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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe Brain Damage

My friend's son has been in an accident 2 months ago and was in a coma, he has just come out of it but is severely brain damaged. He can just move his eyes and if moved to another room, his eyes follow. No body movement so far. Any suggestions as he is just 21 years old. His parents are clutching all straws. Please advise if you have any suggestions
  Dungi on 2005-10-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have used Arnica 1M to help an 82 year old man who had lost all motor functions in his extremeties and was condemned to a chair or to his bed. I used this remedy and in 4 months he is now well and enjoys his life.

May I suggest that you use this same remedy on this boy who is suffering from brain damage ?

I cannot guarantee that he will come around but it cannot do any harm and if there is no sign of any improvement in 1 month it may be discarded.

This remedy is best taken in the Water Dose which is made up as follows:

Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Put in 3 globules or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy of Arnica 1M.
Twirl the bottle in your hand clockwise and anti clw as this will succuss the water prior to each dose.

Give a teaspoonful twice daily for the first week and report response.

Please discontinue the remedy if the patient shows any negative reaction which I do not anticipate but keep me advised of his progress from time to time.

Do not use other drugs unless on a SOS basis.
Joe De Livera last decade
Arnica can make wonders in such cases!
Homeopathy will certainly help him.
Astra2012 last decade
Thanks Joe,
The father of the boy will be checking this post which I have sent him. His neurons are damaged and is on a drip presently. Any suggestions how to give him the medication.
Do any of you have information on stem cell technology any where in the world. Would love to know more about this treatment as well.
Dungi last decade
I presume that the boy can be given the medication by opening his lips and slowly dropping a teaspoonful of the potentized water into his mouth.

Great care must be taken to ensure that he does not choke if he is unable to swallow it. Even if he does not do so the presence of the medication in his mouth is I believe sufficient to permit the remedy to help him.

It may be necessary to use the medication more often say 3-4 times daily to enable it to be better absorbed by the body if he is unable to swallow it as his body will only receive the medication from the trace in his mouth.

I would appreciate if others on this forum will please comment on this matter as this is the first time that I have been asked to help with a problem like this.
Joe De Livera last decade
Give him arnica asap (I had great results when it was taken almost within 10 min-)
The sooner the better!

When you post after a week (any changes, remaining symptoms) we will make further suggestions.

Also-nothing like a face-to-face visit--maybe you can get a profesional homeopath to visit him.
he will be healed.
Astra2012 last decade
Proceed with arnica but meanwhile read about hom.. and hom. remedies.
this is about helloborus niger:
(the remedy needs to have his symptoms- however it is not possible that he has all symptoms listed)

Presented by Médi-T

Helleborus. (Helleborus Niger.)

[1] Mind.
[2] Sensorium.
[3] Inner head.
[4] Outer head.
[5] Sight and eyes.
[6] Hearing and ears.
[7] Smell and nose.
[8] Upper face.
[9] Lower face.
[10] Teeth and gums.
[11] Taste, speech, tongue.
[12] Inner mouth.
[13] Palate and throat.
[14] Appetite, thirst. Desires..
[15] Eating and drinking.
[16] Hiccough, belching, nausea.. [17] Scrobiculum and stomach.
[18] Hypochondria.
[19] Abdomen and loins.
[20] Stools and rectum.
[21] Urinary organs.
[22] Male sexual organs.
[23] Female sexual organs.
[24] Pregnancy. Parturition..
[25] Voice and larynx. Trachea..
[26] Respiration.
[27] Cough.
[28] Inner chest and lungs.
[29] Heart, pulse and circulation.
[30] Outer chest.
[31] Neck and back.
[32] Upper limbs.
[33] Lower limbs.
[34] Limbs in general.
[35] Rest. Position. Motion.
[36] Nerves.
[37] Sleep.
[38] Time.
[39] Temperature and weather.
[40] Fever.
[41] Attacks, periodicity.
[42] Locality and direction.
[43] Sensations.
[44] Tissues.
[45] Touch. Injuries..
[46] Skin.
[47] Stage of life, constitution.
[48] Relations.

Hell. * Full text (65 Ko) * Red and blue only (55 Ko) * Red only

MIND. [1] [Hell.]
Total unconsciousness.
Weak memory.
When questioned answers slowly ; stupefaction bordering on insensibility.
Diminished power of mind over body ; cannot fix ideas ; slow in answering, stares unintelligently ; muscles do not act properly if will is not strongly fixed upon their action, as when spoken to, the attention being thereby diverted, she drops things.
A perfect picture of acute idiocy.
Idiocy and cretinismus.
Dull, says nothing.
Mania demonic ; sees evil spirits at night.
Mania of a melancholy type, with fixed ideas.
An old woman having been accused of theft by the women around, took it so much to heart that she hanged herself. This suicide produced a profound effect upon the women of the village. One after another accused herself of having caused the death of the old woman by their insinuations ; they wept and howled, ran about day and night wringing their hands and despairing of salvation on account of their sin ; they became quite irrepressible and deranged. In this way twenty-four or twenty-five women were affected, every fresh case being followed by another. θ Hysterical mania.
Thoughtless staring.
Stares at her surroundings in a strange, stupid manner, and, if questioned, stares in the same way at one, or glances wildly about grasping her head ; when walking reels about, allowing her head to hang ; the sensorial apathy and constant staring at one spot alternates occasionally with unintelligible muttering ; constipation. θ Melancholia after typhoid.
Constantly picking his lips and clothes.
Much lamenting, moaning.
Involuntary sighing.
Frequent screams in meningitis, or hydrocephalus.
Tries to escape, to throw herself into the river.
After typhoid, great mental dejection and apathy ; dull and indifferent to all external impressions ; will not speak ; sits quietly in bed and seems lost in brooding ; face pale, disturbed ; languid, unsteady glance of eye ; pupils dilated ; pulse slow and weak ; will take proffered food but never expresses desire for anything ; sleep infrequent, restless ; constantly seeks to escape, but is not violent ; without a word quietly climbs out of window, and if she succeeds in escaping, goes in direction of river ; finally threw herself into privy, from which she was rescued.
Stubborn silence.
Excessive anxiety and anguish.
Restless and anxious.
Dread of dying ; feels unhappy in presence of cheerful faces.
Melancholia in girls at puberty before menstruation has been established, or if menses have appeared and then failed to return.
Melancholy : silent ; during puberty ; with anguish.
Woeful, despairing mood.
Irritable ; easily made angry ; < from consolation, does not want to be disturbed.
A noise or shock shortens the attack. θ Eclampsia.
Thinking about symptoms lessens them.

SENSORIUM. [2] [Hell.]
Vertigo : with nausea, watery vomit and loose bowels ; while stooping, ceasing when becoming erect.
Dull and heavy in head.
Sensorial apathy.
Stupor, blunting of general sensibility ; vision unimpaired, nevertheless sees imperfectly and does not regard the objects he sees ; apparatus of hearing intact, yet hears nothing distinctly nor comprehends ; organs of taste in working order, yet finds not the proper taste in anything ; often distraught, hardly remembers the past or what has just happened ; has no pleasure in anything ; slumber light and unrefreshing ; undertakes to work without having the power or strength.
All perceptions by the senses grow but slowly or not at all conscious. θ Typhoid fever.
Obtuseness of sensory nervous system. θ Brain disease in children.
Thorough unconsciousness ; all impressions on senses and all expressions of will wanting ; heart beat and pulse very slow ; skin only moderately warm ; bowels inactive ; involuntary micturition ; difficult swallowing ; constantly picking his lips and clothes.
Sopor and coma.

INNER HEAD. [3] [Hell.]
Heat deep within head.
Burning heat in head ; pale face ; cold hands.
Intense and intolerable pain in head. θ Spasms of children.
Shooting pains in whole head with giddiness. θ Anasarca after scarlatina.
A shock passes through brain, as from electricity, followed by spasms. θ Puerperal convulsions.
Pain in vertex as if a nail were driven in.
Pressing headache from within outward, with stupefaction and heaviness of head ; < on moving head, from exertion ; > in open air and from distraction of mind.
Stupefying headache : with coryza (4 to 8 P. M.) ; < from stooping ; > at rest and in open air.
Violent pressive headache, with great heaviness, < in occiput, on awaking.
Headache, stupefying, mostly in occiput. θ After scarlet fever.
Sensation in occiput as from a blow. θ Meningitis.
Stupefying headache in occiput, < on stooping, from nape of neck to vertex, changing to burning pain on rising to erect posture, > only by lying quiet with closed eyes.
Headache from nape to vertex.
Headache nearly always with scalp symptoms.
Congestion of brain.
Chills with vomiting ; sensation in occiput as from receiving a blow ; then flushed face, unconsciousness, delirium ; livid spots on body and limbs ; head thrown back ; neck rigid ; eyes rolled upward ; pulse 120 ; frequent convulsions. θ Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Inflammation of brain, with stupefaction ; heat and heaviness of head ; boring with head in pillow, with chilliness of whole body ; coldness of fingers ; < from thinking of pain.
Acute meningitis when exudation is completed ; reaction almost nothing ; paralysis more or less complete.
Hydrocephalus when fever has abated and following symptoms set in : difficult breathing, want of sensation, trembling and moving of hands towards head, squinting of eyes with insensibility to light, chewing motion of mouth, and sopor.
For a whole week has lain only upon back in apparent slumber, eyes half closed, pupils contracted, cornea and albuginea dim and dull, as if covered with dust, with dry mucus in corners of eyes ; eyes sunken, surrounded by blue circles, with squinting towards nose ; face pale and emaciated ; nose pointed, orifices sooty ; lips dry and cracked ; body emaciated, with dry, flaccid skin ; epigastrium sunken ; lower limbs spread apart, legs flexed upon thighs ; on endeavoring to change this position, moaning, anxious, complaining outcries ; face distorted with pain ; head sinks, helplessly back ; on forcing eyes open dilatation of pupils, spasmodic action of iris, the light falling into the eye making as little impression upon him as calling or speaking to him ; drinks eagerly, bites spoon without being aroused from apathetic condition ; distorts face ; chewing motion of mouth ; grasps head with hands ; grinding of teeth ; cramps in muscles of back ; constipation ; involuntary urination ; partial sweat on scalp ; pulse slow, soft and intermittent. θ Brain affection.
Inflammation of brain with moderate fever, pulse weak, not accelerated, with occasional deep sighing ; patient lies in an apathetic condition, cannot raise himself ; involuntary trembling of hands and grasping of head ; on being raised head sinks back ; frequent rubbing of nose ; eyes half open, pupils dilated, eyeballs turned to side or rolled upward ; convulsive twitching of eyelids ; forehead wrinkled and covered with cold sweat ; no appetite ; desires only drink, which is eagerly taken in large quantities, and is preceded and followed by chewing motion of mouth ; easily angered, especially after being kindly spoken to ; strikes about him ; face pale and bloated ; dulness and drowsiness ; frequently starts up shrieking and crying ; nostrils dry and dirty ; dropping of lower jaw.
No sign of having sight or hearing, utters no articulate sound for two weeks. θ Acute hydrocephalus.
Concussion of brain from a blow on head ; pupils dilated, almost inactive to light ; pulse full, easily compressed ; could arouse him, but he would become drowsy again at once ; breathing heavy and slow ; especially < at 3 to 6 P. M. ; after Arnica failed.
Dropsy of brain : post-scarlatinal, acute or chronic ; mostly in scrofulous subjects.
Serous apoplexy.

OUTER HEAD. [4] [Hell.]
Boring with head in pillows, with sensation as if scalp on occiput were pulled down tight.
Rolls head night and day, moaning. θ Hydrocephalus. θ Typhoid.
Throws head back, and from side to side. θ Brain affections.
Sore feeling, as if bruised, < in back part of head ; > on stooping.
Occiput sore to touch.
Partial sweat on scalp. θ Hydrocephalus.
Hair falls off, with pricking on scalp, < on occiput ; face and body œdematous.
Humid scurf on scalp.
Scald head ; moist scales, with engorgement of glands of neck.

SIGHT AND EYES. [5] [Hell.]
Vacant look, pupils dilated, eyes wide open or half closed. θ Typhoid. θ Hydrocephalus.
Eyeballs turned upwards, squinting. θ Hydrocephalus.
Eyes sunken, blue edges.
Photophobia without inflammation.
Insensible to light. θ Hydrocephalus.
Hippus ; alternate contraction and dilatation of pupil, tremor iridis, after every attempt to arouse patient from stupor and especially if we move the head. θ Hydrocephalus.
Early stage of gutta serena.
Pupils : contracted ; dilated ; alternately contracted and dilated.
Eyeballs red, glassy. θ Hydrocephalus.
Cornea and albuginea dim, as if covered with dust. θ Hydrocephalus.
Lids, sticky, dry, sensation as if they were pressed down.
Loses hair, from eyebrows.
Twitching in elevator of brows.

Roaring and ringing in ears.

SMELL AND NOSE. [7] [Hell.]
Smell diminished.
Nostrils look as if smoked, sooty. θ Hydrocephalus.
Nose pointed ; nostrils dirty, dry. θ Hydrocephalus.
Frequently rubs nose. θ Hydrocephalus.

UPPER FACE. [8] [Hell.]
Stupid expression. θ Typhoid.
Forehead or face wrinkled. θ Hydrocephalus.
Wrinkled forehead, bathed in cold sweat. θ Hydrocephalus.
Face : red ; hot, but pale ; flushes red and then becomes pale ; pale, œdematous ; distorted ; yellowish ; pale, sunken, icy-cold ; livid, with cold sweat.
Paleness of face with heat of head.
Twitching in levatores palpebrarum and cheeks, with heat in face.
Left-sided neuralgia ; parts so tender, cannot chew.
Dull pain in right malar bone.

LOWER FACE. [9] [Hell.]
Constant chewing motion.
Corners of mouth sore ; steady flow of saliva ; upper lips cracked ; lips dry, cracked.
White blisters on swollen lips.
Sore lips.
Lower jaw hangs down.

TEETH AND GUMS. [10] [Hell.]
Grinds the teeth.
Toothache during the chill.

