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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss

hi, My name is ali, i am 22 years old.
my problem is starting baldness on the top of skull and front,
i am emotionally very weak can take stress easily.

i do exercise with heavy weights in the gym, i am very curious about my looks.
since last 5 to 6 years i am facing hair loss and thin hairs problem with too much oily skin.

my eyesight is also glassy apperence .

i have a very big issue also that is gas problem, i always feel too much gas in my stomach specially empty stomach.

please suggest me some good medicine for my hairs regrowth and gas, i am very depress because of this. i am very hopefull.
  ali5351 on 2013-12-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is it genetic, if so, its unlikely that we can help.

If not, then we can help.
fitness last decade
it is not genetic, not from my father side nor mother no one facing this problem except me, all have healthy hairs, my father's age is 57 but still he have good hairs.
ali5351 last decade
Please answer the below questions giving as much DETAILS as possible. Remember, we don’t know and will never know your identity so be fully truthful when answering these questions so that we can help you towards regaining health.

Don't hurry, take your time to reply. I need DETAILS.

Answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.

Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.

1. Your age & sex

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)

3. Your profession

4. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)

5. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

6. When did this main problem begin

7. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem

8. What makes the main problem better

9. What makes it worse

10. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)

11. What other health problems do you have

12. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem)

13. How do you relax

14. Do you normally fight or avoid confrontation

15. What animals or insects are you afraid of

16. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)

17. What occupies your mind mostly

18. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

19. Do you want to stay alone or with people

20. How is your sleep

21. Do you have any recurring dreams

22. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints

23. Do you normally feel hot or cold

24. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)

25. What foods you love

26. What foods you hate

27. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

28. What taste you hate

29. Do you like warm or cold food

30. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud….)

31. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

32. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both

33. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning

34. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning

35. How is your skin

36. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)

37. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat

38. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)

39. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)

40. How is your sexual life & desire

41. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)

42. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)

43. What illnesses are running in your family, mother’s side & father’s side & brothers/sisters

44. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic)

45. Have you had any surgeries or implants

46. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological)

47. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame)
fitness last decade
1. Your age & sex

Answer = My age is 22 and i am male.

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)

Answer = weight is 74 KG, muscular medium body, i feel swelling in my body usually in the morning or when i eat rice. one thing more which is importent i do gym and i look older then my age about 3 to 4 years.

3. Your profession.

Answer = I am a Student, i was doing job but left because of studies.

4. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)

Answer = I am easy going, always try to leave an impression on others sometimes it works sometime not. I always want attention of beautiful girls, I always want my space and special attrection where ever i go, always try to impress others. i wnt to go in the field of media as an actor. i am very curious with my apperence.

5. What is your main health problem & its symptoms.

Answer = my main health problem is GAS in stomach when its empty, hair loss and eye sight weakness i am far sighted 0.75 but i am not using glasses because its minor, in last 2 to 3 years my body turns out little bulky not much but i am everytime so much curios with my looks, i never go outside when i feel i am not looking good.

6. When did this main problem begin

Answer = I think because of too much exercise in the gym, and i never care about my diet. drink less water, ' I take too much stress when somebody ignores me'

7. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem.

Answer = powerty sometimes,

'i dont have any control on my anger sometimes but i am sesitive by heart '

8. What makes the main problem better

Answer = I think money, grow my hairs, better my eyes with surve of money, 'A good life partner'.

9. What makes it worse

Answer = Stress, anger, powerty

10. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)

Answer = Restless and hopeless sometimes, but sad, always think about that i am not looking good etc...

11. What other health problems do you have.

Answer = I dont have any other problem except stretch marks on my chest because of heavy exercise in gym, which i think is not a big issue.

12. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem)

Answer = Mental peace, visit to green places, mountains, etc...

13. How do you relax.

Answer = lied down on bed, watching movie,

14. Do you normally fight or avoid confrontation.

Answer = I always avoid, but in wors cases i fight but not much.

15. What animals or insects are you afraid of.

Answer = I love animals, not afraid.

16. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)

Answer = i am too much afraid of height.

17. What occupies your mind mostly.

Answer= SEX, Beauty, Stress, and past life problems, my looks.

18. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy.

Answer = It feels good, but with in a limit,

19. Do you want to stay alone or with people.

Answer = with people

20. How is your sleep

Answer = i awakeup from sleep if a single pin droped on the floor or little silecne or whispering,

21. Do you have any recurring dreams.

Answer = no, but once i was suffered from 'old hag syndrome' but that was for very short time about 1 week.

22. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints.

Answer = I like rainy weather, winter i feel good, i hate sunny and summer.

23. Do you normally feel hot or cold.

Answer = I normally feel hot much not cold, I love to travel on a bike rather then on a car because it feels suffocation and nausia in car everytime,

24. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)

Answer= jeans, t-shirt, tight, loose around nect all...

