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Premature Ejaculation



Posts about Premature Ejaculation

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

premature ejaculation and eradication problem with less and liquid semen

Please help me to get relief from my premature ejaculation problem its because my my excessive masturbation, when ever I see or put my hand there it will ejaculate with in 3 to 4 seconds please help me to get out of this situation,
My penis erect but become soft after few minutes although during intercourse. semen quantity is less and thin. Size become small compare to before Masterbation.
Somebody please help me to get out of from all these problem and to enjoy happy life. Many thanks.
  MSBA_B on 2013-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Staphysagaria 1000 one dose daily evening time for three days and then weekly dose for one month .selenium 30 one dose night time after five days of staphysagaria .selenium to be taken for 7 days pl report
akshaymohl last decade
Hi dr.... I m saeed.... I have a similar problem i had beed masturbating for long and now i have a reduced or shrinked penis with small testicle size... I have thr same symptoms of depression, anxiety low self esteem and lack of confidence.... Although i m a medical student too but now i m suffering in my studies... I dont masturbate now but when i do not i get ejaculate when i sleep mostly without any dream and i do have premature ejaculation... Please do reply ASAP
Age 19
Sex male
Suffering from this since 3 years
I dont usually get until i think of any sexual activity
I have lost alot of muscle mass of my body and i usually get stomach problems like constipation and i have less appetite as compared to people of this age
Height 5'8
Weight 60 kg
I havent taken any medications yet do lemme know what should i start with
Please help ASAP
[message edited by Saeed07 on Thu, 18 Jul 2013 09:08:19 BST]
Saeed07 last decade
Thanks Dr. currently i am taking Lyco, caladium, aswagandha and agnus castus. please advice if i need to drop anything or add anything.
MSBA_B last decade

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