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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Shoulder/Upper Arm Pain

Dear Simone,

On Tuesday, while doing Chi exercise I suddenly rotated my left palm to face outwards. I awoke on Wednesday morning with severe pain in my left shoulder and sharp pain in the deltoid muscle region. I have had some pain relief after taking Arnica 30C and Bryonia 30C recommended by my homeopath who is on vacation at this time. She gave me a Reiki session and said that I have strained the muscles and tendons. I feel pain in top of shoulder, deltoid region and down the side of arm to chest level. I feel pain when my left arm is straight. Shoulder pain worsens when I elevate the arm and upon movement. I cannot elevate the arm fully. Pain is sharp and knife-like. Can you please suggest a remedy. Thank you so much for your time and efforts. Declan
  declan on 2013-11-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Declan,

You are taking Arnica and Bryonia as advised, and how often?

You are getting some relief- the relief should be increasing day
by day-

is this not the case?

And are the knife life sharp pains new? if so when did they start up? ( btw, when you strain something, you have to keep the
area still, till it gets better, which may take a few days)
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:18:05 GMT]
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone,

I am taking Arnica Montana and Bryonia 30C in wet dose. I succuss remedies 5 times from a 500ml spring water and take 1 tsp of each remedy three times daily. My symptoms have improved daily. On Wednesday and Thursday morning I had constant pain. The knife- like pains are not new. They started on Wednesday, the day after injury. I commenced remedies on Wednesday. I was told to stop taking them after 3 days. Thank you. Declan.
declan last decade
Hi Declan,

Keep taking the Arnica the way you are now till the arm
is better. It is for any sprain, strain, and not going to
have any ill effect. You can also go buy some Arnica
cream to rub on the areas that will also help.

You can keep icing the area if that makes it feel better and
keep the arm as immobilized as you can.It is going to take
some time.
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone, I stopped taking Arnica 30C wet dose, succussed 5 times and Bryonia 30c succussed 7 times, prior to taking 1 tsp. three times daily x 1 week ago, for strained left shoulder tendons and muscles. There is a bump, middle of shoulder and I was told that my rotator cuff is slightly out. I started doing gentle exercises 2 days ago after resting area for 2 weeks. Now the pain has returned. Pain starts top of shoulder radiates down over the deltoid muscle and to the side of the arm close to the chest. Pain is felt at the back of the shoulder, painful pressure points on the upper outer shoulder area. Pain is worse from movement, worse in the morning, worse from lying on it, worse at night, occurs at rest, worse from lifting the arm to a 90 degree angle. Pain is nagging, deep. Some relief from heat.

I started taking Arnica and Bryonia again today. Are these the correct remedies because the pain went away after taking them 2 hours ago but has returned? Please advise me what to take.

Thank you for your help. This constant pain affects me psychologically because I am unable to do things. Regards Declan.
declan last decade
Hi Declan,

Yes , those remedies are right and you have to take more
often bc of the 30c potency. But bc you re-injured the
area, take them as needed for the next couple days
and hopefully the gaps will get longer.

I am not sure if you have a shoulder separation going
on here- you need to get a scan and find out exactly what is going on- and get proper diagnosis.

A SHOULDER SEPARATION- occurs where the collarbone (clavicle) meets the shoulder blade (scapula). When ligaments that hold the joint together are partially or completely torn, the outer end of the clavicle may slip out of place, preventing it from properly meeting the scapula. Most often, the injury is caused by a blow to the shoulder or by falling on an outstretched hand.

Signs and symptoms. Shoulder pain or tenderness and, occasionally, a BUMP IN THE MIDDLE of the top of the shoulder (over the acromioclavicular (AC) joint) are signs that a separation may have occurred.
Diagnosis. Doctors may diagnose a separation by performing a physical examination. They may confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of the separation by taking an x ray. While the x ray is being taken, the patient makes the separation more pronounced by holding a light weight that pulls on the muscles.
Treatment. A shoulder separation is usually treated conservatively by rest and wearing a sling. Soon after injury, an ice bag may be applied to relieve pain and swelling. After a period of rest, a therapist helps the patient perform exercises that put the shoulder through its range of motion. Most shoulder separations heal within 2 or 3 months without further intervention. However, if ligaments are severely torn, surgical repair may be required to hold the clavicle in place. A doctor may wait to see if conservative treatment works before deciding whether surgery is required.

B. TORN ROTATORcuff is below

Doctors usually recommend that patients with a rotator cuff injury rest the shoulder, apply heat or cold to the sore area, and take medicine to relieve pain and inflammation. Other treatments might be added, such as electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves, ultrasound, or a cortisone injection near the inflamed area of the rotator cuff. If surgery is not an immediate consideration, exercises are added to the treatment program to build flexibility and strength and restore the shoulderÂ’s function. If there is no improvement with these conservative treatments and functional impairment persists, the doctor may perform arthroscopic or open surgical repair of the torn rotator cuff.

The fact that you have rested the arm, etc and you cannot do even mild
exercise means that something else is going on and you may need
to get the arthroscopic surgery to repair this so you are not hanging out with
this for 6 months, etc.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 30 Nov 2013 19:28:20 GMT]
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone,
I succussed the Arnica 30C wet dose remedy for shoulder pain this afternoon. this was my second dose. Within 20 minutes palpitations occurred. They calmed down after a while. I initially, put the remedy in a 500ml spring water bottle, succussed it 5 times prior to taking 1 tsp. for pain. The pain in my left arm went away quickly. How do I antidote? Can I sniff camphor? Please advise me what to do. Thank you Declan.
declan last decade

What happened was??

A. you got palpitations and then pain went away?

B. Pain went away and then you got palpitations?

C. What are your pain levels like today compared to yesterday?

D. How long is the pain staying off you from a dose?

E. Are you still having palpitations?

You do not have to antidote it- you are just taking too much of it,
it will wear off..

I would suggest trying a 200c of the Arnica to manage the pain-don't take anymore today. You could try 200c, 3 pills dissolved in
quarter cup of water and do not shake it up at all. Report in
how long you have pain relief for.

F.Are you going to go to the doctor and get a scan/xray and find
out what is actually going on?? You need to do that.

G. Are you icing the arm, immobilizing it ??
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone,
I apologize for the delay in responding to your last reply. When I took the last dose of Arnica 30C in wet dose I experienced brief palpitations first, then the pain went away. I have not had any palpitations since then.

I had an X-ray of my left shoulder. The doctor said that the joint is normal but I have strained several muscles, scapula area, deltoid, biceps, pectoral muscle is very tight. There is a lot of congestion in the left shoulder and left side of neck.

I visited a physical therapist who has worked with sports injuries for over 20 years. He massaged my whole body gently. After the massage on Monday, I am doing much better. I had aching pain in deltoid muscle throughout the day yesterday. I took one dose of Arnica 30C in the Wet dose, succussed 2 times only before taking 1/2 tsp. The physical therapist is familiar with homeopathy and suggested this.I

awoke this morning with no aching pain. I am immobilizing the joint and apply heat frequently.

Thank you so much for your help. I am truly grateful.

Best wishes. Declan
declan last decade
Hi Declan,

That is wonderful you are getting proper help and
know the facts now. I am sure the physical therapist
can also give you good advice about how to exercise
when you start again.


simone717 last decade

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