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tooth decay in 3 1/2 year old boy Page 3 of 3
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Have resent it.
Another thing i wanted to share is lately my son has started twitching his eyes . He doesnt watch much tv so dont know really the reason.
I am having tough time since the time i have stopped bottle feeding him milk. He troubles having milk in glass otherwise he use to love milk .
Another thing i wanted to share is lately my son has started twitching his eyes . He doesnt watch much tv so dont know really the reason.
I am having tough time since the time i have stopped bottle feeding him milk. He troubles having milk in glass otherwise he use to love milk .
venus0743 last decade
Stop the Kali phos at this time.
He probably has had too much of that, and it can
cause eye twitching. It will wear off.
I suggest that you start to work with the sleep alarm
book now for bed wetting.
He probably has had too much of that, and it can
cause eye twitching. It will wear off.
I suggest that you start to work with the sleep alarm
book now for bed wetting.
♡ simone717 last decade
On Milk-
This is normal for kids and he needs other foods now.
Here is advice from the pediatrician.( I would IGNORE the
suggestions for ice cream and orange juice and soy ( too much estrogen)
High sugar in these things and they can spike the sugar levels
and then you crash.
Use - the whole fruit, cut up an orange. Ice cream can be a treat
once a month. You can use a blender and blend one carrot with
an apple every morning- that helps the brain.
Interestingly, there is no minimum amount of milk that a toddler must drink. However, they do need their calcium, vitamin D and healthy fats. Milk is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D. If your toddler does not drink much milk, than he needs to get these nutrients from other sources.
Many parents have a hard time getting their one year olds to drink milk after they have weaned them from the bottle to the sippy cup. I also have found that many babies who have been breastfed never really love cows milk. (Not too surprising they are baby humans and not baby cows.)
However, If your toddler refuses to drink milk from a cup, you do not need to go back to the bottle. Between the ages of 1-3, he needs between 500 -700mg (milligrams) of calcium per day.
He can get his calcium from these following foods:
Lowfat yogurt 8 ounces: 415 mg
Cheddar cheese 1 1/2 ounces: 306 mg
Whole cows milk 8 ounces: 291mg
2% cows milk 8 ounces : 287
Firm Tofu with calcium salts 1/2 cup: 204mg *read the label for the exact amount
Cooked spinach 1/2 cup: 120 mg
Cooked kale 1 cup: 94mg
Raw broccoli 1/2 cup: 21mg
If your toddler has 8 ounces of yogurt and a serving of cheese, he will have met his calcium requirement. If you are relying on the fact that he loves broccoli, keep in mind that he will have to eat 16 cups of broccoli each day.
If your toddler does not drink very much milk, you will need to make sure he is getting enough vitamin D. Not all yogurts are fortified with vitamin D, so it is important to read your labels. Read here to learn more about why our bodies need vitamin D. Ask your doctor about a vitamin D supplement if necessary.
You also want to make sure that your toddler does not drink too much milk. If he is drinking more than 24 ounces of milk per day, than he is consuming too many liquid calories. He will fill up on the milk, and may not be getting the iron and protein rich foods that he needs
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 18:02:24 GMT]
This is normal for kids and he needs other foods now.
Here is advice from the pediatrician.( I would IGNORE the
suggestions for ice cream and orange juice and soy ( too much estrogen)
High sugar in these things and they can spike the sugar levels
and then you crash.
Use - the whole fruit, cut up an orange. Ice cream can be a treat
once a month. You can use a blender and blend one carrot with
an apple every morning- that helps the brain.
Interestingly, there is no minimum amount of milk that a toddler must drink. However, they do need their calcium, vitamin D and healthy fats. Milk is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D. If your toddler does not drink much milk, than he needs to get these nutrients from other sources.
Many parents have a hard time getting their one year olds to drink milk after they have weaned them from the bottle to the sippy cup. I also have found that many babies who have been breastfed never really love cows milk. (Not too surprising they are baby humans and not baby cows.)
However, If your toddler refuses to drink milk from a cup, you do not need to go back to the bottle. Between the ages of 1-3, he needs between 500 -700mg (milligrams) of calcium per day.
