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It is impossible to affect the action of the remedy by eating food. Please do not take another dose, you could easily create a stronger aggravation.
Evocationer last decade
Thank you. I appreciate the reassurance that I didn't mess it up. I had always been told no food for 20-30 minutes before or after taking a remedy.
homeopathy23 last decade
That is a superstition. Eating has no effect at all. There are a lot of superstitions floating around about homoeopathy unfortunately.
Evocationer last decade
I am just checking in to say that overall I think that I was doing better but within the last couple days my anxiety has been increasing and at least at this moment it is interfering with my sleep again (I am 'crashing early many nights and tonight I woke up at 1am when my husband came to bed and have been unable to get back to sleep since). It's been about 3 weeks since I last took the remedy.

With respect to my children, I am not necessarily sure that they all have discrete physical complaints at the moment. There may be chronic conditions and overall emotional/behavioral issues. How should I approach this when completing the list of questions?

Thank you as always.
homeopathy23 last decade
Alright you can repeat your remedy again, but I want you to hit the bottle 10 times.

The questions I have posted are primarily for chronic complaints in children. Just answer them and if there is anything the questions don't cover you can add that information at the end.
Evocationer last decade
Thank you. Should I make up a new batch of the remedy or can I still dose from the initial batch that I made (about 6-8 weeks ago)?
homeopathy23 last decade
It's in a bottle, with a mixture of water and alcohol?
Evocationer last decade
yes. I mixed it with water and alcohol 5:1 as instructed. The bottle is blue glass (so that light exposure is minimized).
homeopathy23 last decade
Then it should be suitable for redosing for a year or even more.
Evocationer last decade
Just wanted to check in to say that I have been doing better since the last dose and it seems to be holding. I have been hard at work completing the questions for my oldest daughter who is really struggling. Hope to have that completed int he next day or two. As always, thank you.
homeopathy23 last decade
You're very welcome. Keep me updated on any changes or issues that come up.

With your daughter, make a new post and attention it to me.
Evocationer last decade
I just thought I would check in to see how you have been doing yourself.
Evocationer last decade
Thank you very much. I think that overall I am having an easier time holding it together amidst the chaos and uncertainty (we sold our home last week but the one we were going to buy fell through so now we're packing but don't know where we're going and we're trying to figure out what to do for school since 2 of the 3 kids aren't currently going due to their own challenges). A week or so ago I felt things slipping so I repeated the dose. I hope that was alright.
homeopathy23 last decade
Yes that is fine. Just be conservative in your dosing and you shouldn't get into any trouble. Let me know if you are struggling or some things don't seem to be improving.
Evocationer last decade
I wanted to update to report a symptom thatI had been forgetting to mention...I have had many issues with my teeth i the last 20 years or so, including a series of root canals (5), 2 failed root canals, and 1 tooth that had a failed root canal that they attempted to retroactively drill but that failed too so they pulled the tooth and replaced it with a dental implant (about 5 or so years ago). The gum line above that tooth has been receding and over the past 6 months or so I keep getting a swollen area of infection/pus that will build up there, then drain and then form again and then continue through that cycle. The pus is white to pale yellow in color. The gum line around the tooth is mildly tender to the touch.
homeopathy23 last decade
How have things been going for you?
Evocationer last decade

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