Taste bitter.
Tongue : dry ; white mornings ; dry and red, previously black, in typhus ; slightly protruded and oscillating ; trembling ; feels stiff ; numb, insensible ; swollen ; full of vesicles ; pimples on tip ; yellow with red edges.

INNER MOUTH. [12] [Hell.]
Mouth and palate dry, with cutting, scraping in palate on moving mouth to swallow.
Mouth, gums and tongue full of flat yellow ulcers, with elevated gray edges, or red, swollen bases ; carrion-like odor ; salivation ; will take no food except drink ; glands of neck and under chin swollen ; eruption of blisters around mouth ; face red and hot ; stool watery and slimy, with tenesmus ; pulse feverish ; restlessness ; moaning and crying. θ Aphthæ.
Aphthæ, with lienteria.

Water rattles down throat.

Hunger : child nurses greedily ; with disgust for food.
Greedily swallows cold water ; bites spoon, but remains unconscious. θ Hydrocephalus.
Thirst with disgust for drink.
Absence of thirst in all complaints.

Nausea. θ Cystitis. θ Hydrothorax.
Nausea, yet hungry ; still food is repulsive although taste is natural.
Nausea during pregnancy.
Vomiting of greenish-black substances, with colic.

Intense painful burning in stomach extending into œsophagus. θ During pregnancy.
Pit of stomach sunken. θ Hydrocephalus.
Fulness and distension of pit of stomach.
Pressing in region of stomach. θ Anasarca.
Stomach painful when coughing or walking.

Sensation of coldness in abdomen.
Rumbling in abdomen.
Gurgling, as if bowels were full of water.
Excessive distension of abdomen.
Abdomen swollen, distended, painful to touch.
Griping, pinching about navel, followed by gelatinous stools. θ Ascites.
Excessive colic ; weakness, features sunken, face cold, pale, covered with clammy sweat ; pulse thready ; thin diarrhœa.
Ascites : especially after scarlet fever ; in scrofulous children.

Watery diarrhœa, nausea, colic a great debility.
Stool consisting solely of clear, tenacious, colorless mucus.
White, jelly-like mucus, with burning and smarting in anus ; diarrhœa preceded by colic, which is > after every stool.
White, gelatinous stool, like frog spawn is passed three or four times a day, with much pressure.
White, jelly-like stools with tenesmus.
Diarrhœa : during pregnancy ; during dentition ; during acute hydrocephalus.
Involuntary stools.
Diarrhœa and vomiting, with cramps in extremities, coldness of whole body, great thirst, altered features, weak, hoarse voice. θ Cholera.
Cholera acuta with heaviness and dulness of head, cramps in abdomen, fever, slow pulse, vertigo, nausea, watery vomiting and diarrhœa.
Feeling as if intestines had no power to evacuate feces, during soft stool.
Blenorrhœa of rectum, with spasm of bladder.

URINARY ORGANS. [21] [Hell.]
Congestion of kidneys with extensive effusion of serum in abdominal cavity and tissue of lower extremities.
Dropsy after scarlet fever with albumen and fibrin casts in urine.
Suppression of urine, or urine highly albuminous, dark color, no sediment ; breathes easier lying down ; acute dropsies.
Nephritis causing dropsical symptoms. θ Syphilis infantum.
Bladder overdistended ; retention of urine from atony of muscular coats.
Cystitis ; the inflammatory process increases slowly to greatest violence, with constant desire to urinate, causing spasms ; little urine is voided ; constant nausea ; distended abdomen.
Yellowness of whole body, nausea with aversion to food, dry tongue, great thirst, abdomen painful and distended on account of enormous swelling of bladder, discharge of urine gradually became less, and for last three days ceased entirely ; after great pressure he passes, with much pain, a few drops of blood ; lower limbs swollen and œdematous, swelling finally extending to abdomen ; whole body cold to touch, and in many places covered with clammy sweat ; pulse small and quick ; great restlessness ; introduction of catheter difficult on account of great pain and sensitiveness of parts. θ Cystitis.
Bladder becomes paralyzed and greatly distended during pregnancy.
Irritation of neck of bladder threatening inflammation.
Passes blood and slime, with burning and stinging. θ Uterine complaints.
Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge.
Constant desire to urinate, passing very little and of dark color. θ During pregnancy.
Spasmodic urging to urinate causing spasms.
Suppressed urinary secretion with dropsy.
Urine : scanty, dark, with floating, dark specks ; like coffee-grounds ; albuminous, scanty.
Dark urine, feeble stream.
Urine with dark sediment like coffee-grounds, top part is clear.
Coffee-grounds sediment. θ During complaints of pregnancy. θ Diarrhœa. θ Amenorrhœa. θ Uterine dropsy. θ Spasms of children. θ Hydrocephalus. θ Scarlatina. θ Dropsy after scarlatina. θ Anasarca.
Unconscious discharge of urine. θ Hydrocephalus. θ Typhoid.

Sexual desire suppressed ; genitals relaxed ; no erections.
Hydrocele after suppressed eruptions, either side.

Uterine dropsy ; secretion of urine almost suppressed.
Suppression of menses.
Amenorrhœa from disappointed love.
Amenorrhœa consequent upon getting feet damp, and getting wet through.
Menses absent for many months.
Voice weak ; speech unintelligible. θ Hydrocephalus.

Puerperal convulsions.

RESPIRATION. [26] [Hell.]
Breathing difficult, with anxiety, < every evening ; must sit up.
Chest constricted, gasps for breath, with open mouth ; propped up in bed. θ Hydrothorax.
Constriction of throat, nose and chest.
Suffocative attacks, as from constriction of lungs.
Maltreated pneumonia, with moderate fever ; breathing very difficult, anxiety ; torments most towards evening ; patient has to sit up.

COUGH. [27] [Hell.]
Dry, < at night, with gagging ; dry, while smoking tobacco.
Constant hacking cough, appearing suddenly while smoking.
Tension in region of left short ribs during cough.


Pulse : often slower than beating of heart ; frequent, soft, intermittent in hydrocephalus ; small, wiry, in hydrothorax ; almost imperceptible ; rapid, small and tremulous ; slow.

NECK AND BACK. [31] [Hell.]
Neck rigid, in spotted fever.
Cervical muscles stiff as far as occiput.
Cervical glands swollen.
Severe pain down neck, in left side of face and in teeth.
Cramp in spinal muscles. θ Hydrocephalus.
Sudden amelioration in myelitis, with cold sweats which do not relieve, followed by symptoms of paralysis.

UPPER LIMBS. [32] [Hell.]
Arms moving continually, automatically, except when asleep.
Thumb drawn in to palm.
Boring, sticking in wrist and finger-joints.
Humid, painless vesicles between fingers.
Ulceration around the nails.

LOWER LIMBS. [33] [Hell.]
Hip and knee-joints stiff.
Pricking in left hip.
Violent, somewhat slow stitches, as with several pins.
Legs œdematous.
Legs drawn up, with every attempt to change her position. θ Hydrocephalus.
Boring, stinging in knee and foot-joints.
Weakness of feet ; tottering of knees ; he could only walk slowly ; numbness of both feet ; prickling in toes.
Humid, painless vesicles between toes.

LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] [Hell.]
Involuntary throwing or whirling about of one arm and one leg.
Piercing in limbs, with uterine dropsy.

Slides down in bed. θ Typhoid.
Lies on back, limbs drawn up. θ Typhoid.
Worse from bodily exertion.

NERVES. [36] [Hell.]
Great debility.
Heaviness of parts.
Sudden relaxation of muscles.
Want of bodily irritability.
Muscles refuse their service when not governed by strong attention and will.
Automatic motion of one arm and leg in hydrocephalus.
Convulsive twitching of muscles.
Spasmodic twitching in muscles of lower limbs.
Horrible convulsions, with extreme coldness.
Convulsions of sucklings.
Epilepsy, with consciousness, followed by deep sleep.
Rigidity of muscles of neck and limbs.
Traumatic tetanus.
Chiefly indicated when all reaction is past and we deal with the consequent paralysis.
Paralysis of detrusor ; œdema of legs ; vomiting of all he eats ; constipation ; sleeplessness ; despair of getting well.

SLEEP. [37] [Hell.]
Drowsy ; when left alone, he goes to sleep.
Constant somnolence ; can be aroused, but not to full consciousness. θ Typhoid fever.
Soporous sleep, with shrieks and starts.
During sleep muscles twitch.
Dreams : confused, anxious, cannot be remembered.

FEVER. [40] [Hell.]
Coldness over whole body, with cold hands and feet.
Pale, sunken face, loss of pulse, icy-coldness, cold sweat all over, so that a drop is on the end of every hair.
Chill in alternation with pain in joints.
General shaking chill, with goose-flesh ; painful sensitiveness of external head to touch and motion ; drawing tearing in limbs, and frequent sticking in joints, especially in elbows and shoulders ; without thirst ; commences in morning.
Chill spreads from arms ; goose-flesh, pains in joints ; face hot ; drowsy ; < after getting out of bed, and from motion.
Burning heat, followed by chill and colic.
Burning heat over whole body, especially violent in head, with internal shivering and chilliness, without thirst, in evening between five and six, and especially after lying down ; when he desires to drink, it becomes repugnant to him, and can drink only a little at a time.
Internal heat of head with coldness of hands.
Hot head with cold body, towards evening.
Heat principally in head.
Fever with painful sensibility of head to touch and motion ; with drawing, tearing pains in limbs and stitches in joints.
After lying down in bed, heat generally with sweat.
Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover.
Sweat with heat, in bed, < toward morning.
Cold sweat.
Whole body covered with cold, clammy sweat.
Sweat : sticky ; less after sleep ; towards morning, temperature unchanged.
In consequence of catching cold after scarlet fever ; stitching pains in head ; vertigo ; pale swollen face unrecognizable ; loss of appetite, bitter taste in mouth, nausea after eating and drinking, gagging and vomiting with relief ; constipation ; urine very scanty and brown ; no sweat ; skin hot and dry ; abdomen swollen, but soft ; great depression of mind, fears she will die ; sits about despondent the whole day.
Stupid expression, though face is not collapsed ; vacant look of eyes with dilated pupils ; constant somnolence, out of which patient may be roused, but does not gain full consciousness ; he stares at physician, is slow in comprehending and answering questions ; all perception by senses grow only slowly or not at all conscious ; utters no desire ; when left alone sinks into slumber ; lies upon back with limbs drawn up ; sliding down in bed ; mucous membranes but little or not at all affected ; abdomen not bloated, unpainful ; no diarrhœa ; sometimes unconscious discharge of urine ; slow action of heart ; pulse only 80 ; respiration slow ; temperature of skin nearly normal ; no miliary eruption ; no sign of putrid dissolution of blood ; loss of flesh trifling ; only brain seems to be invaded. θ Typhoid.
Temperature 106. θ Typhoid.

SENSATIONS. [43] [Hell.]
Pricking, tearing, pressing pains, running across affected parts.

TISSUES. [44] [Hell.]
Red parts become white ; anemia.
Great emaciation.
Loss of flesh ; aphthæ.
Hydrocephalus and kidney troubles after exanthema.
Diseases of serous membranes, approaching insidiously, rather as a sequel from some other diseases than as a natural termination of an inflammation of brain.
Acts especially upon kidneys and serous membranes, giving rise to dropsical effusions of brain, thorax, peritoneum and cellular tissue.
Dropsy : of brain, chest, or abdomen ; sudden swellings ; anasarca ; after scarlatina, nephritis, intermittents, etc.
Anasarca and effusion into pericardium and pleura ; black urine.
Scarlatinal dropsy without much fever or pain in kidneys.
Face swollen ; respiration difficult ; urine blood-red. θ After scarlet fever.
Anasarca, ascites, hydrothorax, etc., and especially for acute dropsies where there is great weakness, drowsiness, fever, stitching pains in limbs, diarrhœa and suppressed urine.
Syphilitis infantum.
Stinging boring, in periosteum ; < in cool air.

SKIN. [46] [Hell.]
Skin peels off ; hair and nails fall out.
Livid spots on skin.
Repercussion of exanthemata.
Sudden dropsical swelling of skin.
Sudden severe chill, burning fever, headache, pain in all the limbs, pressure on chest, dry cough, unquenchable thirst ; after 36 hours face and body greatly swollen, pitting upon pressure ; dull headache, difficult in answering questions, cannot concentrate his mind, low-spirited ; want of appetite, pressure in region of stomach ; frequent griping in umbilical region followed by urging to stool, with bilious mucous discharges ; frequent urging to urinate with scanty discharge ; great weakness ; pulse small and slow. θ Anasarca.
Whole body enormously swollen on account of the œdematous infiltration of the connective tissue ; cannot sit up, lies in a drowsy condition ; complaining, dissatisfied when he is disturbed ; urine greatly diminished ; paleness of face and body. θ After purpura.
Painless ulcers.
Itching unchanged by scratching.

During dentition, brain symptoms.
Weakly, scrofulous children.
Astra2012 last decade
This is about opium (homeopathic!).

Presented by Médi-T


[1] Mind.
[2] Sensorium.
[3] Inner head.
[4] Outer head.
[5] Sight and eyes.
[6] Hearing and ears.
[7] Smell and nose.
[8] Upper face.
[9] Lower face.
[10] Teeth and gums.
[11] Taste, speech, tongue.
[12] Inner mouth.
[13] Palate and throat.
[14] Appetite, thirst. Desires..
[15] Eating and drinking.
[16] Hiccough, belching, nausea.. [17] Scrobiculum and stomach.
[18] Hypochondria.
[19] Abdomen and loins.
[20] Stools and rectum.
[21] Urinary organs.
[22] Male sexual organs.
[23] Female sexual organs.
[24] Pregnancy. Parturition..
[25] Voice and larynx. Trachea..
[26] Respiration.
[27] Cough.
[28] Inner chest and lungs.
[29] Heart, pulse and circulation.
[30] Outer chest.
[31] Neck and back.
[32] Upper limbs.
[33] Lower limbs.
[34] Limbs in general.
[35] Rest. Position. Motion.
[36] Nerves.
[37] Sleep.
[38] Time.
[39] Temperature and weather.
[40] Fever.
[41] Attacks, periodicity.
[42] Locality and direction.
[43] Sensations.
[44] Tissues.
[45] Touch. Injuries..
[46] Skin.
[47] Stage of life, constitution.
[48] Relations.

