repeat remedy for another 7 days. Please continue with the updates. If there is a significant relapse in the mean time, you may take a single dose of the remedy.
♡ kadwa last decade
It's later... Thank you Dr. Kadwe and Simone for your interest and direction. LIke I wrote, overall I feel better. More 'normal'. Pain in back is coming back but manageable with 1 15mg oxy a day, but not needed every day. *** My main concern now is my hearing: tinnitus and loss of word recognition due to speech buzzing so I have a very hard time understanding the words.
Can you help me with that at this time? Is it covered in the action of the doseages of Staphy that i took? Again many thanks and I look forward to your input.
Can you help me with that at this time? Is it covered in the action of the doseages of Staphy that i took? Again many thanks and I look forward to your input.
bzmeltzer last decade
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