He can get his calcium from these following foods:
Lowfat yogurt 8 ounces: 415 mg
Cheddar cheese 1 1/2 ounces: 306 mg
Whole cows milk 8 ounces: 291mg
2% cows milk 8 ounces : 287
Firm Tofu with calcium salts 1/2 cup: 204mg *read the label for the exact amount
Cooked spinach 1/2 cup: 120 mg
Cooked kale 1 cup: 94mg
Raw broccoli 1/2 cup: 21mg
If your toddler has 8 ounces of yogurt and a serving of cheese, he will have met his calcium requirement. If you are relying on the fact that he loves broccoli, keep in mind that he will have to eat 16 cups of broccoli each day.
If your toddler does not drink very much milk, you will need to make sure he is getting enough vitamin D. Not all yogurts are fortified with vitamin D, so it is important to read your labels. Read here to learn more about why our bodies need vitamin D. Ask your doctor about a vitamin D supplement if necessary.
You also want to make sure that your toddler does not drink too much milk. If he is drinking more than 24 ounces of milk per day, than he is consuming too many liquid calories. He will fill up on the milk, and may not be getting the iron and protein rich foods that he needs
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 18:02:24 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
Info you asked for:
Mohamed Caffoor, RHom, MARH, FBIH, DHM, DiHom (Pract), BSc, FASC, MASC (Ad C.S), CCC- Registered Counsellor. I am a qualified, registered homeopath in the UK. I primary aim of becoming a homeopath was to help people overcome or control their illnesses such as anxiety, cholesterol, diabetes, depression etc. I am available for a free initial consultation either via phone (020 8941 9122 or email (info At ukhomeopathy dot Feel free to contact me, I might be able to help you. My website is: Skype: UKHOMOEOPATH (for online consultations)
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 10 Mar 2015 16:48:34 GMT]
Info you asked for:
Mohamed Caffoor, RHom, MARH, FBIH, DHM, DiHom (Pract), BSc, FASC, MASC (Ad C.S), CCC- Registered Counsellor. I am a qualified, registered homeopath in the UK. I primary aim of becoming a homeopath was to help people overcome or control their illnesses such as anxiety, cholesterol, diabetes, depression etc. I am available for a free initial consultation either via phone (020 8941 9122 or email (info At ukhomeopathy dot Feel free to contact me, I might be able to help you. My website is: Skype: UKHOMOEOPATH (for online consultations)
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 10 Mar 2015 16:48:34 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,
I have stopped with kali phosbut he still twitches his eyes especially when he watches TV.
There is another thing that worries me is that my 4 and half old toddler gets hyper very soon especially with her 13 year old sibling (sister). He starts fighting with her occasionally and also at times throw things in anger or spoil things etc. Otherwise most of the time he has normal behavior. He is quite persistent in his attitude , too much fond of sweets and chocolates and when I dont give him anything what he wants he starts crying. He is also very talkative and outspoken , often takes on to fighting with other children in the park or with his friends ( not in school ) . As a result most of aged friends have stopped playing with him ( in the neighbourhood ) . He loves to play with cars , motorbikes , superheroes , loves to watch surperhero movies etc.
I am quite worried about his behavior but i have checked with his school teacher and he has been fine in the school with no behavioural problems. He is also normal in writing letters and words and memorise them easily.
What should i do ? Is his behavior ok or is there any cause to worry ? He is more inclined towards his mother and is fond of her .
[message edited by venus0743 on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 00:18:58 GMT]
I have stopped with kali phosbut he still twitches his eyes especially when he watches TV.
There is another thing that worries me is that my 4 and half old toddler gets hyper very soon especially with her 13 year old sibling (sister). He starts fighting with her occasionally and also at times throw things in anger or spoil things etc. Otherwise most of the time he has normal behavior. He is quite persistent in his attitude , too much fond of sweets and chocolates and when I dont give him anything what he wants he starts crying. He is also very talkative and outspoken , often takes on to fighting with other children in the park or with his friends ( not in school ) . As a result most of aged friends have stopped playing with him ( in the neighbourhood ) . He loves to play with cars , motorbikes , superheroes , loves to watch surperhero movies etc.
I am quite worried about his behavior but i have checked with his school teacher and he has been fine in the school with no behavioural problems. He is also normal in writing letters and words and memorise them easily.
What should i do ? Is his behavior ok or is there any cause to worry ? He is more inclined towards his mother and is fond of her .
[message edited by venus0743 on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 00:18:58 GMT]
venus0743 9 years ago
Hi Venus,
What is going on with bedwetting for the 3 1/2 year old?
How many hours of tv is he watching?
On the 4 1/2 year old , I will post some questions for
you tomorrow and we can go over it.