Op. * Full text (85 Ko) * Red and blue only (65 Ko) * Red only

Poppy. Papaveraceæ.

Introduced by Hahnemann.

For provings and toxicological reports which are numerous, see R. A. M. L., vol. 1, p. 278, and Allen's Encyclopædia, vol. 7, p. 173.


- Ill effects of anger, Schmid, B. J. H., vol. 5, p. 271 ; Mental disturbance ; Idiocy, Sonnenberg, Schüler, Kiesselbach, Rück., Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 36 ; Bigler, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 249 ; Delirium, Elwert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 8 ; Delirium tremens, Strecker, Weber, Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 146 ; Battmann, Kurtz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 65 ; Apoplexy, Higgins, N. A. J. H., vol. 22, p. 58 ; Scholz, Schmid, Knorre, Frank, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 94 ; Löw, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 30 ; Stupor, Sawyer, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 337 ; Sunstroke, Espinay, N. A. J. H., vol. 22, p. 80 ; from Bib. Franc, Dec., 1872 ; Vertigo, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 22 ; Schmid, B. J. H., vol. 1, p. 377 ; Headache, Schmid, B. J. H., vol. 1, p. 378 ; Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 190 ; Meningitis, Hartmann, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 46 ; Cerebro-spinal meningitis, Raue, Analyt. Therap., vol. 1, p. 248 ; Affection of stomach, vomiting, Hofrichter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 319 ; Colic, Welsch, Times Ret., 1875, p. 73 ; A. H. Z., vol. 90, p. 173 ; Flatulent colic, Hirsch, B. J. H., vol. 26, p. 108 ; Lead colic, Rückert, Fleischmann, Rothhansl ; Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 758 ; Huber, Mattoli, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 369 ; Ussher, Hah. Mo., vol. 23, p. 601 ; Hom. World, July, 1888 ; Intestinal catarrh, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 425 ; Ileus, Cserno, Raue's Rec. 1872, p. 149 ; H. Kl., 1871, p. 50 ; Intestinal obstruction, Löw, Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 374 ; Intestinal obstruction and fecal tumor, Plimpton, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 393 ; Abdominal complaint, Bartl, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 777 ; Constipation, Swan, Hom. Times, vol. 4, p. 275 ; Stoaks, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 439 ; Foster, Times Ret., 1877, p. 35 ; Am. Hom., vol. 1, p. 114 ; Luchs, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 396 ; Lobeth., Hrg., Mschk., Kirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 817 ; Rafinesque, Bernard, Bernard and Strong, p. 85 ; Cholera, Hirsch, B. J. H, vol. 26, pp. 107-112 ; Lobeth., Rentsch, Roth, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 952 ; Engelhard, Gerstel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 479 ; Proctitis, Lindner, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 355 ; Retention of stool and urine, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 28 ; Renal colic, Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 28 ; Strangury, Allen, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 212 ; Urethral stricture, Rosenberg, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 547 ; Sloughing of scrotum, Sircar, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 169 ; Calcutta M. J., vol. 3, p. 122 ; Menorrhagia, Weil, Times Ret., 1877, p. 109 ; Menostasia, Gross, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 179 ; H. Kl., 1871 ; Constipation during pregnancy, Knorr, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 384 ; Disorders of pregnancy, Wheeler, Times Ret., 1877, p. 113, Mass. Trans., vol. 4, p. 883 ; Abortion, Griessel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 319 ; Ineffectual labor pains, Afterpains, Battmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 656 ; Use in labor, Battmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 34 ; Puerperal convulsions, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, pp. 394, 408 ; Briry, N. E. M. G., vol. 8, p. 348 ; Baer, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 247 ; from Trans. A. I., 1872, p. 225 ; Bronchitis with dyspnœa, Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 800 ; Dyspnœa, Morrison, Hom. Rev., vol. 21, p. 157 ; Asthma Millari, Times Ret., 1877, p. 84, Cough, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 46 ; Hæmoptysis, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 805 ; Pneumonia, Bernrenter, Raue's Path., p. 392 ; Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 310 ; Heart disease, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 447 ; Huber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 860 ; Spasms, Epilepsy, Hrg., Attom., Hromada, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 586 ; Spasms, Pritchard, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 248 ; from Trans. N. Y. S., 1873-4, p. 314 ; Convulsions, Ping, Times Ret., 1875, p. 36, from Bib. Hom., vol. 7, p. 79 ; Epilepsy, Groos, Hom. Cl., vol. 4, p. 93 ; Stens, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 228 ; from A. H. Z., vol. 83, p. 128 ; Spalding, N. E. M. G., vol. 8, p. 208 ; Sleep, Sleeplessness, Löw, Rentsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 60 ; Cold, Underwood, B. J. H., vol. 33, p. 574 ; Ague, Hrg., Gauwerky, Seidel, Rummel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 968 ; Seidel, Allen's Int. Fever, p. 195 ; from Hom. Cl., Lippe, M. I., vol. 6, p. 345 ; Fischer, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 18 ; Typhoid fever, Lobeth., Löw, Gross, Hartmann, Trinks, Wislicen., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 761 ; Scarlet fever, Hahnemann, Trinks, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 58.

MIND. [1] [Op.]
Confusion of mind.
Dulness of head ; has no mental grasp for anything and cannot comprehend the sense of what he is reading.
Imbecility of will, as though annihilated.
Insensibility, accompanied by complete apoplectic respiration.
Unconscious, eyes glassy, half closed ; face pale ; deep coma.
Stupid indifference.
Drunkenness, with stupor ; as if from smoke in brain ; eyes burning, hot and dry.
Sopor : painless, complains of nothing, wants nothing ; with delirium ; depression of lower jaw ; dilated pupils ; general symptoms of paralysis of brain.
Profound coma ; cannot be aroused from stupor ; pupils greatly contracted or widely dilated ; face puffed, with dark red or cherry brown appearance ; stertorous breathing ; pulse full and labored or slow and feeble.
Talkative ; glistening eyes and mental activity ; inclines to gayety.
Thinks he is not in his own house ; imagines himself living in a locality three hours distant from his house ; detains all passers-by and wishes to take them into his house ; will brook no opposition, meets force with force, face flushed ; stupor, forgetfulness, he does not at once recognize friends ; anxiety ; wildness ; inclination to sleep without being able to do so ; constipation with meteoric distension of abdomen ; urine retained, a paretic condition apparently preventing evacuation ; while smoking forgets to draw ; lively and cheerful, yet very drowsy.
Said many disconnected things and pointed to masked people who seemed to approach him.
Sees frightful ghosts ; easily frightened.
She appears to see most frightful animals and other objects.
Vivid imagination, exaltation of mind.
Imagines parts of body very large.
Thinks she is not at home.
Delirious talking, eyes wide open, face red, puffed up.
Delirium : muttering ; violent, with red face, glistening eyes and great physical activity.
Constant delirium day and night ; declares he is not alone in bed ; when spoken to answers intelligently, but at once becomes delirious again ; frenzy ; desires to escape ; says a regiment of horsemen are upon his bed and that he fears to be trodden upon ; when told that horses are very careful, answered that he feared he would be crushed by the wagons that followed them. θ After pneumonia.
Mania a potu : with dulness of senses, at intervals sopor, with snoring ; in old, emaciated persons ; sees animals coming towards him ; people want to hurt him, execute him ; creeping under covers or jumping out of bed ; in "old sinners" whose long lives of excess have thoroughly destroyed their constitutions ; in those who have had the disease repeatedly, it taking but a small quantity of liquor to throw them again into delirium ; face wears a constant expression of fright and terror ; preceded by epileptiform fits ; imagine they see frightful objects and are in great fear ; believe themselves to be murderers or criminals to be executed ; want to run away ; staring look ; twitching of muscles of face and mouth ; lockjaw ; tremor.
Fantastical insanity with frightful visions ; talks in a confused manner ; commits indecent actions ; cheerfulness and feeling of great strength ; contempt of death ; riotous hilarity with buffoonery and subsequent angry savageness or tearful sorrow ; instability and imbecility of will ; indifference to joy and suffering ; complete dementia, does not recognize his own relatives ; excessive debility, stupor, frequent sweats and eruptions on skin ; diminished secretion of urine. θ Mental derangement.
After practising masturbation for many years fell into a state of despair respecting his health, this degenerated into complete idiocy.
Nervous and irritable ; tendency to start.
Ailments from excessive joy, fright, anger or shame.
After fright, fear of the fright still remaining.
Anxiety ; apprehension ; fear of impending death.
Started at least noise ; a fly upon any part of body was a burden to him.
After a fright with fear, convulsions, or a hot head, with twitching about mouth.
Grief over insults is followed by convulsions.
Mendacity. [Obs. "Opium eaters are chronic liars."]
Screaming before or during spasm.
Dislikes to talk during sweat.

SENSORIUM. [2] [Op.]
Great sensibility to sound, light and faintest odors.
Apoplexy : vertigo, congestion to head, with great roaring in ears ; eyes open, pupils dilated ; face red, muscles twitching ; sinking of jaw ; tongue drawn to one side ; speech impeded ; inability to swallow ; slow, irregular, stertorous breathing ; limbs cold, paralyzed ; drowsiness ; in persons addicted to spirituous liquors or oppressed by care or grief ; convulsive motions of extremities or tetanic stiffness of whole body ; hot sweat on head ; after consciousness is restored cannot retain what he reads and forgets connection of consecutive thoughts ; paralysis of right side.
Coma : incomplete insensibility ; will be aroused for a moment when addressed in a loud tone of voice and then relapse into stupor ; extremities and face bluish or livid ; loud, stertorous inspirations ; coldness of skin ; uremic.
Sunstroke ; unconsciousness ; deep coma ; eyes glassy and half closed.
After sleeping in sun during afternoon could not be awakened following morning ; she slept quietly and normally, pulse regular, skin cool. θ Sunstroke.
Passive cerebral congestion, with somnolence after meals in patients predisposed to apoplexy.
Fainting turns with vertigo whenever he attempts to rise from bed, with sudden return of animation on lying down.
Vertigo : with anxiety and delirium ; when rising ; after typhus ; from injuries to head ; as after intoxication ; with darkness before eyes ; with dulness of head and stupefaction ; sympathetic, accompanying diseases of precordial organs, suppressed hemorrhoids, menstruation, heart affections, etc. ; after fright ; with sensation as if he were flying or hovering in air.
Sensation in head like that following sleep after excessive debauch.
Great heaviness of head, making thought and writing difficult.
Dull, stupid, as if drunk.
Congestion of blood to head, with pulsations in it.

INNER HEAD. [3] [Op.]
Headache : pressing pain in temples ; vertigo, red face, sleepiness ; < on closing eyes ; congestive, nervous, abdominal.
Throbbing of arteries ; rush of blood to head.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis : stupor ; spasms ; drawing body backward and rolling from side to side ; deep, slow, stertorous breathing ; very quick or very slow pulse ; after violent emotions, fear, grief, fright, which acted like a blow, stunning whole nervous system.
Meningitis, particularly if caused by insulation or when child has slept near hot stove.
Traumatic encephalitis.
Hydrocephalus acutus : early and late stages ; heavy and stupid sleep, with red face ; stupid even after waking ; extremely acute hearing ; child seems to be afraid of something and starts as if frightened ; constipation, stools resemble small, black balls ; chronic.

OUTER HEAD. [4] [Op.]
Head hot and covered with hot or cold sweat. θ Apoplexy.
Occiput feels heavy as lead, head falling back constantly. θ Apoplexy. θ Cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Obscuration of sight ; amblyopia.
Scintillations before eyes.
The pupils are dilated and insensible to light, contracted or sluggish.
Sensation as if eyes were too large for orbits.
Eyes : glassy, protruded, immovable ; staring look ; half open, balls turned upward ; red, half closed, burning hot and dry ; red, glistening and prominent.
Sensation of sand or dust in eye, with burning.
Swelling of lower lids ; lids hang down as if paralyzed.
Total paralysis of accommodation, with impaired sensibility of right retina, and partial paralysis of accommodation of left eye ; supposed to be due to use of cosmetic which probably contained carbonate of lead ; almost constantly frontal headache, vertigo with darting pains from occiput to forehead, distressing feeling of emptiness in stomach, especially in morning, bowels constipated, and a sensation of pain and constriction as of a band encircling her chest in line of pleura.
Embolism of central artery of retina ; arteries blood-less, veins engorged and stagnant, and hemorrhagic spots on disk ; after a severe attack of neuralgia ; face very red and drawn to right side, tongue protruded to right side, speech imperfect, nearly voiceless, except with effort ; pain in back ; all pains on right side.

Acuteness of hearing ; clocks striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep her awake.
Buzzing, humming and violent roaring in ears.
Congestion to ears ; hematorrhœa.

Loss of smell.
Stitches in right nostril on taking a long inspiration.
Stoppage of nose ; dry coryza.

UPPER FACE. [8] [Op.]
Face : flushed ; red, bloated, swollen ; livid ; pale, earthy, eyes weak, full of water ; pale, clay-colored, sunken countenance and eyes, with red spots on cheeks ; bluish (purple), swollen ; of sucklings three or four weeks old, like that of an old man ; affrighted, mania a potu ; debauched, distorted.
Trembling, twitching and spasmodic motions of facial muscles.
Muscles of face relaxed, lower lip hangs down ; veins distended.
Cold sweat on forehead.

LOWER FACE. [9] [Op.]
Corners of mouth twitch ; distortion of mouth.
Lips livid ; foam at mouth.
Lower lip and jaw hang down.

Taste : lost ; bitter ; sour ; disagreeable, sweet (lead colic).
Paralysis of tongue and difficult articulation.
Unable to talk with mouth open ; answered in a stammering manner with interrupted articulation.
Tongue : quivering ; coated dirty yellow, or white ; unctuous ; purple black.

