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Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Allergy34 month old reflux/food allergy8Premature Ejaculation5regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Whey Protein allergy2Food Allergy139Premature Ejaculation5Erection and premature ejaculation2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature ejaculation/asthma/pollen allergy

Since I have had a great experience with homeopathy in treatment of my depression, I would like to get treated P.E problem and pollen allergy/hayfever as well. Currently, in winters, my asthma/pollen is at the minimal so my major concern is to remedy my premature ejaculation and mild depression. However, if pollen allergy can be tackled at this prior stage then it would be great (onset in march).
I have curved penis, the cause of which is not known (bent downwards). The lower area (very sensitive) is comparatively softer than the upper. Sometimes when I feel the urge to urinate I feel difficulty in the beginning (2 SEC). The flow of my urine is weak. However, the urine flows with pressure and ease just after masterbation. Normal urine has sometimes a slight foul smell. Moreover, I can’t stop the flow in the middle of the peeing process and after getting done with it a few drops come out on bending myself.
1. Age 35
2. Sex Male
3. Single
4. Weight 75 kg
5. Height 5'9'
6. Country PAKISTAN
7. Climate HOT, HUMID (long Summers)
8. List of your complaints: mild depression, pollen allergy/asthma and premature ejaculation.
Here are some of the minor medical problems which would be touched later.
• Initial stage of Cervical Spondalosis.
• Very weak memory.
I feel like fainting when I stand up after sitting for a longer period.
• Teeth grinding (bruxism).
• Sometimes my toes get stuck and stiff in some specific direction.
• I can’t bear humid and hot weather/ room but sleeping in a room having moderate temperature is beneficial than spending the night in a chilling one.
I was asthmatic from the childhood but the breathing problem started somewhere in my teens. I was told that walking in the garden made my chest produce wheezing sounds (Pollen allergy). Depression/anxiety struck me when I was 28 (during pollen allergy season). I was heavily indulged in the habit of masturbation from an early age. I started regretting about my indulgence in this activity. Afterwards I started worrying about premature ejaculation, When my father passed away I cried way too much since then I cannot cope up with bad news and I am extra careful and anticipative/worrisome.

11.DESIRE SWEETS/SOUR/SALT: too much desire for sweet, saltish and sour things
12. THIRST: Get thirsty a lot and when I don’t get water in time I get panicky, nose also remains dry.
13. TONGUE AND TASTE : Tongue is sometimes white coated, taste is normal.
14. BLOOD PRESSURE remains normal but once in a blue moon it gets low.
15. WHAT EXACTLY IS HAPPENING? I used to enjoy solitude and had time of my life during college life until I was hit by depression during pollen allergies/asthma season. Another reason could be my regrets regarding missed opportunities, low self-esteem, and a long gap in having relationship with a girl.

16. HOW DO YOU FEEL? As far as asthma is concerned, breathing gets difficult in the morning, heavy wheezing and feels like getting choked up with phlegm. If inhaler is not around, I get panicky and the wind pipes gets more constricted. During mild mood swings I have difficulty choosing an entertaining activity so I prefer masterbation. I get an early ejaculation during masterbation. Feel pressure in the abdomen section till burping starts when I am having asthma problem. I don’t know how come my asthma is connected to my burping (only in pollen season).
17. WHAT COMES TO YOUR MIND? That my mood swings (very mild) will persist. That If I had fallen in love maybe I could have avoided depression. I was slow at making girlfriends, which I now regret. I regret that I should have been more enterprising and not shy, I could’ve enjoyed my life.
18. ONE SITUATION THAT HAD A BIG EFFECT ON YOU? Major event that caused a change was on the day when I had that anxiety/depression, attack.
19. HOW DID THAT FEEL LIKE? Regrets that these events should not have taken place, I want to lead a normal life from the beginning so I can make different choices/decisions.
20. WHAT ARE YOU SHOWING BY THAT GESTURE OF YOUR HAND (HABITS OR ACTIONS)? I am in the habbit of imagining fights/violent thoughts of vengeance and gore. I sometimes start throwing punches when I am out in public areas. That I do when I am imagining myself fighting, after which I realize that I am walking in public, it’s embarrassing. At first I enjoyed imagining an imaginary fight but now I feel anxious due to fear of fainting as even thinking about a anticipated fight makes my head spin due to anger.

