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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sudden Hearing loss

I am very new to this forum and to homeopathy. Can anybody who is knowledgeble please tell me if there is any remidy in homeopath for "sudden sensory neural hearing loss?". Basically, I am 30 year old Male, about 2 months ago, I lost hearing in my right year with in a day. I didn't have cold or flu before the onset of hearing loss.
Doctors here don't really know the cause for it. Some say it could be due to a virus affecting cells in cochlea of the inner ear.
I would greatly appreciate your help in this regard. Thanks a bunch.

  Praveen on 2004-09-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please explain thoroughly health history...place in chronological order..

what medications use/used?when?reason(s)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I have been generally good health, no signiticant heridatory illness as such.
Like I said before, about 2 months back, on a saturday night in the night I suddenly developed kind of blocked feeling in my ear. It is kind of the feeling on e would get while going up in an airplane. Next day blocked feeling was worse, next day I realized I couldn't hear in my ear. Day after, I started feeling dizzi when I tried to get up are turn towards my right.

That day, I went to see an ENT doc, he did the hearing test and told me I have a sudden hearing loss. He put me on steriods for about 3 weeks. My hearing came back little bit, but a large portion is still yet to recover. Some body suggested I should try homeopathy. So here I am looking for a solution.
Praveen 2 decades ago
when last illness prior to this hearing loss occurance?how treated?what was symptomology?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
There were no illness as such atleast for a couple of months. I really don't think it is from a prior illness
Praveen 2 decades ago
what medicines used "at least couple months" prior to this complaint? please explain
John Stanton 2 decades ago
can I call you to explain more?. Can you give me your # ?. I have been perfectly healthy, didn't really take any medication as such. This happened out of the blue.
Praveen 2 decades ago
[removed by moderator]
John Stanton 2 decades ago
My wife has recently had exactly the same thing happen and was also prescribed steroids. Unfortunately they were prescribed very late and so have not helped - my understanding is they can be useful if taken very early so best of luck. A quick question, have you managed to gain any benefit from homeopathy or any other medical intervention - i would like to know for my wife's sake. Thank you for any input you can make.
AbidKhan70 2 decades ago
Just like Paveen, I have had sudden hearing loss since last month 11/31 and I haven't had flu, cold or have taken any medications for a while. Just woke up Wed morning and had hissing and ringing noise in my rt ear and couldn't hear. I have had antibiotics and steriods and no change so far. I had to do MRI and I will be seeing the Dr. next Tues. A friend told me to eat fresh coconut, as it helped someone else with sudden hearing loss. It sounds funny, but I tried it and nothing changed. I just want the noise in my ear to go away, even if i don't get my hearing back. If I find anything new from my MRI results, I will give an update. I am also new to the forum.
rennamansour 2 decades ago
My MRI results were good, no tumor or anything else. But now I still don't know what happened and what the treatment is. I was refered to another ear specialist and I will be seeing them next Wed. I hope this problem goes away to whomever else has it.
rennamansour 2 decades ago
When anything very sudden happens above the thyroid , in the head , it is often a sign that Belladonna will be helpful.
It is not a deep acting remedy and it may be that constitutional treatment is required .
passkey 2 decades ago
Kali Mur and Kali Phos may help.
Minsa 2 decades ago
I am very sorry to hear about your condition. I can totally understand how you are feeling. Sudden Hearing Loss is very demoralizing & debilitating condition and it is more serious than one thinks. Do you also have vertigo?. For more info visit
american-hearing dot org
as you know, I had this
happen to me around 5 months back. I was diagnosed with a profound hearing loss (>100 DB) in my right ear. I used to have severe vertigo & tinnitus (ringing in ear). I was put through steroid treatment, including ear perfusions. Steroid helped me a bit, helped to get by hearing back to about 45%. Still a large portion is at loss. Doctors know very little about this. Some times I feel like I have spoken to every doctor on this planet. They all say the same thing. That they know very little about this condition. Some suspect it is due to a virus affecting hair cells in the cochlea. Few talked about stem cell research in inner ear hair cell regeneration but the research is lagging mainly because of lack of funding. I would do anything to get my hearing back in full. I am only 31 and this thing happened out of the blue.

I really don't know if homeo or ayurvedic treatment has any treatment. Haven't really came across anybody who says they got cured using homeo . I would love to talk to somebody who did though.

I am sorry, I can't offer much help. Hope and pray you feel better.
Praveen 2 decades ago
My experience is a bit limited in this area but have improved or cured some cases with Mangan , but there were confirming signs, such as arthritic/rheumatic pains in limbs and back, with a desire to lay down whenever possible.
passkey 2 decades ago
To Rennamansour
I have had the following treatments that seemed to help. I had Suddem Hearing loss around same time you did
100% hearing loss in my right ear and was fortunate
to fuind specialist at UCSF
in san Francisco who gave me the steriods direct to the middle ear. This was done week 3-4 and 6;

if you want more information. MY initial ENT was a malicious DUD, absolutely useless, told me to get used to be being deaf. I refused to accept this and spent last month reasearching everything and anything.
I have been getting massage, accupuncture and using small electric to apply heat to the back of my neck and skull. In my case I believe it (hearing loss) to be related to vascular flow
and have read some articles that say blockage in spinalcrainal (?) fluid may be cause and I have read some other articles that say thick blood (ie blood viscosity test will tell this) is another potential cause. I have had my blood tested and it is thick which
my nutritionista nd GP have prescribed some lubri Kinase (?spelling) which is a herbal blood thinner. So the massage work is focused on the back of my neck, the skull bone behind my ear (?mastoid) and base of my skull. Accupuncure treatments have also used electro magnetic machine which I really feel has helped.
Vitamins included A, E, CO-Q10, all desgned to improve blood flow and help regeneration of nerve cells
Please feel free to email me and do not give up. I was very lucky to get in to see the head of ENT at UCSF and at the very least he gave me hope and I do think the steriod shots have helped.
Good luck I know its troubling.
micklog 2 decades ago
to all
I also had the full range of MRI and blood tests which all came back negative, but it is important to rule out these potential diseases including diabetes, syphilis, herpes, etc, etc,