INNER MOUTH. [12] [Op.]
Dryness of mouth, thirst and want of appetite.
Saliva lessened or ptyalism ; spitting of blood.
Ulcers in mouth and on tongue.

Dryness of throat.
Inability to swallow ; daily attacks of distension and strangulation.
Dysphagia becoming true aphagia, a from paralysis of muscles.

Appetite ravenous or lost.
Disgust at food, or food is desired, but no sooner is first morsel swallowed than it is followed by oppression.
Violent thirst or absence of thirst.
Desire for spirituous liquors ; costive.
Longing for beer or brandy.

Aggravation from brandy or wine.

Hiccough ; sour eructations.
Nausea and inclination to vomit when moving and after eating.
Retching which has come on in consequence of a moral emotion, as loathing.
Unsuccessful vomiturition in drunkards.
Vomit : green, bloody or bitter ; putrid ; stercoraceous ; intussusception, with violent colic and convulsions ; first of food then of fecal-smelling substance (hiccough), great thirst, cold limbs, distorted face (ileus, incarcerated hernia) ; of enormous masses of mucus intermixed with large bubbles of air, occasionally greenish, accompanied by great nausea, pressure in stomach, constipation, etc.

Painful swelling in precordia.
Violent cutting in epigastric and umbilical region.
Constrictive pain in stomach.
Heaviness and pressure in stomach.
Fulness and oppression in stomach, with shortness and difficulty of breathing.
Digestion slow, disturbed, weakened, with sensation of fulness, heaviness, pressure, constriction and pain in stomach and præcordium ; inactivity of digestive organs ; atonic dyspepsia of drunkards ; subacute gastritis.

Swelling of spleen.

Rumbling in abdomen ; griping, grumbling.
Abdomen tense, distended, tympanitic, hard, swollen, sensitive to touch.
Pressive pain in abdomen, as if intestines would be cut to pieces.
Tension in hypogastric region, which is extremely painful to touch.
Pressure and heaviness as from a stone or weight in abdomen, in umbilical region.
Accumulation of gas in stomach and intestines, causing painful swelling ; > for a time by motion ; if gas passes off it is immediately renewed.
Anxious sensation in epigastrium ; colic, with great pressure downward upon rectum and bladder, without any discharge of gas, feces or urine.
Colic : transient, very violent ; griping, with constipation (in sucklings) ; cutting ; flatulent ; as if intestines were cut to pieces ; from lead poisoning.
Intestinal spasms ; child cried day and night and could not be pacified ; after each attack pale and collapsed ; thirsty, vomits after drinking ; stools hard, lumpy, colorless, or thin, yellowish or greenish ; passed much urine ; great fearfulness, especially at night ; eyes wide open ; he crouched up and perspired ; whenever he cried scrotum and penis wrinkled up, testicles were drawn up within abdominal ring, and penis completely disappeared.
Squeezing pains as if something were forced through a narrow space ; shooting pains into testes and bladder ; restless, anxious, changing position ; face hot ; pulse slow. θ Nephralgia.
Severe vomiting, with pains in stomach and obstinate constipation ; great confusion of head ; tongue coated ; metallic taste in mouth ; intolerable pains in abdomen, as if stabbed with a knife ; umbilicus spasmodically retracted ; pulse tense, hard, slow ; skin dry. θ Colic.
Very severe twitching-tearing or lightning-like pains shooting in all directions through abdomen, even extending down to testicles and at times involving bladder ; pains do not remain long in one place, but constantly change locality, and are not < from external pressure ; no indications of inflammation ; stool and urine normal ; pulse normal. θ Colic.
Flatus accumulates in upper part of bowels, causing distension of abdomen, especially in umbilical region, with antiperistaltic motion, belching and vomiting.
Constant severe constricting pain in abdomen, day and night, compelling him to bend double ; constipation ; loss of appetite ; great lassitude ; lower limbs heavy as lead. θ Lead colic.
Delirium, with severe convulsions ; complains of no pain ; skin very hot ; pulse 120 ; pupils greatly dilated, sensitive to light ; at night complains of sudden loss of vision ; later, pain and sensation of lameness, in lower limbs, with constriction in abdomen. θ Lead colic.
Colic in a printer from handling type ; pain so severe as to compel him to lie on floor and make a great outcry ; constipation.
Painter's colic.
Crampy intestinal motions ; rolling up as of a hard body in right hypochondrium. θ Ileus.
Strangulation of bowels ; violent colicky pains and fecal vomiting.
Digestive organs inactive ; peristaltic motion reversed or paralyzed ; bowels seem closed.
Paralysis of intestines from lead poisoning.
Laxness of abdominal organs.
Incarcerated umbilical and inguinal hernia ; fecal vomit.

Stool : involuntary, especially after fright ; pasty ; fluid, frothy, with burning in anus and tenesmus ; excessively offensive ; watery ; black, fetid ; unsatisfactory, hard ; hard, preceded by griping ; hard, dark-brown or grey ; hard and crumbly ; hard, round, black balls ; in small hard knots, accompanied by bearing-down pains, or with sensation as if rectum were closed ; hard, dry, in black balls, like sheep dung ; in large masses ; hard, alternated with liquid, frothy stools ; come down and recede ; retained spasmodically.
Diarrhœa : occasioned suddenly by fear, a cold, or other slight causes ; after sudden joy ; persistent, in those treated with large doses of the drug ; last stage of infantile, with characteristic stools and convulsions ; during typhoid.
Dysentery : patient drowsy and stupid ; urine scanty and retained ; no appetite ; rapid emaciation ; strong resemblance to second stage of typhus.
Cholera infantum : with stupor, snoring and convulsions ; contracted pupils ; tonic spasms ; face pale or red ; fatally advancing stupor ; pupils react very sluggishly or not at all ; disease seems to begin by involving brain, as yet there is neither vomiting nor diarrhœa, child appears as if drugged ; lack of vitality ; well-selected remedy refuses to act ; patient either sluggish or drowsy.
Cholera Asiatica : from emotional causes, fright at seizure or death of relatives ; after failure of Verat. or Arsen. ; when too large doses of Camphor have been given, and there is great congestion to head and threatened apoplexy ; typhoid symptoms ; asphyctic stage ; icy coldness and blueness of surface ; pulseless ; no reaction ; disturbances in circulation and respiration in consequence of violent and sudden implication of solar plexus, with cyanosis and threatened suffocation.
Constipation : from fright or fear ; nervous and irritable, passes nothing but hard, black balls from bowels ; from arrested secretions ; from ileus or paresis from intestines ; almost unconquerable ; for weeks with loss of appetite ; not more than one motion a week ; from inactivity of intestines ; the most active purgatives have lost their power ; decreased peristaltic motion ; paralysis of intestines in consequence of a protracted attack of diarrhœa in subjects leading a sedentary life and also in robust, healthy men ; associated with incarcerated hernia ; want of sensibility, hardly any inconvenience is felt from accumulation of feces ; of corpulent, goodhumored women and children ; from spasmodic retention in small intestines, with feeling of pressing asunder ; from lead poisoning ; after abuse of cathartics ; bowels impacted with feces ; resulting from pressure upon rectum in consequence of a gravid uterus or abdominal tumors ; of nursing infants, aged persons, and those of a torpid or plethoric habit ; absence of expulsive efforts ; accompanied by hysterical symptoms ; at one time, after stool had remained absent eleven weeks, fecal vomiting occurred.
Before stool : no desire, or with desire to go to stool there is a sensation as if anus were closed.
Proctitis during course of peritonitis (metritis) ; anus greatly retracted.
Sensation of occlusion of anus ; constriction, anus spasmodically closed during colic, with obstinate constipation ; very difficult emission of flatus.

Diabetes mellitus ; dulness, sadness, weak memory ; after mental shocks or injuries ; renal colic ; pressing squeezing pains as though something had to force its way through a narrow space ; shooting pains from different places into bladder and testicles ; vomiting of slime and bile ; obstinate constipation ; dysuria ; greatest anxiety and restlessness ; constantly changing position ; face hot ; pulse slow.
Urine retained : from fright ; from contraction of sphincter or paralysis of fundus of bladder ; bladder full ; post-partum ; nursing children after passion of nurse ; in fever or acute illness ; chiefly caused by blunting of lining of membrane of neck of bladder so that fulness is not recognized by patient.
Urine : suppressed ; passes with difficulty, as from atony ; seldom and scanty, dark brown, brickdust sediment ; red and cloudy ; lemon colored, with much sediment ; bloody.
Frequent interruption of stream of urine, which commences to flow after waiting a long time, on account of a cramp in sphincter vesicæ.
Cutting in urethra.
Strangury and retention of urine
Astra2012 last decade
cont. of opium

from excessive use of tobacco.
Involuntary urination.
Nocturnal enuresis ; urinates very often.

Excitement of sexual organs with violent erections ; impotence.
Voluptuous fancies, with erections during sleep and impotence after waking ; nightly emissions with amorous dreams.
Emissions without erections, followed by debility and great relaxation of parts.
Spasmodic stricture after drinking poorly-fermented liquor ; also in drunkards.
Painful sensation in testicles.
Inflammation and sloughing of scrotum following attacks of malarious fever.

Great excitement of sexual organs, with sexual dreams and orgasm.
Perfect loss of sexual desire from lack of nutrition.
Softness of uterus, with fetid discharge. ¥è After metritis.
Prolapsus uteri from fright.
Severe labor-like pains in uterus, with desire to go to stool.
Menses : irregular, profuse, violent colic forcing her to bend over ; urging to stool ; suppressed by fright.
Amenorrh©«a from fright ; irresistible drowsiness ; eclampsia.
Menorrhagia, or metrorrhagia ; great sleepiness, yet she cannot sleep ; sheets so hot that she has to change to a cooler place every little while ; constipation.
Menses suppressed by great fright ; violent epileptiform convulsions followed by very profuse menses.
Prolapsus of vagina with strangulation ; very sleepy ; lies in a soporous condition.
Leucorrh©«a : fetid.

During pregnancy : insomnia ; retention of stool ; continued hiccough ; frequent nausea and vomiting after eating.
Violent or painful movements of fetus.
Abortion threatening after great fright, especially if in latter part of pregnancy.
Labor pains : spasmodic, extremely painful, but ineffectual ; great pain in small of back ; false or suppressed ; from fear or fright ; twitching and jerking of muscles ; sopor, red face, injected eyes, retention of stool and urine.
Puerperal convulsions, after cathartics, not ceasing after child was born ; pulse 120 ; pallor ; sunken eyes ; pupils much dilated ; muttering ; borborygmus ; coma ; spasm ; throws arms and legs about ; stretching arms and legs at right angles with body ; trembling ; pulse working rapidly ; eyes turned inward and upward ; head bent back over to left ; left hand and foot turned to left side ; tongue quivering, coated dirty yellow, unctuous ; the spasm would scarcely relax, when it would run into another, more than thirty having occurred, finally stopping very suddenly for ten minutes.
Puerperal convulsions ; spasms commenced with rigidity of muscles and distortion of features, drawing mouth down and to one side ; head turned far back and to right side ; then there was jactitation of limbs and body, with lividity of face and frothing at mouth ; this condition would subside and be followed by stertorous breathing ; tongue much swollen and bloody.
During and after labor, spasm, with loss of consciousness and drowsiness, open mouth ; coma between paroxysms.
Puerperal fever, especially when caused by fright ; overexcitement of all the senses ; every distant sound annoys her ; very fetid discharge from uterus ; case approaches a condition of stupor.
Extremely severe after-pains, particularly in very sensitive women.
After parturition, retention of urine.
Suppression of lochia from fright, with sopor.
Newborn children, pale, breathless, cord pulsates ; after Acon., if pulse remains imperceptible, face purple.
Suckling of a few weeks, had not grown, but was like an old man ; limbs lax, skin wrinkled ; bones of skull had lapped over during birth, the parietals over each other and over the occiput.

Aphonia, occasioned by fright.
Hoarseness, dry mouth and throat, white tongue.
Feeble voice, it requires a strong effort to speak loud.
Laryngismus stridulus.
Tickling in larynx, with violent, dry, racking cough ; dryness and cough > by drinking water.

Breathing : frequent, involuntary, deep ; laborious and drawn at long intervals ; short inspiration, long, slow expiration, epigastrium drawn in ; fine rales, constant cough, sopor, face bluish ; great anguish and dread of suffocation ; looks as if dying ; slightly > from cold air and bending forward ; < from smoking or wine ; difficult, intermittent, as from paralysis of lungs ; difficult, oppressed, especially at night ; loud, difficult, rattling ; long and sighing ; snoring ; deep, stertorous ; puffing ; snoring, with wide open mouth ; irregular ; moaning, slow ; four respirations to the minute.
Asphyxia neonatorum ; pale and breathless ; cord still pulsates.
Nightly asthma, with whizzing and rattling during expiration, which is long and attended with retraction of epigastric region ; inhalation short without noise.
Attacks of difficult breathing, with noisy, stertorous respiration ; on taking an inspiration respiration would appear to be suspended and child would struggle to get its breath. ¥è Asthma Millari.
Asthmatic form of hay fever ; paroxysms of suffocation come on during sleep and are apt to be followed by violent fits of dry, racking cough > for a time by drinking water.
Loss of breath on going to sleep.
Suffocative attacks during sleep, like nightmare.
Tightness of breath and oppression, with great anguish, tightness and spasmodic constriction of chest.

COUGH. [27] [Op.]
Cough : spasmodic, dry, tickling, paroxysmal, < at night ; with gaping, drowsiness, yet cannot sleep ; with spasm of lungs and blue face ; when drinking ; with difficult sputa, followed by gaping ; suffocative, with bluish-redness of face ; with profuse sweat ; severe, with difficult expectoration, followed by yawning ; < on swallowing (h©¡moptysis).
Sputa frothy, containing blood and mucus.
Gaping after coughing.

