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Pain in upper right quadrant of abdominal Page 12 of 13

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Sepia 200C
Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once

Upd after 1 wk
Zady101 last decade
Will do! Thank you so much!
koshka last decade
Hello Dr. Zady,

It has been 9 days after I took Sepia. I feel pretty good overall. The yeast infection almost gone, just have a slight irritation. My right side just started to bother a bit in last two days (I suppose to have a period within next two days). Still have neck pain (left side, back) and some days it got better, some days got worse, having a problem to turn had to the left.
Thank you!
koshka last decade
Hello Dr.Zady,

It has been another week after my last text. Today is my 3rd day of the period. During this time I have a pain in my right side, not strong, but it more frequent. Also during last two nights I've got too much water retained, that even right side of my face got puffy, including right eye (I usually sleep on the right side). Still have pain on the back of the neck, left side.
Would you suggest anything?
Thank you!
koshka last decade
I missed ur earlier post. Can u giv mor details.
Zady101 last decade
I started to have a pain on the right side about two days ago before my period. I am on the 4th day today and it looks like pain is more frequent during the day. It is not strong, could be 1 to 2 on scale of 12. Today I could see tongue is getting a bit yellowish again.

First two days of period I felt that my body retained a lot of water and after sleeping on the right side my eye was puffy, so is the right side of the face. Even now I end up having hard time first 20-30 min in the morning to see with the right eye, if I would sleep on the right side.
As for yeast infection I can not tell now since I have period, but before it started I felt just irritated a bit and other symptoms of the infection were gone.
Still having a pain on the back of my neck too.
koshka last decade
Lycopodium 200C

Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon

Update after 1 wk
Zady101 last decade
Hello Dr. Zady,
It has been about 10 days since I took Lycopodium.
The puffiness on the right side of my face is gone. Also I had done another pelvic ultrasound and fibroids and big cysts are gone. There is a small cyst only.
However, my right side of the tummy still bothers me. It comes and goes through all this time, was stronger on 3rd and 4th days after Lycopodium, so I started to take Liv.52 DS again. Can not feel improvement much yet.
Also I have a low abdominal cramps similar to the ones during period sometimes. Could the low temperatures trigger it? I could see, whenever the days are cooler and I'd dress properly, my feet get cold very fast and then it'd come to low ab discomfort. Looks like it also affects my face. I started to have small red acne (like rosacea) on my forehead, cheeks, chin and side of the neck right below ears with occasional flares up.
Would you suggest anything for me?
Thank you so much!
[message edited by koshka on Wed, 26 Nov 2014 16:15:48 GMT]
koshka last decade
Please take time to give me a list of precise symptoms/condition remaining after treatment. Also mention the exact location and severity of symptoms.

Also, do u feel better mentally and emotionally after a year of treatment.
Zady101 last decade
Hello Dr. Zady,

I apologize for such a long reply.
After almost 2 1/2 mos. I do not feel pain in my right side. Sometimes it is just brief moment that there is discomfort under the rib cage.
Also occasionally I'd feel discomfort next to the navel right side, it would go away after I'd have stool.
I did a blood test, which was normal:Metabolic Panel was normal, Thyroid function test was normal,Blood Counts were normal.
Mentally I did feel better before till last month or so. I started to get worry a lot about my family, their health, always thinking about worst case scenarios and not being able to handle it. Sleep has gotten lighter too. I'd woke up 1 - 2 times a night and have hard time to fall back to sleep again.
My main problem now is my headaches/dizziness and fast pulse, right ear ringing, air pressure on my ears.
I have seen the doctor and did EKG (was normal), going to do Echocardiogram.
The pulse as per doctor still within the limits but on the fast side (could go to 92 - 96). Lasts at least for few hours.Sometimes I feel palpitations. Whenever it will start, I get panicked and it makes it worse. Laying to rest helps.
Blood pressure is on higher side too, but I did no get any prescription.
I would appreciate if you'd evaluate my condition and help me! Thank you for taking your time to treat me!
[message edited by koshka on Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:33:34 GMT]
[message edited by koshka on Sat, 21 Feb 2015 22:20:13 GMT]
[message edited by koshka on Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:56:12 GMT]
koshka last decade
koshka 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

Could you reply to my previous post, please?
Thank you
koshka 9 years ago
Wil review n come back in 1-2 days. If u wish to add something to the case in the meantime, pls do it
Zady101 9 years ago
Thank you so much!

Yes, if possible I would like to add that the pulse rate is not that fast now (it is fluctuating from 90 to 85 to 76), still have palpitations 2-3 times a day, blood pressure about 130/85 average in last 3 weeks - I have been checking it every day.

Mentally - I am still scared that it might repeat again, trying to avoid any stressful situations, because it feels like pulse would rise right away. And that makes me nervous.

