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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sebaceous cyst

I have one on my right knee. It will not communicate to the surface or drain. I tend to get them fairly regularly (fair skinned, blonde, northern european), but usually they'll suppurate periodically, which keeps them from getting large. I tried myristica 200c (single dose every 5 days) for 30 days and saw no change. Should I consider silica or graphites? In an ideal world, I'd love to be rid of all of them, but the large one on my knee is going to burst under the skin soon if I can't get it to drain-just by virtue of size and location.

Thank you for any guidance.
  blumtnmama on 2013-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take merc sol 200 five tabs ones a day for three days and give a feed back.
anuj srivastava last decade
Thank you. I will order it today and follow up.
blumtnmama last decade
Have taken 5 pellets merc sol, 1x daily for 3 days. No change noted in character of cyst. Day 1 had tingling/itching in chronic cyst in milk duct of left breast, no other notable response.

Any suggestions?
blumtnmama last decade
Day 1 had tingling/itching in chronic cyst in milk duct of left breast? No mention has been made about it in you first post.

pls reconcile and let me know where all do you have such cysts? and any other problems?

take a dose of calc carb 200 for three days and report.
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 12:07:58 BST]
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 12:38:15 BST]
anuj srivastava last decade
I think it's just a sebaceous cyst. Periodically, I have to gently express it and the discharge has all the characteristics of sebum, but it could be a clogged montgomery's gland. As noted in my initial post, I have several sebaceous cysts, but they all seem to suppurate periodically without much coaxing-except for this one on my knee. I have had 3 over the years that also would never communicate to the surface, which I elected to surgically remove (with mixed results), which is why I would prefer to try to resolve it homeopathically.

Started calc carb 200 today.

thank you again.
blumtnmama last decade
I've had 3 days of calc carb 200 dose. The cyst seems less bulbous and seems to be trying to 'come to a head' but has not yet done so. Slightly tender (but I've had to be on my knees a lot in the garden, so it could just be that).

Any recommendations for how to move forward?

Thank you.

-I forgot; I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, low adrenal function with typical hyperanxiety and insomnia. Lots of stress (unemployed husband, 2 jobs, kids to feed, etc.) early stage menapause (very weepy for no apparent reason-constantly suppressing overwhelming urge to cry). That's the thumbnail sketch. I also smoke tobacco (just homemade handroll - no commercial products), but I am very careful to keep 60 minutes from either side of dosing for anything.
[message edited by blumtnmama on Mon, 01 Jul 2013 22:25:52 BST]
blumtnmama last decade
what about the cyst in the milk duct?

start taking Kali phos 6x ,5 tabs three times a day.hope fully your anxiety will be taken care of.

give a feed back after four days.

dont take calc carb.we will wait and watch.
anuj srivastava last decade
The left breast has been asymptomatic -no itching or twinges.

But I do feel that the calc carb was really exacerbating my emotional state (odd,as I think my constitutional remedy is Pulsatilla, so I was surprised)

Again, thank you. Will report back after Kali phos regimen.
blumtnmama last decade
I have Kali phos in 6c, bt not 6x - best to order 6x (I'm in a very rulal area, must mail order - always a delay)!?
blumtnmama last decade

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