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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss, migraine, wt gain, thyroid

I hve been losing hair continuosly from past 10 yrs. Iam a hypothyroid patient but my TSH level is always in control,ie reqd range and Itake My med regularly,100mcg & 125 mcg alternately. Inspite of That my wt Keeps increasing Gradually Though My Diet Is Ve3y less and my hairloss Is At Times Quite Severe & other Times Its Severe Leading To Baldness. Now i have v Scanty Hair On The Upper Head While Normal Growth on The Back Side.l did Try Homeopathy med For 3, 4 Y3s But I Think It was Commercial and it Did not Help Me. Can U Pls Help Me Out. At Present I Also Take migraine Prevention Medicines From Past 7 months as my Migraines were V Frequent And Severe.l Take Topomac 50mg And Betacap 1 Cap. Ialso Have Slip Disc & spondilitis for Which i Take Pain Killers Sometimes ? Pls Advise and Reply To my Mail.
  khatija on 2013-05-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please copy the questions here from the below thread and provide all your answers in detail. Please try to build a chronology of events in answering.

libra981 last decade
[message edited by khatija on Fri, 18 Oct 2013 10:42:03 BST][message edited by khatija on Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:34:43 GMT]
[Edited by khatija on 2019-03-26 20:10:24]
khatija last decade
WHy am i Not Getting Any Response. Pls Reply Back.
[message edited by khatija on Fri, 14 Jun 2013 18:15:27 BST]
Dr Nawazkhan pls Reply or any Other Dr , I Have No preferences whatsoever.
[message edited by khatija on Fri, 14 Jun 2013 18:53:53 BST]
khatija last decade
Dr kadwa pls advise me and help solve the problem. I shall be v grateful .
khatija last decade
Please take three doses of Nux Vomica 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine
kadwa last decade
Thank you so much dr . I shall get the med and take it and get back to u. Thanks again. God bless.
khatija last decade
Day1-Dr the med. Is in granules, i dont know how much to take but this morning i have taken 2 gr. How many shud i take tonight.
[message edited by khatija on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:53:58 BST]
khatija last decade
sorry to interfare this case Mrs Khatija please can you tell me when you use Homeopathic medicine (Clac,Ars etc) what happen and how long did you use and what potency,ok
faisal qureshi last decade
I took 2 granules of nux vomica 200ch this morning, nothing noticable, little weak n dull feeling. Shall i take 5 or 6 granules in the night.
khatija last decade
Dr u have asked me to take 2 pills but since it is in granules one dose is how many gr, pls advice for tonights dose. Thanks Dr Kadwa
khatija last decade
Kadwa is on here usually India Morning
time -12 hours from right now.

If you do not hear back before your bedtime take the 2 granules again.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:06:36 BST]
simone717 last decade
Kindly reply soon as its time to take my dose. Thanks
khatija last decade
Thanks Simon i shall do the same.
khatija last decade
Dose size doesn't matter. 2 granules or 10 is same. The remedy takes time to work and we should wait and watch.
kadwa last decade
Last night i took 4 gr of nux vomica200, half an hr after that ifelt like my bp is falling but i lay still in bed n later fell asleep. Had a good sleep.Shall i take The Same dose now. Pls reply soon. Thanks.
khatija last decade
Ok dr. Thank you.
khatija last decade
Day2-This morning also i took 4 gr and no noticable change. The hair loss is the same but i dont feel that much dull. Also I want to Mention that I Have Small boils or Pimple Like Eruptions On The Scalp from Which Water comes out At times. My scalp is Itchy some Sort of scaly Depositions R Theren When I Scratch Them The Hair from That Part come Off Too. When My Hair Fall thereis White Thing Maybe the follicle Attached To it. Sometimes I Feel Something Pricking Or Biting On scalp n Then also I Lose Hair From There.I have dandruff. Also I Have Puffiness On my face. Any smell of Perfume or Deo Aggravates My Migraines, Smell Of Spices And Heat Also. The Attacks R So Strong that 2 caps Of Migraneton Doesnt Help. It Lasts For 2 Days.Pls keep responding as I update Dr. Thanq So Much N God Bless U.
[message edited by khatija on Thu, 20 Jun 2013 16:01:22 BST]
[message edited by khatija on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:57:17 BST]
khatija last decade
You may keep updating, but you don't take any more
medicine bc the 3 doses act for 2 weeks. So you have
to wait and watch the changes going on.
simone717 last decade
Day3-Today i got up with lot of puffiness on face, rest all the same. Thanq.
[message edited by khatija on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:58:26 BST]
khatija last decade
Day4-Today ihad pain in my lower back (lumbar ) along with the usual pain we get before the periods but the flow did not start. I dont think i shall get it so soon as last time i had a gap of almost 5 months.l hope iam on safe drugs with no side effects in future as well.Some one pls do respond to this.
[message edited by khatija on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:59:31 BST]
khatija last decade
The medicines are totally safe.

The right medicine stimulates your own life force to start clearing out
things that were causing the problem. Old things show up and then

The medicine starts off a process. That is why you update and note
the different things going on.

Then end of the two week process is around July 5th. At that time
it will be more obvious if you need more medicine, or the medicine
is still doing things, or if you need a different medicine. You are
in the middle of this process right now.
simone717 last decade
Thanks alot Simon, that was of great help and relief indeed. God bless u.
khatija last decade
Day7-These 2 days nothing to mention, my puffiness on the face is still persistent. Its more more in the mornings and at night and back pain is also there but tolerable. Also i have white deposits on my tongue that i usually get when i eat indian sweets, My Body reacts in a way producing too much mucus in Throat and i feel sort of conjested, This also Happens When i Take Sugar Or homeo Pills As They R sugary. Though i like Sweets I dont eat Them Much.Actually My Diet Is Too Little.Rest All Fine.
[message edited by khatija on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 15:01:28 BST]
[message edited by khatija on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 15:02:30 BST]
khatija last decade
ok, keep updating.

On the sweets, have you had antibiotics a lot in the past or the
recent past?
simone717 last decade
Day8-Good Day to u Simon, yes i have had antibts inthe past, not recently though.One course ev winter usually, sometimes even 2 courses in the same season for throat n upp resp. inf..Thaks alot for ur response n concern.God bless u.
[message edited by khatija on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 15:03:37 BST]
khatija last decade

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