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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

loss of hearing

Both my ears were normal till the age of 5,I got infected with mumps and eventually I lost hearing in my right ear,although my left hear is fine,neither my parents nor I know any excat cause for the loss but we choose to believe the late doctor's consultantion and medication affected my right ear,now I am 24 kindly advice,if any miracle is possible through treatments other than surgicals and my audiometric test suggests any sound below 115db isn't detectable through my right ear.
  bibhusailor on 2014-05-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is the diagnosis by the ENT specialist i.e. what is the reason of loss of hearing.
fitness last decade
Thankyou for replying
Since the problem started almost 20yrs back& between these years we have had consulted few doctors,I'll share the most recent visit that's 4-5months back.The doctor said the nerves connecting ear and brain might be dead for the viral attack (mumps) and suggested hearing aid might help me only for recognising direction of sound while crossing roads.Since my parents were reluctant for any surgical treatment so the doctor never tried to say anything about it,his suggestions were completely based on the audio-metric test results that's below 115db nothing is audible to me.
Eagerly waiting for your reply
bibhusailor last decade
If its nerve damage we might not have a chance of healing it.

Having said that I will still give it a try.
fitness last decade
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you if you can answer the below questions. Before doing that, I’d suggest to check my profile by clicking my username to know something about me first.

• Homeopathy works only if you give truthful answers, no matter how awkward or intimate. If you don’t want to do that, it’s better you stop here and don’t proceed.
• Please reply to all that is being asked and give details.
• Short answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.
• I want answers which explain the What, When, Where, Why, Better by & Worse by.
• Example: I have a sore throat (it explains the “what”), since 3 days (it explains “when”), on the left side of my throat (explains “where”), due to eating sour food (explains “why”), the pain is better when I drink warm tea (explains “Better by”), the pain is worse when I swallow food (explains “worse by”)
• Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.
• I can’t prescribe if these directions are not fully adhered to.

1. Your age & sex

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)

• Weight

• Height

• Body type (Very thin, Thin, Medium, Chubby, Fat, Obese)

• Any significant feature (e.g. sunken cheeks, stooped shoulders, thin chest etc.)

3. Your profession

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (e.g. stubborn, lazy, suicidal, don’t want to work, always in a hurry etc.)

5. If money was not an issue and you had a month of vacation, what would you do

6. How is your relationship with your parents, spouse, siblings, children etc.

7. If relationship is not ok, what’s wrong and how is it affecting you

8. Do you smoke/drink/drugs, if yes, details of why & since when

9. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

10. When did this main problem begin

11. What is the cause of this problem in your view

12. What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

13. What makes it worse (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

14. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (e.g. weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)

15. What other health problems do you have

16. List down all health problems and when did they start (approximate month & year)

17. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems better (explain each problem)

18. What makes these other health problems worse (explain each problem)

19. What animals or insects are you afraid of

20. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)

21. What occupies your mind mostly

22. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

23. Do you want to stay alone or with people

24. How is your sleep, if not good, why

25. Do you have any recurring dreams

26. Is your complaint affected by weather, if so, which weather affect & how

27. Do you normally feel hot or cold

28. What foods you crave & love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)

29. Is there any food that you hate and can’t tolerate

30. What taste you crave & love (e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

31. Is there any taste which you hate and can’t tolerate

32. Do you like warm or cold food

33. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, lead pencil, mud….)

34. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

35. Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both

36. Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details

• Is coating thick

• Color of coating

• Where exactly (back, middle, sides etc)

37. Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning (e.g. bitter, sour)

38. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc), upload here or email me a picture of the skin problem

39. Please upload here or email me a close up picture of your hand nails (without nail polish or any treatment done). Picture should be of nails, not hands. Click my username for my email address.

40. Details about your sweat, answer all these points: where mostly, how much, smell, does it stain, if yes what color

41. Any problems with eyes/vision, if yes, since when

42. Any problems with ears, nose, throat (e.g. nose always blocked, runny, discharge color)

43. How is your stool, answer all these points: how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.

44. How is your urine, answer all these points: color, smell, any blood etc.

45. How is your sex desire (e.g. no desire, low, moderate, high, very high)

46. Are you satisfied with your sex life, if no, why not

47. Do you masturbate, if yes, how frequently

48. Are you satisfied after that or want more

49. Males genitals (any problems with erection, any pain, any itching etc.)

50. Females menses details (reply to all these points)

• Regularity (early, late, irregular, duration of cycle)

• Flow (low, moderate, high)

• Clots (none, some, a lot, huge clots, bright color, dark color)

• Any discharge (color, consistency, smell)

51. What illnesses are running in your family

• Mother’s side

• Father’s side

• Siblings (brother/sister)

52. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)

53. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details

54. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological), if yes, give details (what, when, where, why, the list of medicines used)

55. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
fitness last decade
Thank you for replying. Here I (this is Bibhu's fiance operating his account) am posting the answers to your questions.

