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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Head injury and adhd

Can natrum sulphur 200 be given at a stretch of seven days..one dose daily ?
Can Tarentula hispanica 200 be given in the same manner as above for a four year old child?
  sunny19 on 2019-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Remedies are meant to trigger the life force to act.Once there is
A reaction to a remedy, the life force is acting. If you give more doses,
It will overwhelm the life force. You will then have
Original symptoms return or new symptoms.

A 200c can have effects from one dose for at least 2 weeks.

If there is an injury, remedies and dosing may be different.

You need experienced advice .
simone717 5 years ago
What was the type of injury the child sustained?

Have you given arnica and hypericum as a first aid?

Nat. Sulph. can be given for ill-effects following head injury especially mental issues and weakness of mind/memory. But the dosing needs to be fine tuned. One dose per day for a week will be overdose. One dose per week upto eight doses(if significant improvement is seen --5 to 6 doses will suffice) would be comparatively better.
maheeru 5 years ago
Maheeru- if you click poster name you can see
Some history- but there is no info about head

Previous homeopaths or naturopaths have given
Mechanical dosing with no seeming knowledge
They are overdosing and wrecking any good effect
A remedy may have.
simone717 5 years ago
Agreed with Maheeru,

Hypericum is the best remedy for the head injury, but more detailed history must be shared for better remedy selection.
HealthyWorld 5 years ago
My child had a head injury 2 yrs back when he was 2 years old.I was not present at home at that time but the caregiver had said that his head struck a wooden board.I had my in laws at home but no arnica was given at that time.when I came back home 6 hours after the incident I found a profound head swelling and then had given him arnica.I learnt that there was no vomiting and everything seemed ok.

After 3 weeks one night he vomited 7 times ..the doctor said that it was due to gas or food poisoning and prescribed medicines for the same.but strangely after few days after that episode he seemed restless and tried to stay on his own..His started to speak less and did not frequently respond to his name..
And then we came up to know that he is showing minimal Autistic symptoms and was asked to provide behavioural and speech therapy to him..
He improved ..but no sentences yet.

We went to homeopathic dr s..first he was given belladonna 30 and 200 for about a month which made him worse and we stopped the medicine.next after one year we went to another doctor who suggested Chamomilla30 which we gave him for a few days and he seemed irritated .then Hysocyamus was suggested for more than 2 weeks twice a day which we never gave..

Next we went to a b.h.m.s dr who prescribed natrum sulphur 200 2 drops once a day for 1 week.my child has taken 3 doses so far in the last 3 days.He is sleeping late at night but waking up late..but it had happened sometimes before.
Next he has prescribed tarentula Hispanica 200 2drops per day in the morning for one week just like natrum sulphur which is to be given after the dosage of natrum sulphur is over..

...Everyone has suggested there are good medicines for autism in homeopathy ..we are worried about our child
sunny19 5 years ago
The dr who has prescribed the medicines said due to the marked restlessness my childc may be having ADHD and ASD both.
sunny19 5 years ago
If your child is under doctor care then would not want to disturb the course. How many doses of arnica were given post injury?

I'm not in agreement of this kind of dosage to give N. sulph 200c(it's a deep acting polycrest) every day for a week esp. when the child is just 4+ and have sensitive concerns. But most of the doctors you visit are likely to prescribe this kind of dosage. So it's a catch.

