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Remedy Finder:

Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need help suffering from severe hair loss Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Amab,

You can do a new post for Evocationer-put the link for
this thread in there so he can review and he will have his
own questions.

Evocationer has said that he has stopped hair loss even if
it is genetic.
simone717 last decade
Although there is a some information here, and Fitness has made some very reasonable prescriptions so far, I might post my own questionnaire. I believe the remedy would have been found if that information was suitable.

That being the case, it is VERY important that you don't just copy your answers from the previous questions. Go through the questions one at a time, think about them, and give me answers as of today.


In homoeopathy, prescription is based on precise details of various symptoms from which you suffer. To tell or write to a homoeopathic physician 'I have a headache ', ' an eruption ' or “a cough” would not be enough. If you inform him 'I have headache with sharp shooting pains in the left side of the head and temple, these pains always come on when the slightest cold air strikes the head. I feel better by pressing the head very hard.” Then only you have given all the information required for making a good homoeopathic prescription. The success of the prescription depends; largely on how detailed your description of the symptoms is.
We require the following details about your symptoms.

LOCATION: Please give the exact location of sensation, pain or eruption. Also describe where the pain or sensation spreads.

SENSATION: Express the type of sensation or the pain that you get in your own words however simple or funny it may seem. You may have a sensation that a mouse is crawling or the heart was grasped by an iron hand or you may have a pain that is cutting, burning jerking, pressing. Express the sensation or pain as it feels to you. Try to explain the whole sensation in the exact way it is happening and not just the word. We need to understand the whole process of the sensation as it is happening to you.


Many factors are likely to influence your complaint. Some factors may intensify it and some factors may relieve the trouble. A detailed list of the factors is given at the end. Please refer it while describing each of your troubles and indicate which factors make the complaint better or worse.

DISCHARGES: You may have a discharge from nose, ears, mouth, eyes, ulcers, fistula, eruptions on skin, private parts, etc. Please describe your discharge in detail including colour, consistency, appearance, odour etc.

1] Your Complaint:

(Use your own words as far as possible, but if you have recognized or diagnosed the condition, give this information also.) By answering as many of these questions as fully as possible, you are helping me to understand what your body and unconscious mind is conveying. This can help me find a remedy for you.)
• What is your complaint?
• When did the complaint begin?
• Where is it located?
• What sort of sensations (and emotions) do you associate with it?
When does it tend to occur (time/day)
• Does anything make it better or worse?
• How does it bother you? How is it coming in way of your day-to-day life?
• How does it feel like to have this/these problem/s?
• What is the effect of this/these problem/s on you?
• Did any event happen which caused the complaint? Describe the emotion associated with it.
• What are the other symptoms started with it, esp. mental and physical symptoms, which are not directly related to the main complaint.
• What are your reactions with it?

PLEASE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FOR EACH SYMPTOM/COMPLAINT SEPARATELY. DO NOT INCLUDE ALL OF YOUR COMPLAINTS TOGETHER IN EACH QUESTION eg. all questions answered for Leg Pain, then same questions answered for Migraines, then same questions answered for Panic attacks etc
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:12:29 BST]
Evocationer last decade
Mental and Emotional State Description

(the homoeopathic remedy is very often decided on the basis of the mental and emotional state of the patient !)

1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.

2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.

3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?

4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.

5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?

6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?

7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?

8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?

9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like?

10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern?

11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.

12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?

13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?

14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming.

15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.

16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?

17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?
Evocationer last decade
(Symptoms that donÂ’t fit anywhere else, but are things that tend to affect all of you as a person, but are not emotions or thoughts)

1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
- what position can you not sleep in?
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?

2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?

- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?

3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?
- When are you most thirsty?
- When are you least thirsty?

4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?

5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine?
- What is the color, odor of the urine?
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine?

6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have?
- Where do you have the most sweat?
- What is the odor?
- What color does it stain clothing?
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally?

7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases?

8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?

9. Environment – How does the weather affect you?
- How does the temperature affect you?
- How does the season affect you?
- What physical activities affect you?
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?
Evocationer last decade
Thanks fitness and simone717 for the help.

Hi Evocationer,

Here are the answers regarding the compliant. I will post answer to the rest of the question tomorrow.

What is your complaint?

I am having hairloss problem which is the main matter of concern for me.

When did the complaint begin?

9 years back after my schooling was over from a small town i moved to a city for college.
The hairfall started then and i had to shave my head to get rid of the problem. For some reasons i left the city and went to my native place. and the problem was solved. For next 4 years of my college days i did not see any hair fall problem. Then i joined a software company and moved to the same city again. For next 1-2 years i did not see much hairfall(May be i was too busy with my work and did not see it coming). From 2 years back i started noticing it. But last 8-9 months the situation is very worse. Started seeing huge amount of hairfall.

