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Hello. May I please have success stories for Hekla lava for dental pain 1Anyone with success stories of neurogenic blader treatment. 1why there is no special subject for successful stories? 5Difference in potencies/success stories 2any success stories... 2Any posted success stories? 30Success Stories - A request to the Moderator 3Success Stories - Post Here!!!!!!!!! 3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Homeopathy Success Stories

Hi all,

By popular demand, you may post successful case histories here, by replying to this post.

Please use the condition name as the title of your post (rather than "RE: Homeopathy Success Stories"), and give all particulars of the case, the remedy, potency and dosage, and what about the case led you to your conclusions.

If we get sufficient high quality posts, I'll see what we can do about arranging this section more usefully


[comment added later: OK, due to lack of aforementioned popular demand, this thread will lose its special status as a menu item.]
  moderator on 2005-10-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I had a pt working in software company. She had Ganglion on her right hand. Pt was advised surgery, but she opted for puncturing it. Again had the same problem after 2 months.

Advd. Ruta30 one dose in the night Benzoic acid30 one dose in the morning and Calcarea Fluor 6 twice a day. After 10 days ganglion disappeared totally. Pt is happy.
sumi58 last decade
Nat Phos 6x (Biochemic) is now being used by many hundreds in Sri Lanka and perhaps by many thousands throughout the world to reduce weight. I first discovered this unusual trait of weight reduction in September 2004 for this remedy which is used for helping gastric conditions. It has been in use regularly since that time with outstanding results.

The reduction of weight is usually between 1 - 2 pounds per week.

Dose is 2 tablets taken after lunch and dinner.
Joe De Livera last decade
I am copying the Success Story of the cure of a chronic case of Eczema which I felt should be listed in this thread:

Re: Son - eczema on legs From Joe De Livera on 2004-12-08
I would like to share with all of you who have contributed on this Forum to help Peace with her 6 year old son who is suffering from Eczema the case of a cure of Eczema which I have been able to achieve in the case of a 68 year old man who had been suffering from chronic Eczema for over 6 years. This patient had been prescribed and had used virtually every drug known in the Pharmacopea for Eczema with no permanent relief. He had then consulted Ayurvedic physicians and he had obtained some relief but this was not permanent.

When I saw him about 6 weeks ago, both his legs were one mass of weeping Eczema which he had to cover with loose bandages to keep his trouser legs from irritating the lesions. He was unable to stand for over 10 minutes at a time as his ankles would swell up with painful results. Walking was also very restricted. He reported relief in 3 days after he started on my treatment, when the lesions dried up and the scratching stopped and they dried up in a week. He is now fully cured.

The remedy that I used is Arnica 6c, Dose 2 balls taken twice daily.

I do not know if Peace's son can have any relief by using this same remedy but since many remedies have been used which were recommended by other Homeopaths who are more experienced than me which have not helped with this case, may I suggest that she tries Arnica 6c that I used to cure this problem ? In any event I do not think that if it is used, any aggravation can result.

I would like to add that I have not come across the use of Arnica 6c in any Repertory or other text that I have. I only used it on an experimental basis in this case of chronic Eczema as I had been successful in helping another 77 year old lady who was having recurrent bouts of Cellulitis which her doctors had to treat with powerful antibiotics for about a year including Augmentine and Steroids which caused other problems for her. The infection would react favourably to the treatment but would return within about 2 months after they were stopped and this cycle was repeated 4 times last year. I gave her the same remedy, Arnica 6c and she is now completely cured. I have recommended that she takes just 2 balls of Arnica 6c every night as it also helps her to sleep soundly while providing what perhaps can be called prophylactic cover to prevent infection of the fat in her legs in the future.

I believe that the Arnica works by promoting the flow of blood in the capillaries under the skin, thereby permitting the skin to recover and to overcome the causative factors for the eczema.
Joe De Livera last decade

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