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Pain in upper right quadrant of abdominal Page 7 of 13

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1) Lycopodium 200

Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoon water in a disposable cup, stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15mins. Take 2nd tabkespoon, wait 15 mins. Take 3rd and last tablespoon.

2) Nat Sulph 6X

2 doses a day; morning and evening.

Please update after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
All right! Thank you very much!
koshka last decade
Hello, Dr. Zady,

All the best in the New Year!

I am writing a bit earlier, it's just a 5th day since I took pills.
My condition is not improving at all this time. I've got period on Jan.1st. In past I felt better after it starts, but not now. The pain starts 1 - 1 1/2 hours after breakfast, got better right after the meal (even a small one), growing stronger toward evening, had a lot of gas and bloating till yeasterday.
I also feel nauseous often, pain started to bother when I bend or twist my body, have a headache for two days, craving sweets (pastry, not chocolate or candies). I have got a lot of inflamed pimples (cystic acne type) mostly on chin. I also noticed my tongue got yellow again in past few days.
The pain in my side makes me irritated and impatient easily.
koshka last decade
Pulsatilla 30C

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon
Zady101 last decade
Thank you very much!
Shall I update in 3 days or a week?
koshka last decade
Hello Dr. Zady,

I had Pulsatilla a week ago. I had an immediate relief after I took it. Two days later pain returned. It was lighter, the time interval between it increased. Pain started to shift upper again, staying at the ribs border. Occasionally, in last two-three days I had short, stubbing pain in low abdominal/pelvic area.
Overall, I'd say I feel much better than in the beginning of the month.
koshka last decade
Sepia 30
Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon.

Pls update after 3 days.
Zady101 last decade
Thank you, Dr. Zady! Will do it!
koshka last decade
Hi Dr. Zady,

It's been 4 days after I took Sepia.
Right side pain. I do not have pain itself,just a feeling of the starting point which does not go further and the feeling of something swollen on the right side. So I would say, it was much better.
At the same time or a day before I took Sepia, I've got other symptoms: low abdominal pain (ovaries?) with vaginal discharge (no smell, clear, quite a lot), bloating, gas, especially at night, occasional low back pain on the left side. Last two days it's getting better.
Please advise.
koshka last decade
Hello Dr. Zady,
I have one more questions. Is it okay to take homeopathic cold medicine (I have Umcka Cold+Flu) or should I stick with a traditional cold medicine?
Thank you very much!
koshka last decade
Please tell me the symptoms:

chilly ?
level of energy ?
thirst ?
Lips or mouth dry
Fever - how much ?
Fever - came suddenly or slowly?
Expectoration - mucous color and type?
Zady101 last decade
chilly ? Yes
level of energy ? energy level is going down, do not feel like moving
thirst ? moderate, mostly because of the dry throat
Lips or mouth dry - lips are getting dry a bit
Fever - how much ? do not have (usually I do not have fever during cold)
Fever - came suddenly or slowly?
Sweating? no
Nausea? no
Vomiting? no
Restless/anxious? irritation
Drowsy? no
Expectoration - mucous color and type? not yet, just feels like mucous is 'building up'

The bones ache is bothering mostly now.
My daughter had cold and still recovering and I got it from her.
koshka last decade
are you sneezing?
Zady101 last decade
Not much, mostly last evening.
koshka last decade
Aresenic Alb 30C

Dissolve 5 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 3 hours for a total of 4 times in a day (4 doses). For 1 day only.
Zady101 last decade
Thank you very much!
koshka last decade
Hello Dr. Zady,

I took yesterday Arsenicum. I did have a fever 38.5C, which was very unusual for me. Today I feel much better, no bone aches, no fever so far. I have low energy level though, my sinus is very congested, have pain in a right side of the head, no cough yet.
Would you suggest anything or should I just wait?
Thank you!
koshka last decade
Wait for 1 day and see if it improves on its own.
Zady101 last decade
OK. Thank you very much!
koshka last decade
Hello Dr. Zady,

Thank you very much for your help with cold! It is almost gone. I have a bit of sinus congestion. The only thing that is bothering me is dizziness. I have it for 3 days.
My right side is not bad either. I have a pain sometimes, but it is not too strong.
Shall I wait a bit longer?
koshka last decade
How is your condition now?
Zady101 last decade
My cold is gone. Thank you!
As for the right side - it does not bother much. It feels like on the edge of starting to bother, but does not go further.
I still have dizziness. It lasts a few hours a day, yesterday it was with a pain on the back of the neck. Another thing, second morning after sleeping on a side, my eye area gets a bit swollen (a right side), so it affects my vision for an hour or so.
Thank you very much!
koshka last decade
Hello Dr. Zady,

It has been a bit more than a week. My right side is quite all right. I just have a tight feeling there (like after having surgery.
Still have issue with my head :) . It's either dizzy or headaches. I remember I had this dizziness last year around February, March as well, talked to doctor but did not find anything.
Would you have any recommendations for me or should I wait?
Thank you again!
koshka last decade
Location of headaches?
what triggers it?
What had happened last year?

Do you feel mentally dull and weak also?


Pain on right side?
Zady101 last decade
Today headache was behind right eye and right temple first, then it was both temples, now above forehead mostly. I think it might be the air pressure. It is suppose to rain in two days or so. I always was sensitive to weather changes.

Last winter I also felt dizzy around this time. It happened in morning outside mostly, when it's very cold. It may go away during the day. This dizziness quite strange, does not affect my balance or anything else. I just feel dizzy inside of my head. I talked to my doctor about it and after asking a few questions and doing some checking she said that everything was fine. It gradually went away and now a year later started again.
I do not have fever, neither last year. Headaches give mental dullness, especially when strong. My mother's family has high blood pressure history, but I do not have it yet.
As for the right side, it does not bother much. As I mentioned above, I feel tightness or pulling. No pain, but it's like I still can't totally forget it, like there is still a reminder there.
koshka last decade
Sanguinaria 30C

Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon.
[message edited by Zady101 on Wed, 05 Feb 2014 05:44:09 GMT]
Zady101 last decade

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