1. Your age & sex
24 Female

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)

• Weight 55kgs

• Height 5ft 2inch

• Body type (Very thin, Thin, Medium, Chubby, Fat, Obese) Medium

• Any significant feature (e.g. sunken cheeks, stooped shoulders, thin chest etc.) No

3. Your profession
System Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (e.g. stubborn, lazy, suicidal, don’t want to work, always in a hurry etc.)
I love to work as it keeps me engaged most of the time. During leisure, I like listening to music.

5. If money was not an issue and you had a month of vacation, what would you do
I like spending time at home with family. I would spend time watching movies and going for short outings to nearby places with friends. I dont like travelling.

6. How is your relationship with your parents, spouse, siblings, children etc.
I am very attached to my parents. I love spending time with them and love sharing things and experiences. As my brother is kind of reserved , I communicate with him very less, but ofcourse there are no differences in our relationship.

7. If relationship is not ok, what’s wrong and how is it affecting you
Relationship is okay and there's nothing wrong to affect me.

8. Do you smoke/drink/drugs, if yes, details of why & since when
No such habits.

9. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
Complete hearing loss in right ear.

10. When did this main problem begin
My right ear stopped functioning in the year 1998(after suffering from mumps) when I was only 8 years old.

11. What is the cause of this problem in your view
I was affected with mumps and just after that I lost hearing in right ear

12. What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
No such things

13. What makes it worse (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
Nothing specific. But sometimes my ear pains during cold and if I listen to music using ear phone in the right ear.

14. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (e.g. weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)
Nothing specific

15. What other health problems do you have
My other health problem is migraine. It affects me almost around 6 to 8 days in a month.

16. List down all health problems and when did they start (approximate month & year)
Severe migraine started in around the month of august 2014

17. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems better (explain each problem)
Gentle massage sometimes lessens the pain but it is not so effective.

18. What makes these other health problems worse (explain each problem)
Onset of the pain is mainly due to work stress and overload, lack of sleep and rest, exposure to sunlight. Sometimes it lasts for some hours and subsides the other day after sleeping for the night; sometimes it starts early in the morning and lasts for the whole day. Sometimes the pain is so severe that I feel the need of taking a pain killer.

19. What animals or insects are you afraid of
Nothing specific
20. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)
Nothing specific

21. What occupies your mind mostly
Nothing specific
22. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
I feel happy when someone consoles me and sympathises with me just because of the caring attitude they have.

23. Do you want to stay alone or with people
I like staying with people and spend time with them. Both family and friends.

24. How is your sleep, if not good, why
Its good and I face no problem in it.

25. Do you have any recurring dreams

26. Is your complaint affected by weather, if so, which weather affect & how
In winter sometimes my ear pains but it doesnt affect me much.

27. Do you normally feel hot or cold
Normal (hot in summer and cold in winter) no unusual feeling.

28. What foods you crave & love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)
I love eating non vegetarian food, especially chicken.

29. Is there any food that you hate and can’t tolerate
Nothing specific

30. What taste you crave & love (e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
I like sweet taste

31. Is there any taste which you hate and can’t tolerate
Nothing specific

32. Do you like warm or cold food

33. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, lead pencil, mud….)

34. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

35. Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both
Dry lips almost throughout the year

36. Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details
• Is coating thick

• Color of coating

• Where exactly (back, middle, sides etc)

37. Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning (e.g. bitter, sour)

38. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc), upload here or email me a picture of the skin problem
Normal skin. But it is too sensitive to sunlight and sometimes red patches used to occur if it gets exposed to sunlight. But this problem does not exist as of now.

39. Please upload here or email me a close up picture of your hand nails (without nail polish or any treatment done). Picture should be of nails, not hands. Click my username for my email address.
I will send the photograph shortly

40. Details about your sweat, answer all these points: where mostly, how much, smell, does it stain, if yes what color
Sweat is normal, neither excess nor very less. Mostly under arms and face. Normal smell and it does not stain.

