The ABC Homeopathy Forum
In regard to probiotics, I understand the the lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 is the most beneficial, and the strain to seek out for supplementation. I am currently consuming raw milk kefir, whole raw milk, Natren yogurt, and raw honey (tsp) in a morning smoothy. The yogurt is the supper strain Lactobacillus bulgaricus , LB-51 and the raw milk and kefir is from A-1 Jersey cows. MY question is, should I also seek out the DDS-1 stain as an additional strain or am I covered with the other strains I consume? I read where too many strains are not good because of competition between them.renegade on 2014-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'd advise having home made yogurt as it would give you the best balance naturally instead of getting just one or two strains.
fitness last decade
It depends on what you are using the probiotics for.
Also, every person reacts differently to different sets of strains. Having
homemade yogurt as general daily intake is a good idea.
If you are trying to replace gut flora due to antibiotic use, or IBS etc
it is advised to get a probiotic of 8 strains and work up to twice a day
and do this for 2 to three months. Experiment till you find a product
that works with your body well and feels comfortable.
Also, every person reacts differently to different sets of strains. Having
homemade yogurt as general daily intake is a good idea.
If you are trying to replace gut flora due to antibiotic use, or IBS etc
it is advised to get a probiotic of 8 strains and work up to twice a day
and do this for 2 to three months. Experiment till you find a product
that works with your body well and feels comfortable.
♡ simone717 last decade
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