The ABC Homeopathy Forum
tooth decay in 3 1/2 year old boy Page 2 of 3
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Keep up the same dosing for another week and
then report again-
If he starts to have new things go on- like being
nervous or irritated, stop dosing and let me know.
then report again-
If he starts to have new things go on- like being
nervous or irritated, stop dosing and let me know.
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,
He is doing fine and no apparent symptoms of anything different. However , since yesterday he has been having severe pain in his affected tooth/gum. I inspected it and it is almost rotten and is black coloured .
He is doing fine and no apparent symptoms of anything different. However , since yesterday he has been having severe pain in his affected tooth/gum. I inspected it and it is almost rotten and is black coloured .
venus0743 last decade
He has to go to the dentist and get that tooth
removed right away.Like I said before you will
have to find a pediatric dentist who will have
to use general anesthesia so he can do what has
to be done. Don't wait.
In meantime you can give 1 tab of Cal Flour 6x with
a tab of silica 6x ( dissolve them in a tablespoon
of water, and then after two hours give Calc phos 6x
and alternate this every 2 to 3 hours for pain-
but this is a band aid- he cannot go around with
the infections, decay and bacteria in his system.
He has to go to the dentist and get that tooth
removed right away.Like I said before you will
have to find a pediatric dentist who will have
to use general anesthesia so he can do what has
to be done. Don't wait.
In meantime you can give 1 tab of Cal Flour 6x with
a tab of silica 6x ( dissolve them in a tablespoon
of water, and then after two hours give Calc phos 6x
and alternate this every 2 to 3 hours for pain-
but this is a band aid- he cannot go around with
the infections, decay and bacteria in his system.
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,
I was actually trying to cure him via Homeo remedies because I get nightmares thinking bout the pain he has to undergo on she visits a dentist for tooth extraction.
Is there no way this problem can be cured by Homeo remedies?
I was actually trying to cure him via Homeo remedies because I get nightmares thinking bout the pain he has to undergo on she visits a dentist for tooth extraction.
Is there no way this problem can be cured by Homeo remedies?
venus0743 last decade
No- it is too far gone.
If he gets the general anesthesia he
won't have any pain, and after
he will have far less pain than
he is having now and it will only last a short time.
I don't know the extent of the damage or amount
of teeth that need help here.
Obviously small children are a real challenge- but you
have to be tough and do the right thing bc the nerves
are dead and rotted, this is not going to stop and it
can affect the new teeth coming in..
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:50:50 GMT]
If he gets the general anesthesia he
won't have any pain, and after
he will have far less pain than
he is having now and it will only last a short time.
I don't know the extent of the damage or amount
of teeth that need help here.
Obviously small children are a real challenge- but you
have to be tough and do the right thing bc the nerves
are dead and rotted, this is not going to stop and it
can affect the new teeth coming in..
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:50:50 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
One more thing, the general
anesthesia, you get one shot in
the arm usually and they are
knocked out, they won't feel
anything at all- this is what they have to do with animals with bad teeth bc otherwise it is impossible. One of my children would not
even let the teeth be checked, there was about
a 60 second window and then forget it- so
I had to get a pediatric dentist who knows
how to handle children and then it worked.
anesthesia, you get one shot in
the arm usually and they are
knocked out, they won't feel
anything at all- this is what they have to do with animals with bad teeth bc otherwise it is impossible. One of my children would not
even let the teeth be checked, there was about
a 60 second window and then forget it- so
I had to get a pediatric dentist who knows
how to handle children and then it worked.
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Venus,
this is about your other thread.
My opinion is your case has to be taken in detail
and the diabetes addressed, your whole totality
mental, phys. emotional,diet, etc has to be
looked at.
I would do a new post and ask for a specific person,
like Fitness, to take your case. List everything
you have been given.
take care,
this is about your other thread.
My opinion is your case has to be taken in detail
and the diabetes addressed, your whole totality
mental, phys. emotional,diet, etc has to be
looked at.
I would do a new post and ask for a specific person,
like Fitness, to take your case. List everything
you have been given.
take care,
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,
I didnt get your last message ?
Did I send you some other post
As far as the problem with my child is concerned , he improved a lot with kali phos 6x doses but of lately he has been bed wetting again because i was irregular with his doses.
Actually I am quite disturbed with my ED and PE problem due to strained relations with my partner
I didnt get your last message ?
Did I send you some other post
As far as the problem with my child is concerned , he improved a lot with kali phos 6x doses but of lately he has been bed wetting again because i was irregular with his doses.
Actually I am quite disturbed with my ED and PE problem due to strained relations with my partner
venus0743 last decade
Hi Venus,
*** I had noticed your other thread about ED
and PE and that you also have diabetes. My opinion
is that you need to see a homeopath who will
look at your total health, or do a new thread
and have someone on here look over your totality
in detail and then prescribe.
****You should get an email alert when anyone
posts on your thread- sometimes these things
do not work on here- I did not get some other
post from you.
