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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sexual problems

Dear sir please help me -+
Age. - 35 ' 52kg - 170 c.m.thin male
Musterbation - 14 to 35 age
Premature emission - 21 to 35 of age
Musterbation of age 22 to 35 in night when go to sleep on bad. I think about seaxual thought and tuch my penis with pilo only once or two time emission ocured. Weakness. And fatigued after emission and go to sleep very soon.
Next day neck pain back pain and legs pain.I have headache also . head pain in head bones.
Tests -retraction to upward by clothes when sitting on chair.
tingling in tests when think about sex.
symptomes +--++
like. Sweat mostly
Rapeid talking
hair falling out after bath
gray premature
Vertigo. When rising from chair or bed
nervousness when talking somebody
lack of confidence . Hasitation when meet or talking somebody.
Chilliness by air of fan in room and during bath. Chilliness feel mostly in back.
sweat when walking and talking somebody. On face forehead. And back .
many naeves on skin. Five naeves on panis.
back nack and leggs pain also increase after sitting.
Habit. Smoking. 14 to 35 age
When I was 5 or 6 I had 10 to 20 cm long warmes I had taken alopathy.
I had also very sort and thin worms in stool till about age 25 . I can't say when and this warms syop in my stool. But I had taken some ayurvadic medision for my sexual problames.
always when my weakness discrease sex disire increase.
when stool is soft burning in anus. After stool and when stool is hard not burning in anus. I have a long constipation history.
Lachrymation when lay down some time.
Desire. To lay down on bad. I cant sit for long time. When I sit bent forward
Toung coating brown after drink tea
Gums black along margin.
Teeth feel cold when drink cold water.
I cant stand for long time pain .
when istand for 5minute pain in leggs.lachrymation.yawing. and voice roaring in ear
[message edited by ppsingh on Sun, 14 Jul 2013 08:31:06 BST]
[message edited by ppsingh on Mon, 15 Jul 2013 09:25:22 BST]
[message edited by ppsingh on Mon, 15 Jul 2013 15:54:19 BST]
  ppsingh on 2013-07-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please any dr. Sugest remedy.
Thanks in advance.
ppsingh last decade
Please sugest homeopathy remedy for me. Thanks in advance.
ppsingh last decade

Kindly visit my post http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/261268/1

I would suggest you to get hold of Cantharis vesicatoria 6. Please take a dose daily atleast 1-2 hours before bed time. It will reduce/eliminate the masturbation desire.

Take the medicine for a week and update accordingly.

mani_jee last decade
Dear mani jee thank you very much for sugetion. Sir let me inform u that I had taken many homeo remedy. But only origanum q show some result ( reduce musterbation desire) but not complete. Sir can I take canth. With origanum q or only canth or can I change potency of origanum.
Dear sir I want to say one more thing
That cal. Carb. Have my most of symptoms but cant. have some of my symptoms. Sir a poor homeo knowledge person like me need ur sugesion. Thanks one again.
ppsingh last decade

Have you used cantharis before?
Tell me which remedies/potencies haveyou used?
Homeopathy is a vast field, you need to have lots of studies/experience to make a choice between remidies, and self prescribing will irrevorsable damage, so one need to be very careful.
mani_jee last decade
Dear sir yes I had taken canth. 30 three time a day.
ppsingh last decade
Three year before I started to take homeo remedy. I had used china. 30.200 .1m Alumina. Stephisagaria. Plumbum met.(because a blue/black line on gums) .canth. 30 .argentam nit.
Bryonia. Agnus cactus. Cannabis ind. Cobaltum. Conium. Ferrum met. Ginseng. Graphitis. Ignatia. Lachesis. Nux vomica. Sulpher. Sepia. Selenium.
All salt tissu remedy. Most of remedy I taken in 30 for 2 or 3 days
when I feel no improvment than change.
ppsingh last decade
Ambra grisa. Agaricus. Acid phos. Phosphorus. Zincum met. Tabacum. Platina. Plantago maj. Rush tox. Lyco.
I remembar that only china alumina and nat. Mur reduse my sex desire but only for first three days not after that but origanum reduce for three days and two days and four days and again three days.
I did musterbation after 2 or 3 day but when I started remedy I doing musterbation everdy or one day after. After taking a remedy wheni feel some physical power I cant stop myself to think sexual thing and musterbation.as much a remedy give me power as much sexual desire increase.
One more thing I want to say that most. Of musterbtive persons have shy low onfident and fearfull and this is more dificult to talk on sex promlems.
It is ease to writing his problems in detail. Because of this they go here and there or cure himself.
I thing this is a right place all of them.
thank you very much. I am wait for ur respose.
ppsingh last decade
what is the interval between the dosage of origanam q?
[message edited by mani_jee on Thu, 04 Jul 2013 19:20:59 BST]
mani_jee last decade
Origanum q 10 drops and three times per day. 8am in mornning 12.30 pm in noon. 7pm in evening . You are so kind for me to take intrest in my case. Thanks for this.
[message edited by ppsingh on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 06:27:51 BST]
[message edited by ppsingh on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 06:44:46 BST]
ppsingh last decade

