The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss problem from last 4 -5 yrs
Hi , My name Kishan from New Delhi , India . My hair has been falling since last 4-5yrs.Lots of baldness shows on my head . I am under a lot of stress . It is very complicated that i m going bald in this age .I lost and losing hair completely on TOP ,PARIETAL RIDGE and TEMPLE areas .My hair are dry , dull , itching problem in scalp with dandruff .
Right now , i m using an Ayurvedic Tail since last 6 months , but when i don't use this Tail . Hair starts falling again .
So please solve my problem . If there are best medicines in Homeopathic with help of that we can stop hair falling and get regrowth in hair complete . Can i get my hair completely back .
So please solve my problem . I will very grateful to you .
Here is my description :
Name - Kishan
Gender - Male
Age - 26yrs
Weight - around 62kgs
height - 174cms
Country - New Delhi ,India
krisshpal on 2013-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Ignatia 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
♡ kadwa last decade
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