The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hair loss
sir, my hairs are badly falling for last 4 is mainly falling from front and middle part of head but sides are safe.i have used ACID PHOS Q 20ml
and SELENIUM 200 ,BUT no serious improvement is measured..plz help me......
vijay01u on 2014-04-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do not take remedies on your own. They have side effects if they
are not right for you.
There are different kinds of male pattern baldness- if any family
on mother or father side has had hairloss this is genetic and not
much you can do other than hair transplanting.
Never take minoxidil, finisteride or propecia or any hair growth creams
or meds.
They are not safe, and will lower your testosterone levels and you
can get very depressed and then have to take hormone pills to
replace your testosterone and even that may not work.
If no one in your family in any generation has this, then it is best
to go see a classical homeopath to help you with overall health-
which will fix the problem.
Do not take remedies on your own. They have side effects if they
are not right for you.
There are different kinds of male pattern baldness- if any family
on mother or father side has had hairloss this is genetic and not
much you can do other than hair transplanting.
Never take minoxidil, finisteride or propecia or any hair growth creams
or meds.
They are not safe, and will lower your testosterone levels and you
can get very depressed and then have to take hormone pills to
replace your testosterone and even that may not work.
If no one in your family in any generation has this, then it is best
to go see a classical homeopath to help you with overall health-
which will fix the problem.
♡ simone717 last decade
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