Please tell me what potency of Sepia have you used?
mani_jee last decade
Sepia 30 thrice a day
ppsingh last decade

Stop with all the medicine.

You start with coffee one cup daily, continue it for 1 week, don't bother about the masturbation habbit. It will be covered very soon, but first we need to remove the ill-effects of previously taken medicine.

After 1 week of coffee, take a single dose of Nux V 200 and keep me updated.
[message edited by mani_jee on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:18:04 BST]
mani_jee last decade
O k I have started ur sugesion. Thank u. Very much once again.
ppsingh last decade
Dear sir as ur sugestion I taken one cup of coffee everyday and than nux 200 in morning two day before. I feel some improvement in sex problems. In past when I thought about sex my panis erect esely but not now. I did not musterbation in last two night.
when I awaken from sleep I found my panis is erect. I have found this every time when I awoke. After taken nux I gone stool first time intoday morning. After stool anus buning feeling for sort time. Stool was soft and large. What do next. Please reply. Thank you very much.
ppsingh last decade
Dear sir after two day breack I do musterbation yesterday ( 12july 2013)night . I thing after stool I feel some sansation in prineum area whole day and this is my old symptomp. Can this relate my problems. What I will do next? Pls reply. Thank you very much.
[message edited by ppsingh on Sat, 13 Jul 2013 03:37:10 BST]
[message edited by ppsingh on Sat, 13 Jul 2013 03:41:01 BST]
ppsingh last decade
Dear sir please reply
[message edited by ppsingh on Sun, 14 Jul 2013 08:16:09 BST]
ppsingh last decade
Pls sugest me what I do next. Pls reply.
[message edited by ppsingh on Sun, 14 Jul 2013 08:17:54 BST]
ppsingh last decade
Please any specilist sugest me right homeo remady. Thanks.
[message edited by ppsingh on Sun, 14 Jul 2013 08:19:15 BST]
ppsingh last decade
Hi. Pls any specilits sugest me. Thank u very much.
ppsingh last decade
Dr kadwa please take my case.
[message edited by ppsingh on Mon, 15 Jul 2013 15:55:25 BST]
ppsingh last decade
Please take a single dose of sepia 200 n report back after a week.

Sorry for late reply.

mani_jee last decade
Dear sir. As ur sugetion I had taken nux 200 on 10 july. Because ur late reply I also taken stephisegriya 200 once on 14 julay next two day my sexual desire dicrease. On 16 july I taken sepia 200 . After that my desire increase. At this time my neck back. Legs and head pain decrease. Vertigo also diceease. Sansation in my spermatic cord is same as before and this increase my sex passion. What next pls reply.

ppsingh last decade

Taking staphysigria after nux was a wrong step and afterwards sepia, without bringing into my notice that youhave taken staph.

You must be aware that renedies have relationship. Sepia works good if given after nux, and I was trying to antidote the ill effects of previous medicines, then I would have taken your complete history and based on that history I would have prescribed you your constitutional medicine.

However, please take a single dose of nux v 200 and report back in 3 days. During that time dont take any further medication.
mani_jee last decade
Deae mani ji I have taken nux 200 today and I will report u on 26 july.
Thank u very - very much to take intrest in my case. I am extremly sory to do mistake. Actualy my nature is to hury. I completly follow ur sugetion in future.
one more thing I want to say : can I show my some more symptoms if u need.
thank u very much .
ppsingh last decade

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