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any dhms plz help me(chronic disease) Page 9 of 10
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Please take like this:
1) 2 tabs Calc Phos + 2 tabs Nat Phos, 3 times a day.
2) Alfalfa q, 5 drops + Avena Sativa q, 5 drops, twice a day.
Use only German. Update after 3 days.
1) 2 tabs Calc Phos + 2 tabs Nat Phos, 3 times a day.
2) Alfalfa q, 5 drops + Avena Sativa q, 5 drops, twice a day.
Use only German. Update after 3 days.
♡ Zady101 last decade
hi dr. sb.
im feeling some activeness and healthiness. Having back some pain. stammering is decreased. bhinbhinahat in ears is remained. abdomen is bloated from lower bottom. taking bananas. stressed is decreased. here winter season is started. urine in night is 2 to 3 times. thirst in morning is decreased. have some conspitaion. pimples appeared on face. want to eat sweet things after eating. in morning and afternoon I feel less hunger at night dinner I have more hunger.
plz guide
[message edited by musman on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 19:24:34 GMT]
[message edited by musman on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 04:09:12 GMT]
im feeling some activeness and healthiness. Having back some pain. stammering is decreased. bhinbhinahat in ears is remained. abdomen is bloated from lower bottom. taking bananas. stressed is decreased. here winter season is started. urine in night is 2 to 3 times. thirst in morning is decreased. have some conspitaion. pimples appeared on face. want to eat sweet things after eating. in morning and afternoon I feel less hunger at night dinner I have more hunger.
plz guide
[message edited by musman on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 19:24:34 GMT]
[message edited by musman on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 04:09:12 GMT]
musman last decade
Please continue this for 1 more week. In the night, some time after dinner you should take Marhaba Isabghol, 2 teaspoons in a glass of milk (at room temp or slightly warm).
Please update after 1 wk.
Please update after 1 wk.
♡ Zady101 last decade
hi dr. sb.
feeling activeness in body. when I stop taking ispaghol I feel more conspitation. with ispaghol im feeling very active. stammering in still when I speak fast. bhinbhinahat I ears is as before. backpain is less. eye blurness is less. desires is diminished. vain appeared on hand. I cannot getup fresh, I want to sleep more at morning. urine is less. don't want to walk. more hunger is at night after taking drops. im having numbness in legs when pul the leg bychance. having sadness in life. thinks more abt myself. thinking that life is useless. lucrative dream comes. bones looks weak, sounds comes from hand and knee, and foot bones. hair is falling. deafness is hearing human voice. memory is some better. plz guide.
feeling activeness in body. when I stop taking ispaghol I feel more conspitation. with ispaghol im feeling very active. stammering in still when I speak fast. bhinbhinahat I ears is as before. backpain is less. eye blurness is less. desires is diminished. vain appeared on hand. I cannot getup fresh, I want to sleep more at morning. urine is less. don't want to walk. more hunger is at night after taking drops. im having numbness in legs when pul the leg bychance. having sadness in life. thinks more abt myself. thinking that life is useless. lucrative dream comes. bones looks weak, sounds comes from hand and knee, and foot bones. hair is falling. deafness is hearing human voice. memory is some better. plz guide.
musman last decade
Please take like this:
4 tabs Calc Phos + 2 tabs Nat Phos, 3 times a day.
Alfalfa q, 10 drops + Avena Sativa q, 7 drops.
Late Noon:
Alfalfa q, 10 drops
Avena Sativa q, 7 drops.
Update after 1 wk.
4 tabs Calc Phos + 2 tabs Nat Phos, 3 times a day.
Alfalfa q, 10 drops + Avena Sativa q, 7 drops.
Late Noon:
Alfalfa q, 10 drops
Avena Sativa q, 7 drops.
Update after 1 wk.
♡ Zady101 last decade
hi dr. sb.
im feeling well by the grace of God and ur guidance. im feeling active and healthy. stammering is less. ear bhinbhinahat is as it is. wants to talk more. my moods become now happy. desires is some increase. sleep is prolonged and dont get up fresh and dont want to early getup. Daily at night one time my sleep is disturbed and i getup for 3 to 4 mins. walk is some difficult. hunger is increased and wants to eat some sweet things after eating meal. i am taking 1 cup of tea at morning and 1 cup green tea after lunch. abdomen is bloated and dont loose. conspitaion is more. when i eat ispaghol with milk then conspitaion is removed and when i left ispaghol conspitaion is increased. here weather is very cold. i am feeling coldness in body. im having some pain in forehead. when joints of knee and ankle move sounds comes from bones. backpain is better. urine comes 1 to 2 times at night and 3 to 4 times in the morning and evening. sometimes takls myself and answer the questions by myself. Also tell me sometime i feel more gas in abdomen and feel headache what should i take then? plz guide the overall situation as well. thanks for ur continuous support.
[message edited by musman on Sun, 15 Dec 2013 18:56:13 GMT]
im feeling well by the grace of God and ur guidance. im feeling active and healthy. stammering is less. ear bhinbhinahat is as it is. wants to talk more. my moods become now happy. desires is some increase. sleep is prolonged and dont get up fresh and dont want to early getup. Daily at night one time my sleep is disturbed and i getup for 3 to 4 mins. walk is some difficult. hunger is increased and wants to eat some sweet things after eating meal. i am taking 1 cup of tea at morning and 1 cup green tea after lunch. abdomen is bloated and dont loose. conspitaion is more. when i eat ispaghol with milk then conspitaion is removed and when i left ispaghol conspitaion is increased. here weather is very cold. i am feeling coldness in body. im having some pain in forehead. when joints of knee and ankle move sounds comes from bones. backpain is better. urine comes 1 to 2 times at night and 3 to 4 times in the morning and evening. sometimes takls myself and answer the questions by myself. Also tell me sometime i feel more gas in abdomen and feel headache what should i take then? plz guide the overall situation as well. thanks for ur continuous support.