What i would suggest is try to find another dr or hpath who can accomodate these concerns or try to talk to this dr and impress upon him your concerns about daily dosage, alternatively you can talk to him and tell him that you would go with weekly once dosage.
maheeru 5 years ago
Arnica was given twice ...the swelling then subsided on its own the second day.
I suppose the Tarentula hispanica 200 dosage of 7 days at a stretch is also too much..will a 3 day dosage will be fine?
sunny19 5 years ago
It's too soon to give Tarentula at this time. Let Nat. Sulph. work for sometime. Give a few weeks. Then follow it up with tarentula if symptom set points towards it. Or other options: either go to N. sulph. 1M if symptoms have not changed much or if another remedy is indicated then that remedy shall be given.
maheeru 5 years ago
Tarentula was suggested for my child's hyperactivity..He is quite restless and jumps up and down..tends to climb and snatches things ..especially food
sunny19 5 years ago
I have not seen much changes in my child after the Nat sulphur dosage.it has been 3 days since he is not taking nat sulph.
Infact he was having sleeping difficulties at night when he was taking nat sulph 200 ..but when I stopped giving it to him after 3 days ..he is not having much sleeping problems at night.
His restlessness is still there and have not subsided ..
sunny19 5 years ago
Hi sunny19

It's a good thing that with a minor tweak, sleep trouble improved.

I'd be inclined to try Arnica in higher potencies along with Hypericum and redo N. Sulph with higher potencies and also follow them with Cicuta(if there is no significant improvement after N. Sulph high potency) before going for tarentula or something else for hyperactivity. Since most of his troubles can be traced to that head injury, focussing on it may be worthwhile as an etiological factor. And if nothing happened atleast the block it'd have created would be undone and after that other remedies can work well. Of course this all remains theory until we are proved right with action. My perspective may differ from others.

You have to see what your doctor thinks or feels.
maheeru 5 years ago
Thank you
sunny19 5 years ago
Please help me about the Tarentula dosage .Will a 2 to 3 day dosage will be proper or I have to continue it for 1 wk at a stretch ?
sunny19 5 years ago
I wrote Tarentula could be postponed till we go through remedies for head injury.

If you are so insistent on Tarentula, then go for weekly dosage. Instead of taking it on a daily basis for six to seven days. Let him take one dose per week.
maheeru 5 years ago

What Maheeru is trying to do is make sure
Thru the remedies he is suggesting— that
The head injury is fully treated. Because the
Head injury could be the CAUSE of the other
Symptoms of restlessness etc.

I remember a case by another homeopath,
Where a husband started changes in behavior/
Restless, irritated, violent moods. No one could
Figure it out , until after an interview with the homeopath,
Where he mentioned a head injury at a young age.
After getting Arnica, etc he was back to normal
Again. So it is very important that the head injury
Is attended to- and it can take time to do this.
simone717 5 years ago
My child has become quite hyperactive.he is not able to sit still..throws clothes here and there...he becomes a little calm when he listens to music..it has been difficult to sit him do his school work or therapy work..that is why I was looking for a medicine to reduce the hyperactivity and increase his attention span and concentration .
sunny19 5 years ago
I understand. However, wrong homeopathic
Remedies will suppress symptoms just like
Allopathic drugs do. There will not be any
Cure. For example, a person with eczema
Taking meds or creams will stop eczema
Symptoms, but then later the person develops
Allergies. If you give them the right remedy ?
The allergies will leave and the real problem
Of eczema will show up again and one has
To let it show up , and the more times it was
Suppressed ? Indicates how many times it will
Keep appearing until it finally is cured.

If you try tarentula and it works?
Then does not work? Your doctor is going
To come up with more surface type remedies
That are symptom related and not deep cure.

So, if you want to try it- please read the materia
Medica on tarentula and follow one dose
A week and see what happens- overdose will
Bring up new things in the materia medica-
Which will be very hard to deal with.

Homeopathy can take time, and improvements
Like sleep etc are the body resetting itself.
You have to stay the course.
simone717 5 years ago
Thank you.
sunny19 5 years ago
After taking nat sulph 200 c for 3 consecutive days..my child has not taken any medicine for 2 weeks.can any medicine be given now? I have not seen any such changes in his speech or behaviour after giving nat sulph
sunny19 5 years ago
2 weeks is a good waiting period. You can either continue with 200c of N. sulph for a few more doses(doses be spaced apart by a gap of one or two weeks), or you can move to 1M of this medicine. Again the gap matters here(1M). Will have to give 2 weeks between any two doses.
maheeru 5 years ago

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