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Hi- As long as you keep feeling better, do not take more doses.

Write to me when improvement stops and then we will go
from there.
simone717 last decade
mahmoodjnu last decade
Its stopped now
mahmoodjnu last decade
Take one dose this time.

Let me know if there is more improvement a day after you take it.


simone717 last decade
Hi Simone717
took a dose and there was low blood pressure problem and weakness for 2 days, kindly note that the period started on same day I took the medicine.
mahmoodjnu last decade

How are you now, today?

1. Is the period more on time now?
Is the period still very heavy? Please describe.

2.On 5-09-2014 you listed improvements in percentages. Can you do that
again- list how much better things are since - 3-27-2014 ( the start date)


2. Itching

3. Sensitive skin

4.Low Bp /weakness ( has that been better up to the period, or has it been
the same?



Thank you.


[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 23:52:53 BST]
simone717 last decade
How are you now, today?
today I am fine but feel weakness

1. Is the period more on time now?
on time

Is the period still very heavy? Please describe.
it stopped in 3 days and earlier was for 6 days
2.On 5-09-2014 you listed improvements in percentages. Can you do that
again- list how much better things are since - 3-27-2014 ( the start date)

1.Cough 20% better

2. Itching 40% increased

3. Sensitive skin 15% better

4.Low Bp /weakness ( has that been better up to the period, or has it been the same?
it was better but started again as I mentioned earlier

5.nervous 10% increased

6.Weeping 15 increased
mahmoodjnu last decade
I will get back to you tomorrow, have more questions for you.


simone717 last decade

Please purchase the cell salts Ferrum Phos 6x and Cal Phos 6x.

Start with Ferrum phos6x. Take 3 tabs under the tongue 3 times a day.
Report back after 4 days on how you are doing.

Simone 717
simone717 last decade
As I understand I have to purchase Ferrum Phos 6x and Cal Phos 6x, I have to take 3 tabs Ferrum Phos under the tongue 3 times a day, but what about Cal Phos?
mahmoodjnu last decade
We are going to wait to see What the Ferrum Phos does first-
and then follow with Cal phos if needed.
simone717 last decade
since yesterday she is complaining acute head ache and fever, which increase in night.
mahmoodjnu last decade

Ferrum Phos is good for the start of any illness. Do you have that yet?
She can take that and continue taking it anyway.

She sounds like she has a flu/virus and if it has gone beyond the first
stage then please answer these questions.

1.Is she worse by movement and very irritated and thirsty?

2.Is she sleepy,dull and exhausted and NOT thirsty?

3.does she have deep aches in her bones and muscles?

4.What do you think started this? Does anyone else
have it?
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 15:19:40 BST]
simone717 last decade
yes, Ferrum Phos is started now.
I also think it is flu/Virus.
1. yes, worse by movement and very irritated and thirsty.
2. yes, sleepy,dull and exhausted.
3. yes
4. her mother is diabetic and BP patient.
mahmoodjnu last decade
She should keep taking Ferrum phos 6x.

If the virus is not improving after a day- then try Bryonia 30c.

Give 3 pills under the tongue. You can try this 3 times with a gap
of 4 hours.

If after dose 1 or 2 symptoms get worse or better, then stop
dosing. Wait and only give another dose when symptoms start
to go backwards.
simone717 last decade
Now she is well and did not use Bryonica 30c. should she continue Ferrum Phos. 6X?
mahmoodjnu last decade
Yes on Ferrum Phos.

Please report on how she is doing with other symptoms in 3 days.
simone717 last decade
now she is feeling well, weakness is also recovering gradually
mahmoodjnu last decade
Keep having her take it for another
week and then report again.

Thanks, Simone717
simone717 last decade
now a days allot of water like mucous is coming in the flow
mahmoodjnu last decade

Don't understand. The Flow out of where? Her nose?
simone717 last decade
I am sorry, I can find a proper word to explain it.
its coming from the way where period is coming
mahmoodjnu last decade
Ok-I understand.

Is the period over now?

Was this ever there before in any other period?
simone717 last decade
yes, the period is over on 13th June.
yes, it was in a small quantity but this time its in huge quantity.
mahmoodjnu last decade

Wait for next period and see what

Keep taking Ferrum Phos 6x and report
back on 6-27-2014
simone717 last decade
Now she is feeling well, kindly advise
mahmoodjnu last decade

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