The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Prostatitis and my final fight
HiI´m 23 years old and a sufferer of prostatitis since three years. This condition has ruined my life and I´ve gone from being happy and positive to being tired and negative. The pain is very bad.
It all started at a time where I was feeling very down with both girlfriend and family issues. I left and went to Thailand for three months and it was there it all started.
It all started with a burning feeling in my lower stomach/bladder area and it was present almost all the time. When I got home I visited two different urologists and they gave me all possible antibiotics, cystoscopy, urine samples and examined my prostate. According to them my prostate felt normal and the only thing the cysto showed nothing. Now a year later new symtoms have arrived and I now suffer from mild erectile dysfunction, severe premature ejaculation, tiredness, depression, joint pains and the burning from my bladder is now also coming from my rectum/prostate area. I pee like once an hour with hesitancy and a weak stream. I´m only 23 and my sexlife and drive is reduced to zero. I can´t go on living like this. I´ve tried the stanford protocol, diets(which had some succsess), kegels(made it worse), PT´s and currently I´m trying acupuncture(only 1 session so far) and this tuesday I´m visiting a homeopath for a bloodtest to look for imbalances and allergies. She also mentioned something about a hair test where you cut some of your hair and send it to a lab for analysis. I´ll start with the bloodtest and see what that shows. This is my final fight and if this won´t help I´m not sure if I have the power to fight back anymore.
If anyone of you feel that you have something to say that may help, PLEASE do so! Especially regarding the sexual disorders that this damn disease brings. Right now I´m feeling quite helpless.
Thanks for reading
Be well
Swede on 2005-11-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am 76 years old and had a Retropubic Prostatectomy performed in 2002. I was first diagnosed with Prostatitis caused by an infection in 1996 and after a long course of Ciprofloxacine to kill the bacteria, was prescribed Hytrin to which I was allergic and I used Conium and Sabal 30c which helped to some extent. However it was only when I used Arnica for a slight wound on my shin that I discovered that the Arnica 30 was far more effective than the two other remedies that I was using and I changed over. I used Arnica 30 daily for 6 years right up to my surgery to keep the water works open.
Arnica is perfectly safe to be used on a daily basis and I have used it every night after my surgery and can confirm that the reason for my state of wellness is due to my nightly dose of Arnica.
I would suggest that you too use this same remedy Arnica 30c which you can use in what is called the Water Dose which is made up as follows:
Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml or about an inch of water to ensure some air space on top.
Put in 3 globules Arnica 30c and cap the bottle.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottle of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful twice daily with the last dose taken just before sleep. You will discover that you will sleep very deeply after the Arnica.
Report response in a week or earlier if you experience some relief.
Arnica is perfectly safe to be used on a daily basis and I have used it every night after my surgery and can confirm that the reason for my state of wellness is due to my nightly dose of Arnica.
I would suggest that you too use this same remedy Arnica 30c which you can use in what is called the Water Dose which is made up as follows:
Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml or about an inch of water to ensure some air space on top.
Put in 3 globules Arnica 30c and cap the bottle.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottle of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful twice daily with the last dose taken just before sleep. You will discover that you will sleep very deeply after the Arnica.
Report response in a week or earlier if you experience some relief.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
sajjadakram635 last decade
I´ll see what the homeopath says about arnica tomorrow. I have a couple of other questions.
How many cpps sufferers are actually cured by homeopathy?
Anyone here?
It would be really grat too read some success stories!
I´m also wondering if cpps has any connection with joint pain. As mentioned earlier I have problems with especially my upper right back that streams right into the chest while in pain. I also have some problems with my knees, shoulders etc.
Thanks again
I´m having really high hopes about this therapy along with acupuncture.
I´ll see what the homeopath says about arnica tomorrow. I have a couple of other questions.
How many cpps sufferers are actually cured by homeopathy?
Anyone here?
It would be really grat too read some success stories!
I´m also wondering if cpps has any connection with joint pain. As mentioned earlier I have problems with especially my upper right back that streams right into the chest while in pain. I also have some problems with my knees, shoulders etc.
Thanks again
I´m having really high hopes about this therapy along with acupuncture.
Swede last decade
Just got back from my homeopath. The tests showed that I have a low immunesystem. I got a cople of medicines for my stomach issues and I´ll be picking up some immune system boosters next week. I specifically asked for arnica which she had in stock. I didn´t get the 30c thought, this one´s called D30, any recommendations on how much and how often I should take it? It´s liquid, not pills.
Swede last decade
I have already instructed you as to the method of using the water dose with the globules. Since you have the liquid remedy which is Ethanol all you want is just 1-2 drops of the Arnica D30 which is the same as the 30c.
The dose remains the same at 2 teaspoonfuls to be taken after succussing the bottle 6 times.
Report progress in a week.
Where are you located ?
The dose remains the same at 2 teaspoonfuls to be taken after succussing the bottle 6 times.
Report progress in a week.
Where are you located ?
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I called my homeopath and her instructions were 7 drops in a glass water. Joe, is there any difference in taking arnica the way you do it or the way she told me to?
I´m located in Malmö/Sweden
I´m located in Malmö/Sweden
Swede last decade
Hi - D30 is equivalent to 30x rather than 30c so please wait for Joe's reply whether this is still ok to use as he advises.
erika last decade
To: Erika
Thank you for correcting me on the potency. D30 is 30X and is NOT 30c
Please accept my apologies for this error. We are not familiar with the potencies used in Europe as we follow the Indian terminology which is X, C, M etc.
To: Swede
May I suggest that you get the 30c potency which I believe should also be in the same terminology and you should use not over 2 drops in 500ml water from which you sip a teaspoonful after succussion before each dose. 7 drops in a glass of water may be an overdose and is not necessary at all. I have prescribed the method that can overcome your problem and suggest that you follow my instructions. If it does not work you can then follow your homeopath's.
It is obvious that your homeopath is not conversant with the water dose method that is now current here in Sri Lanka which dates back to Hahnemann's 6th edition where he discovered this amazing fact that the succussed dose in water is more effective than the dry dose.
Thank you for correcting me on the potency. D30 is 30X and is NOT 30c
Please accept my apologies for this error. We are not familiar with the potencies used in Europe as we follow the Indian terminology which is X, C, M etc.
To: Swede
May I suggest that you get the 30c potency which I believe should also be in the same terminology and you should use not over 2 drops in 500ml water from which you sip a teaspoonful after succussion before each dose. 7 drops in a glass of water may be an overdose and is not necessary at all. I have prescribed the method that can overcome your problem and suggest that you follow my instructions. If it does not work you can then follow your homeopath's.
It is obvious that your homeopath is not conversant with the water dose method that is now current here in Sri Lanka which dates back to Hahnemann's 6th edition where he discovered this amazing fact that the succussed dose in water is more effective than the dry dose.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
One week has gone by and I still haven´t felt any release. I will order the 30c potency instead, what´s the differance btw?
Any other potencys that could be helpful. It would be really nice if anyone knows about a potency that´s really good regarding erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation especially PE? Wonder if it would work though sibce both those problems probably are due to my CPPS.
Thanks so far and more help is greatly appreciated!!
Any other potencys that could be helpful. It would be really nice if anyone knows about a potency that´s really good regarding erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation especially PE? Wonder if it would work though sibce both those problems probably are due to my CPPS.
Thanks so far and more help is greatly appreciated!!
Swede last decade
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