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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Delayed speech and possible ADHD

My three year old son is having the following symptoms.
1. He is not making any attempts to talk or call even the parents or tell us even if he is thirsty. He can just search for cups on dining table and try to drink from that - even if its empty. He just cries when he needs something.
2. He has difficulty concentrating if he is taught anything; He won’t sit for few minutes at a time or listen to what we tell him. His eye contact with us lasts for a may be just a second or two.
3. He doesn’t come when he is called. But responds to calls when given food.
4. He watches TV well, likes to play with musical toys, touch screen of mobile phones and other toys. He understands the command NO very well. So we guess the hearing ability is normal.
5. He walks a lot between rooms and desires to wander, at home or outside. He is fond of walking up the stairs.
6. He grinds his teeth so much during the day. Though we have dewormed him, it didn’t stop.
7.He gets up dull in the morning but is active in nights.
8.When he lies on the bed or walks, he has frequent nervous symptoms.
• While waling - he stops walking and his hands and legs are held tight and he express feelings as if he is shivering for about 5 to 10 seconds. Then he walks normally as if nothing happened.
• While lying on bed – he raises both hands and limbs upright and “shivers” for 5-10 seconds and then he becomes normal.

He was born normally and without difficulty.
My wife was stressed out with emotionally during late pregnancy for even small things.
We are really worried as this is our first son. Please suggest how we can cure him.

Thanks in advance !
  worried father on 2013-07-26
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