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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe Brain Damage Page 2 of 3

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they can check yellow pages in phone book.
Astra2012 last decade
Dear All,

Thank you everyone for your help. There are a few more changes after Arnica 1M.

He wiggles his toes sometimes, he sticks his toungue out, he sees everywhere, he seems to be listening to us when we say stick your tounge out or he nods his head when we say are u rahul? Are u a boy? He shakes his head no when we ask are u a girl? THis only happens someitmes but it still is progress. He postures still though.
Dungi last decade
I am indeed delighted to learn of the improvement in your patient after using the Arnica 1M which I note you started using since Oct 28 when I warned you that it was essential that it be given immediately and that it was not the time to debate the efficacy of Homeopathic remedies.

I do hope and pray that this improvement will continue in his condition and that he will be able to regain the control of his body in a few months.

I do hope that you will continue the therapy on Arnica 1M that I suggested which you have discovered has worked in the same manner that it did when I last used it for the 82 year old man here in Sri Lanka who had lost his entire motor control of his extremeties. He reacted slightly more slowly and took 3 weeks to regain his motor functions and was able to walk unaided in a month.

You are advised to continue the same dosage, a teaspoonful taken twice daily for another week and report response.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Joe,
I am fowarding your suggestions to my friend to continue with Arnica. I will keep updating this forum as and when I get information of his progress. I have full faith in Homeopathy and know that he will recover.
Thanks once again.
Dungi last decade
My friend has come back with this question -

"Yesterday we asked him Are you Rahul? He nodded his head yes……Then we asked him are you Shawn?, he nodded his head No. This nodding was very slight. He just did it once and not after that. It may be reflexes, fluke we don’t know. Ask this question to people for me…."

Any replies people ?? so I can communicate to the family. Please understand that they are new to Homeopathy
Dungi last decade
At this stage all I can say is:

"Thank God for inspiring me to recommend Arnica"

I am confident that his improvement will continue.

Please keep me posted with his progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
I had a stroke several years ago and I was desperately looking for a recovery without modern medicines. I decided to take Arnica 30c as well as Ignatia 30c together because I didn't know that you could take smaller doses.

After taking it for a while, the depression and mood swings were gone almost immediately, the fibromyalgia pain that I had was gone, and I began to sleep better. Eventually I took Ruda Grav. 30c for mobility. It has lossened my legs so that they are not so stiff. I also took Tabacum for infections and for my eyesight (strange as it seems - whenever I had intestinal/digestive problems - my eysight got worse and the Tabacum helped me).

The Ignatia calmed me down as well as Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, and Dulcamara - which I took seperately. I took all of them at 30c potency because I didn't know much about homeopathic medicine at the time.

I have since found out that Arnica at higher dosages may elevate your blood pressure - so the low dosage that you recommend may be better for long term recovery treatments.

I still have some more healing to go - but compared to how bad I was, I am grateful for homeopathic remedies!
anita1usa last decade
I am grateful to you for having shared with us your experience with the many remedies that you used help in your recovery after a stroke.

I note that you too have used Arnica 30c and I would recommend that you take it in the water dose as I have discovered that this is far superior to the dry dose that almost everyone uses.

The 1M potency that I recommended for this 21 year old is only good to kick start the brain but not for any long term use. Your discovery that the high potency elevates Blood pressure is also of great interest as I have used Arnica 30c for 10 years every night and have discovered that it helps to keep my BP down to 120/80 at age 76.

Your list of the other remedies that you have used or are using is also of interest with your reaction to each of them.

This is the great advantage that we all have on a forum such as this where we can all pool our experiences and share them with each other and thereby help suffering humanity.
Joe De Livera last decade
This thread is very interesting to me as I am contemplating suggesting Arnica for someone but don't know what potency to give.

My friend's brother was severely injured in a car accident over a year ago. His injuries were to his body, not his brain, but they were quite severe and he almost died.

He has not recovered full use of his legs and I was wondering if high potency Arnica (1M) would be appropriate due to the severity of his physical injuries.

They don't know beans about homeopathy so one high dose would be easier to administer than trying to explain the continuing wet dose method.

Any advice would be appreciated.

ruth45 last decade
Your patient should only be given the lower potencies of Arnica as the 1M can aggravate his present status. The 1M potency may only be used for brain damage in the manner that I have outlined above. Please also read my post on Arnica on:

I would suggest that you use Arnica 30c preferably in the water dose as this method is more effective on the body than the dry dose.

