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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss

My daughter is 16 yrs old.
She is having the problem of very bad hair loss.
-The hair produces oil.
-Has dandruff.
-Losing hair from all over the head.
-Comes as bunches.
  subbalakshmi on 2013-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1.Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. dont repeat.

sulphur 200,5 pills on day 2 early morning empty stomach.

nat mur and calc phos 6x five tabs of each three times a day from day three onward.


feed back every 4 days.
anuj srivastava last decade
Hello Dr. Anuj,

I am 24 years old. I used ABChomeopathy forum before for Bartholin cyst and found all advices and remedies very useful. It helped to cure my problem and I cannot be more grateful.

I trust homeopathy remedy rather than going to dermatologist or any other doctor.

Here is my problem:

I am getting married in two months and I started Birth Control pills (Watson Sronyx) 4 months ago and this month, I have been experiencing vivid thinning of my hair. My hair has never had perfect texture but being on Birth Control pills, I have noticed that I am loosing my hair worse and it is definitely thinning.

I colored my hair only twice in my lifetime and try to use hair mask frequently. My hair has been exposed to sun a lot (due to being a tennis coach).

I have done online research and found that many women experience hair loss on birth control or especially going off birth control due to hormonal changes in the body.

Is it certain that birth control cause hair loss? I am a little bit scared and I do not want to start loosing my hair more but I do want to keep option of being on birth control before we decide to have kids.

Are there any remedies, supplements, vitamins, or ways that can help to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss while being on birth control?

Please, help!!!! Thanks!
MariaK last decade
maria ,
i suggest stop using these pills ,they not only cause hair loss but are also associated with pcos.seizures and many allied problems which become difficult to cure.

i have also noticed that using of Tampons is associated with Bartholins cyst and many other problems.

Hair Colors NO,too many chemicals which ingress the skin,may cause skin ailments and heaviness in the head,etc.

For the moment i can only request to stop the pills,and have nux vom 30, 5 pills three times a day,and in my treatment posts you will see my QUESTIONNAIRE,Which you can answer in case of any other problem,

give me a feed back after 4 days of leaving the pills and havinG NUX.YOU CAN APPROACH ME THROUG MY E MAIL ALSO.
anuj srivastava last decade
I would think that I am not as extreme to have any types of problems associated with pills because I am just 5 months on the pill (and never been on the pill before) but I am still worried. Lord willing, I will not be affected to any side effects.

My fiance is from the United States and since birth control pills are extremely popular as a medication to prevent pregnancy, his main concern is that if I will not be on the pill that I can get pregnant unexpectedly. We will have kids but not for another few years. I think it will be the hardest part to talk to him...

I was trying to find your treatment posts but I could not as well as I could find questionnaire. What is your personal email or where can I find it?

I might have few other questions about pregnancy, and suggestions that I would like to email to you.
MariaK last decade
click on my name you will see the mail id
anuj srivastava last decade

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