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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frequent Urination

I am 61 years old, have prostate,using PROSTACURE By Paul Brooks Homeo Labs Pakistan, which controls prostate very well but I need to urinate very frequently. I am using Aicd Phos 30C for urination for last 8 years, I take 2 drops in little water, and good for 3 or 4 days.Again need to go for urination, some times so quick as after 10 or 15 minutes, some times every hour.I take Acid Phos anf good for next 3,4 days.I do not use Aicd Phos on regular basis to avoid immune system become used to it. Any suggestion please.
  Kohat on 2014-05-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When did this problem first start?

Can you remember, what was happening in your life when you first started noticing prostate problem in you?

Are you still sexually active? If not, when and what made you stop being active?

What are your other troubles?
rishimba last decade
I had trouble urination for 8 years,in this forum I posted for this problem like 4 years ago and some one suggested to check with your Doctor you might have prostate problem and it was.
Sexually not active, it started decreasing a year before I was diagnosed having prostate problem.So actually it started with prostate, but I did not know at that time.
No any other problem.
Kohat last decade
you could take conium maculatum 1m one dose every 30 days.
rishimba last decade
Could you please define the dose,I mean one drop or two drop or whatever?
Kohat last decade
One dose would be 3 drops in about 10 ml of water taken in empty stomach first thing in the morning. Go back to sleep again for the next 2 hours. So, take the dose on a weekend.

You can take it once a month for some months and see if it is helping you. Discontinue after 3 doses if you see no response.
rishimba last decade

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