The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Ignatia after Nux vomica
I have here a 58 years old male with stomach pain and cramping with mild nausea.He was given Nux vomica C30 in water solution for three days, twice a day.
Nux didn't do much help, he seems to need Ignatia. But the two remedies are inimical, so what to do?
How long should he wait before taking Ignatia or should he antidote Nux first?
I would be very thankful for a quick help!
Sincerely, Visakha
Visakha on 2013-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ignatia antidotes Nux vomica. The Brisbane homeopath who used to be on here,
said he never paid attention to what was 'inimical' he prescribed for
the symptoms that were presented and if they were a match, it worked
and he never had any problem.
So if you think Ignatia matches everything well, then I would give it to him.
said he never paid attention to what was 'inimical' he prescribed for
the symptoms that were presented and if they were a match, it worked
and he never had any problem.
So if you think Ignatia matches everything well, then I would give it to him.
♡ simone717 last decade
give him mag phos 6x ,five tablets three times a day ie 15 tabs.dissolve in an ounce of hot water,each time.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
He says that the pain comes every time he is sad. Those he loves disappoints him or leaves him. He feels rejected and his whole life he has had many disappointments like this.
Then he is grieving silently and sighing. He gets cramps in the stomach and cannot eat and feels nausea.
Then he is grieving silently and sighing. He gets cramps in the stomach and cannot eat and feels nausea.
Visakha last decade
That is Ignatia.
I would give him 3 doses of 30c- 3 pills for a dose.
Instruct him that he should wait to see any effect from
the first or second dose and then stop and wait.
Depending on how sensitive a person is, even one or two
doses can unleash a floodgate of old memories, one after
the other. These show up and then leave but when they
show up the person always thinks this is going to stay and
they are not prepared for the intensity of it. So it is good
to advise them of how this remedy acts and that things
will pass. I always advise people to stay home from work
when they take this remedy.
I would give him 3 doses of 30c- 3 pills for a dose.
Instruct him that he should wait to see any effect from
the first or second dose and then stop and wait.
Depending on how sensitive a person is, even one or two
doses can unleash a floodgate of old memories, one after
the other. These show up and then leave but when they
show up the person always thinks this is going to stay and
they are not prepared for the intensity of it. So it is good
to advise them of how this remedy acts and that things
will pass. I always advise people to stay home from work
when they take this remedy.
♡ simone717 last decade
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
I want to thank you, Simone, for your quick reply and help.
I couldn't get Ignatia C30 immediately, but I had C200 with me. So, I decided to put two pellets in water and give a very small dose.
He reported in the morning that there was a little aggravation at first - the stomach pain- he couldn't sleep properly. He had to go five times to urinate during the night, after which the pain subsided and he could sleep.
Until now, 18 hours after the dose the pain hasn't returned and the nausea is also gone. He still has some gas and burbing. Mind is also good and peaceful.
So, I think the choice is good.
How would you advice to continue? If symptoms return, give again C200, or should I get C30 and continue with that or start with LM1?
This is a old problem, which comes again and again.
Thank you, Anuj for your advice, I will keep it in mind also. But for now we started with Ignatia, since the trigger is clearly emotional.
I couldn't get Ignatia C30 immediately, but I had C200 with me. So, I decided to put two pellets in water and give a very small dose.
He reported in the morning that there was a little aggravation at first - the stomach pain- he couldn't sleep properly. He had to go five times to urinate during the night, after which the pain subsided and he could sleep.
Until now, 18 hours after the dose the pain hasn't returned and the nausea is also gone. He still has some gas and burbing. Mind is also good and peaceful.
So, I think the choice is good.
How would you advice to continue? If symptoms return, give again C200, or should I get C30 and continue with that or start with LM1?
This is a old problem, which comes again and again.
Thank you, Anuj for your advice, I will keep it in mind also. But for now we started with Ignatia, since the trigger is clearly emotional.
Visakha last decade
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