SSRI’s for depression
lexotanil for anxiety
Anti allergy medicine for asthma, antihistamines in pollen season
Prescribed inhalers were ventoline and corticosteroids.
Some of the homeopathic/allopathic medicines that I have used are:
a) Thuja 1M, (one dose after a week or as per instruction then waiting for 3 days)
b) Ipecac 30C, (its combination with nat sulph 6x showed great results for asthma)
c) Staphysagaria 200C (prescribed on arrival of pollen season but haven’t used this one yet)
d) Sabadilla 30C. (Prescribed on arrival of pollen season but haven’t used this one yet)
e) Arsenic album 200 (It increased my stamina)
f) Nat Phos 6x (only for one week)
g) Nux vom 200c at night and Sulpher 200c at morning (7 days) Asthma relief 70 %
h) Tuberculinum 200c (during the intake of tuberculinum and above 3 medicines severe Depression vanished)
i) Bryonia 200c (2 doses 2 days) with sulphur and tuberculinum (good response)
j) Calcium jodatum 30 (for pollen but didn’t help much)
k) Rush tox 30c or Hiper Sulph 200c (considerable improvement in allergy)
l) Bryonia 200c(considerable improvement in allergy)
m) Brotux (homeopathic syrup) it leaves my airways minty which gives me relief
n) I also take general supplements (fish oil, apple cider, probiotics and B vitamins)

22. FAMILY BACKGROUND: My paternal grandmother had asthma. Father passed away at the age of 65 internal bleeding in urine. My mother has uric acid/arthritis problem and blood sugar in initial stage
24. NATURE OF WORK, WHAT DO YOU DO FOR LIVING? It’s a Desk job. Due to extreme discrimination I don’t like my job. Before depression I used to crib and got irritated due to discriminating behavior of seniors, I still do.
25. DESIRES, LIKES AND DISLIKES FOR FOOD: Like junk food, Chinese, etc. Have a big appetite but due to anxiety related discomfort in tummy area, have started eating less (pollen season). I mostly like sour/spicy food with a lot of vinegar in my soup. Have craving for chocolates.
26. NAME OF FOODS WHICH INCREASE YOUR PROBLEM: The food that aggravates my asthma is some packed juices that contain a lot of preservatives.
27. NATURE/MIND-BEHAVIOR: I get angered quickly, irritable, impatient. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections: I was extremely shy in my childhood. I never had high ambitions or high self esteem. I sometimes indulge myself in daydreaming and fantasizing about doing things that I can’t achieve. I am the kind of person who cries during emotional or tragic movies. Feel the same when I perform prayers or when I help someone in distress. I often indulge myself in unreal worries and imagining unforeseen bad events happening to my family. During nighttime, just before sleeping, I often worry about losing my family members. My condition gets better when I receive a compliment by the opposite sex or I hear about any foolproof remedy of depression or other ailments. I’ve never fallen in love so I also regret and repent regarding my fate. Used to feel tense during exams and had nightmares about flunking them on the night of such tests. Racing heartbeat on giving presentations or facing crowd. Overreacting to unexpected problems, cant bear insult and thus retaliate in anger. I am extreme nostalgic. Always reminiscing about golden memories of past, Perfumes used and music heard at those times take me back in the past. I help others all the time and feel happiness when they praise/thank me, it motivates me. I am highly indecisive; I cannot make up my mind regarding anything when I am made to choose between different options. My anger knows no bounds, but I cant afford to be angry these days because I start to faint when I get angry.

Things of interest like shopping and attending weddings deviates my thinking from mood swings. When I hear about a good homeopath or about any permanent cure.
Masturbating makes me feel so much better, my asthma subsides and my depression too during masterbation but afterwards I regret doing that.
My phlegm is thick transparent, threadlike and very sticky, does not come out easily. Drops of semen used to come out during passing of stool specially when I had extreme constipation.
TEST UNDERGONE: X-Ray of back, it showed early signs of cervical spondalosis. Thyroid tests are ok, sometimes sugar is low, and blood pressure is low very rarely.

Please help me get rid of P/E problem and very mild depression. Make me ready for upcoming pollen season, but one at a time
  thundercracker on 2014-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I had exactly the same problem. It seems if you have high allergy levels, your body becomes intolerate to sperm and the WBC (white blood cells) mistake sperm for a dangerous invader, that's why we struggle to hold onto our bolt. I just overcame my aspergillus allergy which has reduced my immunoglobulin e levels from 559 to 330. Let me tell you when my allergy levels were 559 and I tried to have sex, trying to hold onto my sperm and prevent premature ejaculation hurt so much, I got a burning feeling and I couldn't achieve this, even when trying the stop-start technique. So I managed to reduce my immunoglobulin e levels by taking wormwood (artemisia absintum) and black walnut hulls, which brought my total Immunoglobulin E levels down to 330, now I don't get the pain and I can sucesfully achieve the stop start technique and there's no pain anymore. My aspergillus allergy and silver birch are now negative and in normal range. I still have some problems because I still have high dust allergy and allergy to grass which I'm trying to overcome, but nothing like before and I can now perform like a porn star. It still is a bit difficult to hold onto my bolt but the stop-start technique does actually work and is very effective. I think if I overcome my dust allergies I probably won't need to do the stop-start technique as much. I'm trying turmeric and colon cleans diet to try to overcome my dust allergy. Try what I done and you'll notice the difference.
caulodren 5 years ago

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