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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tinnitus (constant noises in both ears) Page 3 of 4

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i have undergone something similar to you.i had pneumonia last year 28 dec 12.was putup on antibiotics for 15 days like livoflox.azeethromycin.got out of it.for next one month feeling week no proper sleep.uninterested etc.than in month of feb first weak 2012 i experienced summer insect sound in both ears it is more in left ear.seen ENTs had different medicenes no relief.i than saw a homeopethic doc near me had given pills and i am on this treatment for last one month.so pls pls can any one help me to get out of this .
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please take three doses of Nux Vomica 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
thanx for quick reply sir.
before i bigin with u r treatment should i continue the ongoing treatment like i am having Neurozan(Mayer) after breakfast everyday,and homeopathy like kali phos 30 (4 pills four times a day.... all the above prescription is for one month...
than you and regards
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please stop kali phos 30. Please phase out neurozan over a period of time.
kadwa last decade
thank you kadwa.i have given a thought on Nux Vomica 200 use and decided to go for it.by reading other post etc. please tell me whether it 200 or 200 c or 200x etc.and where to get it. i stay in pune india. please guide.do you need any other details for further investigation and lastly can you tell me the cause of my tinnitus. I am asking you this because i was physically very fit man had never ever had major illnesses throughout my life but with this tinnitus i have gone crazy.
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please walk in any homeopathic pharmacy and ask for Nux Vomica 200C. There are hundreds of pharmacy shops in Pune. Your symptoms point to Nux and it may work for you. Keep us updated.
kadwa last decade
thank you. i am going to start the doses as per your advice.hope all will go fine and i will come out of this irritating and disguisting noise in the ear.
rajkumar2831 last decade
sir can eat everything other than what you have mentioned.like curd,milk products,lemon,non veg etc
rajkumar2831 last decade
You may, if you are not sensitive to these items. But in moderate quantity.
kadwa last decade
kadwaji i have tken the taken the first and second dose today morning and evening as per your advice.there was lot of leftside ringing today throughout the day.and rightside was as usual unnoticeable but was their.i felt neck and head to be warm.hope kadwaji with you and gods blessing it will fade away.i am really very very desperate to get out of this.
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please wait and watch now.
kadwa last decade
Thank uou kadwaji for u r reply u r doing a very nice job inthis world may god give health wealth and prosperity.if one want to see u in person is that possible if u r near by pune. thank you...... i have done with the third dose today morning.thnaks a very very much.......i am very possitive of the result hope it will come....good day sir bye.. and regards
rajkumar2831 last decade
kadwaji its the second day after my last dose.meanwhile i have stooped all my ongoing medicenes such as neurozan and kali phos 30.the intensity of buzzing /ringing is low as it use to be sometimes before Nux vomica200.but the pain in left ear is as it is and i like to close the and press in and around area to get relief.seconly i have leftside headache with slight irritation in left eye and feels tiered.also i have mucus like dirt in the eyes perticularly when i get up in morning.because of this i am afraid something wrong in the brain. this is not something which started after i began with u r treatment but was their before also which i dint mention before in the forum.please guide..... and i will update with the development in tinnitus....
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please wait and watch. Nux looks better after the additional data you have provided.
kadwa last decade
kadwaji had a good sleep yesterday after so many days....for sometime atleast i had forgotten that i have tinnitus.ringing/buz intensity is low overall i am feeling better lets see further thank u.
rajkumar2831 last decade
today is 4 th day and the buzz/noise in the ear has definately gone down (i dont notice it,for a minute or two it comes and goes)but when ears are closed it is their.have good sleep at night.had headache yesterday heavy head and a feeling of womittig went away at night while sleeping, probably because of acidity.i am eating properly unlike before.overall there is improvement.thank u kadwaji you are like god to me.
rajkumar2831 last decade
sir i wrote yesterday of my well being.but the ringing has again came in yesterday evening and had since than till now which made me to write you this early.The last night sleep was disturbed, inturupted and full of dreams.this is 5th day into our treatment.please suggest.
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please take a single dose of Nux Vomica 200. Wait and watch after a single dose.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwaji took the single dose on 12th itself felt some improvement during 12th night and 13 th day but 13 th night and today morning it was there.overall intensity is low but i cant come out of that all the time.i keep on thinking of the same and get frustrated and depressed.i feel tired and wants to sleep a sound and peacefull sleep but when i go to bed after some time i feel as if the ringing resonance is achieved through out my body and that keeps me awakened.after i took the nux first three doses for few days i felt as if i am going to come out of this.... but than later on same initial thoughts are back.but let me tel u the intesity of sound is little low.....please guide.will i be ever be like before please help.
thank you and regards
rajkumar2831 last decade
Dear Kadwaji after a lot of thining and reading u r so many views on this forum i have few questions in my mind such as u did not ask me the questionair u ask others and secondly i did not gave u the full details of my treatment and feelings hence please bear me and advice.......
Last year in month of may12 i had soar throat hence bought erithromycin on my own one tablet and took it.soar throat went after few days.form there onwards i use to have sore throat runny nose and ends up in cough regularly and after taking cough syrups and other medicines adviced by dr. It use to go.this happened three times as per memory goes.one time it so happened that i had very bad cold allmost for three days nose was blocked had pain below eyes when pressed as if mucus is saturated.during all this i was at low but use to have good sleep so again i use to at work.coughing was very bad in between and took cough syrups but it went on its own.i use to have head ache quite often use perticularly in the evening.after a nights sleep it would go.i use to feel warmness in the nostrils while inhaling and outhaling.when i use to have nose picking i use to have blood stains in mucus very less allthough.throat use to be etchy scratcy etc.this went on till noev 2012 mid.for those 15 days i had no cough nothing till 29th nov 12.but suddenly next day i had pleuratic pain on left side below chest ribs.got xray and was admitted.it transformed into pneumonia was kept on antibiotic for 6 days(azeehromycin) during this i had fewer spikes and it persisted so the drs did brinchoscopy to take the fluid which was non tappable.i was changed to livoflox for another 6 days during which i recovered.15 th dec 12 i was discharged.around 2nd jan 13 i had again cold runny nose warmness in nostrils headache and left ear was heavy as if blocked.7 th jan i had cough so visited the same doc where i was admitted told him everything he advice me to have azee 500mg for three days 1 each day.cough and cold went away but the weakness persisted for almost 1 month.i had some vitamin suppliments,sleeping pills and anti acidity tablets meanwhile.in the first week of feb13 i had a ringing sence in ears i repotred to doc he said it will go.the ringing was low and use to exp at night perticularly.the doc adviced me second time to an ENT who checked me and adviced with Bilovas for 10 days.from here onwards i really had noticeable ringing.more in left as i told u earlie.went to another ENT he advice d me with cognix,esfolin etc .had a audogram which was normal.took cignix for 20 days and stopped. After 10 days gap i again visited the second ENT he told me that i shouldnot have stopped the med and adviced me with Absolut 3G for one mont .two tablets per day alon with espholin one each day.there was absolute no relief of tinnitus.rather it was worst.sssssuuuueeee noise was there in left ear intesly as compare to right..some ent said itis choclear damage some said ven damage some said i will have to live with this etc etc.....meanwhle i was surfing and trying tofing solution.i felt homeo is the best.....so went to homeo doc...she took all the history details and started a cource to which i was new.one weekyl dose powdered form+one alternate day dose and one regular one that use to be 4 pills per dose three times a day except on those of weekly and alt day doses.i dont know their names because she dint give.from 2 april last week till june 5 i took but in vain. Zero develoment.5th june i stopped everything .....i felt good from 9th june til 15th.again i started with homeo again the problem returned i told the homeo doc but she said i have to be patient and take this for 6 months...improvement will be there.......i was fed of this...finalyy went to allopathy md medicene doc who adviced me with neurozane and kaly phos 30 and then i came in on ABC of homeo pathy and contacted u.