I have also read about hyperbaric oxygen treatments which studies in Europe and Asia have found to be helpful. Hoever my intial ENT had said to be careful as if the Sudden hearing loss was caused by what is called Perilymph Fistulae (membrane tear) then the Hyperbaric treatments could
do further damage.
Generally from what i read and he (initial ENT Dope)
confirmed a Perilymph Fistulae is caused by some trauma to the ear such as loud noise and or diving (sky or water) although I think I read in rare occasions it can be caused by genetic predispoistion to a tear.
IF you have not had a virus leading up to Hearing loss, it would cause me to say that it is more likely realted to vascular (blood flow) as the three primary
causes seem to be either viral, immune or vascular
That is why I have focused on
anti viral and things to help blood flow
Hope this helps
micklog 2 decades ago
I had a burn accident in my 4th month of pregnancy in 1979.
subsequently the mycin group of medicines administered lead to my son being born deaf. I also lost my hearing in the next 3 years. Rt ear had hole in eardrum and the mastoids had disintegrated. So have no hearing there and left ear have been wearing a hearing aid. My son now 25 also wears aids.
Have shown all the top doctors in India at that time and was told no other option for us.
Anyway, now have got used to my aid. No other problem except even with my hearing aid sometimes am unable to distinguish sounds.
Am taking a lot of medicines, so have not really asked for medicine for this. If it is curable would love to hear more.
maya_hari 2 decades ago
Steroids I hate more than antibiotics They both cure symptoms without dealing with the root problem - and then leaer behind chronic almost incurable problems.
One of the problems with deafness relates to antibiotics given for inflammatory conditions in the genital area. This drives the problem deeper into the body often to the kidneys. The kidney function is degraded and they do not remove enough urates from the blood , which then deposits the urates in various places in the body - including joints and the membrane of the ear. Which plated and no lponger able to vibrate. Obviously this is not the only reason for deafness but it is one of the reasons.

To remove the "furring up" of the nepherones [ heat exchange tubes in the kidney ] try Sars 3x /6x once a day for a week - then a week off and another week on.

For other deafness problems study Hep Sul ; Lycopod; & Sulphur. yo see which might help you .
passkey 2 decades ago
I had the same thing happened to me past monday. I started taking steroids 2 days after, so i am hoping it might help. I've asked doctors about injecting them directly into ears (i am pregnant now, i was thinking it would cause less harm in any case) but the doctor didn't advise it, he said it could deteriorate something. I also don't see why do they rule out everything but viral theory. What if it is vascular and some other means could help. Michael, do you know if there is a way to determine whether one has a "membrane tear" by MRI or otherwise? I'd like to try out Oxygen treatment, i found the places where they do it but i am afraid to harm the second ear with the pressure they create there. Any thoughts? Did you restore your hearing? How soon did you start getting better? Thanks a lot!
kslm23 last decade
may be old fashioned , but a thing I picked up from a book by Dr R Cooper [ famous for curing cancer homeopathically] was the use of a small wad of cotton wool soaked in glycerine , put in the ear at night.

Among other things he did was to run an Ear Clinic.

His opinion was that sometimes a coat of catarrh forms on the INSIDE of the typanum.
passkey last decade
Hi there
Sudden hearing loss is a mystery to the medical profession; I received I believe 3 steriod shots to the inner ear (very painful).
The first one started approx 3 weeks after my onset of deafness. I have recoved approx 20% hearing and believe
it was the steriod shots.
I was lucky as I live in Sf and got into see the head of ENT at UCSF

I tried hyperbaric oxygen which sometimes can help although I tried it after 2 1/2 months which is a little
too long

I believe there is a test to see if its a membrane break; however my understanding is that unless its a genetic deficiency a membrane break only occurs from loud noises; diving underwater or skydiving.

hope this helps, I would try to find the specialist that does the inner ear steriods as most of these ENT drs
are absolutely useless. The key is to find someone that does it, try a university hospital...

sorry it took me a few days to get back I had to find my password and login
micklog last decade
The key with the hyperbaric is that it has to have the right barometric pressure;
ie used by divers who get the bends etc,

They watch you pretty careful
so you should be able to try it out and knock on the chamber if its a problem

These ENT doctors are completely ignorant and sem to want to keep you ignorant and uncured as god forbid you should be cured...
micklog last decade
Thanks a lot for your response. I've done some research on hyperbaric treatment and it looks like it is no way to go for a pregnant woman :-( Even the steroids are not great but hyperbaric seemed to only fit in the extreme cases. I found an article about some Chicago University where they do shots thru the ear but they suggest strarting it after trying the oral treatment. I have no improvement so far, i'll probably wait a little bit more and then might try the shots. Worst case, i can go to some other city where they do it. Thanks again for your time!
kslm23 last decade
apparently the steriod shots work best if you can get them asap. They also seem to work better (i believe) the less hearing loss that you have had.
You will need a referal to get into see someone so don't wait too long

I did not even know about it but lucked into finding the right DR at UCSF. It was about 3 weeks after and he
made time to see me the very next day after I made contact
So what I am saying here is that I had about 20% recovery
after 3 weeks with 1 dose of prednisone (spelling)
I am not sure what the risk is with pregnancy. Good luck
micklog last decade
Thanks Michael!
My hearing loss is severe, i don't hear anything at all with my right ear. I'll try to find out where it could be done in Atlanta. I appreciate your input very much!
kslm23 last decade

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