What is going on with bedwetting for the 3 1/2 year old?
How many hours of tv is he watching?
On the 4 1/2 year old , I will post some questions for
you tomorrow and we can go over it.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Hi Venus-
Please use this form about the 4 1/2 yr old.
Describe each physical complaint/associated set of symptoms in detail. Please include the following when doing this:
1. Appearance
2. Sensation or pain
3. Situations/events/triggers for making it worse
4. Situations/events/triggers for making it better
5. Event that seemed to start the complaint
6. Other sensory features smell, sound, taste, tactile etc of the symptom
Make sure each complaint is done separately. Do not group them together. This is for physical complaints/diseases rather than mental or emotional problems.
Symptoms may be divided into three categories:
1. Symptoms which they more or less have all the time
2. Symptoms which appear as acute things but have appeared more than once
3. Symptoms which have appeared for the first time.
Make sure you clearly divide the symptoms into these three groups.
------------------------------------------------------- MENTAL STATE OF THE CHILD (IMPORTANT)
1. When the physical complaint is active, what is his/her emotional state like? What does he/she do? What does she/he want you to do?
2. Does he/she describe any unusual sensation or pain in the body, especially when they are complaining of something?
3. What fears does he/she have? How does she/he react?
4. Was there any incident in the past that had a great impact? What happened at the time? Is there any ongoing reaction to this event? How does he/she talk about it?
5. Is there any story (book, fairytale, cartoon, movie etc) that seems to really resonate with her/him? What does he/she say about it?
6. What kind of fantasies does she/he describe to you? How does this translate down into play, games, toys? Does he/she tend to draw particular things over and over? If so what are they? If you point to these images, what does she/he say about them?
7. Does he/she describe any dreams or nightmares to you, and what are they? How does she/he react on waking from them?
8. How is he/she when interacting with other children? What about sports or games? How about obeying rules or social conventions?
9. How is she/he when interacting with older people? Is there any difference between family or friends and strangers in terms of reactions and behavior?
10. What kind of activities does he/she enjoy doing? Which of these do she/he spend the most time at?
11. What qualities seem to make your child different from other children?
12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?
13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?
14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?
15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?
16. What does your child do when alone?
17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?
1. What position does he/she sleep in?
2. Is there any position he/she seems unable to sleep in?
3. Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
4. Any problems with sleep?
5. What foods are craved (cravings are strong desires) What foods are hated?
6. What drinks are craved? What drinks are hated?
7. How does he/she react when hungry, or hunger is prolonged?
8. How does the weather affect?
9. How does the temperature affect?
10. Are there any other environmental influences negative or positive (season, noise, music, moon, light, dark, day, night, time, smells etc.)
11. Problems with stool or bowel habit?
Problems with urine or bladder habit?
12. Where does he/she sweat most? Does it stain or smell unusual?
13. Has she/he reacted to any medical treatment in the past in a strong or negative way?
1. What kind of health problems occurred while you were pregnant with your child?
2. Were there any other stresses or traumas that occurred?
3. Did the birth itself have any problems?
4. Do you remember if any symptoms occurred suddenly during pregnancy that then vanished after your child was born? Especially important are any emotional or mental changes during this time.
Please use this form about the 4 1/2 yr old.
Describe each physical complaint/associated set of symptoms in detail. Please include the following when doing this:
1. Appearance
2. Sensation or pain
3. Situations/events/triggers for making it worse
4. Situations/events/triggers for making it better
5. Event that seemed to start the complaint
6. Other sensory features smell, sound, taste, tactile etc of the symptom
Make sure each complaint is done separately. Do not group them together. This is for physical complaints/diseases rather than mental or emotional problems.
Symptoms may be divided into three categories:
1. Symptoms which they more or less have all the time
2. Symptoms which appear as acute things but have appeared more than once
3. Symptoms which have appeared for the first time.
Make sure you clearly divide the symptoms into these three groups.
------------------------------------------------------- MENTAL STATE OF THE CHILD (IMPORTANT)
1. When the physical complaint is active, what is his/her emotional state like? What does he/she do? What does she/he want you to do?
2. Does he/she describe any unusual sensation or pain in the body, especially when they are complaining of something?
3. What fears does he/she have? How does she/he react?
4. Was there any incident in the past that had a great impact? What happened at the time? Is there any ongoing reaction to this event? How does he/she talk about it?
