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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Dear Advisors

Since a long time ,I have been observing a portion of meat over the anus is coming out and going up during Stool. Couple of Years back, I had gone for a consultation with a homeopathy Doctor .He had prescribed me a two months course medicine from his box .The pain on and over anus reduced .And motion was good .But the meat portion ( A half circular portion over two cracks of anus) was still coming out and going up . Due to some problem , I could not continue the medicine further ......

In 2012 October , I had changed the doctor ,continue two months medicines as a result motion was good and there was no pain & burning sensation over the anus .But still the half circular portion was coming out and going up .

In 2013 -July ,I had bleeding during stool and it was pain less. The half circular portion over the anus was coming out and going up .Ache / pain over anus and burning sensation was reported to a third doctor .. He advised me as below :

1 st Course :
Hemamalies -200 for 3 days
Sulphur 200 - Daily morning for a week
Nux Vomic 30- daily Evening for a week

result: Bleeding was stopped and motion was clear during the same
2nd course :

Sulphur 200 every alternate day morning for 2 weeks

Nux vomic 200 every alternate day evening for 2 weeks

Result : pain Over Anus and Burning sensation was reduced

3rd Course :

Suplhur 200- every week once for three week

Nux vomic 200- Every week once for three weeks

As a result pain and burning sensation over anus was vanished .

Then I left the medicine for a month and gone for acidity and gas problem since last one and half months ------Its almost under control ...

Now few days ago (4/5 days ) - I have a saviour pain / Ache on and over anus during seating and Burning sensation remains through out the day ... A half Circular portion of Meat is coming out and going up ......

Please advise me the best to vanish these problem ..


Deepak Mahajan
  mahajan.deepak on 2013-10-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Podophyllum-200 6 pills twice a day (every day)
2. Calc Florica-1m 6 pills at bed time every day
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback

(The name suggests that you are from Maharashtra. I am also from Nashik, Maharashtra)

R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Sat, 12 Oct 2013 12:37:58 BST]
shouse_nsk last decade
Yes Sir ,

Thank you for your valuable time and concern .

I am Maharastrian . Could you please advice me why its not curing though a have been using medicine since long time


Deepak Mahajan
mahajan.deepak last decade
Deepak Mahajan

Pl try this treatment and tell me.

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Deepak Mahajan

Have you started the medicines..?

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
take aesculus hip.30 two drop 4 time a day for 15 days then contect me.
HDr.Shaikh Waseem last decade
Deepak Mahajan

Are you taking the medicines..?

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade

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