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Arthritis3rheumatoid arthritis5Mother (66yo) suffers from painful cramps, stretched-painful nerve and osteo-arthritis22Chronic rheumatoid arthritis10Please help - need remedy recommendations for joint pain and psoriatic arthritis1Rheumatoid arthritis1Osteoarthritis26Rheumatoid arthritis5Osteoarthritis22Psoriatic Arthritis3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

My mother sufferes from Arthritis

My Mother is 51 years old. She sufferes from obesity and overweight. Since last 2 years she has been suffering from arthritis. She observes a lot of discomfort while walking, climbing stairs, standing for a long time etc. her Knees ache a lot and she feels exhausted too. Around the time of her menustration cycle (say before 8 - 10 days)her calfs (the area between knee and ankle) pain a lot at night. she has to apply pain relief balm and at times also take pain killers to help her overcome the pain and get to sleep.
please suggest a good remedy for her case.
  samrita on 2005-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If it is due to over weight,reduce the waight with fiet control and brisk walk.The medicines used for reducing weight are of three types.
1.Reduce the appetite.
2.Increase the urinary out put.
3.Increase the metabolic action.
When the medicines like phytolacca berry tincture are goven for wt reduction the metabolic action of the body is increased the patient dont tolerate appetite so he eats more thus the wt instead of decreasing it increases.
If your problem is not due to obesity,u can use formica rufa 6c 10 drops thrice daily for 30 days.If you dont feel any relief ,contact again.
sajjadakram635 last decade
It is diet not fiet.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear Sajjad,

Indeed she is suffering because of over weight. Now she since she feels fatique she is not really able to work out and lose weight. secondly since her knee ails perinnially she cant really indulge in brist walking as well. Her diet on the other hand is also quite normal so she doesnt need to control that too..

I just want some remedy to give her relief from the unbearable pain.

plz help,
samrita last decade
To relieve pain bryonia 6c can be given frequently alongwith arnica 6c.For permanent cure of arthritis u have to give your mother formica rufa.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thnx Sajjad,

Can you suggest how should the dosage be taken?

samrita last decade
In any emergency the pain killer remedies can be repeated after even 5 minutes,but as a routine four times daily.Actually it all depends upon urgency.All the pain reducing remedies are of short action therefore can be repeated without any danger.
sajjadakram635 last decade
ooh so these will just help her in relieving the pain. is there no permanent cure for her?

I was basically looking out for that.
samrita last decade
For permanent cure i told you the remedy that is formica rufa.Try this atleast for a week and let us know the result.
sajjadakram635 last decade
How is it to be taken.. i mean the number of dosage per day.

After / before dinner? is there any potency required?
samrita last decade
1.potency 6c.
2.Dose three times daily.4 hours apart.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thank you so much.

I will start her on this and revert with the results.

Thanks a ton again
samrita last decade
I am an M.Sc. Psychology student and am interested in studying psychosocial stress and depression in Osteoarthritis for my project work.If you are interested to help me please reply positively and I will email you some questionnaires.It is self explanatory your mother just have to mark the answers to how osteoarthritis has affected your life and send it back to me. The information given to me will be used only for research purposes and will not appear on the Internet or else where . I will just tabulate the data and use it for my project. The data will be confidential.
Could you help me I am living in a rural village where women don't venture out that much so much of my research needs help and from saviours like you.Please help me if possible. This study will help very much to study effect of osteoarthritis on one's life.Awaiting positive reply from you all.

thank you,

Rahimah Fakhruddin
rahimah last decade
Dear Amrita,
Just chanced upon your post. I know of many people who got miraculously cured of Arthritis after consuming a supplement.
In fact a retired Prof from the prestigeous Indian Institute of Science who was bedridden is now running marathons.
If interested in knowing more you can mail em at kavithasmenon at gmail dot com. I am a researcher myself.
I did not want to bug others in the group by posting long and lengthy mails. Hence you can mail em if you want further information.
kavithasmenon last decade
Dear Kavitha,
My mother suffers from arthritis since last two years. I have seen your post to Amritha that you have a supplement which will cure arthritis permenantly. Please suggest a good remedy.
annakiran last decade
Dear Kavitha,

My sister is sufferring with

Airthritis please suggest the

suppliment which is told in

abc forum by you.


RajuK last decade

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