The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hair loss after taking homeopathy medicines
hiiam 26 yr male residing in new delhi.
I have a hair loss problem since past 1 year when i started taking homepathy medicines for my hair fall.when i started taking medicines my problem became worse and it si not stopping.
i should also mention here that i have a liver problem for which i took medication 2 years back . After taking medicines i noticed hair fall so i decided to go for homeopathy as it is considered safe and reliable.
but now i am having a nightmare every day since as my hair is falling much more and my skin is showing at the crown area of my head...
plz some1 help me out of this situation
kunal_rana on 2013-06-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
i know that my hair is falling now bcoz of the homeopathy medicine i took...
why is this reaction or side effect is not going....what should i do now
why is this reaction or side effect is not going....what should i do now
kunal_rana last decade
any1 plz help me out
i read in one of the post that antidote of homeopathy can remove the symtoms of the homeopathy medicines...right now i am even scared to try for another homeopathy medicines as it may further increase my hair loss and my leftover hair also will be gone...
what should i do now......plz guide me
i read in one of the post that antidote of homeopathy can remove the symtoms of the homeopathy medicines...right now i am even scared to try for another homeopathy medicines as it may further increase my hair loss and my leftover hair also will be gone...
what should i do now......plz guide me
kunal_rana last decade
any1 plz reply i need help...
i read in one of the similiar post and the dr gave Aloe 30 and Hydrastis 30 (2 pellets of each) for he person suffering..
can i aslo take same medicine
...and if not what can i take to antidote
i read in one of the similiar post and the dr gave Aloe 30 and Hydrastis 30 (2 pellets of each) for he person suffering..
can i aslo take same medicine
...and if not what can i take to antidote
kunal_rana last decade
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