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Paralysis on the right part of body Page 2 of 2

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Please make it 2 drops in 6 teaspoons water.

Complete the remaining 3 days and update me in detail.
Zady101 last decade

Will Update you after three days
fakhruddin.mota last decade
Today Five days of Nux Vom-30 completed. The first incident I told you, that after 2 days of the dose in the morning about 3.30 he felt very relaxed there after we increased the dose '2 drops in six teaspoon of water'.
Now the situation is the same no change in pain and inflation and he telling that his hands and legs are becoming more tight and heavy day by day. he is having problem in walking, standing going to bathroom. Blood Pressure is normal 132:90. and he is not able to sleep properly, do not what is going in his mind.
fakhruddin.mota last decade
Ok, please stop Nux Vomica. I will come back to you with a prescription late in the day or tomorrow.
Zady101 last decade
Dear Zady

My Father is feeling very unstable because of Pain and inflation in his body, and unable to strech his hands and legs because of tight muscles. please kindly give your prescription am waiting for it

Thanking You

fakhruddin.mota last decade
Please give your father Phosphorus 200

Please dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water. Stir several times.

Do this once a day for 3 days.

Please update me after 5 days.

Zady101 last decade
My mother is 60 years old had left brain stroke (hemorrhagic stroke) in February 2015 its been almost 2 years she’s taking Ayurvedic medicines but I don’t see any significant changes. Her right side is paralyzed and she lost her motor functions in right hands and legs walks slowly with help of walker. Which medicine is to be given (RhusTox, Causticum, Arinca)? Please suggest homeopathic medicine with proper dosage
vinay2224 8 years ago

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