Tension and constriction of chest.
Heat in chest.
Bronchitis after catching cold or getting wet, with high fever, dyspn©«a, bloodstreaked expectoration and pressure on chest ; constant cough ; at night must sit up on account of shortness of breath and dread of suffocation.
At times feels as if he were not in his house, which he expresses by saying, "I wish I could be in the house with my family ;" although in a desperate condition he is not much alarmed and wants to sit up a great part of time, because bed feels too hot ; whole body, except lower extremities, perspires profusely ; sweat is very hot ; perspiring parts covered by a heavy crop of sudamina ; gropes with his hands about bed as though hunting something ; whole left and considerable part of r. lung hepatized. ¥è Double pneumonia.
Infantile pneumonia, where the pulmonary inflammation is disguised by symptoms of cerebral congestion and oppression ; cyanotic color of upper part of body, with slow, stertorous breathing ; pneumonia senilis et potatorum, with similar symptoms ; difficult intermitting breathing, as from paralysis of lungs.
Suppuration of lungs occurring in those greatly addicted to use of intoxicating liquors ; breathing labored, with rattling and snoring ; cough very difficult and attended with smothering spells ; face becomes blue during cough.
Congestion of blood to chest, or pulmonary spasms, with deep, stertorous, rattling breathing.
H©¡moptysis : absence of all pain ; blood thick, frothy, mixed with mucus ; great oppression ; burning about heart, tremor, feeble voice ; anxious sleep, with starts ; legs cold, chest hot ; especially for drunkards.

Burning about heart.
Pulsating arteries and swollen veins on neck.
Beat of heart could not be felt.
Palpitation of heart after alarming events, fright, grief, sorrow, etc.
Pain in cardiac region, with great anxiety, violent beating of heart, trembling, difficult respiration, sleeplessness at night, delirium ; great excitement of mind, with constant talking and motion of head and hands, rest of body lying in an elevated position ; talks of impending death, cries, bids all farewell, then lies quiet as if communing with herself ; face expresses great fear, will not answer, or answers irrelevantly ; hands at one time icy-cold and covered with cold sweat, at another dry and hot ; pulse small, thready, quick, irregular, at one time strong, at another weak, intermittent ; grasps cardiac region with hands and presses them hard against left side of chest ; frequent deep respirations, during which she presses chest forward and arches back, as if endeavoring to remove some obstruction in chest accompanied by a peculiar motion of head and mouth and gasping for air ; notices most trifling actions of those about her ; gives answers to conversation carried on in low tones in adjoining room ; at times breaks into a monotonous song ; on recovering consciousness complained of great palpitation ; urine hot, dark, scanty ; constipation. ¥è Heart disease.
Pulse : varies ; full and slow, with snoring ; quick, hard, with anxious breathing ; irregular and unequal ; imperceptible ; face purple in cyanosis neonatorum.

NECK AND BACK. [31] [Op.]
Pulsating arteries and swollen veins on neck.
Drawing lacerating in back.
Back bent backward spasmodically, curved like an arch, violent trembling motion.

UPPER LIMBS. [32] [Op.]
Twitching and spasmodic movement of arms and hands, as in drunkards.
Paralysis of arms.
Numbness and sensation of swelling in hands and forearms.
Trembling of hands.
Veins of hands distended.

LOWER LIMBS. [33] [Op.]
Twitching and spasmodic movements.
Weakness, numbness and paralysis of legs.
Feels as if her lower limbs were severed from her body and belonged to some one else.
Distressing spasmodic jerking in muscles of calves.
Heaviness, numbness and swelling of feet.
Shuffling and trembling gait. ¥è Myelitis acuta.

Tremulous motion of all limbs.
Trembling of limbs after fright.
Spasmodic jerkings and numbness of limbs ; convulsive movements.
Coldness of extremities.
Chilblains on fingers and toes.

Lying down : animation returned.
Lying in an elevated position : during heart disease.
Must lie on floor : colic.
Rising : from bed, vertigo.
Head falling back constantly : cerebro-spinal meningitis ; apoplexy.
Stretching arms : at right angles to body, during spasm.
Moving : inclination to vomit ; painful swelling of abdomen >.
Bending forward : > breathing.
Presses chest forward and arches back : heart disease.
Must sit up : from dread of suffocation.
Changing position : nephralgia.
Constant tossing and tumbling about : at night.

NERVES. [36] [Op.]
Starts at least noise.
Buzzing through whole body.
Trembling of whole body ; caused by fright ; of left arm in paroxysms ; with external coldness, with jerking and twitching in limbs ; convulsions.
Twitching, trembling head, arms and hands ; now and then jerks of flexors ; body cold ; stupor ; motion of body and uncovering head relieves.
Involuntary contraction of muscles.
Convulsive movements of one or other arm to and fro.
Spasms : from emotion, fright, anger, etc. ; from approach of strangers (children) ; from crying ; throws limbs or stretches arms at right angles to body, or, tetanic rigidity, opisthotonos, with rolling laterally ; spasm begins with loud screams, then foam at mouth, trembling of limbs, suffocation ; eyes half open and upturned, pupils large and insensible to light ; after attack, deep sleep, face remains deep red and hot ; stupor between spasms ; on entering fit, loud screams, as from fright ; from nursing soon after sudden fright of mother ; with sudden loud cries.
Suddenly seized with an epileptic fit without any appreciable cause, six weeks later second fit, third came four weeks after second, and then they followed every three weeks ; after attack soporous sleep, lasting from twenty-four to thirty hours ; face dark red during sleep ; after sleep pain in front of head ; constipation.
Fits only after going to sleep ; would not sleep ten minutes during day or night before she would, with a sudden spring, become violently convulsed ; foaming at mouth and bleeding from her bitten tongue ; face puffed, almost purple ; eyes dull and turned upward ; lids half closed ; head hot ; severe opisthotonos ; convulsions last ten to thirty minutes, sinks into a deep, heavy sleep, with loud snoring and rattling in chest ; in half an hour, sometimes not five minutes, suddenly goes into another convulsion, thus she passes entire night ; wakes in morning lame and tired, but wholly unconscious of not having had a quiet nights sleep ; during day listless and drowsy ; itching of skin without eruption ; indifferent to what transpires ; prefers to be left alone ; constipation. ¥è Epilepsy.
Every evening about 11 o'clock, after having slept fifteen minutes, begins to toss head from side to side, raises head, flexes it upon chest and finally tosses it back quickly upon pillow ; after having repeated this for third time stretches out and clenches right hand, thumb, however, not being drawn in, and gives herself several forcible blows upon chest ; thereafter violent stretching, followed by twitching, until cessation of attack. ¥è Epilepsy.
Emotional chorea.
Faints every fifteen minutes ; eyes shut ; head hangs ; unconscious ; jerks ; sighing ; < on rising.
Muscular exhaustion ; great depression of nervous centres, with stupor and coma.
Want of susceptibility to drugs ; want of vital reaction.
Shock from injury, severe cases ; rapid breathing, every breath being a loud moan ; livid or pale face ; livid lips ; great distress, oppression and anguish ; cool, clammy skin ; throat emits sound of letter "k" in respiration ; eyes fixed unequally ; unconsciousness.
Numbness and insensibility.
Paralysis, insensibility after apoplexy ; in drunkards or old people ; stool and urine retained.
Painlessness with all ailments ; complains of nothing and asks for nothing.

SLEEP. [37] [Op.]
Drowsiness : with headache ; amounting almost to sopor.
Stupid, comatose sleep, with rattling, snoring breathing ; slumber with half open eyes, contracted or sluggish pupils, carphologia and touching surrounding objects.
Drowsiness or sopor ; red face ; stertorous breathing ; hot sweat.
Very restless at night, constant tossing and tumbling.
Sleepy, but cannot sleep ; excessive wakefulness.
Sleeplessness, full of unwelcome fancies and imaginations that were entirely distinct from surrounding objects, as in delirium.
Sleeplessness, with acuteness of hearing ; clocks striking and cocks crowing at a distance keep her awake.
Coma vigil, with frightlful visions, before midnight.
During sleep : picking of bedclothes ; sobbing ; groaning ; voluptuous dreams.

TIME. [38] [Op.]
Morning : distressing feeling of emptiness in stomach < ; hot, profuse sweat.
At 11 A. M. : shaking chill.
Day : listless and drowsy.
Night : great fearfulness ; sudden loss of vision ; breathing difficult and oppressed ; cough < ; must sit up from dread of suffocation ; sleeplessness ; convulsions ; chill.
Before midnight : coma vigil with frightful visions.
Remission during day and evening ; aggravation night and morning.

Uncovering head relieves.
Cold air : labored breathing >.
Drinking water : dryness and cough >.
Getting wet : bronchitis.
Bed feels so hot she can hardly lie on it ; > from cold ; < from heat.
Very susceptible to cold air.
Reappearance and aggravation from becoming heated.

FEVER. [40] [Op.]
Coldness : of body, especially of extremities ; and rigidity.
Stiff and cold ; chill and diminished heat, stupor ; weak, scarcely perceptible pulse.
Chill : latter part of night, with thirst, pains in limbs, hot head, stupor ; afterwards heat with sleep, headache, pale face, bilious vomit ; then sweat mostly on legs, with burning hot feeling.
Flushed face, cold legs, sleepy, but cannot sleep.
Heat : of head, with profuse sweat ; in chest and other parts of trunk ; with burning of cheeks ; in face, with perspiration in large drops ; with soporous, snoring sleep, and open mouth ; twitches through limbs and perspiration on hot body ; body burning even when bathed in sweat ; limbs twitch ; wants to uncover.
Bed feels so hot she cannot lie on it ; moves often in search of a cool place.
Sweat : cold, on forehead or over whole body ; over whole body, which is burning hot ; sleep and snoring ; hot, profuse morning sweat, wants to be uncovered ; on upper part of body ; lower part hot and dry.
Acute fevers characterized by a sopor bordering upon stupor, and by absence of any complaint, snoring with mouth open, half jerking of limbs and burning heat of perspiring body.
After catching severe cold ; febrile symptoms, sore throat, throbbing headache, delirious, troubled sleep ; hot surface, with chill creeping over body, especially from hips to below knees ; lameness of eyeballs ; uncontrollable desire to weep.
Shaking chill at 11 A. M. ; body cold, or coldness only of limbs, abdomen, back, hands and feet.
Sleep during chill, heat and sweat ; during sweat still feels burning hot ; children and old people. ¥è Ague.
Congestive chill paroxysms regular in time, irregular in stages.
Intermittents of old people and children.
Somnolency attended with slight delirium ; lies quietly with a pleased expression of countenance ; replies correctly when aroused ; makes no complaint, on contrary is often satisfied with his condition because his dreams are agreeable ; continues awake but a short time, then falls into somnolent state again. ¥è Typhoid.
Typhoid type of fever, stupor, can scarcely be arounsed ; speechless ; eyes half open ; mild delirium or loud talking, fury, singing, desire to escape.
Typhoid fever : with profound cerebral congestion resulting in paralysis of brain ; dark or brownish-red hue of face ; dropping of lower jaw and stertorous breathing ; body bathed in hot sweat, sweat not critical ; feels as if her lower limbs were severed from her body and belonged to some one else ; during lucid intervals complains that bed is to hot.

Paroxysms : chill, regular.
Alternate : hard and liquid stools.
Every fifteen minutes : faints.
Ten to thirty minutes : convulsions last.
Daily : attacks of distension and strangulation.
Every evening about 11 o'clock : fits commence.
Nightly : emissions ; asthma.
During week : one motion of bowels.
Every three weeks : epileptic fits, sleep lasting twentyfour to thirty hours.

Right : paralysis of side ; angle of mouth higher than left ; pulse full at radial ; eye turned upward ; impaired sensibility of retina ; face drawn to side ; tongue protruded to side ; pains on side ; stitches in nostril ; as of a hard body in hypochondrium ; head turned to side ; clenches hand, thumb not drawn in.
Left : eye turned to ear ; partial paralysis of accommodation of eye ; head bent back over to side ; hand and foot turned to side ; presses hands against side of chest ; trembling of arm.

SENSATIONS. [43] [Op.]
As if from smoke in brain ; as if he were flying or hovering in air ; as if drunk ; as if eyes were too large for orbits ; as of sand or dust in eyes ; lids as if paralyzed ; as of a band encircling chest in line of pleura ; as if intestines would be cut to pieces ; as of a stone or weight in abdomen ; as if something was forced through a narrow space in abdomen ; abdomen as if stabbed with a knife ; rolling as of a hard body in right hypochondrium ; as if rectum were closed ; child as if drugged ; as though anus were closed ; looks as if dying ; as if her lower limbs were severed from body.
Pain : in chest ; in back ; in lower limbs ; in testicles ; in cardiac region ; in limbs.
Intolerable pain : in stomach.
Extremely severe after-pains.
Violent colicky pains : in abdomen.
Great pain : in small of back.
Shooting pain : in testes and bladder.
Darting pains : from occiput to forehead.
Lightning-like pain : in all directions in abdomen.
Spasmodic pains : in uterus.
Stitches : in right nostril.
Twitching-tearing pains : in all directions through abdomen.
Cutting : in abdomen ; in urethra.
Drawing lacerating : in back.
Griping : in abdomen.
Squeezing pain : in abdomen.
Constrictive pain : in stomach ; in abdomen.
Pressive pain : in abdomen.
Pressing pain : in temples.
Severe labor-like pains : in uterus.
Bearing-down pains : in abdomen.
Burning : in eyes ; in anus ; about heart ; of cheeks ; of body ; in veins.
Heat : of face ; in chest ; of hands.
Throbbing : of arteries.
Constriction : of anus ; of chest.
Pressure : in stomach ; upon rectum and bladder ; on chest.
Tension : in hypogastric region ; of chest.
Fulness : in stomach.
Oppression : in stomach.
Anxious sensation : in epigastrium.
Heaviness : of head ; of occiput ; of stomach ; of limbs ; of feet.
Sensation of swelling : in hands and forearms.
Emptiness : of stomach.
Tickling : in larynx.
Dryness : of eyes ; of mouth ; of throat ; of skin ; of hands.
Lameness : of lower limbs ; of eyeballs.
Numbness : of arms ; of legs ; of feet.
Buzzing : through whole body.
Trembling : of whole body.
Coldness : of extremities ; of body ; abdomen, back, hands and feet ; in veins.
Itching : of skin.

