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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Good Morning,

I have a 8 year old who has been diagnosed with ADHD since the age of 6. I tried adderall and guanfacine but have dedcied not to medicate him. We have tried some natural supplements but nothing has worked so far. I did my research and purchased Baryta carb 30c and lycopodium clavatum 30c. I am looking for help on dosage. I was looking for the assistnce of Dr. Reva and anyone else with similar situation.

Thanks in advance!

  simplychi83 on 2018-04-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
ADHD is not a disease itself but a reflection of some underlying deficiency.
It is almost impossible to investigate 360 degree of your case here.But homeopathy has good remedy to treat such cases.
I would like to suggest you to visit any Homeo Hospital immediately.
Dr R Basu 6 years ago

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