[message edited by musman on Sun, 15 Dec 2013 18:56:13 GMT]
musman last decade
Please take like this:
4 tabs Calc Phos 6X + 4 tabs Calc Flour 6X + 2 tabs Nat Phos 6X.
Morning and Late Noon only.
1) Alfalfa q, 10 drops + Avena Sativa q, 5 drops.
2) Glucosamine Sulphate 750 mg one tablet after good breakfast (if allergic to Sulpha or sulphur, don't take): 1 month.
Late Noon:
Alfalfa q, 10 drops
Avena Sativa q, 5 drops.
Update after 1 wk. Next wk we will stop Avena and Alfalfa and start Lycopodium 1M
[message edited by Zady101 on Sun, 15 Dec 2013 19:57:52 GMT]
4 tabs Calc Phos 6X + 4 tabs Calc Flour 6X + 2 tabs Nat Phos 6X.
Morning and Late Noon only.
1) Alfalfa q, 10 drops + Avena Sativa q, 5 drops.
2) Glucosamine Sulphate 750 mg one tablet after good breakfast (if allergic to Sulpha or sulphur, don't take): 1 month.
Late Noon:
Alfalfa q, 10 drops
Avena Sativa q, 5 drops.
Update after 1 wk. Next wk we will stop Avena and Alfalfa and start Lycopodium 1M
[message edited by Zady101 on Sun, 15 Dec 2013 19:57:52 GMT]
♡ Zady101 last decade
hi dr. sb.
Glucosamine Sulphate 750 mg
is not available in homeo and alopethic medical store. is this homeo or alopathic medicine. i have taken sulphar 30 but no benefit taken what alternative should i take? plz prescribe
Glucosamine Sulphate 750 mg
is not available in homeo and alopethic medical store. is this homeo or alopathic medicine. i have taken sulphar 30 but no benefit taken what alternative should i take? plz prescribe
musman last decade
This was a name of salt available in all pharmacies as part of some brand. What was the point in taking Sulphur 30. Did i ask for it? Now, please do not take Glucosamine Sulphate. Leave it. Please continue with rest of the stuff n update after 1 wk.
♡ Zady101 last decade
i have taken sulpher 30 i found some activeness then activeness goes down. thnx dr. sb.........
[message edited by musman on Mon, 16 Dec 2013 17:24:29 GMT]
[message edited by musman on Mon, 16 Dec 2013 17:24:29 GMT]
musman last decade
hi dr. sb. im using 4 tabs Calc Flour 6X morning and afternoon im having headache. I have stopped calc flor. now im much disappointed from life. im much sad. Thinking is increased. Desires is down. plz guide
[message edited by musman on Thu, 19 Dec 2013 18:29:49 GMT]
[message edited by musman on Thu, 19 Dec 2013 18:29:49 GMT]
musman last decade
hi dr. sb. I have stopped calc flor because of much headache. now im much disappointed from life. im much sad. Thinking is increased. Desires is down. Here the weather is very cold. im feeling much coldness in the body. plz guide
musman last decade
Please take a single dose of Lycopodium 1M. Just one dose.
♡ Zady101 last decade
hi dr. sb.
should i continue calc phos, nat phos, alfalfa q and avena sativa q????[message edited by musman on Sat, 21 Dec 2013 04:23:54 GMT]
should i continue calc phos, nat phos, alfalfa q and avena sativa q????[message edited by musman on Sat, 21 Dec 2013 04:23:54 GMT]
musman last decade
hi dr. sb.
i have taken 1 dose. im having much conspitaion and coldness in the body. stammering is increased. can i take chocolates. i want to eat sweet things after lunch and dinner. im having pain on forehead. plz guide.
i have taken 1 dose. im having much conspitaion and coldness in the body. stammering is increased. can i take chocolates. i want to eat sweet things after lunch and dinner. im having pain on forehead. plz guide.
musman last decade
Take Isabghol once in day, and ferrum phos 6X, 4 tabs 3 times a day.
♡ Zady101 last decade
hi dr. sb.
my health is now down. im feeling much sleep and want to sleep more and longer. abdomen is not going down.
thinking is increased. Anger is increased. dont want to meet with peoples. im taking isabghol daily at night
without milk and taking ferum phos. having much coldness in legs and body. my throat is not well,
some kharash is in throat with flu. desires is less. stammering is less. bhinbhinahat in ear as it is.
plz prescribe.
[message edited by musman on Wed, 25 Dec 2013 12:18:40 GMT]
my health is now down. im feeling much sleep and want to sleep more and longer. abdomen is not going down.
thinking is increased. Anger is increased. dont want to meet with peoples. im taking isabghol daily at night
without milk and taking ferum phos. having much coldness in legs and body. my throat is not well,
some kharash is in throat with flu. desires is less. stammering is less. bhinbhinahat in ear as it is.
plz prescribe.
[message edited by musman on Wed, 25 Dec 2013 12:18:40 GMT]
musman last decade
♡ Zady101 last decade
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