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poor erection and 2 month to get married Page 3 of 3
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Dear Dr. kashif
Kindly tell me the doses of Acid Phos 30 C ?????? And can I do sex with my wife or not during the medication. U know new marriage.
Kindly tell me the doses of Acid Phos 30 C ?????? And can I do sex with my wife or not during the medication. U know new marriage.
rrameez0321 last decade
One dose at 10Am. Do sex with confidence.
I also invite evocationer to see your case too. If can advise you i have no objection. The patient has just got married and and he needs some quick reponse. So i responded to him PE is difficult to handle and therr are lots of medicines
I also invite evocationer to see your case too. If can advise you i have no objection. The patient has just got married and and he needs some quick reponse. So i responded to him PE is difficult to handle and therr are lots of medicines
drkashif last decade
Dear sir,
I am very thankful to u that u took interest in my case and also invite Evocationer to study my case and even prescribe his medicine. I used your medicine with full confidence and have no threat. Now I personally request to EvoCantioner that study my case and guide me.
Thank you Dr Kashif and Evocantioner.
Best Regards,
I am very thankful to u that u took interest in my case and also invite Evocationer to study my case and even prescribe his medicine. I used your medicine with full confidence and have no threat. Now I personally request to EvoCantioner that study my case and guide me.
Thank you Dr Kashif and Evocantioner.
Best Regards,
rrameez0321 last decade
rrameez0321 last decade
Dear Sir,
I used the the medicine and going on so .I felt Improvement in my erection and also hardiness in my penis. But I am still suffering from premature ejaculation And worried about it. Plz tell me what should I do.
I used the the medicine and going on so .I felt Improvement in my erection and also hardiness in my penis. But I am still suffering from premature ejaculation And worried about it. Plz tell me what should I do.
rrameez0321 last decade
Please take Graphites 200 daily one dose for three days and come back after 7 days.
drkashif last decade
Dear Sir,
I took the medicine. But no improvement in my ejaculation time . I just enter my penis in my wife's vagina and discharge. And also no improvement in erection. If u say I will take a photo of my penis and attached with next reply. May be when u see u suggest me according to my need cause may be I am not able to tell u right thing about my problem.
I took the medicine. But no improvement in my ejaculation time . I just enter my penis in my wife's vagina and discharge. And also no improvement in erection. If u say I will take a photo of my penis and attached with next reply. May be when u see u suggest me according to my need cause may be I am not able to tell u right thing about my problem.
rrameez0321 last decade
drkashif last decade
Dear Sir,
I am using again Acid Phos and selenium 3x erection is little improv . But still I am facing premature ejeculation. Plz for this I am worried. And now my marriage life is shaking. Plz solve this problem through some other Rx permanently.
Waiting it reply sir
I am using again Acid Phos and selenium 3x erection is little improv . But still I am facing premature ejeculation. Plz for this I am worried. And now my marriage life is shaking. Plz solve this problem through some other Rx permanently.
Waiting it reply sir
rrameez0321 last decade
You should continue it till improvent as the remedies are working on you.
Please add China Off 30 thrice a day.
Please add China Off 30 thrice a day.
drkashif last decade
Dear Sir,
I am using selenium 3X 3pills as one dose 3 time a day .
Acidum Phosphoricum 30 5drops at 10am just once a day. Is it acid phos 30 ?
And how much pallets of China Off 30 as one dose?
I am using selenium 3X 3pills as one dose 3 time a day .
Acidum Phosphoricum 30 5drops at 10am just once a day. Is it acid phos 30 ?
And how much pallets of China Off 30 as one dose?
rrameez0321 last decade
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