5. Is there any story (book, fairytale, cartoon, movie etc) that seems to really resonate with her/him? What does he/she say about it?
6. What kind of fantasies does she/he describe to you? How does this translate down into play, games, toys? Does he/she tend to draw particular things over and over? If so what are they? If you point to these images, what does she/he say about them?
7. Does he/she describe any dreams or nightmares to you, and what are they? How does she/he react on waking from them?
8. How is he/she when interacting with other children? What about sports or games? How about obeying rules or social conventions?
9. How is she/he when interacting with older people? Is there any difference between family or friends and strangers in terms of reactions and behavior?
10. What kind of activities does he/she enjoy doing? Which of these do she/he spend the most time at?
11. What qualities seem to make your child different from other children?
12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?
13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?
14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?
15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?
16. What does your child do when alone?
17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?
1. What position does he/she sleep in?
2. Is there any position he/she seems unable to sleep in?
3. Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
4. Any problems with sleep?
5. What foods are craved (cravings are strong desires) What foods are hated?
6. What drinks are craved? What drinks are hated?
7. How does he/she react when hungry, or hunger is prolonged?
8. How does the weather affect?
9. How does the temperature affect?
10. Are there any other environmental influences negative or positive (season, noise, music, moon, light, dark, day, night, time, smells etc.)
11. Problems with stool or bowel habit?
Problems with urine or bladder habit?
12. Where does he/she sweat most? Does it stain or smell unusual?
13. Has she/he reacted to any medical treatment in the past in a strong or negative way?
1. What kind of health problems occurred while you were pregnant with your child?
2. Were there any other stresses or traumas that occurred?
3. Did the birth itself have any problems?
4. Do you remember if any symptoms occurred suddenly during pregnancy that then vanished after your child was born? Especially important are any emotional or mental changes during this time.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Hi Simone ,
Sorry to get back so late.
Coming back to bed wetting issue, i stopped giving him kali phos and has stopped twitching his eyes as well. He watches around 1 hour of TV everyday at intervals but that is not fixed. Most if the times he doesnt watch TV.
He bedwets sometimes at night ( generally once ) and doesnt get up to inform about it.
There was another thing for which i was worried about that he has developed a small wart on one of his foot which seems to be painless. How can I get rid of that ?
Please advise
Sorry to get back so late.
Coming back to bed wetting issue, i stopped giving him kali phos and has stopped twitching his eyes as well. He watches around 1 hour of TV everyday at intervals but that is not fixed. Most if the times he doesnt watch TV.
He bedwets sometimes at night ( generally once ) and doesnt get up to inform about it.
There was another thing for which i was worried about that he has developed a small wart on one of his foot which seems to be painless. How can I get rid of that ?
Please advise
venus0743 9 years ago
Hi Venus,
I know you got the alarm/bed wetting book-
have you tried this?
He had too much Kali phos earlier,so you can
try one tab of kali Phos, before bed every
other night for a week to see if that takes care
of it.
I would leave the wart alone for right now
while you are working on the other.
What is his diet on a normal day?
Has he had any colds, flu or anything over
the last few months? And is he stressed
over anything? Usually if you build up the
immune system, the warts disappear.
I know you got the alarm/bed wetting book-
have you tried this?
He had too much Kali phos earlier,so you can
try one tab of kali Phos, before bed every
other night for a week to see if that takes care
of it.
I would leave the wart alone for right now
while you are working on the other.
What is his diet on a normal day?
Has he had any colds, flu or anything over
the last few months? And is he stressed
over anything? Usually if you build up the
immune system, the warts disappear.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Hi Simone ,
Bed wetting book i trued and it helped. I will give him one tab of kali phos as advised.
His usual daily diet consists of atleast a fruit or maybe more , breakfast he gets in the school which varies everyday, afternoon he takes his lunch ( chapati ( indian bread ) , vegetable , yoghurt, and a fruit as well. In the morning befote going to school he takes a small ( 100 ml ) bottle of Yakult , probiotic milk. Evenings he takes a glass of milk and he goes to play outdoors after that. Once he comes back we preferably give him some milk and something to eat like bread butter , eggs etc. then around 7:30 - 8 , he has milk to which he is bothering now.
He has been having lot of cough and cold , running nose before but were cured after taking Chamomilla 30 .
He hs has been doing fine and very active but since a week he is develloping cold again.
He sometimes get stressed ad he doesnt like sitting and studying to which we insist.. He then gets irritated. Please advise
Bed wetting book i trued and it helped. I will give him one tab of kali phos as advised.