**** Re-start the Kali phos 6x as before -at the
same times- and then report after a week.
I hope the teeth are being taken care of.
*** I had noticed your other thread about ED
and PE and that you also have diabetes. My opinion
is that you need to see a homeopath who will
look at your total health, or do a new thread
and have someone on here look over your totality
in detail and then prescribe.
****You should get an email alert when anyone
posts on your thread- sometimes these things
do not work on here- I did not get some other
post from you.
**** Re-start the Kali phos 6x as before -at the
same times- and then report after a week.
I hope the teeth are being taken care of.
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi simone ,
I am following the kali phos 6x dosage and he is showing signs of improvement. Been to the dentist and shiwn hus teeth as well . There were few fillings to be done after which he is fine.
I will open a new thread regarding my issues and will ask fitness to deal with it.
I am following the kali phos 6x dosage and he is showing signs of improvement. Been to the dentist and shiwn hus teeth as well . There were few fillings to be done after which he is fine.
I will open a new thread regarding my issues and will ask fitness to deal with it.
venus0743 last decade
Hi Venus,
We have to monitor the Kali phos 6x.
When did you start it up again?
Have you been doing 2 doses a day since that time?
What is the improvement percentage? 50 % 90 %
We have to monitor the Kali phos 6x.
When did you start it up again?
Have you been doing 2 doses a day since that time?
What is the improvement percentage? 50 % 90 %
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,
It has been a week now and i can see 50% improvement . Another thing that worries me is that he gets quite agressive at times and even fights with her 14 year old sister. Currently he is suffering from cold cough and running nose since 3 - 4 days.
It has been a week now and i can see 50% improvement . Another thing that worries me is that he gets quite agressive at times and even fights with her 14 year old sister. Currently he is suffering from cold cough and running nose since 3 - 4 days.
venus0743 last decade
Describe the mucous color and
Describe the cough, loose, dry,
how often, etc?
You can add in Ferrum Phos 6x
2 tabs 3 times a day and see if
that helps. Ferrum phos 6x if given right away when one has a
cold can stop it.
Continue another week with
the Kali phos the same way
and then report.
Describe the cough, loose, dry,
how often, etc?
You can add in Ferrum Phos 6x
2 tabs 3 times a day and see if
that helps. Ferrum phos 6x if given right away when one has a
cold can stop it.
Continue another week with
the Kali phos the same way
and then report.
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi simone ,
Mucous is clear and sometimes it is slightly greenish in color. It doesnt come out often. Regarding the cough , it appears dry to me as no mucous etc is accompanied along with it . Do you think i should worry as these days the H1N1 cases are rampant in India .
I will give him ferrum phos 6x as advised.
He bed wet again tonite and didnt get up to inform prior.
Mucous is clear and sometimes it is slightly greenish in color. It doesnt come out often. Regarding the cough , it appears dry to me as no mucous etc is accompanied along with it . Do you think i should worry as these days the H1N1 cases are rampant in India .
I will give him ferrum phos 6x as advised.
He bed wet again tonite and didnt get up to inform prior.
venus0743 last decade
If Ferrum Phos does nothing after a day then switch over
to Nat Mur 6x- two tabs -
two times a day and let me know
after two days what you notice.
I suppose you got the book on bedwetting and
the alarm? Are you starting to use that method
If Ferrum Phos does nothing after a day then switch over
to Nat Mur 6x- two tabs -
two times a day and let me know
after two days what you notice.
I suppose you got the book on bedwetting and
the alarm? Are you starting to use that method
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone ,
I got the book and started to read it but was travelling due to which could not continue it further. Will start that again and hope it will help.
I will get the remedies mentioned and will update you accordingly.
I was also thinking to give him a dose of ars alb but was not sure if that will work .
I got the book and started to read it but was travelling due to which could not continue it further. Will start that again and hope it will help.
I will get the remedies mentioned and will update you accordingly.
I was also thinking to give him a dose of ars alb but was not sure if that will work .
venus0743 last decade
The cell salts are mild and rebalance on the
cell levels so I always try that first.
You may want to click on Fitness and see his
email and ask him if can take on your other
The cell salts are mild and rebalance on the
cell levels so I always try that first.
You may want to click on Fitness and see his
email and ask him if can take on your other
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,
He seems to respond to the Ferrum phos as he showed some kind of improvements in his running nose. Cough also seem to be better.
should i continue with the same
Take care ,
He seems to respond to the Ferrum phos as he showed some kind of improvements in his running nose. Cough also seem to be better.
should i continue with the same
Take care ,
venus0743 last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,
Will do that...
I havent seen Fitness on thw forum for a while as my new thread is still untouched.
Is there a way i can communicate with you other than the forum in case want to discuss some issues which i would not like to post here.
Will do that...
I havent seen Fitness on thw forum for a while as my new thread is still untouched.
Is there a way i can communicate with you other than the forum in case want to discuss some issues which i would not like to post here.
venus0743 last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
venus0743 last decade
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