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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Success Stories - A request to the Moderator

Dear moderator and members

IS it possible that we start a seperate forum titled " success stories", where patients/doctors can post their success stories, so other can benefit


  sazim on 2005-10-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Sazim,

I don't know about a seperate forum, as some of the posts here, if you read them all the way through, become success stories anyway, and there would be a lot of admin, moving them from one forum to the other.

However, yes, it is a good idea to post what worked for any given case.

Best Wishes,
moderator last decade
I am copying my response to another thread on this forum which is of relevance:

re: success stories - post here!!!!!!!!! From Joe De Livera on 2005-10-06
I agree that it would be useful to have a special section devoted only to Success Stories using remedies, where Homeopaths can record the response of their patients to remedies that they have used successfully.

I feel however that it may be necessary to devote a separate section which is outside the Homeopathy and Health Forum that is used for daily posts as the inflow of new posts will make this special Success Stories section phase out of the current page in under 3 days.

I wonder if the Moderator Mr Simon Broadley will consider making arrangements for this section to be accessed on the ABC forum under another link which can be accessed through another button on the page similar to the 3 buttons on top under a separate title.
Joe De Livera last decade
I dont think we need a seperate title.Every case can be discussed here,every success story can be told here as people are already telling.Presenting a case or a story,i dont think it makes a difference,with seperate title the attention will be divided.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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