25. What foods you love

Answer = I love rice,Burger, EGG, B.BQ

26. What foods you hate,

Answer = Sour food, some vegitables,

27. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

Answer = depend on mood, but usually when i hungry i love to take salty rice. salty.

28. What taste you hate

Answer = Sour taste, sour medicines taste.

29. Do you like warm or cold food.

Answer = Not warm but not much cold.

30. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud….)

Answer = Not really

31. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

answer = moderate, but excessive after gym and moderate some times in the mid night.

32. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both

answer = YES, i always suffer from dry lips but not mouth usually.

33. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning.

Answer = not much but little whiteish

34. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning.

Answer = yes untill i brush my teeth or eat something but not too much smell

35. How is your skin.

Answer = little loose skin

36. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)

Answer = in armpits too much everytime in summers and winters, sides of the head(in summers only), little smell not much, but in my feets there is smell, no color of sweat but very little muddy

37. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat.

Answer - Not at all

38. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)

Answer = stoll in pieces with gas (but when i use Nux vomica it solved), too much smell, no blood no etc..

39. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)
Answer = pale yellow usually , but when i drink more water it becomes colorless. no blood no smell.

40. How is your sexual life & desire.

Answer = sexual desire is too much usually when i go to bed for sleep and in silence. i am not married (mastrubation about once in a month or sometimes after 2 months)

41. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)

Answer = not at all

42. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)

Answer = i am male.

43. What illnesses are running in your family, mother’s side & father’s side & brothers/sisters.

Answer = nothin except joints pain(from father) and swell eyes in the morning (from mother)

44. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic)

Answer = yes, Homeopathic(|*
*phosphorus 300, acidicum phosporicum- q)

45. Have you had any surgeries or implants.

Answer = not at all

46. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological)

Answer = not at all

47. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame)

Answer =


1-Physostigma 300( 1 month-for eyes)

2-China 300(one month)

3-nux vomica 300(one month)

4-ruta 300 (1 month)


3-nux vomica in q(currently using since 15 days)

4-phosphorus 300,(currently using since 15 days)

5-acidicum phosporicum- q(currently using since 15 days)
ali5351 last decade
35-Skin = skin is too much oily.
ali5351 last decade
How tall are you

Why have you been using so many remedies

What do you mean SEX occupies your mind, please explain

You are farsighted which means you need glasses to read?

What makes the gas in stomach better

Are you happy with your appearance
fitness last decade
1-How tall are you ?

I am 5 ft.11 inches

2-Why have you been using so many remedies ?

sometimes try to fit myself, some time prescribed by the doctor, currently using 3 which i mentioned.

3-What do you mean SEX occupies your mind, please explain?

not exectly like that, i mean when it urge to sex for that particular time it occupies my mind (for a time period)

4-You are farsighted which means you need glasses to read?

its not much, its minor so its not much difficult for me when i not use my glasses, its 0.75 which is minor, i mean i can manage without glasses and what i think is my body should fight against my eyesight weakness itself rather then to wear glasses.

5-What makes the gas in stomach better?

When i take my meal on time, not use the food which occures gas in stomach like cauliflower, egg plant,cocumber etc...

6-Are you happy with your appearance?

I am not satisfied, people like me, to be with me, my friends love me, my teacher likes me. but i want to go in the field of media i want to look good with my good hairs.

'I am tense on that particular time when i think i am not good as look wise, no matter where are i am sitting when i think i am not good i look depressed'
My age is 22 years but i am looking more than that, about 3 to 4 years.

'Please its a request, give me some suggestions and some good remedies so i can improve myslef and focus on my studies'

'i was trying to attach my pictures but there is some problem, kindly just once look at my facebook profile so you can take an idea about me. Thank you.

ali5351 last decade
If the facebook pics are recent then you are wasting my time & yours too.

There is nothing wrong with you or your hair and you are a good looking person.

STOP using all remedies as they will cause harm.

Eat a balanced diet, sleep enough, keep yourself well hydrated, exercise regularly and be grateful that you are healthy and have no real health issues.
fitness last decade
I am greatful to you for your advise, these pictures are not so much old i am still lokking like that, but my hairs and my are not healthy, oily skin, weak roots of hair, hair fall, greace in hairs if not wash regularly...
there is little pain in my left eye from previous 6 to 7 days,
as i told you i have 0.75 weak eyesight...

Its a request, Please suggest me some good remedy so that my hairs growth better and my eyesight got better.
ali5351 last decade
You want to be perfect! There is no human who is perfect.

I am sorry I can't prescribe for you as there is nothing wrong with you.
fitness last decade
This is my today's picture, I am very tens please please please help me.

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ali5351 last decade

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