Where is it located?

its everywhere on head.the sides and the back portion has less hair-fall.
It is mainly on the top and on frontal sections.on front a mid section most of the hair is gone and scalp is visible through hair.

What sort of sensations (and emotions) do you associate with it? When does it tend to occur (time/day)

the scalp becomes full of flakes of skin after two three days of using shampoo. the dandruff type particles sticks to scalp or hair root. sometimes i feel like scrathing the scalp with
nails. Though the dandruff has somewhat reduced and size of flakes of skin also reduced , the hairfall is not reducing much. every time i touch hair at least one hair comes out.
and it seems endless. Everytime i touch hair or scratch the scalp hair falls.

Even when i apply shampoo i just put it all over my head gently and wash it with water i see 50-60 hair falling. I dont use towel to make hair dry because it seems like it will uproot too many hairs.
So i dry the hair sitting in front of a tablefan.

while going office i look into mirror for several times and try to hide the blank areas anyway possible. i feel bad when i meet old friends and relatives who easily notice the change in me
and ask how it happend. also when i see any bald guy and see people mocking them i feel this will be happening with me very soon.

Does anything make it better or worse?

II have tried many things. Firstly i tried a product to regrow hair. applied it only on those portion where there is no hair. after one month as there was no result i stopped using it. then i started using natural remedies(like onion,potato,fenugreek) for one month. then i see a homeopathic doctor here. He told me to stop applying anything including hair oil. I did that. I had good faith on homeopathy i was confident of a cure but after 4 months
when he changed 9-10 remedy and then i came to this forum and thanks to fitness that he had taken the case. His remedies reduced the dandruff but hairfall did not reduce.
So effectively there is nothing which made it better.

How does it bother you? How is it coming in way of your day-to-day life?

I usually try to avoid old friends or anybody who will notice the change in me. When i go home i dont want to go outside or if i had to i go hurridly so that no one sees me.

How does it feel like to have this/these problem/s?

I feel sad and panicked as i dont want to go bald.

Did any event happen which caused the complaint? Describe the emotion associated with it.

Not sure but

Firstly, it could be the water here because my roommate is also having hairloss issues though not as much severe as mine.

secondly, pollution of the city.

thirdly, watching porns and masterbation.

What are the other symptoms started with it, esp. mental and physical symptoms, which are not directly related to the main complaint.

bad breath problem, digestion issues.( this to problems had reduced as i mentained the diet and was doing exercise but for last 5-10 days i could not continue the exercise regularly and it increased again)

recently(around a month ago) i have nocited two hairs on my mouchtache gone white. Not sure when it happend.

What are your reactions with it?

I feel that i must not let this happen to me and there must be some way to cure it. But sometimes when i do not see much improvement i feel that going bald cannot be stopped. its inevitable now.
arnab1028 last decade
mental and emotional state:

What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.

work pressure: for 2-3 years i had to work late nights.i used to indulge myself to much into work and used to come home late at night.
the situation improved a lot at office for last 6-7 months and i come home early. BUt still sometimes i work very hard and even forget to take lunch or drink water.

anger: though i work late i do it on my own will. If somebody pressurizes me for staying late at office i get very angry. I don't like others' interference at all.

2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.

if somebody insults someone i feel very bad. i am very emotional person. i sometimes cry when i see an emotional scene in film or watching a patriotic song alone. Though i control this emotion when watching these in a group.

my girlfriend broke up with me almost 8 years ago due to family reasons. She is married now for 4 years but i still cant forget her.

What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?

the only bad thing ever happened to me is the breakup with that girl. I did not go home for 3 years even though i lived just 40 km away from my home.

What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.

When i am alone in flat and lights are off i fear ghosts a little.little. Don't have any other phobia i guess.

What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?

during spare time, I am usually always busy with computer, watching different tv shows mainly comedy and listen to music. Also i like to play computer games.

6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?

I see dreams in the night which makes me sad in the morning.(not everyday)

Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?

once or twice this happend to me. when i went to the washroom and sat on the toilet i felt n unbearable anal pain and it spread on whole body. this happened 3 -4 months back.

When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?

as mentioned earlier i cry sometimes when i get emotional.

after masturbation sometimes i felt like my legs are shivering and losing senses.

11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.

family: my family had insulted and behaved very badly with the girl i loved. after the breakup they used to suspect me that i m meeting the girl. I still feel bad for this incident but do not express this feeling to anyone.

work: I don't like to go to parties, don't like to show off. SO i avoid going out with them most of the time. Other than this i have good relation with everybody.

12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?

I don't have much positive things in me. maybe following things are positive

Hard working. involve myself so much that i forget eating.

Determination. Sometimes it became stubbornness.