Finaly i with sincerity can say that whatever development is there it was with u r prescription.i am going to follow u come what may be the outcome.secondly i have a worry that due to some reason if u stop visiting this forum than what should i do.thirdly i am ready to accept the changes in my homeopath treatment if u feel by reading the above details.will there be any effect of in between homeo treatment that i took before u r advice.thank u for reading such a long post.this i felt necessary bcs i want the treatment to go right dir.and i should not hide any thing
.sir i am man of 36 years old.married with 4 year child.very introvert and honest.please guide.
Sorry for long post.
Thank u and regards.
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please take Nux Vomica 200 daily in the evening for 5 days and see how that affects.

Don't worry about my presence here. i have been here since 5 years!!
kadwa last decade
If there is flare up in between you should take a single dose of Lycopodium 200. If no flare up don't take Lyc.
kadwa last decade
thank you sir i will keep updating the develoments.
rajkumar2831 last decade
dear sir its 12 th day into treatment.i can see a very good development.although there is slight up and down in the ringing some time during the 24 hours of the day.at this point of time shall i have the 5 day doses you have suggested from today or shall i wait.next thing is could u please explain the meaning of flare up between you.overall i can say 40% reduction in the sound.
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please wait for few days before starting with 5 dose plan. Flare up means unbearable spike that won't go away within a bearable period.
kadwa last decade
sir thank you for further explaination.today is 14 th day into treatment.as i have said i am happy with the improvement though it is 40%.the left ear prominent ringing is lowered and unniticeable during day while surrounding sound. sleep is improved .but when it is quite or when i close the ear sound is still their.intesity of ringing goes up and down but rarely unlike before.please guide.thank you
rajkumar2831 last decade

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