41. Any problems with eyes/vision, if yes, since when

42. Any problems with ears, nose, throat (e.g. nose always blocked, runny, discharge color)
Problem with ear as mentioned above

43. How is your stool, answer all these points: how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.
Once everyday,normal consistency, no blood and no specific smell

44. How is your urine, answer all these points: color, smell, any blood etc.
Colorless, no specific smell, no blood

45. How is your sex desire (e.g. no desire, low, moderate, high, very high)

46. Are you satisfied with your sex life, if no, why not
Not Applicable(Unmarried)

47. Do you masturbate, if yes, how frequently

48. Are you satisfied after that or want more
Not Applicable

49. Males genitals (any problems with erection, any pain, any itching etc.)
Not applicable

50. Females menses details (reply to all these points)

• Regularity (early, late, irregular, duration of cycle)
Maximum 2 to 3 days before or after the expected date. Duration is normally 5 days and sometimes 6 days

• Flow (low, moderate, high)
First two days high flow, less after that
• Clots (none, some, a lot, huge clots, bright color, dark color)
Some clots of dark color in first two days

• Any discharge (color, consistency, smell)

51. What illnesses are running in your family

• Mother’s side
Diabetes and hypertension

• Father’s side
Vision problem and tooth problem
• Siblings (brother/sister)

52. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)
Homeopathy for migraine

53. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details

54. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological), if yes, give details (what, when, where, why, the list of medicines used)

55. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame) 
Homeopathy since last 5 months for migraine

Thanks and Regards
bibhusailor last decade
The answers have to by the patient, not anyone else.
fitness last decade
The answers are from the patient only i.e me but this profile belongs to my fiancee because he was the one who found out this website.I am sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the miscommunication but he(fiancee) did nothing except giving an username.
Lookingforward to your reply
Thank you
bibhusailor last decade
I can't treat when you answer questions with 'nothing specific'.

Redo the questionnaire and give detailed answers to every question.

Read the instructions first.
fitness last decade
Thanks for replying,With due respect to you.I didn't have any specific answers to certain questions like tastes,scared to animals,feelings during emotionally stressed situations and few more questions.So I thought 'nothing specific' could be the right answer because I wasn't very sure about the answers.
I'll try my best to be specific this time.
Thanks for your patience
bibhusailor last decade
1. Your age & sex
24 Female

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)

• Weight 55kgs

• Height 5ft 2inch

• Body type (Very thin, Thin, Medium, Chubby, Fat, Obese) Medium

• Any significant feature (e.g. sunken cheeks, stooped shoulders, thin chest etc.) None of the above option fits.Hence,no

3. Your profession
System Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (e.g. stubborn, lazy, suicidal, don’t want to work, always in a hurry etc.)
I love to work as it keeps me engaged most of the time. During leisure, I like listening to music.

5. If money was not an issue and you had a month of vacation, what would you do
I like spending time at home with family. I would spend time watching movies and going for short outings to nearby places with friends.I love visting new places minus tiring travel.

6. How is your relationship with your parents, spouse, siblings, children etc.
I am very attached to my parents. I love spending time with them and love sharing things and experiences. As my brother is kind of reserved(also he is abroad) , I communicate with him very less, but ofcourse there are no differences in our relationship.

7. If relationship is not ok, what’s wrong and how is it affecting you
As far as relationships(friends,parents,fiance) are concern everything is smooth and my marriage is fixed & i am in relationship both of us have decided to sort out ANY differnces on that day itself no carry forward to next day and its strictly followed

8. Do you smoke/drink/drugs, if yes, details of why & since when
No such habits.

9. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
Complete hearing loss in right ear.

10. When did this main problem begin
My right ear stopped functioning in the year 1998(after suffering from mumps) when I was only 8 years old.

11. What is the cause of this problem in your view
I was affected with mumps and just after that I lost hearing in right ear

12. What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting)
it is a kind of permante thing for me so no such temporary(above options)really makes any differnce but please check Q no. 13

13. What makes it worse (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)
Nothing specific. But sometimes my ear pains during cold and if I listen to music using ear phone in the right ear.

14. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (e.g. weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)
it has been associated with me sice childhood so mentally emotionally it doesnot create much of a problem but yes as a normal being i am HOPEFUL of regaining it.

15. What other health problems do you have
My other health problem is migraine. It affects me almost around 6 to 8 days in a month.

16. List down all health problems and when did they start (approximate month & year)
Severe migraine started in around the month of august 2014

17. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems better (explain each problem)
Gentle massage sometimes lessens the pain but it is not so effective.

18. What makes these other health problems worse (explain each problem)
Onset of the pain is mainly due to work stress and overload, lack of sleep and rest, exposure to sunlight. Sometimes it lasts for some hours and subsides the other day after sleeping for the night; sometimes it starts early in the morning and lasts for the whole day. Sometimes the pain is so severe that I feel the need of taking a pain killer.

19. What animals or insects are you afraid of
cockroaches,lizards suddenly coming out from cupboards ctc.
20. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)
i have never been to very high places though i would go with heights but remmaining three never posed any problem for me.

21. What occupies your mind mostly
my project works(when i am in office)my shopping for wedding(hwen i am off)
22. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
I feel happy when someone consoles me and sympathises with me just because of the caring attitude they have.

23. Do you want to stay alone or with people
I like staying with people and spend time with them. Both family and friends.

24. How is your sleep, if not good, why
Its good and I face no problem in it but incase of severe miagrine attack its very difficult to fall asleep.

