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Intestinal Weakness - Digestive problem Page 8 of 11
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fizspace last decade
m taking ferrum phos, marks are less and itching too. Motions are loose. Shall i continue ?
fizspace 9 years ago
m continuing ferrum phos.
i had mild flu recently but after that i am having smell of cough all the time from inside.
i had mild flu recently but after that i am having smell of cough all the time from inside.
fizspace 9 years ago
Have kali phos 6x 4 tabs three times a day in addition for three days
♡ anuj srivastava 9 years ago
its 8 weeks now since my sister stopped silicea. she gets cold regularly but its short duration only. she is getting weak too.
fizspace 9 years ago
Start sil again for a week and give a feed back hope she is not having problems with her periods
♡ anuj srivastava 9 years ago
my update after a week with ferrum phos, took kali phos for 3 days. Itching happens only at certain times, marks are dark but not diminishing.
fizspace 9 years ago
my wife update- she has stopped mag phos and nat sulph 10 days back as she had a lot of cough so we consulted a physician who gave her some medicines for 2 days after taking same, she is fine now. Her cough is almost gone and pain is also very less. Her thyroid latest report is 1.69
as her tsh level is normal now, what medicines you advice to maintain this level and keep her immunity
as her tsh level is normal now, what medicines you advice to maintain this level and keep her immunity
fizspace 9 years ago
Five phos 6x 5 tabs three times a day for a month and a feed back
♡ anuj srivastava 9 years ago
after taking ferrum phos for 7 more days, itching happens few times but its severe and skin gets dry on marks so scratches come over skin from itching. Marks are dark. Motions are little loose and 3-4 times a day
fizspace 9 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 9 years ago
m taking kali phos and itching is less. I had headache few days back so i consulted a doctor and he found my blood pressure high, about 150 but pulse normal. I never had high bp, is it due to meds ? i checked again today and its 145
also, my father is diabetic so everybody tells me that u will be diabetic too. shall i get myself checked for it ? in past i got it checked and found normal. i m just worried as my skin infection is not healing 100%
also, my father is diabetic so everybody tells me that u will be diabetic too. shall i get myself checked for it ? in past i got it checked and found normal. i m just worried as my skin infection is not healing 100%
fizspace 9 years ago
Probability of getting diabetese cannot be ruled out
Skin infections if old and treated with allopathy for s long petiod take a lot of time to heal
Bp not due to medicines
Have 5 drops of lachesis 200 ones in a week and see but you can take medicines prescribed by your doc
Skin infections if old and treated with allopathy for s long petiod take a lot of time to heal
Bp not due to medicines
Have 5 drops of lachesis 200 ones in a week and see but you can take medicines prescribed by your doc
♡ anuj srivastava 9 years ago
since last few days, i am having pain and possible swelling in upper abdomen or liver. Digestion is disturb and motions are watery loose. is it due to the medicines i m taking ?
fizspace 9 years ago
its 2 weeks now since i m not taking any meds. itching is there but happens mostly in evening or when hips area is sweaty. marks are mostly on the hips and covering complete hips. stomach is little disturb since last few days, digestion is sometimes quick and sometimes too slow
fizspace 9 years ago
kali phos 6x,5 tabs ones a day and a fed back after 4 days
♡ anuj srivastava 9 years ago
after 4 days now, itching is a little less but the marks are darker and increasing on the lower back. marks started from inner thighs to backward on hips and then moving on lower back.
fizspace 9 years ago
is it possibpe that i have worms in my intestines ? symptoms say dark circles, excess hunger and itchy rectum, all of these symptoms i carry
fizspace 9 years ago
Have cina 30 in addition five pills three times a day for a week worms cannot be ruled out
♡ anuj srivastava 9 years ago
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