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Intestinal Weakness - Digestive problem Page 7 of 11
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after 4 days of taking kp, chilblains is almost gone, itching on the hips is onlt few times of day, marks are less. I started taking a cup of milk after breakfast, its just increasing the itch. Also, my eyesight is also getting bad, though i am still having Euphrasia eyedrops
fizspace last decade
dont take milk for a few days and see. continue kp and a feed back after a week.
you may like to get your eyesight checked every month and keep a record .
you may like to get your eyesight checked every month and keep a record .
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
Its regarding my wife, of whom i have also referred earlier in this forum. She had fungal infection and its cured. Now, she is having cold and her periods are always delayed by a week or more. Doctor asked to do thyroid test and test results showed tsh level of 7.03
Doctor advised thyronorm tablet for 3 weeks but i would like to go with homeo medicine, please help
Doctor advised thyronorm tablet for 3 weeks but i would like to go with homeo medicine, please help
fizspace last decade
is the infection cured by homeo or by allpathic meds?
what is the color of the discharges during cold?
give me some more inputs about her periods.
any pain with periods?
color of the tongue,early morning?
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 17:55:50 GMT]
what is the color of the discharges during cold?
give me some more inputs about her periods.
any pain with periods?
color of the tongue,early morning?
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 17:55:50 GMT]
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
is the infection cured by homeo or by allpathic meds?
allopathic meds, fluconazle and antibiotic course. Also, infection was not totally fungal, there was some Urinary Tract Infection too due to which urine urge was not felt even the bladder got full. But now, it is cured.
what is the color of the discharges during cold?
its light yellor and white, not so thick, more in liquid form
give me some more inputs about her periods.
period cycle is irregular, it always come late. sometimes the extension goes 4 to 5 days and some times it varies upto 10 days. Discharge lasts to 3 days and then it gets slow, total discharge time is 7 days. cycle color of period is red.
any pain with periods?
Mostly have leg pain and lower abdomen and back pain before and during peiods.
color of the tongue,early morning?
its pale yellow early morning
Now, she is having too much pain in legs and having cough too. Cough makes the throat dry.
allopathic meds, fluconazle and antibiotic course. Also, infection was not totally fungal, there was some Urinary Tract Infection too due to which urine urge was not felt even the bladder got full. But now, it is cured.
what is the color of the discharges during cold?
its light yellor and white, not so thick, more in liquid form
give me some more inputs about her periods.
period cycle is irregular, it always come late. sometimes the extension goes 4 to 5 days and some times it varies upto 10 days. Discharge lasts to 3 days and then it gets slow, total discharge time is 7 days. cycle color of period is red.
any pain with periods?
Mostly have leg pain and lower abdomen and back pain before and during peiods.
color of the tongue,early morning?
its pale yellow early morning
Now, she is having too much pain in legs and having cough too. Cough makes the throat dry.
fizspace last decade
nat sulph 6x and mag phos 6x, 5 tabs of each three times a day.
feed back after 4 days.
mag phos preferably dissolved in hot water one ounce.
feed back after 4 days.
mag phos preferably dissolved in hot water one ounce.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
she is taking the meds since yesterday and she is having more body ache. Also, today her face and lips are getting red and body is feverish.
fizspace last decade
should not be because of the medicines,fever or flue must be the cause.
give her rhus tox 30 5 pills three times a day.
give her rhus tox 30 5 pills three times a day.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
Maybe its due to the recent allopathic course she has done for 5 days to have periods due to overdelay. She has her period today. Doctor has advised her to take a syrup to regularize her periods so they come on time. Please let me know if she should take this syrup or the periods will regularize with your meds.
She is having headache time to time. I forgot to tell you that she is having a lot of cough, mostly when she lay flat on bed. Her throat gets dry.
She is having headache time to time. I forgot to tell you that she is having a lot of cough, mostly when she lay flat on bed. Her throat gets dry.
fizspace last decade
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
its 4 days since she started nat sulph and mag phos. She is having too much cough and cold. Nose is blocked and she is having headache too. Her feet is also swelling today. Since her last period she is having less flow.
fizspace last decade
m taking kp only, itching has increased a lot on hips, marks are less but dark in colour, thigh folds having little marks and itching too. lower back or upper hips skin itches a lot with skin getting dark. motions are a little loose and seems acidic
fizspace last decade
she has already stopped the medicines and its 5 days now since she has taken any. She is having extreme cough, seems she has some thick liquid struck in her throat. Her knees are paining.
fizspace last decade
cough doesn't come out, its just throat feels heaviness of some thick fluid and it smells cough is getting worse inside
[message edited by fizspace on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:13:53 GMT]
[message edited by fizspace on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:13:53 GMT]
fizspace last decade
nat sulph 6x,3 times a day.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
m not taking any meds since last 5 days, itching is less but mostly it happens in the evening and night. Recently i am feeling weakness, its sexual weekness too.
fizspace last decade
my wife is taking nat sulph 3 times a day, her cough is better and cough is coming out, colour is yellow. She is having extreme pain in legs
fizspace last decade
continue the same medicines as of now.give a feed back after 4 days.if the pain still remains,give in addition mag phos 6x,in luke warm water,three times a day, 5 tabs.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
pain is still there so she has started mag phos too. cough is less but her ears are blocked, consulted a doctor today, she found wax in her ears, advised an antibiotic drops.
[message edited by fizspace on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 18:55:49 GMT]
[message edited by fizspace on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 18:55:49 GMT]
fizspace last decade
my feedback after 8 days without medicines, marks are still there and due to recent intake of spicy foods, marks got red and itchy. stool and urine is passing with heat.
fizspace last decade
avoid spicy food spicy food,have ferrum phos 6x, three times a day for 4 days and give a feed back
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
my wife update - still taking mag phos and nat suplh, throat is better but cough is still there and it get worse few times of the day. Legs pain is better. Please advise further medicines
fizspace last decade
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