TISSUES. [44] [Op.]
Increased excitability and action in voluntary muscles, with diminution of it in involuntary muscles.
Jerks ; only the flexors active.
Emaciation and debility.
Marasmus ; child wrinkled and looks like a little driedup old man ; stupor.
Suspension of secretion from mucous surface of digestive canal.
Venous congestion, with dark red surface.
Burning or sensation of coldness in veins.
Morbus coeruleus.
Suppurations and ulcers painless.
Lead poisoning.
Dropsical swelling of whole body.

Bed feels so hard she cannot lie upon it.
Touch : abdomen sensitive ; hypogastric region painful.
Scratching : red blotches after itching.
From injury : to head, vertigo ; shocks.
Burns ; especially in children with disposition to convulsions and other spasmodic affections the result of fright from accident.

SKIN. [46] [Op.]
Skin hot and damp, or sweating even in morning, and a desire to uncover.
Dryness of skin, without fever.
Very troublesome itching all over, fine pricking, rarely sensitive to touch.
Smarting-itching after sweating.
Whole body looks red.
Redness and itching of skin, red blotches after scratching.
Paleness of skin.
Skin of a pale blue, especially on genitals.
Blue spots on skin.
Scarlatina : burning heat, soporous stupor, agonized tossing about, vomiting, diarrh©«a, convulsions, constipation.
Sudden retrocession of acute eruptions ; paralysis of brain sets in, or convulsions.

Light hair, lax muscles and want of bodily irritability ; the well-chosen remedy makes no impression.
Especially suitable for children and old persons ; diseases of first and second childhood.
Frequently suited to persons addicted to spirituous drinks.
Girl, few days after birth ; affection of heart.
Nursing child ; colic.
Baby, ©¡t. 18 months, suffering since five months old ; spasms.
Girl, ©¡t. 3, short, stout, dark hair and eyes ; stupor.
Girl, ©¡t. 3, after sleeping in sun during afternoon ; sunstroke.
Boy, ©¡t. 4, suffering twelve months ; asthma.
Boy, ©¡t. 5, healthy ; ague.
Boy, ©¡t. 6, suffering six weeks ; ague.
Girl, ©¡t. 6 1/2, formerly suffering from urticaria, which was aggravated whenever she ate a strawberry ; constipation.
Girl, ©¡t. 7, had mesenteric disease in infancy and convulsions subsequently ; dyspn©«a.
Boy, ©¡t. 9, suffering 6 weeks ; ague.
Girl, ©¡t. 12, suffering several years ; constipation.
Boy, ©¡t. 12, but one chill this year, although subject to frequent attacks last season, always suppressed with quinine ; ague.
Girl, ©¡t. 14, menses suppressed by fright, had convulsions ; menorrhagia.
Miss ©¡t. 15, suffering three years ; epilepsy.
Girl, ©¡t. 17, fragile and delicate, first menstruated when seventeen years old, and discharge suppressed after two days by fright ; epilepsy.
Man, ©¡t. 18, after having nearly recovered from pneumonia ; delirium.
Woman, ©¡t. 18, very stout, primipara, after cathartics ; puerperal convulsions.
Girl, ©¡t. 19, formerly suffering with pain in chest and feet ; epilepsy.
Man, ©¡t. 21, had an attack a year ago ; colic.
Girl, ©¡t. 23, formerly robust, but for last three years constantly complaining ; constipation.
Girl, ©¡t. 23 ; epilepsy.
Two men, ©¡t. 20 to 25 ; delirium tremens.
Man, ©¡t. 27, suffering three days ; colic.
Man, ©¡t. 27, single, robust, one month ago similarly affected ; lead colic.
Woman, ©¡t. 27, single, gentle, quiet disposition, thin, slender brunette, suffers from epilepsy, particularly during menstrual period, mother phthisical, father dissolute ; disease of heart.
Woman, ©¡t. 28, dark complexion, pregnant for third time, suffered in previous pregnancies with vomiting for about four months ; disorders of pregnancy.
Woman, ©¡t. 30, during epidemic of influenza ; cough.
Mrs. M., ©¡t. 32, Irish, cheerful, fresh-looking in health ; intestinal obstruction and fecal tumor.
Woman, ©¡t. 35, after losing two children in quick succession ; cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Woman, ©¡t. 36, has tumor on right side of chest, extending from axilla and enlarging breast ; affection of stomach.
Man, ©¡t. 38, figure small, slight, practiced masturbation since twelve years old ; idiocy.
Man, ©¡t. 40, short, fat, phlegmatic ; delirium tremens.
Man, ©¡t. 40, drunkard ; delirium tremens.
Man, ©¡t. 40, after feet had become very cold ; colic.
Man, ©¡t. 40, gardener ; catarrh of chest.
Man, ©¡t. 40, phlegmatic temperament, Bryon., Phosphor., etc., given without benefit, on eleventh day of disease ; Opium followed by sudden change and satisfactory recovery ; double pneumonia.
Woman, ©¡t. 43, after having been beaten violently with fist about head, neck and shoulders ; spasms.
Dr. R. M., ©¡t. 44, nervo-bilious, addicted to strong drink ; apoplexy.
Woman, ©¡t. 48, well nourished, in good health ; intestinal obstruction.
Man, ©¡t. 50, addicted to drink, oppressed by care and sorrow ; apoplexy.
Man, ©¡t. 50, heavy drinker ; bronchitis and asthma.
Man, ©¡t. 51, suffering ten years ; constipation.
Mrs., ©¡t. 56, suffering twenty years ; constipation.
Woman, ©¡t. 56 ; constipation.
Man, ©¡t. 60 ; constipation.
Man, ©¡t. 75, tendency to apoplexy, prodromes of which were several times dissipated by Bellad. ; apoplexy.
Man, ©¡t. 84, suffering from hemorrhoids ; mental disturbance.
Miss C., rosy, buxom ; epilepsy.
Young woman, primipara, after a difficult labor, administration of ether and use of instruments having been necessary to accomplish delivery ; puerperal convulsions.
Young man, strong constitution, after violent fit of passion ; headache, fever, etc.
Lady, suffering several years ; headache.
Potter, has worked a long time at glazing ; colic.
Painter, well built, has had frequent attacks ; lead colic.
Man, drinker, after excessive drinking, to which he resorted in consequence of vexation and grief ; delirium tremens.
Woman, suffering many years ; headache.
Elderly woman, robust, with rosy cheeks ; vomiting.

RELATIONS. [48] [Op.]
Antidoted by : strong coffee, Bellad., Ipec., Nux vom., Vinum, Vanil. arom., Zincum.
It antidotes : charcoal vapor, Bellad., Digit., Laches., Mercur., Nux vom., Strychnia, Plumbum, Stramon., Tart. emet.
Compatible : Acon., Bellad., Bryon., Hyosc., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Tart. emet.
Compare : Apis (apoplexy, coma) ; Ipecac. and Moschus (spasm of lungs).
Astra2012 last decade
Natrum Sulph is another great remedy for internal brain injuries.I have been treating my father-in-law who had fallen from a train and hence suffered from severe brain injury around twenty nine years ago.He was in a coma then for around twenty days.He survived somehow with the treatment at that time.But thereafter he started behaving like a 10-12 year old kid.I have been treating him for the last two and a half years after my marriage to his daughter three years ago.The main remedy that i have used is Natrum Sulph in the 10M to CM potency range and he has responded beautifully to homeopathy.Now we can put his mental age at a much more advanced level than when i started the treatment.Of course full recovery is perhaps not possible due to the sheer number of years that have passed after the injury.But your friend can certainly recover.Give him Arnica as Joe has advised and then may be after a week or so tell us how he is doing.At some point in his treatment you may need Nat Sulph also.

rajivprasad last decade
you can also try " nat sulph&quot;
in 200 potency.
dr sajid.
drsajid last decade
This is about nat-sulph= a great remedy for aftereffects of head injury!

Presented by Médi-T

Natrum Sulphuricum.

[1] Mind.
[2] Sensorium.
[3] Inner head.
[4] Outer head.
[5] Sight and eyes.
[6] Hearing and ears.
[7] Smell and nose.
[8] Upper face.
[9] Lower face.
[10] Teeth and gums.
[11] Taste, speech, tongue.
[12] Inner mouth.
[13] Palate and throat.
[14] Appetite, thirst. Desires..
[15] Eating and drinking.
[16] Hiccough, belching, nausea.. [17] Scrobiculum and stomach.
[18] Hypochondria.
[19] Abdomen and loins.
[20] Stools and rectum.
[21] Urinary organs.
[22] Male sexual organs.
[23] Female sexual organs.
[24] Pregnancy. Parturition..
[25] Voice and larynx. Trachea..
[26] Respiration.
[27] Cough.
[28] Inner chest and lungs.
[29] Heart, pulse and circulation.
[30] Outer chest.
[31] Neck and back.
[32] Upper limbs.
[33] Lower limbs.
[34] Limbs in general.
[35] Rest. Position. Motion.
[36] Nerves.
[37] Sleep.
[38] Time.
[39] Temperature and weather.
[40] Fever.
[41] Attacks, periodicity.
[42] Locality and direction.
[43] Sensations.
[44] Tissues.
[45] Touch. Injuries..
[46] Skin.
[47] Stage of life, constitution.
[48] Relations.

Nat-s. * Full text (80 Ko) * Red and blue only (55 Ko) * Red only

Sodium Sulphate ; Glauber Salts. Na OSO3+10aq.

Since its discovery by Glauber, in 1658 (de natura salium), it was called Sal Mirabile by himself, and afterwards Sal Glauberi. It has been used as a laxative in so-called inflammatory affections, or employed as a purgative (Comp. Pereira, ed. by Carson). The Chinese use it for the same purpose, according to Scherzer (Austrian Expedition). It is rarely given in smaller doses, largely diluted, as an aperient and diuretic (American Dispensatory). It was proved in still smaller doses by Dr. Schreter, in Lemberg, Galicia ; the proving published in 1832, in Hartlaub's Annalen, vol. 111, No. 4, and by the zealous and meritorious Nenning in Bohemia, by himself, and several women and girls, published in 1833, in the same journal, vol. 4, No. 4.

In Grauvogl's works, Grundgesetze, 1858, Das Homöopathische Ähnlichkeitgesets, 1861, Diätetik und Prophylaxis, 1862, Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, 1866, it is recommended as a polychrest in the "hydrogenoid constitution," Sycosis, Leucæmia and Thrombosis.

Long before this it had been used in the 30th centesimal to prevent the development of some forms of consumption by Hering, was given in important cases of sickness by Jeanes, in abdominal disorders and chronic diarrhœa by Lippe, and in the second potency with prompt result in some forms of sciatica by Raue and Hering, according to symptoms of Nenning.

For complete collection of symptoms see Hering's Monograph, Am. Jour. Hom. Mat. Med. Sulphate of soda is contained in a great many springs, used and abused as medicines.

It predominates in the warm springs of Karlsbad (Sprudel), of Bristol (hot well), and in the cold springs of the Isle of Wight, and of Püllna, Saidschütz, Marienbad, Bilin, and Franzensbad, in Bohemia. --C. Hg.

Introduced by Schreter, proved by him and Nenning (Hartlaub and Trink's Annalen, vol. 4, p. 487), Lembke (N. Zeit. für Hom. Klinik, 1866, vol. 11, p. 97).


- Periodical headaches, Schüssler's Tissue Remedies ; Headache with malarial symptoms, Knerr, MSS. ; Ozæna, Terry, N. A. J. H., vol. 25, p. 309 ; Posterior nasal catarrh, Miller, Hom. Times, 1876, p. 69 ; Toothache, Landesmann, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 83 ; Gastric derangement, Schüssler's Tissue Remedies ; Sensitiveness in region of liver, Paine, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 29 ; Affection of liver, Paine, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 11 ; Hah. Mo., vol. 5, p. 200 ; Bilious colic, Schüssler's Tissue Remedies, p. 117 ; Diarrhœa, Lippe, Organon, vol. 3, p. 337 ; Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 190 ; Stillman, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 146 ; Sulzer, Hom. Times, 1875, p. 76 ; Norton, C. R. Med. Inv., 1870, p. 390 ; Chronic diarrhœa, Pratt, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 138 ; H. M., Sept., 1871, p. 96 ; Diabetes mellitus, Ægidi, Raue's Path., p. 649 ; Gonorrhœa, sycosis (with Thuya), 6 cases, Bojanus, Raue's Rec., 1871, pp. 139-41 ; Leucorrhœa, Müller, B. J. H., vol. 23, p. 370 ; Herpes vulvæ, Heinigke, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 160 ; Phlegmasia alba dolens, Burnett, B. J. H., vol. 33, p. 731 ; Asthma, Guernsey, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 129 ; Leonard, Schüssler's Tissue Remedies ; Spinal meningitis, Kent, Schüssler's Tissue Remedies, B. and D. ; Soreness in spine and neck, Pulsifer, Hah. Mo., vol. 5, p. 195 ; Swelling of cervical glands, Grauvogl ; Text-book, p. 360 ; Paronychia, Grauvogl, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 913 ; Panaritium, Bell, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 327 ; Heat of feet, Berridge, Hom. Times, 1875, p. 23 ; Locomotor ataxia (with Thuya), Grauvogl, B. J. H., vol. 26, p. 639 ; Spasms after injury to head, Kent, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 279 ; Chronic fistulous abscesses, Grauvogl ; Sycosis, Kent, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 275.

MIND. [1] [Nat. s.]
Inability to think.
Cheerfulness, happy mood ; after loose stools.
Depressed ; tearful ; lively music makes her sad.
Satiety of life ; must use all self-control to prevent shooting himself.
Irritable, < mornings ; dislikes to speak or to be spoken to.
Great anxiety caused by pressure of swelling of throat on windpipe.
Spirits low, extremely timid and anxious ; mind enfeebled.
Jaundice after anger.
Mental troubles arising from a fall or other injuries to head.
Melancholy with periodical attacks of mania.