Please follow my advice on the making of the water dose and report progress from time to time.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

Here is the latest update ":

He can move his neck in all directions.
He has great reflexes in both his legs.
His left leg has started to move and jump more.
His other leg still only wiggles feet and toes sometimes.
His feet are pointed downwards because of muscles tensing.
His feet point inward.
His arms posture but his right arm is the worst.
His left hand can open and postures very little.
Right hand is posturing very severly and his pinki is extended fully.
He cannot hold his back.
He can hold his neck for about 30min straight.
He can see everywhere.
He follows very fast and his eyes do not shake as they track.
He can see normally.
He can stick out his
He can answer many questions with simple nods and shakes.
He answers almost everything correctly.
When he doesn't know an answer he does not answer.
He can notice all colors.
He can look at a piece of paper and do simple math.
He cannot read as of what we know, we tried it but we are not sure.
He remembers close to the accident.
He has a great memory. "

Any follow up medicine or to continue with Arnica M.
Dungi last decade
Dear Dungi,

I am delighted to note that Rahul continues to improve.

As you are aware I have prescribed the maximum dosage of 2 teraspoons of Arnica 1M daily and I believe that it is now time to reduce his dosage to just one per day.

The reason for this change in his dosage is because it is possible that this high dosage may cause other problems. We now know that he is back on the road to recovery and since he will have to use Arnica 1M for some time in the future, I would like you to give him a teaspoonful just once daily.

I would invite the thoughts of other more experienced Homeopaths to also consider this case and to advice.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

The father of Rahul contacted a homeopath in India over the phone and this is the medicine that was prescribed.





Rahul continues to improve and can answer simple question with shakes and nods, but cannot speak as yet. I will keep updating the forum on his progress after speaking to the boys father.

Thanks, Dungi
Dungi last decade
Since my last post Rahul has had a couple of seizures and the doctors have given him medicine to stop the seizures. The homeopathic medication the doctor in India prescribed could not reach USA and hence the family is extremely worried that this seizure occured. They have stopped Arnica thinking that it has caused the seizure. An EEG was done before the seizure and an EEG was done after the seizure but there is not much change. Rahul had stopped responding to questions and gone back to the state he was in previously inspite of the Arnica being given. His parents are waiting for him to recover a bit from the seizures in order to start Arnica again, but want to check is there something else that should be given alongwith it ??

Please reply ASAP as to what homeopathic medicines to give at this moment.

Dungi last decade
I am concerned to note that Rahul has had a couple of seizures. I do not think that the Arnica could have caused it but if you have the slightest doubt you are advised to stop using it.

I presume that these seizures were due to the brain trying to readjust itself but the sad news is that he is withdrawn to the state he was originally in, which was considerably improved by the Arnica therapy.

Since we have already seen the results that Arnica made in his recovery I would not hesitate to give it to him but the parents should be the best judges.

It occurs to me that we can use a lower potency Arnica 30c for Rahul and increase the dosage to a teaspoonful given 3 times daily as this will work better on a physical level which hopefully will help his body to recover.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe for the recommendation of Arnica - as you said:

"Arnica 30c preferably in the water dose as this method is more effective on the body than the dry dose."

I don't remember where I either read or heard that Arnica raised your BP - but, since I quit taking Arnica, I have noticed my BP has gone up.

I will try the water dose as soon as possible because I do not believe in alopathic medicines as I said in my testimony. For the most part, I believe our bodies can heal with the right nutrients. And I am grateful for these forums so that we can share with others what has worked for us!
anita1usa last decade
Can you please repost your problem under a new thread as it is rather confusing especially to us who have prescribed remedies for this 21 year old boy when another problem is listed on his own thread.

I received the usual email alert for your comments but I hope that you and others will please bear in mind that it is always best to start new threads for their posts if they are not relevant to the thread they are using to post.

Thank you for your vote of confidence on Arnica used in the water dose. I believe that I owe my state of wellness to it as I have used it for the last 10 years.
Joe De Livera last decade
My father had very severe brain stroke and he could not get any help as he was alone at home when it happened. He had to undergo cranoplasty and after 6 monthes again undergo 2nd operation. Now after the 2nd operation he doesnt want to eat anything and becomes very violent. Is there any medicine for the same in Homeopathy?
phatak_rajan last decade
Please read the posts on this thread to give you information about the positive effect of Arnica which I believe can help your Dad but in the 200c potency water dose which I have described above.

It is possible that the reason for his not eating is because his digestion may be affected by his brain surgery and may be a problem that can be resolved with Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) Dose 2 tablets taken after lunch and dinner.

Nat Mur 6x may help his bursts of uncontrolled anger.

If you do decide to use these remedies please post his response as it will have to be carefully monitored.
Joe De Livera last decade
Sorry Joe that I was not more clear on my last posting. Yes - my post was relevant to this young man because I also had a stroke and used the following remedies for my recovery(I had posted it earlier in the thread).

I took Arnica 30c as well as Ignatia 30c together.

After taking it for a while, the depression and mood swings were gone almost immediately, the intense fibromyalgia pain that I had was gone, and I began to sleep better.

Eventually I took Ruda Grav. 30c for mobility. It has loosened my legs so that they are not so stiff. I also took Tabacum for infections and for my eyesight (strange as it seems - whenever I had intestinal/digestive problems - my eyesight got worse and the Tabacum helped me).

The Ignatia calmed me down as well as Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, and Dulcamara - which I took seperately. I took all of them at 30c potency.