I have a comes-and-goes burning pain under my left shoulder blade. It started a week before my new big health issue. It comes when I am working at the kitchen: cooking, cleaning etc., goes away while resting. I did x-ray, same time as the blood test, the result were good too.

With Kind Regards,
koshka 9 years ago
Did u undertake any treatment in the last 1-2 months, or started some new medicine, honeopathic or allopathic?
Zady101 9 years ago
We went through my supplements that I have been taking before this happened with the regular doctor. I started at that time papaya enzime, occasionally glucosamine.
Doctor recommended to stop any supplements.

I took about 3 bottles of Liv.52 DS (60 tablets each), but it was stretched for more time than two months.
Still go to chiropractic once in 5-6 weeks.
After I've got this issue I went for 1 week of acupunture plus Chinese herbs for reducing pulse rate, headaches. I am on the last 1/2 of the bottle now.
[message edited by koshka on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 19:24:40 GMT]
koshka 9 years ago
arsenic alb 30C

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once everyday for 3 days.

If u hv any other potency, tell me
Zady101 9 years ago
I have 30C. When shall I update?

Thank you very much!
[message edited by koshka on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 16:53:14 GMT]
koshka 9 years ago
After 1 wk
Zady101 9 years ago
Hi Dr. Zady,

I had arsenic alb about a week ago.
Overall I feel better. Did not have fast pulse first half of the week, but yesterday and over the last weekend it was beating faster again. I am trying to distract myself from it by breathing deeply or keeping myself busy, otherwise I'd start thinking about it and get panicked. Today pulse was normal, but I had few palpitations through the day. I have visited the cardiologist and now wearing the heart rate monitor for 5 days, then in three weeks I suppose to have echocardiogram.
The pain under the left shoulder is lighter.
Another thing that was bothering me this week is my intestines. I had a lot of gas often, sudden quick crump in different area - right, left or low tummy. Today right after bowel movement, I had a strong pain in rectum area which lasted about 5 minutes.
Thank you very much!
[message edited by koshka on Thu, 12 Mar 2015 02:51:01 GMT]
koshka 9 years ago
Argentum Nit 30C

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once everyday for 3 days.

Update after 1 wk
Zady101 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

It's been a bit more than a week.
I've got a stomach ache during last, a gastritis, that did not bother me for a while, as well as gnawing pain on my right side under the ribs. I not sure if it was Argentum or result of trying to drink decaf coffee.
I've read a short description of Argentum before taking it and thought it fits me well. So it might be decaf dark roast, in past I used to drink regular mild coffee.
Last two days - no stomach ache.
I also had two-three times returning burning pain under the left shoulder during last week.
The heart rate over the week was normal, except last two days it was a bit faster from time to time with a bit of body weakness.
Intestines were better, I still have gas (usually, increases at evening), but not too much, less sudden crumps in different areas.
Mentally I feel better and at the same time it's like being on the edge and knowing that I might get stressed out again very easy.
I hope you would suggest the next step in my treatment.
Thank you for your help!
A little update on March 25th. My period started today after more than 4 months break. So I am wondering if the last week issues are connected to peri-menopause.
Thank you so much!
[message edited by koshka on Wed, 25 Mar 2015 14:37:23 GMT]
koshka 9 years ago
Pls repeat again once as befor
Zady101 9 years ago
Thank you! Will do it!
koshka 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

It's been over one week after I took Argentum.
My right side did not bother me till today (I guess I am a bit more concentrating on it, since I have to write an update). Mentally, I also feel better, but if I'd get a bit nervous about anything, I can't calm down for some time.
I have done echocardiogram, it was normal. Doctor said since palpitations are not often and last seconds, I do not need to do anything and have to go back in a year for a check up.
When I took Argentum, probably on 3rd day I woke up with a throw out lower back, had hard time a whole week before seeing chiropractor. He said that it is connected to my right side of tummy.
It is better now. However I feel very stiff in the lower back and even I started to do stretching, it still hurtsas well as a spot under left shoulder. Oh, it just occurred to me, it all happens on the left side of my back.
I would appreciate your recommendations as always!
Thank you very much!
[message edited by koshka on Thu, 09 Apr 2015 16:05:45 BST]
Quick addition on April 4th. Today and the day before yesterday I have periodical very low abdominal pain on the right side. Lasts few seconds, somewhat sharp. Seems to be a yeast infection is starting also. Do not have any other symptoms.
[message edited by koshka on Fri, 10 Apr 2015 23:17:09 BST]
[message edited by koshka on Sat, 11 Apr 2015 01:08:14 BST]
koshka 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

I am having a pain in my right side today whole day. It is not strong, gnawing along with constipation.
I hope you'd have any suggestions for me.

Thank you so much!
koshka 9 years ago

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