I stick to my principle. when in college the whole department decide to buy papers and sit in exam . i did not agree and they boycotted and
stopped talking to me. It continued for one year until they said sorry to me.

never misbehaving or hurting anybody.

13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?


cant make friends easily. cant forgive easily.

very less outdoor activity.

taking too much interest in countries political activities and trying to convince others of the importance of clean politics.
most of the people do not want to talk about politics so they get irritated.

the people i work with i always find fault in their work.

feeling jealous. it creates a competitive attitude.

14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming?

sometimes i see similar dreams(not exactly same) that somehow i have met my girlfriend again and everything became all right.(Once or twice in a month)

15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.

I don't really remember any such dream.one dream i remember that a thief is stealing and i am trying to shout but no sound coming out. also trying to walk but not able to do so. i have seen such dreams once or twice i guess.

16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?

I was very angry and stubborn. I used to hit myself if my parents ever slapped or punished me.

i was at my maternal uncles place, my uncle once scolded me i went out of house without telling anyone and only returned after the whole day.

I hit my teacher at tuition classes when i got angry about something.

I used to stop talking to someone if anyone hurts me.

When i grew up these problems gradually went away.

17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?

my family was poor. We used to live in a single room. During rains water used to leak through the shed.
My parents worked hard to make us educated. While my elder brother studied with old books. I was always adamant to have new books.
also I never took my friends to my house so that they do not know about our economical condition.

Teachers gave tuition without money or with very small amount.
arnab1028 last decade
(Symptoms that donÂ’t fit anywhere else, but are things that tend to affect all of you as a person, but are not emotions or thoughts)

1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
- what position can you not sleep in?

there is no specific position that i sleep in or cant sleep in. most of the time either soldier/freefall/ feutus

- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?

saliva comes out of mouth. SOmetimes snor when i get a cold.

- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?

no. sometimes back sleep used to break with a very small sound.

2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?

fast food. fries. sweet dishes

- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?

spicy foods.

- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?

spicy and rich foods. fast foods.

- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?

boiled , low spice and not rich food

- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?

I eat more than i need after that and i have gastric issues. sometimes loose motion happens.

3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?

cold drinks

- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?


- When are you most thirsty?

not sure

- When are you least thirsty?

not sure

4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?

sometimes stomach feels full and bloated.also sometimes the first time i go toilet stool is normal. from second time only i feel the loose motion.

- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?
shape 3- cracked sausage,
shape 5 - bristol blobs
when loose motion shape 7 - fountain
brownish yellow, bad smell

5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine?


- What is the color, odor of the urine?

color- no color or yellowish when less water taken

bad smell

- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine?


6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have?

I sweat a lot. dont like hot weather at all.

- Where do you have the most sweat?

From face and body

- What is the odor?

it smells but not much

- What color does it stain clothing?


- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally?


7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?


- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases?


8. Menses (Women)


- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?

9. Environment – How does the weather affect you?
- How does the temperature affect you?
- How does the season affect you?
- What physical activities affect you?
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?

Like rainy wather the most. Cant tolerate hot and humid weather. rain makes me happy.
sometimes get flu during season changes
arnab1028 last decade
Hi Evocationer, I have tried answering all your questions. Please help me. Please let me know if you need more info.
arnab1028 last decade

he is going to help you, he takes time
off on the weekends.
simone717 last decade
If I were you I'd go see the seriously good Naturopath. Severe hair thinning can be a strong sign another thing it wrong. You might be getting some thyroid or adrenal issues or heavy metal toxicity. Remineralizing correctly is your first step but you take some guidance and testing carried out. Good luck.
GarrettHnatiuk last decade
I will be working on your case this week.
Evocationer last decade

My condition is getting worse day by day. Please help me. Two days agowhen I washed hair I have seen 142 hairs falling. Today even a gentle pull is unplucking hair.
arnab1028 last decade
I have been through the repertory looking at different remedies, but I think I need to access my library at home for this. I will re-examine the symptoms tonight.
Evocationer last decade
Alright this is an interesting case. I went through each symptom carefully, and there was one remedy that clearly showed for the majority of symptoms.

I used these rubric/symptoms:

I focussed on those remedies found in the rubric AILMENTS FROM HOMESICKNESS since this is what appeared to have started the problem. I further refined my focus through the rubric AILMENTS FROM DISAPPOINTED LOVE.

This narrowed my attention to 3 remedies - Ignatia, Phosphorous, Psorinum.

From there I looked at:

Despair of recovery
Ailments from overwork
Emotionally oversensitive
Weeps easily
Sensitive to insults
Fear of ghosts
Fear of the dark
Fear of being alone
Offended easily
Sadness from dreams
Ejaculation/orgasm aggravates or causes weakness
Angers easily
Ailments from shame
Desires sweets
Aversion to spicy food
Wet weather ameliorates

This really identifies Phosphorous as the best remedy. Phosphorous is specific for FEAR OF GHOSTS AT NIGHT. The materia medica says about Phosphorous 'Melancholy of spirit...toward morning on awakening from a saddening dream'

There were some interesting differentiating features of these remedies though. Ignatia was the next most indicated remedy, and if I was simply prescribing off the top of my head I would have gone with that prescription. Ignatia is found in the rubric AVERSION TO COMPANY WHEN HE HAS TO WEEP.