SENSORIUM. [2] [Nat. s.]
Vertigo : after dinner ; then heat from body towards head, becoming more violent until sweat breaks out on forehead ; > after forehead becomes moist ; with dulness of head ; frequent yawning and vomiting of sour mucus ; from gastric derangements, excess of bile, with bilious coating on tongue or bitter taste in mouth.
Muddled feeling, dulness.

INNER HEAD. [3] [Nat. s.]
Pressure in forehead, particularly after meals ; as if forehead would burst.
Periodical attacks in right side of forehead.
Pain as if forehead would burst after a meal.
Pressure in forehead and coronal region after sunset, with heat on top of head ; > by pressure of hand ; during quiet and while lying down ; < when thinking.
Beating pain in both temples when walking.
Periodically returning headaches ; pain concentrated in r. temple, of a boring nature, as if a screw was being driven in, preceded by burning sensation in pit of stomach, bitter taste and lassitude, only felt at night or in morning ; vomiting of bile follows.
Indescribable pain on top of head, as if it would split.
Pressure and heat in vertex during menses.
Hot feeling on top of head.
Heavy and dull in head, especially in morning ; looks pale and sickly.
Heaviness in head, with bleeding of nose, without relief.
Congestion of blood to head ; pulsating headache.
Headache while reading, made him feel hot, and sweat.
Brain feels loose, when stooping, as if it fell towards left temple.
Jerk in head, throwing it towards right side.
Headache : with giddiness ; bitter taste ; vomiting of bile ; bilious diarrhœa ; colicky pain.
Dull headache, with malarial symptoms.
Occipital headache.
Violent pains at base of brain, as if crushed in a vise, or something gnawing there.
Violent pains in head, especially at base of brain and back of neck. θ After injuries to head.
Irritation of brain after lesions of head.

OUTER HEAD. [4] [Nat. s.]
Creeping in scalp of vertex.
Scalp is sensitive ; hair is painful on combing it.
Burning in top of head.
Chronic effects from injuries upon skull ; simple concussions that have resulted from a considerable shock, and injuries without organic affections.

SIGHT AND EYES. [5] [Nat. s.]
Sight dim ; eyes weak ; watering.
Sensitiveness of eyes to light, with headache.
Yellowness of conjunctivæ.
Large, blisterlike granulations, with burning tears.
Burning in right eye, burning lachrymation, dim sight ; < near fire, also morning and evening ; burning of edges of lids.
Crawling sensation in eyes ; great dryness and burning of eyes ; < from afternoon to evening ; seemed as if her eyeballs were hot.
Granulous blisters on eyes.
Conjunctivitis granulosa, granulations appear like small blisters (Thuya).
Photophobia in scrofulous ophthalmia ; lids agglutinated.
Suffusion with burning of edges of lids.
Chronic conjunctivitis, with granular lids, green pus, terrible photophobia.
Lids heavy as if leaden, pressing in eyes while reading in evening.
Burning or itching of edges of lids in morning.

HEARING AND EARS. [6] [Nat. s.]
Ringing in ears, as of bells.
Pressing in ears as if tympanum was pressed out.
Earache as if something was forcing its way out.
Piercing pain in right ear inward ; sharp, lightning-like stitches in ear ; < going from cold air into warm room, < in damp weather, living on wet ground, etc.
Heat in right ear, in evening.
Irritable mucous membrane of ears and nose.

SMELL AND NOSE. [7] [Nat. s.]
Nosebleed : before menses ; during menses, stops and returns often ; in afternoon.
Stuffing up of nose ; great dryness and burning.
Sneezing and fluent coryza.
Catarrhal discharge, yellowish-green ; becomes green on exposure to light.
Accumulation of mucus, particularly at night, with salty expectoration in morning. θ Posterior nasal catarrh.
Watery discharge becomes yellow and copious ; nostrils sore ; discharge thick, yellow and mostly from anterior nares. θ Chronic nasal catarrh.
Thick, yellowish discharge from nose ; sometimes a greenish-looking scab is blown from nose in morning with some blood and offensive smell ; scab seems to come from an ulcer in Schneiderian membrane ; pain in root of nose, feels stopped up ; hawking up during day and in morning of pieces of starch-like greyish phlegm, with a salty taste ; oppression in middle and upper part of chest, as of a weight in chest, < at night, in morning and in damp weather ; sometimes pain in l. lower side of chest ; wart on right ring finger. θ Ozæna.
Ozoena syphilitica beginning with ulcers in fauces, no fetor.
Itching of wings of nose, inducing rubbing.

UPPER FACE. [8] [Nat. s.]
Face : pale, wan ; sallow or jaundiced with biliousness.
Vesicles and pimples on face.
Smooth erysipelas of face.
Itching of face.

LOWER FACE. [9] [Nat. s.]
Burning pain in corner of mouth at night ; lips burn like pepper.
Upper lip dry, skin peels off.
Vesicles on lower lip.
Vesicular eruption around mouth and chin.
Pimple on chin, burns when touched.

TEETH AND GUMS. [10] [Nat. s.]
Throbbing toothache, with great restlessness ; < from warm, but intolerable to hot drink.
Toothache : > taking cold water into mouth ; > by cool air or tobacco smoke.
Gums burn like fire.
Blister on upper gums, suppurating, then drying up.
Painless, movable tumor on lower gums.

TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] [Nat. s.]
Taste : bitter ; unpleasant ; slimy, tongue coated with mucus.
No taste, mornings ; mouth feels dry, numb.
Dirty, greenish-grey or greenish-brown coating on root of tongue.
Tongue : coated greenish, with malarial symptoms ; slimy ; red ; burning tip.
Blisters with burning pain, on tip of tongue.

INNER MOUTH. [12] [Nat. s.]
Roof of mouth sore to touch.
Burning of palate as if sore and raw, during menses.
Blisters on palate, which increased daily ; palate became so sensitive that she could hardly eat ; > taking anything cold into mouth.
Burning in mouth, as from pepper ; mouth dry, thirst, gums red.
Dryness with redness of gums and thirst.
Feeling of numbness and roughness in mouth.
Bitter taste, full of slime, thick and tenacious, white, must hawk it up constantly from œsophagus, trachea and stomach.
Accumulation of very thin saliva in mouth ; copious after meals.

PALATE AND THROAT. [13] [Nat. s.]
Dryness of throat, no thirst ; extends to œsophagus.
Throat sore, feeling of contraction when swallowing saliva ; soreness < by talking, or when swallowing solids.
Sore throat, feeling of a lump on swallowing.
Frequent constriction of throat when walking.
Inflammation of tonsils and uvula, with painful deglutition and urging to swallow saliva.
Ulcers on tonsils ; tearing pain down throat.
Mucus in throat, at night ; hawks salt mucus in morning.
In diphtheria when green vomiting occurs.

Loss of appetite : with great thirst ; with malarial symptoms.
Thirst : in evening ; for something very cold.
Great desire for ice or ice-cold water.
Disgust for bread, of which she was formerly fond.
Aversion to meat.

Vegetables, fruit, pastry, cold food or drink and farinaceous food cause diarrhœa.
Before meals : qualmishness in stomach.
After eating : headache ; perspiration in face.
Hot drinks : toothache after breakfast.
Gastric complaints with acidity.
Constant taste of bile ; tongue covered with a curdy, bitter coating ; during day, especially after food, bitter or tasteless eructations ; complexion yellow ; appetite very slight ; no thirst ; beer is distasteful ; inclined to shiver ; faint ; pressure over one eye ; stools normal, but scanty. θ Gastric derangement.

HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] [Nat. s.]
Cannot bear tight clothing about waist.
Attacks of hepatitis from which she recovered very slowly.
Liver swollen and sore to touch.
Stitches in region of liver, sensitiveness when walking in open air.
When taking a deep breath, sharp, violent stitch in right side of abdomen, as if in liver ; as if it would burst open there, while sitting, unchanged by pressure, at 4 P. M.
Biliousness, excess of bile, vomiting of bitter fluids, greenish-brown or greenish-grey tongue.
Jaundice arising from vexation.
Irritable liver sometimes after excessive study or mental work.
Liver engorged, < lying on left side.
Pain in left hypochondriac region or above, on last ribs ; cough with purulent expectoration.
Stitches in left hypochondrium while walking in open air.

ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] [Nat. s.]
Dead heavy pain going from abdomen to back.
Burning in abdomen ; bruised pain in bowels ; griping > by kneading abdomen.
Pinching in bowels : with pain in forehead ; with sensation as if bowels were distended ; with rumbling, shifting pain and subsequent diarrhœa.
Painful digging in abdomen during menses, in evening, followed by thirst.
Contractive pain in abdomen, extending to chest with tightness of breath, and subsequent diarrhœa.
Violent colic and pain in small of back as if bruised, awakens her at 2 A. M. ; > lying on side.
Bellyache in morning before breakfast.
Constant uneasiness in bowels and urging to stool.
Feeling of fulness.
Abdominal flatulency : much rolling and rumbling ; incarcerated, especially in right side ; collects at night, causing great pain ; grumbling and rolling with sudden pinches, as after a purgative, then diarrhœa ; loud rumbling followed by emission of very fetid flatus ; after confinement ; with cutting pains and congestion of liver ; at night ; tearing pain around umbilicus ; < before breakfast when stomach is empty.
Colic pain in region of right groin, extending over belly.
Bilious colic ; excruciating pains ; vomiting of bile ; bitter taste.
Lead colic.
Heat in lower bowels with green bilious discharges.
Piercing pain in right flank, with nausea.
Pain in right flank, as if distended.
Stitch from left groin to axilla.
Tympanites in bilious fevers.
Tuberculosis abdominalis.

STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] [Nat. s.]
Morning diarrhœa, on rising ; sudden urging, gushing, accompanied with flatulence ; stools spatter all over vessel ; prostration.
Loose morning stools, particularly after a spell of wet weather.
Green evacuations, sallow skin, yellow eyeballs.
Stool : dark bilious or of green bile ; yellowish-green ; gushing ; scanty, slimy, light, red or bloody ; forcibly or suddenly expelled ; half liquid, with tenesmus ; painless, occasionally involuntary while passing flatus or urine, or during sleep ; yellow, fluid, soon after rising in morning ; in a gush ; watery, with much flatus ; claycolored (hepatitis) ; flatulent colic ; wind incarcerated, right side ; soft but difficult to expel.
Before stool : contractive pain in abdomen, extending into chest ; pinching pains in groins and hypogastrium ; violent colic and rumbling.
During stool : slight tenesmus and burning in anus ; profuse emission of flatus ; voluptuous feeling.
After stool : cheerfulness, happy mood ; burning in anus ; relief of colic.
Diarrhœa : < in wet weather ; in morning ; after farinaceous food ; in cold evening air ; from vegetables, fruit, pastry, cold food or drink ; alternating with constipation ; comes on regularly in morning and returns quite regularly each day.
Diarrhœa at 9 A. M., preceded by passage of much bad-smelling flatus ; painless ; stools thin, yellowish and scanty ; only one passage daily.
Sudden urging to stool ; stool scanty, at times slimy, bloody, of offensive odor, containing bright red blood ; involuntary, occur during micturition, during sleep, or during expulsion of flatus ; flatulent colic < on right side ; < in damp weather or during a storm ; < eating dishes made of flour, pastry, fruits ; occurs particularly between 2 or 3 A. M. and 2 P. M. ; > lying on side and discharge of flatus ; sensitiveness of hypochondriac regions ; intolerant of tight clothing ; pain and heavy sensation in stomach ; loss of appetite ; aversion to bread ; great thirst ; chilliness ; burning in abdomen ; sleeplessness ; prostration ; eruption about anus and between thighs. θ Chronic diarrhœa.
Attacks come on suddenly, stools scanty, slimy, light red, sometimes bloody, forcible and sudden, sometimes offensive ; movements are frequent and occasionally involuntary stool occurs while passing flatus or urine, or during sleep ; discharges attended with pain ; < from eating vegetables, fruit or pastry, from 2 or 3 A. M. to 2 P. M., in a warm room, in winter, when taking cold, at night, from cold food or drinks, after eating, in damp weather, and from exercise ; pain > by lying down and from passing flatus ; cannot bear clothing tight about waist ; pain is of a dead heavy character and goes through from abdomen to back ; much wind in bowels, and sickness at stomach ; appetite very poor, much thirst ; inclined to be chilly ; burning in abdomen accompanying pain ; does not sleep well at night ; after an attack feels very tired and sore across bowels, sides and back ; is very weak ; has a disgust for bread, of which she was formerly fond ; subject to rheumatism ; and has had at times a discharge from left ear of a yellow color. θ Chronic diarrhœa.
Diarrhœa of three years' standing ; bruised pain in intestines, much passing of wind.
Chronic diarrhœa with frequent involuntary discharges, since rupture of perineum.
Hard knotty stools, streaked with blood, accompanied and preceded by smarting in anus ; often with scanty menses.
Emission of fetid flatus ; in large quantities ; in morning ; after meals ; with loose stools.
Constant uneasiness in bowels and urging to stool.
Chronic diarrhœa ; tuberculosis abdominalis.
Itching of anus ; as from worms.
Knotty, wartlike eruption on anus and between thighs ; condylomata ; sycosis.