I hope this will help.
anita1usa last decade
Thank you Anita for your quick response.
As you said, it might be the reason that his digestion system is affected and because of which he doesnt want to eat anything. During the first operation, it was the same reason. So we took care by giving him "Duphalac" syrup. He was eating normally for about 2-3 days after his surgery. But suddenly he stopped eating everything and now he doenst even want to have a spoon of water. After speaking all these senirios with our homeopathy Dr. he has given us the medicine of name "Avena Sativa Q". Can you please tell me what is the effect of this medicine?
Also I wanted to ask you is that, can it happen because of the amount of tablets he had to take after undergoing surgery? We are going out of options to make eat anything. Also its difficult to control his anger. But the thing we noticed that he doesnt get angry when some guests are present at home.So we feel that he is understanding these things that he can get angry only on his family members and not on other relatives or guest.
phatak_rajan last decade
I understand what you are going through - I experienced those things myself. The process of healing this damage is great but you have to attend to the most important things first. If you can get the book MATERIA MEDICA, you will find these things in there.

The Avena Sativa is a good remedy that will help calm and stregnthen him.

In the Materia Medica book, it says: Avena has a selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function.

Nervous exhaustion...call for this remedy in rather material dosage. Best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases. Nerve tremors of the aged; chorea (which is any of various disorders of the nervous system marked by involuntary, jerky movements), paralysis agitans, epilepsy.

Phatak, the anger is from his frustration of not being able to control what is going on and is also an imbalance of his body after the brain damage. I took Ignatia Amara 30c several times a day along with the Arnica to help calm me with that frustration and mood swings. Getting angry with the family, unfortunately, may be part of the damage...he will get better.

As for not eating - there are several possibilities - it can be the amount of tablets that he took or, again, the imbalance of his body. I did not want to eat either but the little that I did eat - was food with chile. The Cayenne pepper (to be specific) made me hungry and helped my circulation. I am sure the homeopathic doctor will probably have a remedy that he can recommend.

As for the thirst, in the Materia Medica book, it says that the following remedy (Gelsemium) is probably what he will need for the thirst - because that is one of the main signs for the need of this remedy - the lack of thirst.

These were also the symptoms I had so I am including them here - please ask your homeopathic doctor if Gelsemium might help him:


As a rule, the Gelsemium patient has no thirst. Sensation of emptiness and weakness at the pit of the stomach, or of an oppression, like a heavy load.

Scalp sore to touch. Wants to have head raised on pillow

Ptosis (which is the abnormal drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle weakness or paralysis); EYELIDS heavy; patient can hardly open them.

Difficult swallowing, especially of warm food. Itching and tickling in soft palate and nasopharynx. (I had this too and it was difficult to swallow and breathe - which is why I slept with two pillows under my head).

Putrid taste and breath. Tongue numb, thick, coated, yellowish, TREMBLE, paralyzed. (This might be why he won't eat.)

This remedy (Gelsemium) may also help him to want to eat. It is for lethargy (no energy, tiredness,weakness) and it certainly helped me get up and do more than I had been doing.

I hope that these will you too - I never thought I'd recover; but - remember, the Arnica is essential to his recovery.
anita1usa last decade
Dungi - In homeopathy, if a person takes a medicine that is not right for him, the person will experience what is called a "proving." That means that if a person does not need that remedy and it is wrong for him, he will get those symptoms that the remedies will cure.

In the medical book Materia Medica, it says that using ARTEMISIA VULGARIS (Mugwort)
has some reputation as a remedy for epileptic conditions, and convulsive diseases... Petit mal (which is a seizure) Epilepsy without aura; after fright and other violent emotions...Rahul may be experiencing a proving.

You might ask the homeopathic doctor if you can take Rahul off of ARTEMISIA VULGARIS instead of Arnica because Arnica will help heal the parts of the brain that were damaged.
anita1usa last decade
arnica mother tincture 5 drops bid alongwith conium 30 for longer period would resolve the cae surely
abc_bod15 last decade
I hasten to record my objection to your your prescription of 5 drops of Arnica Q (Mother tincture) bd as this can do serious damage to this boy who is hanging to life on a very slender thread.

I do not also think that the Conium is justified at this juncture.

I do hope that the parents will please take note of my opinion.
Joe De Livera last decade
Artemesia Vulgaris has already been prescribed by the Homeopathic Doctor in India and the medicines are on their way to Rahul. In the mean time I spoke again to his father who says that there has been not much change since 24th Nov. As of yesterday he has resumed Arnica till the time the medicines arrive which should be by next week. I have convinced him not to loose hope in homeopathy as I am sure Rahul will improve as much as he had earlier.

Also Artemesia Vulgaris is for the seizures as well, I confirmed that with the Homeopathic doc in India who prescribed it.

Joe what dose of Arnica do you suggest after reading my post, please reply.

thanks Anita for your help as well.
Dungi last decade

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