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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Central Serous retinopathy

Is there any effective treatment for Central serous retinopathy in homeopathy.This case has no other deseases like diabetes,Hypertenstion or stress.Suddenly felt slightly diminished |(shadow) centrally and reduced brightness altogether in one eye.Can see but in darkness cannot see what he sees with other eye.Diagnosed by oophthalmologist but says no specific treatment required.

Can any homeopathic doctor give a solution for this.
Thank you
  Kulet on 2004-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have been suffering from Central serous Retinopathy in left eye.
My vision is quite improved , but still some colours are not very bright like blue, green and some wavy vision is still present . Are there further chances of improvement ?
vivekpal last decade
For low potency remedy that will almost certainly help use Ruta 6x twice a day for a period of 10/14 days and note any improvement .
For hi potency one would need to match the person to the remedy . The most likely remedy is Nat Mur . Study that one and see if you match it.
passkey last decade
I - male/31- am having CSR for the past 1 year for my left eye. Eye gets better sometimes, but not complete cure. I could notice that during tensed mood, the blurness increases. For 1 month, I have head ache through out day and night. Just wondering if anyone got any improvement after doing the treatment.
jobytc last decade
passkey last decade
I have been identified for the same CSR (Central Ser...)

Could you pls someone share if there is any effective treatment in homeopathy?
Any help will be greatly appreciated?
Also I saw the post to take 'Ruta 6x ' and/or Nat Mur. What are these and how do I get it? Are these safe and what is the purpose?

qqura1 last decade
I took nat mur for phlegm related head ache and started to see symptoms of CSR
dpnctl 7 years ago
There is treatment for CSR. You will have to provide more information about yourself. One medicine will not work for all.
telescope 7 years ago

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