The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Macular Degeneration + Herpes
To MQ for advise.Please keep confidential and only for this thread. Thank you.
Age 85.
Macular Degeneration after cataract surgery (w new lens) - mostly in left eye, with some in right eye, possibly caused by uv light that is supposed to not get filtered anymore (post cataract w lens replacement).
Took phosphorus dosage, and then had started sulphur 30 a few times, when she had genital herpes.
Was not able to pass urine and stool normaly, urine was in trickle. Dont know much detail regarding two days after that but she was given laxative - and the stool came out very fast - she was taken to hospital unconscious and recovered after few days (vital fluids normalized) but was not able to talk. then talked in syllables due to low sodium. now talking fluently after being given sodium. Now she is recovered and at home, but says she has memory loss. Noticed memory loss is also associate with herpes. Not sure if that is the reason here as well or whether it was the low sodium or something else. Can she be given something to clear her thinking/bring memory back? Since her speaking recovered - can her memory also recover? or is the herpes causing the memory loss? Please advise. Ideally dosage that would be gentle on her.
Hair Loss on 2013-12-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her sulph. 200c one pill first thing after getting up and before taking anything(food/water). Report changes after 2 to 3 days.
Both herpes/dehydration are possibilities for weak memory. My feeling is that this could be corrected.
Both herpes/dehydration are possibilities for weak memory. My feeling is that this could be corrected.
♡ maheeru last decade
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