25. Do you have any recurring dreams
No recurring dreams

26. Is your complaint affected by weather, if so, which weather affect & how
In winter sometimes my ear pains but it doesnt affect me much.

27. Do you normally feel hot or cold
Normal (hot in summer and cold in winter) no unusual feeling.

28. What foods you crave & love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)
I love eating non vegetarian food, especially chicken.

29. Is there any food that you hate and can’t tolerate
i can tolerate everything but there are certain vegetable i really dont like having e.g pumpkin,drumstick but i repeate i can tolearate everything

30. What taste you crave & love (e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
I like sweet taste

31. Is there any taste which you hate and can’t tolerate
too too much spicy and chilly are exception otherwise i can tolearate everything

32. Do you like warm or cold food

33. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, lead pencil, mud….)
No never

34. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

35. Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both
Dry lips almost throughout the year

36. Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details
its like that thick salvia.like everyone else
• Is coating thick -no

• Color of coating-saliva-colored.white

• Where exactly (back, middle, sides etc) -middle

37. Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning (e.g. bitter, sour)
neither sour nor bitter ..i dnt know how to describe that but its nt fresh..something opposite of freshness

38. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc), upload here or email me a picture of the skin problem
Normal skin. But it is too sensitive to sunlight and sometimes red patches used to occur if it gets exposed to sunlight. But this problem does not exist as of now.

39. Please upload here or email me a close up picture of your hand nails (without nail polish or any treatment done). Picture should be of nails, not hands. Click my username for my email address.
Already forwared

40. Details about your sweat, answer all these points: where mostly, how much, smell, does it stain, if yes what color
Sweat is normal, neither excess nor very less. Mostly under arms and face. Normal smell and it does not stain.

41. Any problems with eyes/vision, if yes, since when
No never

42. Any problems with ears, nose, throat (e.g. nose always blocked, runny, discharge color)
Problem with ear as mentioned above

43. How is your stool, answer all these points: how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.
Once everyday,normal consistency, no blood and no SPECIFIC smell

44. How is your urine, answer all these points: color, smell, any blood etc.
Colorless, no SPECIFIC smell, no blood

45. How is your sex desire (e.g. no desire, low, moderate, high, very high)

46. Are you satisfied with your sex life, if no, why not
I am not married so i have never ever tried that

47. Do you masturbate, if yes, how frequently
you may find it strange but its NO

48. Are you satisfied after that or want more
Not Applicable

49. Males genitals (any problems with erection, any pain, any itching etc.)
Not applicable

50. Females menses details (reply to all these points)

• Regularity (early, late, irregular, duration of cycle)
Maximum 2 to 3 days before or after the expected date. Duration is normally 5 days and sometimes 6 days

• Flow (low, moderate, high)
First two days high flow, less after that
• Clots (none, some, a lot, huge clots, bright color, dark color)
Some clots of dark color in first two days

• Any discharge (color, consistency, smell)

51. What illnesses are running in your family

• Mother’s side
Diabetes and hypertension

• Father’s side
Vision problem and tooth problem
• Siblings (brother/sister)

52. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)
Homeopathy for migraine

53. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details

54. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological), if yes, give details (what, when, where, why, the list of medicines used)
no long terms treatments other than homeo medicines for maigrine since january 2014
55. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
Homeopathy since last 5 months for migraine.liquid medicine once every alternate day before breakfast(no names) and tablets i.e (SBL biocombination-12) 4 tablets 3 times a day before food.
Kindly advice,if any further details are required
Eagerly waiting for your reply
bibhusailor last decade
Your remedy is: Aurum Metallicum 200c.

Please take one dose. Just one dose. Not daily.
Report back in 7 days with changes observed.

At night before sleeping.
Don’t take any more dose or any other remedy unless I tell you.

If your remedy is in the form of pills:
One dose is one pill.
Dissolve the pill in your mouth.

If your remedy is in liquid form:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
That’s one dose.

Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
Give a break of at least 10 minutes before eating/drinking anything before or after taking the remedy.
During the course of treatment, don’t eat anything which you have never had all your life.

Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. It usually dies down within 24-48 hrs. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.

A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement for all your health problems e.g.
Headache: 30% better
Low energy level: 50% better
Anxiety: 40% better
Sadness: No change
Depression: Worse
And so on list all your complaints.

If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.
fitness last decade
Thanks a lot sir.I'll be back soon with my progress report.
bibhusailor last decade
Dear sir,
Since you mentioned that this medication will firstly aggravate the symptoms, I just wanted to know (please don't take it otherwise)if this aggravation is anyway going to affect my left ear(good ear).
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
bibhusailor last decade
It won't affect the other ear.
fitness last decade
Message well noted sir!
bibhusailor last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.