Psorinum, although it seemed to be missing many symptoms, presented with 2 aspects of your case that made me really consider it - FEAR OF BEING MOCKED OR RIDICULED and AVOIDS THE SIGHT OF PEOPLE.

So, based on that, I would start with Phosphorous 200c, as a liquid dose if you can obtain it.

If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.

If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.

1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand

2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water

3. Stir very thoroughly

4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.

This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.

Take ONE dose to begin with and report the effect after 7 days.
Evocationer last decade
Have you been able to obtain the remedy?
Evocationer last decade
Sorry for replying late. I was little busy last week.

For last two months fitness was looking at the case and he also suggested phosphorus 200 as a remedy. I had taken 5-6 dose of phosphorus 200( 20 pellets of g20 size as one dose) during this period but there was no significant improvement.

maybe i could not make every aspect clear in my last reply so adding a few more important points. Please consider these and check if it changes the remedy.

I do not live at my home, i stay in in flat with four friends.

2. on weekends nobody stays at my flat. and i used to see too much porn. sometimes even at a stretch for 12-13 hours even do not go to sleep before morning. I had become kind of a porn addict. when fitness was looking at the case during those two months i controlled myself and did not watch a single porn but unfortunately when i did not see any results i started watching it again.

3. AILMENTS FROM DISAPPOINTED LOVE. Yes i feel bad about it but not always and its somewhere in my subconscious mind and other than seeing a dream sometimes it does not affect my normal life much. also the breakup was around 9 years before and for the first 4-5 years, when i was staying at a different place than my current location, i did not see any hair loss.

4. Weeps easily: not really, i cry when i see any story of somebodies great sacrifice or feel like crying when someone is behaving very badly to someone without any reason

5. Fear of ghosts: mainly when i am alone in some unknown place. also when in my room but trying to sleep, i get this feeling. otherwise when i stay alone at my place, i don't have any such fear.

6. AVOIDS THE SIGHT OF PEOPLE. I try to avoid those people who will notice the change my appearance.

a few more things
i. when i commit any mistake and want to say sorry for that but my ego never let me do that.
ii. i had spectacles of .5 negative power but for last two years i am not using those.

iii.if i do not apply shampoo for two three days.scalp becomes full of dandruff. it is basically the part of dead cells from scalp skin. It sticks firmly to scalp. and when i use my nails to remove it hairs comes out from there and sometimes very little blood as well.this sunday when i used shampoo total 240 hair fallen.

please take a look at the above points and let me know if it changes the remedy. If not then i have the phosphorus 200 G20 pellets, i will take one dose of that.
arnab1028 last decade
to recap-

Case began with Nux V 200c
7-5 Phos 200
7-19-phos 200
8-2 phos 200

Patient said hairfall reduced only by
5 % .
simone717 last decade
No if you have tried Phosphorus and it has failed we do not need to go down that path again. Fitness and I work along similar lines.

In that case, my next choice would be Ignatia. Follow my instructions for Phosphorous but use Ignatia 200 instead.
Evocationer last decade
Hi Evocationer,

I finally got the medicine today(ignatia 200) and taken 1 dose of it. Will keep you posted about the changes observed . Thanks.
arnab1028 last decade
no significant changes after 7 days. Should I take 1 more dose.
arnab1028 last decade
One dose is a test to see how sensitive you are. Are you certain that no symptoms got worse, and that no new symptoms appeared?
Evocationer last decade
no new symptoms appeared but i feel the desire for junk food has increased a bit. had loose motion twice in last week due to eating junk foods.
arnab1028 last decade
Hi evocationer,

please suggest the next dose? should i take one dose or more?
arnab1028 last decade
please let me know what should I do? should I take one more dose of Ignatia 200.
arnab1028 last decade
Alright, repeat the dose once each day for 3 days. STOP if you appear to worsen in any way or if any new symptoms appear.
Evocationer last decade
Hi Evocationer,

I had taken one dose each on 23, 24 , 25th Sep. No significant changes for first 5-8 days. but after that hairfall increased. today when washed hair around 300-350 hair fallen.

the problem continues-
1. scalp becoming very dirty
2. hairs becoming sticky
3. Scalp is full of dandruff even after using shampoo

Should I use any hair oil?

I am planning to shave my head to reduce the hairfall but if I do that I will not get to know if the medicine is working.

Please suggest me.
arnab1028 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.