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Premature Ejaculation



Posts about Premature Ejaculation

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

(dr mehfoozurrehaman)curved penis and premature ejaculation

Fell victim of masterbation from a very early age. Now facing premature ejaculation. My penis is bent downwards, the upper surface becomes rock hard but the lower is a bit tender and sensitive. Would feel difficulty in having inter course due to curve. Penis is thin as well.Homeopathy has cured my depression and hopefully will cure this ailment as well.will start medicine for curing astha/pollen allergy in pollen season but for now please treat me for the above stated problem
  thundercracker on 2014-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sex Male Single
Weight 75 kg
Height 5'9'

i also experience slight difficulty in urination (weak flow in the beginning 2 seconds) but after ejaculation the flow is with full pressure and ease. when i masterbate i sometimes experience pain in prostate region upon ejaculation.please cure these conditions. following is some details if they are of any use

I also experience bruxism, early stage of cervical spondelosis and used to have bone snapping problem.

NATURE/MIND-BEHAVIOR: I get angered quickly, irritable, impatient and undecisive. I was extremely shy in my childhood. I never had high ambitions or high self esteem. I sometimes indulge myself in daydreaming and fantasizing about doing things that I can’t achieve. I am the kind of person who cries during emotional or tragic movies. I often indulge myself in unreal worries and imagining unforeseen bad events happening to my family. My condition gets better when I receive a compliment by the opposite sex or I hear about any foolproof remedy of depression or other ailments. I’ve never fallen in love so I also regret and repent regarding my fate. feel tense during exams and stage fright. I am extreme nostalgic.
thundercracker last decade

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