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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help Needed - Multiple Problems Page 7 of 7

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if no response from nux--try ph-ac
John Stanton last decade

I am really thankful to you for your prompt answers, I have taken Advil as I cannot bear it & my system is really messed up. Even Advil is not helping me now... no response. I will be taking it again with other things..sorry.

Yes, the pain was only on the neck.

RandyTX last decade
consistancy of pain--maybe re-consider going to chiropractor..
John Stanton last decade
even though used advil--try ph-ac 30c or 200c and no more pain-killers if 'right' response
John Stanton last decade

please detail symptomology experienced and currently experiencing in detail--starting from last posting..
John Stanton last decade
"am not constipated now but used to be as a child with foul smelling gas."

I have a friend called Brian who also produces a lot of foul-smelling gas, especially when he drinks a lot of guiness. Could he have the same problem? And any suggestions to help him?
spermy last decade
You could tell him to try a different beer...
Hermann last decade
That would do no good, when he drinks any beer other than guiness he has profuse uncontrollable green diarrhoea. Guiness seems to provoke a milder reaction.
spermy last decade
I have patented an anal bung and balloon. Each morning you insert the nozzle into your rusty bullet hole and can pass gas for fun. There are adaptations so that if you are in a long meeting....say more than 30 mins or so you can attach a hose and trail it out the window.

Only $39.99 from www.DFD_worldofanalsolutions.com. Give it a go.
I_lurve_dogs last decade
Thanks! I'd love to give...I mean I'm sure my friend would love to give that a try. What is your delivery time? And do you give credit, as I have blown all of my invalidity allowance on transexual porn videos.
spermy last decade
major problem " When I lay down in bed at night, the liquid could seems to travel upwards ( say water which I took half an hour back) and it goes into my wind pipe and causes me lot of trouble, coughing and due to thismay times due to coughing the food/water taken an hour ack is expelled out in form ofvomiting. This happens 2-3 times and After this iam able to sleep properly. Mostly what is expelled is normal mucus, water or food I loose 1-2 hours sleep every day.

Normally I doont have any problem in swallowing or eating food. Though with dry vegtabbles I feel comfortable dringing water after or in between meals.

I am having acidity for say last 2 years but it is not very much evident except for discharge form gases sometimes. I used to earlier have heart burn on few occassions but this is not there now.

from last one year I would suddenly feel the gases coming up my pipe and discomfort, which gets soothed out if I took some water.

sometimes i feel discomfort in stomach but this is not very few occassions, though there are signs of acididty.

I have not resorted to antacids as Iam hypertensive, 43 years age on amlodopine and betagard for last 7 years.
I tried nat phos 6 earlier but not much difference, I have taken domperidone and still taking rabeprazole daily. Problem is not fully solved. recenly a doctor gave m U-gel A and it has caused slight improvement but probelm is not fully solved.

Please guide me which homeopathic medicine to take.
rajansv last decade

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