URINARY ORGANS. [21] [Nat. s.]
Nephritis scarlatinosa.
Diabetes after a chill and an attack of rheumatic fever brought on by getting wet year previous ; extreme emaciation, face sunken, chest flattened, ribs projecting, muscles of extremities soft and flabby, little but skin and bone ; tongue and gums bright red, the latter receding from teeth ; epigastrium distended and very sensitive ; liver hypertrophied ; bowels confined, feces grey, skin flaccid, chest covered with erythema ; dull pain in region of right kidney on pressure ; urine enormously increased, 10 to 18 pounds daily ; urine pale, almost like water, at same time something like whey, viscid, frothy on being passed, with sour reaction, specific gravity 1103, quantity of sugar in it about 5 1/2 per cent. ; appetite and thirst inordinate ; sleep disturbed by frequent calls to urinate ; spirits low, extremely timid and anxious ; mind enfeebled, thinking faculty impaired ; felt weary, powerless, walking and all bodily movements difficult ; pain in ankle joints ; heaviness of feet ; in morning fatigue and powerlessness ; all ailments < during rest ; thirst most all forenoon, with internal chilliness, confusion of head, pressive pain in forehead, especially after every meal ; noises in ears, sometimes vertigo, followed by nausea and difficulty of swallowing.
Polyuria simplex, excessive secretion of urine, especially if diabetic.
Copious micturition, with brickdust sediment.
Piercing in both groins, with urging to urinate, afternoon while walking out-doors.
Pinching around navel while sitting, with urging to urinate, pain going into groin.
More urine than usual, with burning sensation when passing it ; < at night, obliged to rise twice.
Urine burns when passing ; it passes in small quantities.
Burning during and after micturition, or with pain in small of back on retaining urine.
Urine loaded with bile.
Sediment yellow red ; in morning yellow white.
Lithic deposits in urine, brickdust-like coloring matter in water, often associated with gout.
Gravel, sandy deposit in urine.

MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] [Nat. s.]
Sexual desire excited in evening ; also morning with erections.
Enlarged prostate, pus and mucus in urine.
Gonorrhœa, yellowish-greenish discharge of thick consistency ; little pain.
Gonorrhœa ; sycosis.
Chronic gonorrhœa ; suppressed.
Condylomata, soft fleshy excrescences of sycotic origin, with greenish discharges.
Preputial and scrotal œdema.
Itching : of genitals ; of glans or penis, obliging one to rub ; of scrotum, with burning after scratching ; of perineum and mons veneris.

Before menses, nosebleed.
Menses : profuse, acrid, corrosive, with colic and constipation, or morning diarrhœa and chilliness ; acrid, corrosive and flowing profusely first days, last days discharge of coagula ; scanty, with knotty stools, streaked with blood ; too late, acrid, making thighs sore ; flow freely when walking ; retarded, scanty, with colic ; with diarrhœa.
Leucorrhœa : acrid corrosive, or vulvitis ; parts inflamed, swollen, covered with vesicles of size of lentils, filled with purulent matter. θ After parturition.

Vomiting in pregnancy, with bitter taste.
Whole left leg greatly swollen, does not pit, but least pressure causes great pain ; intolerable pain starting from left temple, goes across forehead to right vertex, to right side of occiput ; begins in morning as soon as she puts foot to floor, lasts all day until 4 or 5 P. M., affected parts remain sore ; affected leg smarts like nettles ; very nervous, cold chills come on suddenly ; begins to shake as soon as she gets into bed, lasts greater part of night, followed by heat, no sweat ; always chilly, "starved to death ;" < in wet weather ; urine pale and scanty ; pain in small of back ; menses suppressed ; leucorrhœa profuse, yellowish, purulent ; radial pulse weak ; unable to walk, but manages to get across room with help of stick. θ Phlegmasia alba dolens.
Six weeks after confinement, violent fever, followed by vulvitis with herpes ; great prostration ; restlessness and sleeplessness ; loss of appetite ; bad taste ; great thirst ; red tongue ; constipation ; headache and sensitiveness of eyes to light ; vesicles size of lentils, filled with purulent matter ; hydrogenoid constitution.

Hoarseness ; with fluor albus.

RESPIRATION. [26] [Nat. s.]
Constant desire to take a deep, long breath.
Short breath when walking, gradually > by rest ; later want of breath continues while sitting.
Short breath, with piercing pain in left side of chest.
When taking a deep breath a sharp stitch in right side of chest, later also on inspiration, in left side.
Great dyspnœa, desire to take deep breath during damp, cloudy weather.
Attacks of hay asthma, which patient dreads very much, causing great prostration and forcing her to remain in bed ; sneezing, hard breathing, cannot lie down, breathing < upon least motion, accompanied by arching out between scapulæ.
For years attacks of asthmatic breathing so marked as to herald his approach at some distance, and coming on after any unusual exertion ; during remission coarse rales along larger bronchi.
Humid asthma, rattling of mucus.
Violent attack of asthma ; greenish, purulent expectoration ; loose evacuation immediately on rising.
Asthmatic attacks for years ; expectoration greenish and remarkably copious.
Asthma with young people from a general bronchial catarrh ; afterwards with every change to damp weather.
Asthma about 4 or 5 A. M., with cough and raising of glairy slime, and vomiting after eating ; always < in damp, rainy weather.
Catarrh which has become chronic.
Offensive breath, with malarial symptoms.

COUGH. [27] [Nat. s.]
Cough : dry, with soreness in chest, rough feeling in throat, particularly at night ; had to sit up and hold chest with both hands ; loose, from tickling in throat ; morning ; with purulent sputum and pain about last ribs, left side ; frequent, with some sputum ; if he coughs while standing, feels a sharp stitch in left side of chest, with shortness of breath ; with thick, ropy, greenish, puslike expectoration.
Coughing up blood, in hydrogenoid constitutions.

After sunset, oppressed feeling in chest, and feeling of a ball in throat, with tendency to cry ; like hysteria.
Pressure on chest, as of a heavy load ; oppression in morning on awaking.
Sensation of all-goneness in chest.
Stitches : in left side of chest when sitting, when yawning, during an inspiration ; running up from abdomen to l. side of chest.
Soreness of chest when coughing, > from pressure.
Constitutional condition in children that results in chest catarrhs and asthmatic complaints.
A kind of phthisis, not a true tuberculosis, in those of a sycotic or hydrogenoid constitution ; cough, attended with muco-purulent expectoration, loud rales through chest, and seat of inflammation seems to be the lower lobe of left lung ; pain about ninth or tenth rib on l. side.
Phthisis pulmonum of old people ; phthisis mucosa ; cough, with muco-purulent sputa.
Sycotic pneumonia, inexpressible agony ; slowly coagulating blood.

OUTER CHEST. [30] [Nat. s.]
Swelling of ribs near sternum.
Spasmodic motions of muscles, < left side.
Sycotic exanthema every Spring.

NECK AND BACK. [31] [Nat. s.]
Violent pains in back of neck and head ; drawing back of neck, and spasms of back, together with mental irritability and delirium ; violent determination of blood to head. θ Spinal meningitis.
Chronic swelling of cervical glands.
Stitches in nape of neck (at night).
Piercing : as from knives, between scapulæ, while sitting in evening ; in middle of sacrum.
Soreness up and down spine and neck.
Bruised pain in small of back and sacrum.
Violent suppurative pain in small of back at night, so that she can only lie on her right side ; > in morning after getting up.
Pressure in left side, near lumbar region, < from motion of body and pressure.
Itching on back when undressing.
Pain in sacrum, cannot lie on either side.

UPPER LIMBS. [32] [Nat. s.]
Swelling and suppuration of axillary glands.
Piercing in left axilla, on humerus, back of hand, palm of right hand, fingers, under nails.
Tingling in arms and hands ; they feel as if paralyzed.
Furuncles on right forearm and near armpit.
No strength in hands ; flexors pain when grasping anything.
Hands tremble on awaking ; later, when writing.
Eruption on vola of each hands, some on dorsum and fingers ; blisters filled with clear water.
Palms raw and sore, and exude a watery fluid.
Watery blisters between thumb and index finger.
Fingers swollen and stiff.
Rheumatic arthritis, especially in joints of fingers, pains suddenly go to heart, urine dark red.
Paronychia ; patient pale and feeble in morning, heavy feeling in head, loss of appetite ; in evening, chills and heat ; after a blister, filled with water, which came on last phalanx, swollen all around, very red and painful ; matter around root of nail ; pain more bearable outdoors than in room, damp walls (cellar).
Panaritium, pain more bearable out-doors.
Inflammation and suppuration around roots of nails.
Tingling, ulcerative pain under nail ; in tips of fingers.

LOWER LIMBS. [33] [Nat. s.]
Pain in right hip joint ; < from stooping, motion, rising from a seat, or moving in bed.
While walking, suddenly a stitch in left hip, which makes it impossible to walk on, as foot no longer serves as a support ; pain so violent that it could not be borne for a minute, indescribable, as though he would lose his senses and fall down ; disappears after two or three seconds as suddenly as it came.
Pain in left hip joint, as after lying in a bad position ; makes it difficult to ascend, also to sit down or get up ; awakes him at night ; can bear any one position only for a short time ; joint pains so from some movements that he can hardly help screaming ; at times one spot is sensitive to pressure, then again it is not.
Piercing pain in left hip, belly and small of back, only during rest.
Stitches in left hip, trembling of hands, languor and œdema of feet.
Stabbing pain in left hip after a fall.
Pain in hip, extending to knee.
Sciatica when getting up from sitting, or turning in bed ; no relief in any position.
Pain in hip > in certain positions, but compels one to move again after a short time, causing intense suffering.
Brown spots on inner surface of both thighs after syphilis.
Ulcers on outer side of thigh.
Stiffness of knees and cracking of joints.
Legs and thighs feel weary and exhausted.
Legs hot, burn to knees, evening and next morning.
Piercing in soles, in heels ; ulcerative pain.
Burning in soles extending to knees.
Dry heat in feet at night.
Itching on or between toes, after undressing.
Œdema of feet.
Podagra, gout in feet, acute and chronic cases.

LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] [Nat. s.]
Trembling or twitching of hands and languor of feet.
Twitching of hands and feet during sleep, more after midnight.
Pains in limbs, making him change his position often to obtain relief.
Rheumatic pains in limbs, with gastric symptoms.
Cracking of joints ; arthritis.
Wart-like eruptions on arms and between thighs, sycosis.

REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] [Nat. s.]
Rest : pressure in head > ; most ailments < ; short breath > ; pains in left hip, belly and small of back.
Can hardly find a position where the pain in hip and loins is tolerable, and the relief by changing position does not last long.
Patient is obliged to lie on back.
Turning or twisting the body very painful.
Lying down : > pressure in head.
Lying on side : violent colic >.
Lying on left side : engorged liver
Astra2012 last decade
he is aware of more than you think - talk to him. play his favorite music.

try to move his limbs so he will get some passive exercise

therapeutic massage, croniosacral therapy, acupuncture or at least acupressure--all might be beneficial.
Astra2012 last decade
Thanks Astra2012 for you very infrormative reply, I have sent all the info to my friend.

Anyone knows of where in Virginia (USA) to get homeopathic medicines - names & locations will certainly help as I am in another country trying to help.

Dungi last decade
He can get hom. rem. in health stores or some pharmacies- but the choice is very limited (usually only the most popular remedies and only one potency).
best way is ordering through Internet.

it is important that at least once a day he tries to start communication - like yes/no by blinking once or twice.
Astra2012 last decade
one more thing-in case parents would like to be depressed they may talk to medical doctors who have a lot of profesional pessimism and think it is their duty to share it) but around him should be only optimism and smiles. Praise any-even if only imaginary- his slightest achievement. tape parents reading/talking optimistic stories and let it play in his room.

It may take some time but if you never give up it is possible that he makes full recovery.
Just take one day at a time.
Astra2012 last decade
I show all the detail and all the others perscription I suggest the Ginko Biloba for brain development becuse it helps to supply oxygen to the brain no other medicine can supply the oxygen to brain it can be continue 10 drops thrice in a day for long period with other medicine like Arnica , Gelsimium can be given time to time if needed.
deoshlok last decade
dr Sharma is talking about Ginkgo biloba mother tincture- it dilates capillaries in brain - increasing supply of oxygen.
more expensive are treatments in HYPERBARIC OXYGEN TANKS but might work wonders!
Astra2012 last decade
No it is not expensive it is a brain feeder. It will not change any pathological condion of brain I am useing regularly in paralysis,mania, brain dammage, loss of memory, loss of sensation in body, burning of the body you can use any where if patient is suffering from deep anxiety problem on there also you can use. if you brain tired due to over work you can use there also. It is nice and dependable in brain. In INDIA IT COST WILL BE Rs. 180/- i.e.near 5$ (Schwabe Germany )
deoshlok last decade
Yes dr Sharma-ginkgo is not expensive.

I was talking about treatment in hyperbaric oxygen tanks= it may be around 100$/treatment and he might need several treatments.
Astra2012 last decade
Hi Everyone here is the exact condition of my friends son.

Do those homeopathic medicines actually work becasue my mom says they dont and my dad says they do. I think they do becasue so many people have replied to the message u made on the website.I will update u on rahul's condition so u can change the message and make people send better medicine requests. Rahul can see and follow on both sides but in the center he has trouble trasfering his eyes from side to side. He has a big reflex on his left leg and he can hold his neck and turn it only a little bit. The docs say his right brain is completely damaged and the left there is significant damage. But his right brain seems to be better. Everthing on his left sie of his body is better then the right meaning his right brain is better than the left.(The right brain controls the left side of the body). All these observations may not be big but they show us he is healing. Before he couldn't see on both sides and now he can, he coudn't hold or turn his neck and now he can somewhat, and he never had a reflex in that leg and now he does. Before he favored his right side of his body but now he favors the left. His mouth moves in a way which seems like he talks but he doesn't. (All Brain traumas do this but no one knows why). He is very responsive to touch and sound and he can definitely see. He cannot see far though he can go allitle bit past theend of his bed so there is still alot more to go. "

I would like your replies to this latest thread and i can then purchase the medicine on this site itself and have it delivered asap.
Dungi last decade
I note that you have not used any remedy so far although you first posted your brother's problem on Oct 19.

I hope that you realize that he must have at least the Arnica 1M that I suggested which should have been given to him long ago as it would have helped him to heal.

This is not the time to debate whether or not Homeopathic remedies will or will not work and in your brother's interest I would urge you to give him the Arnica immediately.

You can assure your parents that in the unlikely event of Arnica not helping, his condition will not be aggravated.
Joe De Livera last decade

I dont know which part of VA are in in, but in northern VA, u do get the medicines in all the health food stores like "whole foods" and "nutrition centers"..
DP last decade
Thanks DP

They are in Northern VA. Any names of stores where they can get it ?
Dungi last decade
They can get it at "Whole Foods"
DP last decade
they can check yellow pages in phone book.
Astra2012 last decade

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