The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Food sensitivity
Is there a homeopathic medicine for any food related sensitivity.Sometimes my child starts coughing continuously ...dry cough after having any particular type of food. Is there something I can give him to stop his cough and confirm that it was a reaction to the food he ate
Shenoy on 2014-01-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer these questions and I may be able to select a remedy. Answer in front of the questions leaving them in place:
1. Your appearance (age, weight, height)
2. What are the symptoms of the problem
3. In your view, what caused this problem
4. What makes the problem better
5. What makes the problem worse
6. How are you feeling mentally & emotionally during the problem (restless, calm, stubborn, weepy, want to be alone, fear of death etc)
7. Are you feeling cold or warm
8. How is your level of energy
9. How is your thirst
10. Are your lips or mouth dry
11. Your likes in food regarding taste (salty, sweet, sour etc)
12. Your likes in food regarding temperature (cold, hot etc)
13. Your dislikes in food regarding taste (salty, sweet, sour etc)
14. Your dislikes in food regarding temperature (cold, hot etc)
15. Any other health issues that you have
16. What allopathic medicines are you taking
17. What homeopathic medicines have you taken in last 6 months (dates, dose, potency)
If you have fever during this illness, please answer these questions also:
1. Are you feeling cold or hot
2. Any shivering
3. Are you sweating or not
4. What makes you feel better
5. Are your hands/feet cold
1. If you have cough its details (dry, loose, phlegm, its color)
2. What makes the cough better (drink, eat, lying down, night, sleep, talking, running etc)
3. What makes the cough worse (drink, eat, lying down, night, sleep, talking, running etc)
1. Your appearance (age, weight, height)
2. What are the symptoms of the problem
3. In your view, what caused this problem
4. What makes the problem better
5. What makes the problem worse
6. How are you feeling mentally & emotionally during the problem (restless, calm, stubborn, weepy, want to be alone, fear of death etc)
7. Are you feeling cold or warm
8. How is your level of energy
9. How is your thirst
10. Are your lips or mouth dry
11. Your likes in food regarding taste (salty, sweet, sour etc)
12. Your likes in food regarding temperature (cold, hot etc)
13. Your dislikes in food regarding taste (salty, sweet, sour etc)
14. Your dislikes in food regarding temperature (cold, hot etc)
15. Any other health issues that you have
16. What allopathic medicines are you taking
17. What homeopathic medicines have you taken in last 6 months (dates, dose, potency)
If you have fever during this illness, please answer these questions also:
1. Are you feeling cold or hot
2. Any shivering
3. Are you sweating or not
4. What makes you feel better
5. Are your hands/feet cold
1. If you have cough its details (dry, loose, phlegm, its color)
2. What makes the cough better (drink, eat, lying down, night, sleep, talking, running etc)
3. What makes the cough worse (drink, eat, lying down, night, sleep, talking, running etc)
fitness last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.