His usual daily diet consists of atleast a fruit or maybe more , breakfast he gets in the school which varies everyday, afternoon he takes his lunch ( chapati ( indian bread ) , vegetable , yoghurt, and a fruit as well. In the morning befote going to school he takes a small ( 100 ml ) bottle of Yakult , probiotic milk. Evenings he takes a glass of milk and he goes to play outdoors after that. Once he comes back we preferably give him some milk and something to eat like bread butter , eggs etc. then around 7:30 - 8 , he has milk to which he is bothering now.
He has been having lot of cough and cold , running nose before but were cured after taking Chamomilla 30 .
He hs has been doing fine and very active but since a week he is develloping cold again.
He sometimes get stressed ad he doesnt like sitting and studying to which we insist.. He then gets irritated. Please advise
venus0743 9 years ago
Hi Venus,
I posted the questions earlier that are needed
to go over this.
As far as sitting and studying at this age,
most kids want to be active, so you can still
educate but you make it a fun game. Especially
boys need to have more physical movement.
There are different learning styles, some kids
do way better moving, ( kinetic learning) rather
than visual. One is not better than the other-
most schools do not have any variety in how
they teach- one size fits all type of thing.
I was re-reading some of Dr. Luc ( now retired)
education pages on the web last week. He is
an MD, famous homeopath, acupuncturist, etc.
He grew up in Belgium, but said he was running
and moving,when not in school, and if he was
in school today that the teacher probably would
say he needed Ritalin because he was too active.
Each child is different and has different gifts.
I think it is important to figure out where the
child has interests and promote that and learning
thru that so that their gifts can blossom- and
they are not forced into a situation where their
creativity is blocked.
I posted the questions earlier that are needed
to go over this.
As far as sitting and studying at this age,
most kids want to be active, so you can still
educate but you make it a fun game. Especially
boys need to have more physical movement.
There are different learning styles, some kids
do way better moving, ( kinetic learning) rather
than visual. One is not better than the other-
most schools do not have any variety in how
they teach- one size fits all type of thing.
I was re-reading some of Dr. Luc ( now retired)
education pages on the web last week. He is
an MD, famous homeopath, acupuncturist, etc.
He grew up in Belgium, but said he was running
and moving,when not in school, and if he was
in school today that the teacher probably would
say he needed Ritalin because he was too active.
Each child is different and has different gifts.
I think it is important to figure out where the
child has interests and promote that and learning
thru that so that their gifts can blossom- and
they are not forced into a situation where their
creativity is blocked.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
I certainly agree with each and everything that you have mentioned. But my main worry is his short temperaments and this at times go to such a level that he starts hitting people and also throwing things, shouting etc. However, this is seldom but generally he loses his temper quite fast and starts crying. I must admit that me and my wife also have short temperaments because we do not go along well due to various reasons but i dont want it to come on to my children. We try not to argue with each other in front of the children but sometimes it happens. I know what my son will see in me , he will adapt that as well.
Is there any way any homeo remedy can be tried to improve him?
Is there any way any homeo remedy can be tried to improve him?
venus0743 9 years ago
Yes, Venus- but you have to give details on the
Questions I posted so that the right remedy can be
chosen-If you answer those things then I have something
to work with.
However, as you pointed out, children will be affected
by the energy in the household. If there is tension,
they will pick up on it and act out, even if you try
to hide it. Some kids will become withdrawn, others will
act out and copy behaviors etc.
I know you are working with Nat Mur right now, but it
might be wise for you and wife to get counseling so
that you are both on the same page as far as how to
handle tension and come to agreement on what you want
the atmosphere in the home to be like-when people truly
understand the other person is making an effort, they
will not be as reactive.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 02 May 2015 16:42:13 BST]
Questions I posted so that the right remedy can be
chosen-If you answer those things then I have something
to work with.
However, as you pointed out, children will be affected
by the energy in the household. If there is tension,
they will pick up on it and act out, even if you try
to hide it. Some kids will become withdrawn, others will
act out and copy behaviors etc.
I know you are working with Nat Mur right now, but it
might be wise for you and wife to get counseling so
that you are both on the same page as far as how to
handle tension and come to agreement on what you want
the atmosphere in the home to be like-when people truly
understand the other person is making an effort, they
will not be as reactive.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 02 May 2015 16:42:13 BST]
♡ simone717 9 years ago
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